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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Yes. The majority of my game play is via RPGA tournaments, as that best suits my play needs. For my occassional home games, I will convert to 4E simply to prevent rules confusion on my part from switching back and forth.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Overall, my purchasing pattern would remain the same. I'd retain my Pathfinder subscription, pick up sourcebooks, and the occassional GameMastery adventure that caught my eye. Game aids would get purchased occassionally, by merit.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I'd probably finish out any ongoing 3.5 Pathfinder adventure paths before closing out the subscription (just to see the end of the story). I would still probably pick up sourcebooks (like regional gazetters), but would be unlikely to purchase adventures or game aids of any sort.


1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Yes. I'm currently annoyed at the systemic problems in 3.5 (the "sweet spot" is really only from levels 5 through 10; the story is driven mainly by the pace of the character's resources; combats run far too slowly once you reach about 10th level; there are far too many save-or-die effects) and everything I've seen indicates the designers are specifically dealing with those issues. I fully expect it's going to be a better game.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I'll continue as a Pathfinder subscriber, and likely pick up other supplements.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I'll unsubscribe to Pathfinder, and find some other source for Adventure Paths. I don't have the patience to run a converted campaign. One of the big appeals of Adventure Paths for me is the ability to run a great game with a minimum of prep work.

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First off, a big "Thank you" to Eric and all the folks at Paizo for being so open with the community during this whole '4E' saga. Now, on to the questions:
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
No, although I plan on looking through the PHBv4 and DMGv4 at my FLGS. If I see anything I like that I want to convert to v3.5, I may pick them up.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Pathfinder - If this goes 4E, I will continue my subscription through the first issue of the new edition. I will then make a decision on whether to continue the subscription after seeing that first 4E issue.
Gamemastery Modules - I currently don't have a subscription, but I have purchased all of the modules so far from my FLGS (trying to share the weath). My decision process for these will be the same as for Pathfinder.
Pathfinder Chronicles - These items will be decided on a case-by-case basis depending on the amount of 4E specific crunch (i.e., the more 4E specific crunch there is, the less likely I will purchase the item). I would probably cancel my Chronicles subscription in this case (but that does not mean I would never buy another Chronicles product).
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Pathfinder/Pathfinder Chronicles - I would continue my subscriptions.
Gamemastery Modules - I would continue purchasing these through my FLGS.
As for the non-RPG product lines:
Planet Stories - I'll be keeping this subscription forever. :)
Titanic Games - I plan on getting Key Largo and still need to get the Stonehenge expansion. I've been spending most of my gaming $$ on boardgames over the last 6 or so months, so if you keep this line going, I'll be happy to support it (although I would probably order the games through my FLGS, trying to share the weath again).
Hope this helps with your decision making process.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
I do not know if 'convert' is the right answer. Most likely we will still be running a 3.5 game. However, we did talk about changing to 4e as a lot of mechanics options we use already (Tome of Battle, touch of healing, reserve power). We decided that we would not try and adapt an existing game to 4e from 3.5, but start a new campaign. We also like the mechanics changes we have seen, but not things like the Realms blow up, cosmology changes, succubi becoming devils...
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will continue to buy Paizo if they do not change the really bad fluff decisions WotC has made. My players are exited at the prospect that the third AP by Paizo could be 4e. No one really likes the WotC adventures...(unless people on your staff write them...) I hope that Golarion stays the same, more or less.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will continue to buy Paizo products. I really like 3.5 and the material that Paizo has to offer.

WelbyBumpus |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) Yes, incrementally. I play/run multiple campaigns. Any new ones I start after June will be 4.0, but my exisiting 3.5 campaigns will finish up under those rules.
2) Paizo adventures would become the cornerstone of campaigns I run or play after June.
3) I am likely to continue with subscriptions, but unlikely to run Paizo products.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Yep. I fully intend to try it out and give it a shot. That probably won't happen until early 2009, though, when I expect I'll run out of the 3.5 adventures that I intend to play
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Honestly? It means I'll probably buy less of your products. As I said, I fully intend to give 4.0 a shot ... but unless it utterly blows away 3.5, I don't think I (or my group) will stick with it. (And while I'm going to try to make a fair and objective comparison, my gut feeling is that I won't like 4.0 better than 3.5.
I like 3.5. A lot. 4.0 would have to be *significantly* better in order for me to make a permanent switch. "A little bit better" or "about equal, but just a little different" won't be good enough for a switch.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
If you stick with 3.5, I'll continue to buy your products at the same rate I currently do. Perhaps even more, since my source for 3.5 material will most likely decrease. (Again, the caveat goes out that if I like 4.0 better - probably not, but it could happen - then obviously the answer would change.
Thanks very much for taking the time to check in with the fans to see what they want, Erik. It's much appreciated.

Elorebaen |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
I will continue to play 3.5, and at some point in the future I will "also" play 4.0. A "complete" conversion, no.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will continue to support Paizo, though I will lobby for 3.5 conversion supplements. In fact, this will most likely be the only reason I play 4.0.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
It will not affect my purchasing pattern, as I plan to continue to play 3.5, regardless.

ki11erDM |

I would love to hear your thoughts on the following three questions:
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) Yes i plan to convert and will be running a converted Rise of the Runelords adventure.
2) No i will keep buying your stuff.
3) Yes i will stop buying your stuff.

Teiran |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Yes, I will definitly be converting.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Yes, I will continue to buy your products.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
If Paizo's products do not convert to fourth edition, then I would not continue buying them. I also doubt that the Paizo store will see much more of my business because of the deeply discounted prices available on places like Amazon.
I buy a lot of books from Paizo right now at the full retail price for the same reason I would buy from a traditional game store. I want you folks remain in business because you produce quality adventures. If that means paying a premium for my RPG books thats fine.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1/ Not any time soon (ie at least 2 years). I will buy the 3 core books and import what I like, but few of my players are interested in this edition.
2/ I would not continue my subscriptions, but would pick up individual products. I may even eventually pick up what I missed. I would not, however, need a 4th ed AP or GMM's for quite some time.
3/ My purchasing would remain the same, but that is not to say that it will continue indefinitely in any case. At some point, I will have too many adventures that I am not running.
Thanks for listening!

Arelas |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Im getting the core books to look over, as well as letting my wife run the Keep on Shadowfell(see how it is for new DMs). Tween ROTRL, Iron Kingdoms, Ptolus, and Crimson Throne we have awhile before we change.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Since Im the main DM and have found Dungeon/Gamemasetry and Pathfinder very helpful Id say I trust your opinion and will follow the talent. Heck, you guys did such a good job with PF/GM that some of my players are willing to dm small things.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
See 2) :) Honestly your run on dungeon got my group playing DD again.
If you keep the quality of work my group will stay either edition. If four is easier, great. If not we have a lot of 3.5 rule books to use in Golarion.

Realms DM |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
At this point my answer is a solid negative. I will remain at 3.5 + whatever I decide to houserule in from 4.0.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
My purchases of Paizo RPG products will likely slow or stop, as it will take time and effort to convert materials from 4.0 to whatever permutation of 3.5 I wind up with. The time I may need to convert materials on my own will slow my rate of consumption. If conversion is too much trouble, I may stop purchases of new Paizo RPG products altogether, and only seek out older RPG materials.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
My purchases of Paizo RPG products will continue at their current pace. I will see you, however, and raise you that if you *don't* convert, I will subscribe to Gamemastery modules instead of buying them piecemeal.
I initially posted "Paizo is my master now", in response to your first thread on this topic. I was cautiously optimistic about 4E at that point. Unfortunately, I'm becoming more discouraged and disappointed by how I'm seeing 4.0 shape up, instead of becoming bolstered and excited. I will not be converting to 4.0. Wizards has failed to inspire confidence in me.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
No, I do not plan to convert.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will be cancelling my Pathfinder subscription and not be buying any 4.0 products. I might however pick up some older stuff or other stuff like Planet Stories from Paizo, as long as it isn't 4.0 without any conversion guidelines.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will continu my buying habits of the last year or so. That is, Pathfinder subscription and irregular GameMastery or other purchases.

xdy |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
99.9% certain that I'll do so.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
More likely to continue subscribing to everything you make. :)
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Far less likely to continue subscribing to everything you make. :(

Kamelion |
I am also considering signing up to the Pathfinder Chronicles subscription (the Advantage discount has finally tipped me towards this) but I am waiting to see where you guys go with 3e vs. 4e before I commit.
OK, I lied. I lied like a dirty rat. And I like it.
I just did the maths on Pathfinder Chronicles, taking into account the Pathfinder Advantage discount. It's a great deal - about £11 a month between now and August. So I signed up. What the hell, it's my birthday on Sunday :-) I deserve it. Plus you guys deserve it too.

Dragon Snack Owner - Dragon Snack Games |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
No. Nothing I have seen has excited me and the core reasons WotC points to as needing fixes have almost zero bearing on my campaign. There is always the chance that my group may switch (although we are currently 3-1 against changing), however as the DM I'm not going to bother unless they are willing to buy the books for me (which isn't completely out of the question).
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Except for the 'editionless' Gamemastery stuff, I will most likely buy very little.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Since WotC will not be putting out more 3.x stuff, you will be the best game in town for my gaming dollar. And, of course, I'll still buy the 'editionless' stuff.
Full disclosure - I was never a subscriber, but I have about (quick count) 42 Dragon and 22 Dungeon magazines.

Random Dave |

1) I don't know enough about 4th ED to decide if I'd prefer to switch. I'd need to see the PHB.
2) & 3) In the end, I'll probably just follow along with whatever Paizo decides. I just don't feel very strongly about the whole thing. I just wanna sit with my buddies, have a few beers and roll some dice.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) No I do not plan on converting but then again I don't play 3.5 now either and I still subscribe to PF and GM.2) Doubt it. If you look in my order history you will see that I buy a bunch of old stuff too.
3) Not much.
Lisa & Eric & James: I wanted to thank you for putting the wonderful PF and GM products together. I walked away from RPPGs back in the 90s when my new "grown up" life started to get in the way. About a year ago I came across an article about the 30th anniversary of D&D that got the old wheels turning again. Subsequent internet searches brought me to your website. While I don't post very often, I have become a regular lurker on the boards (and if you look at my order history a compulsive shopper here as well) and the stories you are telling through the PF and GM lines have brought me all the way back to being an obsessive RPGer. Being from the old school and coming in cold turkey, the 3.5 rules are quite intimidating and I found my niche in Castles & Crusades but, as I said, I wanted to thank you for bringing me back to the genre. Keep up the good work and bring on more (or any) C&C conversions.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
1) I have no immediate plans to convert, but may in the future.
2) I would be less inclined to purchase Paizo products. Supposedly, 4E will make my job as GM so easy, I won't need third party supplements.
3) I would be more inclined to purchase Paizo products. Also, I would be more inclined to see Paizo as an industry leader instead of an industry follower, increasing my faith in any non-D&D ventures they choose to make in the future.
4) Don't rely on online feedback alone when making business decisions.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Probably yes. I have the books preordered. However, if you come out and say 4th is no good, I will reconsider, as I have great confidence in your ability to judge these things.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will continue to purchase at the same level that I currently purchase.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Likely not change. See #1.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) Yes, definitely. I've liked most everything I've seen about 4.0 so far. I think it will enable me to broaden my base of players by bringing back some folks who turned away from DnD to other systems.
2) I'd buy more. I would buy your first 4.0 modules and PF just to see your interpretation of the new ruleset. [EDIT] I'm MUCH more likely to use 4.0 for online play and will be very interested in digital support.
3) I have way too much idle 3.5 materials as it is. I won't be buying much more.
I'd also suggest that you send this out to your subscribers via an e-mail survey or website survey. Whacko's on messageboard's are not a good sampling of data. (I'm including myself in the sample...)

Christopher Walker |

1) Yes. My group will start on 4th in June or July.
2) I would continue with my purchases if Paizo puts out 4th edition.
3) I would likely continue with Pathfinder at least in the early going, because I could use the storyline (and I would hope to be able to convert). All indications are that converstions of specific dungeon's are doable with a little work.

Sean, Minister of KtSP |

1.) I don't know. I will definitely buy the PHB, and check it out. From what I've heard, it's not really what I'm looking for in my play experience, and being a very avid supporter of open gaming, I'm put off by the tightening of restrictions.
2.) If Paizo goes 4e, I will continue to buy some products from Paizo, especially game neutral content, but I will most likely cancel my Pathfinder subscription either just before or just after the first 4e AP (possibly collecting *one* 4e path). Not out of spite mind you! I will continue to praise the quality of Paizo's work, and believe in the company, but if, as I suspect, 4e does not become a major part of my gaming life, I can't justify spending money for a product of limited use. If I find 4e to be more back portable than the developers claim it to be, I may occasionally buy 4e products and convert them, but my purchases will likely be primarily 3x stuff as long as there's product to be had.
3.) If Paizo stays 3x, they will likely wind up being my exclusive gaming store.

modenstein17 |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
No - may be a good game (though I have doubts about that) but it appears to be a game I'm not interested in
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will end my Pathfinder subscription and be unlikely to buy any 4E products
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will continue my Pathfinder subscription and continue to consider other products for 3.5E

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1)Absolutely not converting.
2) Not sure yet. Porbably sticking with pathfinder because I like the story. Might stick with gamemastery....depends Have to get a 4e one to see what it looks like. WIll buy other stuff as usual.
3)Proabably solidify the buying of items. The same level.....maybe a touch more.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1. Not in the same fashion that I play now. I plan that it may be my only choice to play Dungeons and Dragons, and thus will probably purchase a PH if that turns out to be the case. I'm certainly NOT going to be an early adopter, waiting to see what happens to Eberon.
2. I would have to stop my Chronicles subscription, but otherwise would continue to read Pathfinder 4.0, and attempt to create my own system of backward engineering the APs to 3.5. I'd also finish up all the Gamemastery 3.5 modules that exist.
3. I would continue to buy all my subscriptions and consider getting a Gamemastery subscription.

Carl Meyer |

1. No, I will not be buying 4e. If the game turns out to be really good, and I have a group willing to play, well, then I'll consider it. As it is I really like 3.x, have a group that likes it and is willing to play, plus several other systems we like and are itching to play.
2. If Paizo goes 4e I will probably only continue getting Planet Stories and statless things like item cards.
3. If Paizo stays 3e, I will probably continue buying things like Pathfinder and GameMastery modules.
Thanks for asking!

GVDammerung |
. . . Given all of the information that you have heard so far about the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons, I would love to hear your thoughts on the following three questions:
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
. . .
1A - No. I will not be converting. 4e sounds like it will be an interesting game but a) it is not D&D, except in name, IMO, b) I have a ton of money in 3x products, many of which still await use in an actual campaign, c) with that in mind 4e does not appear sufficiently backwards compatible and d) I find I really, really like the idea that with 3x "I have it all" and that I don't need to get back on the "official product treadmill."
2A - If Paizo converts to 4E, I will not have any use for those 4e products from Paizo. See 1A above. I am extremely impressed with Pathfinder and there is an argument for continuing to purchase it as a "good read" or as something to convert that I have considered. However, I question how good the read when the rules assumptions will be 4e and with the wealth of 3x material there is honestly little need for anything to convert. Reluctantly, then, I will not be purchasing 4e products from Paizo or any other company.
3A - If Paizo does not convert to 4e, I will continue to purchase Paizo products as they will support my game of choice 3x. As I have stated, see 2A above, I am extremely impressed with Pathfinder. I have also, belatedly, started to pick up more of the Gamemastery adventures and find them top notch. I would continue to purchase both should Paizo choose to stick with 3x.
Editorially, I will reiterate something I have stated before - if Paizo chooses not to move to 4e, I think some kind of a 3.Paizo or 3.75 (fully backwards compatible with 3x) would be a good idea. Not a revolution in design but a fresh coat of paint so to speak to keep things bright and shiny.
Editorially, the second, given that Paizo laid down a virtual ultimatum back in October that they needed the "GSL" in such and such a time frame, that that timeframe has come and gone several times over without Paizo doing or saying much of anything, I strongly suspect that, if the GSL is not completely outrageous, Paizo will convert to 4e, which makes this thread little more than a nice piece of public relations. Still, it is a nice piece of public relations even in such event. And I'd love to be proven wrong with Paizo's announcement that they are not going 4e.
As long as it lasts, I greatly enjoy Paizo's 3x work and will support that with my dollars.

DM Dougbear |

1. No, I don’t plan to convert. My campaign has been running since June 2001 and my players are only now reaching 11th level, so I expect to stick with 3E for at least a few more years. My players include a bard, a monk, and a half-orc barbarian, plus an NPC sorcerer, so there hasn’t exactly been wild enthusiasm about converting. Most of what I’ve seen of 4E leaves me cold.
2. If there are conversions to 3.5, I will happily continue buying. If not, there may be a drop-off and I don’t know yet how big it might be. My campaign is mostly heavily-modified 1E adventures, so I’m comfortable converting material that I like, but I’ll miss being able to just drop in one of your bad guys to oppose the players. I expect I’ll still buy some things for story ideas, NPCs, settings, etc. (which you guys do extremely well). I’ll probably try the first couple of months of 4E material and re-evaluate then. I’ll be glad to keep buying edition-neutral stuff either way.
3. I’ll happily continue buying your materials.
Thanks for being customer-friendly and for putting out great products! Good luck with your decision.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
No. And I can cast such a vote for at least four other people in the group I game with.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
That's like asking how much GURPS 4e material I would buy if I plan to continue playing D&D 3.5 ... that would be none. :)
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
We have one person (the current DM) who has a Pathfinder subscription, and he's planning to renew it. We are waiting to see which side of the fence the company comes down on, but if it's this side (not converting to 4.0) then I expect we will also subscribe to GameMastery and buy other items on a one-off. We're thoroughly enjoying the bit of Golarion we've seen so far and eagerly awaiting the gazetteer and other campaign supporting material. That is only of use to us if there is continued 3.5 support for the adventure paths and modules.
Good luck with your decision. :)

Sir Pavel |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1- I already preordered the PHB. Unless it is absolutely horrible (not at all looking that way from the Rogue article at WotC), my entire group is switching.
2- I will subscribe for the first 4E series of Pathfinder adventures or immediately buy some Gamemastery 4E modules if those come out significantly sooner (Rise of the Runelords is long enough to last my group until 4E)
3- I'd probably purchase adventures made by WotC through the Paizo website, but nothing actually made by Paizo.

BenS |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
It's too early to say, w/out seeing the actual rules. What's not too early to say, is that even if I do convert, it wouldn't be for a few years. I fully intend to finish all the Dungeon (3rd ed.) adventures I still have to play through, as well as all the AP's, and 3rd party modules. That, and I wouldn't even look at 4th ed. seriously until their take on psionics is done, which I'm sure won't be a high priority for them.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
It won't change anything. At the very least, I will continue to buy your products for the stories, and to support you for all you've done to rekindle my interest in D&D. But if I don't convert to 4th ed., I guess I'd be buying products w/out intending to play them; unless I converted them, or someone else did.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Won't change anything. I'll just have an indefinite 3rd ed. campaign.
4) Let me repeat an earlier poster's suggestion that you send this survey out to all your subscribers; not everyone posts here.

HalifaxDM |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I would probably still buy non rules specific products but I would really regret that I would not have great adventures from you guys to enhance my 3.5 gam
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Remain as they are now

Vigil RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Nope. At least, not until I'm out of 3.5 material. And that includes Shackled City, Crimson Throne, Second Darkness (assuming it's 3.5), countless Dungeon adventures and Gamemastery module, and even Runelords (my group is still in Skinsaw Murders). We're taliking two years minimum.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I'll end my subscriptions when the switch is made. If and when I do switch, maybe I'll seek out the stuff I missed. Maybe I'll just start up again without regard for the missing volumes. I don't know.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
My habits will remain as they are. I'll continue my Pathfinder and Gamemastery subscriptions, and pick up the odd items of interest from time to time (such as the crit deck, the harrow deck, and the odd Planet Stories).
Hope that helps!

Byron Zibeck |

1) I do not plan to convert to 4.0 in the near future. I may down the line, or I may hold out until 5th edition.
2) I will most likely continue to purchase Paizo products, with the posible exception ofthe GameMastery line. That said, if I need to start making some cutbacks, I would be more likely to stop purchasing 4.0 products than 3.5.
3) I will definately continue to purchase Pathfinder and Pathfinder Chronicles products if Paizo stays 3.5. I will most likely continue purchasing GameMastery modules as well.

Mucus von Spidtle |

Lilith wrote:QFT1.) Neutral. I have not seen the books, and I refuse to commit to any sort of decision regarding it until I have them in hand. I can see myself running both editions.
2) It won't. I like Paizo's stuff, regardless of edition.
3) See #2.
and Thanks for Asking!

The Real Troll |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) No, never, 3.5 meets all my gaming groups needs.
2) I will not purchase any Paizo products or anything else from the Paizo site.
3) I will subscribe to Pathfinder, Pathfinder Chronicles, and Game Mastery products.
I have been waiting for you guys to make a decision on where you were going with this. I have purchased all of the Pathfinder Installments and the Game Mastery mods that have been publsihed so far from my local gaming shop. I will purchase them directly if you go with the 3.5 rules set or at least a 3.75 option, but not 4.0.
BTW - Publishing your products in 4.0 with pdfs for 3.5 conversion is not an option for me. I am frankly not interested in cross referencing the fluff with the crunch to play the game.
I have enough 3.5 material to last me for 10 years of game play. I will continue to support Paizo as long as it supports me and my game.

CharlesDM |
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) I plan to continue playing 3.x, but I have opened the door to trying 4.0. In particular, if 4.0 succeeds in attracting new gamers to our hobby, that's great. I am concerned 4.0's price tag undermines that goal. For my personal games, 3.x/OGL currently appears to offer a superior toolset for running most any game I can conceive. 4.0 has a lot of ground to make up, and with a more restrictive GSL, it seems it will take fewer companies longer to make up that ground.
2) "The future is uncertain." If my current perception of 4.0 holds true, my purchases would probably be scaled back to specific, individual products. I would be very sad to end my subscriptions.
3) I would be inclined to support Paizo in any way I might do so. My subscriptions would continue, and I would add more should you be in a position to open more 3.x/OGL product lines.

Timothy Mallory |
No, I don't plan on converting. Unless the game is radically different than has been presented, I'll continue with what I have.
Paizo's decision to convert or not convert will not affect my purchases one way or the other. I expect to substantially rewrite anything I purchase so that it integrates into my campaign anyway. Ideas, maps, and the like are what interest me in RPG products, not stat blocks.

![]() |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1: I have no plans to fully convert. I would like to view the completed core books and have a chance to play a session or two. Based on that, I may pick up the core books for when I have a group that wants to play 4E.
2: I will remain subscribed to Pathfinder for the first 4E adventure path, hopefully while I am able to evaulate the edition per answer #1. If 4E appeals to me, I will continue to subscribe. If it does not and I can convert the paths to 3.5 without too much difficulty, I will continue to subscribe. Otherwise, I will unsubscribe.
3: I will continue to subscribe and purchase items of interest as long as you put out quality products.

Werecorpse |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I am still largely undecided- I will stick with Paizo products unless it is all but impossible for me to convert them to the system I play.


Given all of the information that you have heard so far about the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons, I would love to hear your thoughts on the following three questions:1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) I will buy the books, and will play if I can find a group. It will not be my only game.
2) Continue subscribing to Pathfinder and buying Gamemastery modules when I can.
3) see #2.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
I like the idea of getting fantasy d20 that incorporates some of the things that have been learned over the last eight years. Hence I'll convert.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
{3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
It won't effect my purchasing one way or another I like converting things and plan to run a converted SCAP as my first 4th edition campaign. Keep putting out good product and I'll keep buying regardless of edition.

KaeYoss |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1. No. In fact, I'm about 99% sure that I won't buy 4e.
2. Short Answer: I'd very likely stop getting Pathfinder, but I'm not sure about Chronicles stuff.
Long answer:
As I said before, it would make me take a look at 4e to see if I could work with it after all, but it would still be very likely that I would not switch to 4e.
In that case, 4e Pathfinder Modules would have no value for me, and I'd cancel that subscription.
Depending on whether I keep using Golarion as my game world (might be, but it's anything but sure), I'd stop getting Pathfinder Chronicles Stuff as well.
3. Not much: I'll keep on buying Pathfinder and PF Chronicles stuff, and might add a GameMastery subscription one of these days.