Gut Check Time: Do You Plan to Convert?

4th Edition

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Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

A while back I said that I'd periodically check in with Paizo customers to gauge their thoughts on the upcoming 4th Edition. Since the first time I asked, Wizards of the Coast has released two preview books, shared a great deal of information about the new game, and are on the verge of a public demo at the upcoming D&D Experience convention. In short, there's a lot more information out there than there was six months ago.

As for Paizo, we are still weighing our options. I'm told the GSL is complete and in review over at Wizards of the Coast, so a lot of the cold, hard facts we need in order to make our decision are imminent (or at least more imminent than they've been at any time in the last 6-8 months).

Given all of the information that you have heard so far about the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons, I would love to hear your thoughts on the following three questions:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

Very soon Paizo will have all of the legal and strategic information we need to announce our plans. A sense of where the company's current audience stands on these issues as of today would be most helpful before I make the final decision.

At least for the next few days, I would appreciate it if posters limited their posts to this thread to a single post responding to the three questions.

Your feedback and continued support of Paizo Publishing is most appreciated!

--Erik Mona
Paizo Publishing, LLC

1) Yes, I most likely will convert.

2) I will (with great happiness) buy your products, definitely including a sub to Pathfinder.

3) I will (with great sadness :() not buy your products.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) I can say with near-certainty that I will purchase the 4th Edition books. Maybe not the instant they hit the shelves, but likely before the end of the year. With that said, I imagine it will be a long transition for me and my group, with plenty of 3.5 gaming still to be had.

2) If Paizo converts to 4th Edition, that will be the deciding factor on whether or not I make efforts to convert my group. I will likely purchase more 4th Edition products to supplement my high-quality Paizo products.

3) If Paizo does not convert, my reluctance to purchase 4th Edition materials will be greatly increased. Paizo has yet to disappoint me with it's gaming products and I would ideally play the edition most suited to using those products. If Paizo does not convert, I might still pick up the 4th Edition books, but will be much more reluctant to purchase additional 4th Edition supplements.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
-- I've heard nothing concrete in the last few months to persuade me that this is a better edition. I have very few 3.5 edition books though so I want it to be good. (I have more 1st edition stuff in a box somewhere than 3.5). I don't have bookshelves full of 3.5 books that are going to be out of date if I do convert. I want to believe.

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
-- That will probably be the strongest argument for converting that I've heard yet. I love the world you're building.

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
-- That will probably be the strongest argument for not converting that I've heard yet. I love the world you're building.

Liberty's Edge

>>1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

No. I have not heard anything encouraging, and the previews leaked have helped solidfy that this is simply NOT the D&D I want to play.

>>2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

Yer killin' me here. The Pathfinder and Gamemastery Modules have been the best thing to hit 3.5, and now the edition is over?! If I had a guarantee that if you converted to 4.0 the modules would EASILY be 3.5 compatable (or that you would supply conversion PDFs) I would keep my subscriptions. If not I really don't think I would cotinue with my subscriptions, sadly.

>>3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I will continue all my subscriptions and joyfully purchase all my gaming supplies exclusively from the Paizo store in thanks.

Erik, again, thanks so much for asking our opinions.

EDIT: I also have a total of 10 players also not interested in converting or switching to 4E.

-DM Jeff

Erik Mona wrote:
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

I will be running both editions through the end of this year. I probably will not start another 3.5 campaign in 2009, and I will be reluctant to purchase 3.5 materials after that time.

Erik Mona wrote:
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I am currently running Runelords (almost done with PF4) on Wednesday nights and will start Crimson Throne on Sundays.

I will probably be done with Runelords by the time 4th edition comes out, so I'll probabably try the WotC series on Wednesday nights.

If there was a 4th edition Pathfinder I would run it instead.

Erik Mona wrote:
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I will probably continue to pick up modules for my Crimson Throne game, but I probably will not pick up Pathfinder again if it's 3.5.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 8

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1. I do not intend to convert. I have plenty of 3rd Edition stuff to keep me happy. If I were to convert it would be only as a player and that would be a limited purchase in the long distant future, but since I am normally the DM this is unlikely.

2. Products that are non-edition specific like the Critical Hit/Fumble decks would still attract me.

3. I am already considering subscribing to Planet Stories once I can afford life a little better. Pathfinder has been a great product. I happily got the entire 1st Adventure Path and am very impressed with the Paizo craft, but I've had to stop my subscription due to financial reasons and the fact that I don't use pre-generated adventures except only rarely. I bought Dungeon for the Savage Tide AP, and stayed into Pathfinder for RotRL all for the stories. I'd be more inclined to stay for the 2nd AP but that story doesn't hold my interest. If the 3rd will not focus on Drow the entire time, then I'll be back for that one (if it's 3rd Edition).

End result:
3rd Edition Products-Ok to Good
4th Edition Products-Bad
Non Edition Specific-Best

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?


2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I will continue to purchase at the same level that I currently purchase.

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I expect to be finishing up RotRL around August. If the next Pathfinder adventure path is 4e, I will probably play it. If not, I will play the WotC adventure path. I plan to stick with Paizo through the third Pathfinder adventure path, but that will probably be the end of my 3e purchasing days.

I don't have time to create my own adventures and I don't have the time or inclination to do conversions, so if Paizo continues publishing 3e products, as much as I like to read them, I will no longer be in the market for those products. I will probably find out who is publishing work by the Paizo freelancers I like best and purchase their 4e work (should it exist) from such publishers.

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1. At this point (obviously having not seen the 4e core books) I do not plan to convert. But I am trying to keep an open mind...

2. If Paizo likes 4e enough to switch, I will be more likely to give it a trial run, and purchase some Paizo 4e stuff.

3. If Paizo does not like 4e enough to swtich, I think that will just confirm my current feelings, and I will continue to support Paizo with purchases.


1) Yes.

2) I will likely buy more than I currently do.

3) I'm assuming that 4E will give me at least as much fun as 3.5 did, so I'm not expecting to play much 3.5 after 4E comes I'm guessing that my purchases from Paizo would cease. If, on the other hand, 4E somehow proves to be horrible, I'd still have 3.5 to fall back upon, and Paizo would become my main source of gaming materials.

Sovereign Court Contributor

1) I will buy 4e, but I'm not sure if I will convert. I will not be switching anytime soon, regardless.

2 and 3) Other factors are a bigger part of my decision to purchase from Paizo. Eventually this could become a deciding factor, but not yet.

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

nope (at least not for some time after it is released anyway, and likley never as my primary gaming choice).

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I will cancel my subscription to pathfinder (once the conversion actually happens) and will buy less over all (although I might still buy occasional products that look interesting or that I think I can use despite the edition).

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products

I will keep my subscription to pathfinder, and will likely buy other stuff from time to time (much like I do now).

1. I plan on converting very shortly after the books are released. I am excited about the changes and most of the players in my group are also excited about the new edition of rules.

2. I will certainly continue to purchase products from Paizo if they release 4th edition compatible material.

3. I will not purchase material from Paizo, but will probably take on writing my own campaign.

1) No.

2) Nothing will change, as the uncertainty regarding Paizo's possible conversion to 4e has kept me from subscribing to Pathfinder or buying any of your other OGL products, as I'd like. I felt it was better to live without them for now than to drop them later if Paizo converted.

3) My purchases will increase, since I'll know I can count on your supporting a rules set I like and will play.

1) I will NOT convert this year or the early part of next year.

2 & 3) I will buy products from Paizo no matter what format they are in. I would at this time prefer 3.5, but I can later on either buy 4.x or convert back to 3.5 if I really really want to. ~grins~ Either way, keep up the good work and I will continue to buy from you all at Paizo.

Dark Archive

1.)No. As others have stated, all previews shown by Wizards indicate that this will not be the D&D I want to play. My gaming group shares my feelings and wants to stay in 3.5 also, and our wardrobes full of 3.5 products are not the only factors in this. Considering that as mid-teenagers who have only been playing since 3.5 was released we are supposedly the "target market" for 4dventure, we think Wizards is going wayward here.

2.)This depends. I am considering perhaps picking up the 4th Ed PHB to give the new rules a fair review, but I am doubtful that I will be playing 4E in any way for at least the next couple of years (with the threat of 4.5 on the horizon), if at all. There is a slim chance that I will continue my PF sub just for the quality of the plots and ideas (though it doesn't look like mechanical conversions will be available), but if Paizo switches over I will be forced to seriously review the purchase of any 4E specific products.

3.)I would love for this to happen. Paizo has been my primary source of gaming materials since last april and I truly hope that Paizo at least supports 3.5 alongside 4th, if it should come to that. With the lessening of support for 3.5 Paizo would likely become the sole outlet for my gaming purchases.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

Nope; nothing I've seen so far (from the disregard for the past history/fluff of the game to the inclusion of per encounter abilities, etc. etc.) entices me in the slightest.

Erik Mona wrote:

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

In all likelihood I will cease purchasing any products which are edition specific (since I'm not switching to 4E) and I might (MIGHT) buy the occasional 4E product, but only if it comes with a conversion guide as a free PDF or something of that nature....I'm afraid I would almost certainly (conversion guide or not) cancel my Pathfinder subscription. Sorry, but I have so much in the way of 3.X material that to continue to spend (limited) finances on something that requires the additional effort of conversion seems nonsensical.

Erik Mona wrote:

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I will continue to spend money on you guys where ever I can and continue my subscription :)


Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

Well, I'm sure there is no scenario which will net you everyone who might continue purchasing Paizo material in the future. However:

1) I may buy some books to play with friends, but "convert" is an open term. I will probably run all my own D&D games in 3.5.

2) I probably won't buy any DM oriented products that aren't edition neutral. Player oriented, only if I felt it played into the game.

3) As competition will have winnowed away, it will become a strong competitor for my gaming dollars. I don't know if I could buy adventure paths forever, though.

1: Yes I do.

2: I would likely run my 4th edition campaigns in the world of Pathfinder/Gamemastery.

3: I would still subscribe to Pathfinder/Gamemastery, but I'd be less likely to purchase supplemental material (Gazeteers, Updated Monster Books, etc.)

Dark Archive

1) I have no intention of converting to the new edition.

2) If Paizo switches to 4E then I will cancel my subscriptions at that point and buy no further products.

3) If Paizo were to keep grinding out 3.5 material I would still be on board to buying the awesome material you guys produce!

As always is great to know that you guys actually care about what WE think!
And if you guys do convert, I know that it would be because it's the best thing to do from a business perspective. (but I still hope you don't!)

1.) Neutral. I have not seen the books, and I refuse to commit to any sort of decision regarding it until I have them in hand. I can see myself running both editions.

2) It won't. I like Paizo's stuff, regardless of edition.

3) See #2.

Erik Mona wrote:
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

At this point I plan to switch to 4E. The majority of the game changes I've seen strike me as improvements to the rules currently in place.

Erik Mona wrote:
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I will maintain my subscription to Pathfinder. If I can come up with income to resubscribe to the GameMastery Modules and Pathfinder Chronicles lines, I would do so.

Erik Mona wrote:
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I would try to maintain my Pathfinder subscription, updating what I can to my 4E game. I would not reactivate my GameMastery Modules or Pathfinder Chronicles subscriptions.

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Yes and no :)
I mean that i will certainly buy the books, even if i don't necessary use them as a DM or a player.
I buy a lot of books (although not as much than i did with AD&D1 and AD&D2), but it doesn't mean i really use them all. Many of them have some interesting contents that i still didn't have any opportunity to use, as a player or a DM.
I guess that will be the same with 4th edition. In the first months, i don't think there will be enough stuff to fully use the new rules.

It also depends on with whom i am playing or DMing.
As a player, the group i am playing with is quite compulsive regarding purchase and new stuff. So i think they'll convert.
As a DM, the group i am running my campaign for is a bunch of nostalgics, resistant to any form of change. It took them like 3 years to accept 3rd edition, so it might be the same towards the 4th.

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
For the fluff, it doesn't really matter which edition is used.
For the crunch, i don't think that's so much a big deal to convert.
What i loved in Paizo's Dragon was the general content. And even if don't normally buy any adventures, i bought the first Pathfinder and i must say i was really impressed by the quality, like i was often when i was buying a Dungeon.

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
See above.

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1] No, I don't plan on converting.

2] If you convert to 4th edition, I'd end my Pathfinder subscription.

3] I'd support you however I could. I'd continue to purchase Gamemastery products, I'd keep my Pathfinder subscription (even though I don't DM!) and I'd buy Golarion sourcebooks.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1.) I will probably buy the new books, but I don't think I will "convert," in the sense that from that point on I will play exclusively 4e. I have so much 3.5 material that I will continue to play that game for some time, even if 4e is glorious and I fall in love with it too.

2.) I will probably buy with the same frequency that I buy now.

3.) I will probably buy with the same frequency that I buy now. The story is the important thing for me - wherever the products that enable me to tell the best stories are being sold, that's the system I'll want to use. As of right now, you guys are producing those products.

Eric Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1. At this time I am undecided, but I honestly think I will end up eventually switching, just not immediately. A lot depends on 4e itself.

2. That would depend. I will probably be holding off buying any 4e stuff for at least a few months until the dust settles. I would probably put my Pathfinder subscription on hold. If I eventually converted to 4e I could always pick up the missed copies later.

3. If you remained with 3.5 I would continue my buying of merchandise, including keeping my Pathfinder subscription intact.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

1) No. I will give it a try (eventually), but I'm a player in 2 games and not a single person in either game is looking forward to 4E. If I ran a game within the next year or two with either group it would most likely be PC and in 3.5

2) If Paizo went 4E, I'd probably switch my subscription to Planet Stories in the short run. In the long run, I'd be buying products for whatever game I moved to (note: that game will most likely not be 4E).

3) If Paizo stayed 3.5, I'd keep my Pathfinder subscription and when the funds allows buy PC products.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

1) Yes, if Paizo does. Paizo's stuff is good, and I have faith in your product. That does not mean that I will switch immediately, however. I have lots of good 3E stuff to run before I need to switch. If Paizo doesn't switch, then I'll still probably switch eventually, but that might mean in 2012. Or when 5E comes out.

2) and 3) I'm keeping my Paizo subs either way, so don't worry about my purchasing.

Erik Mona wrote:

I would love to hear your thoughts on the following three questions:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) I am picking up 4E and running it as soon as it is out. That said I know I will likely be still playing 3.5E with other groups.

2) I would be very happy to have what I believe is the best adventure writing team in the business today writing cool material for 4E.

3) As a DM I am looking forward to running 4E and as such I would have to examining just what sort of conversion would need to be done to run any of your offerings in 4E. If it proves to be a major headache I would sadly have to consider suspending my Paizo purchases until such time you move to 4E.

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) No.

2) I will stop purchasing all product lines that are tied to 4.0., and I will cancel my Planet Stories subscription (though I will continue to buy selected Planet Stories and other non-4E specific products [such as item cards] through other venues)
3. I will keep my pathfinder and Planet Stories subscriptions through Paizo, as well as continue to buy 3.5-compatible products made by Paizo.

Erik Mona wrote:

Given all of the information that you have heard so far about the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons, I would love to hear your thoughts on the following three questions:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) Nope. I just bought Monte's Book of Experimental Might as well, so I'm pretty much locked in to 3.5/3.75

2) I will cancel my Pathfinder and Gamemastery subscriptions. One of the reasons I subscribe, even though I don't play a lot, is so that I can play with a minimal amount of prep time. Between family and work, my available prep time is about nil. Can't afford to buy something I would have to completely overhaul before using, no matter how wonderful the writting/story is.

As long as the 'Chronicles' line stayed pretty much edition neutral, I'd keep that one going.

3) I would continue my subscriptions as is, which is to say subscribing to Pathfinder, Pathfinder Chronicles, and Gamemastery

as I said in another thread, I don't envy the position you all are in right now. You are in, almost, a no win situation.

Best of luck!

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

Given all of the information that you have heard so far about the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons, I would love to hear your thoughts on the following three questions:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1. I do not currently plan to convert for a mix of reasons. Some reasons could be proven to be groundless (fluff/crunch I don't particularly care for), some could not be effected by anything less than a drastic price reduction (personal finances, new job, move to new home).

2. If I keep purchasing Paizo's products it means I will either have to convert all of them "back" to 3.5E (reducing the value to me). If I no longer purchase them, then I'll have to be satisfied with the wonderful products you've made for 3.5E and go it "alone." I'm less than thrilled at either option...

3. I will most likely continue my subscription to Pathfinder, re-subscribe to Pathfinder Chronicles (and catch up for missed products) after I start my job in September and look for other ways to support a company that has chosen to support me.

Thank you for asking your customer base.


Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) I have no definite plans to convert to 4.0. My gaming group and I are all satisfied with our 3.5 material and are sitting this edition shift out while we utilize material we've barely scratched the surface of. I may convert, but it will be a few years into the new edition (hopefully after a second printing with errata).

2) I'll likely cancel my subscription to Pathfinder and stop buying GameMastery adventures at my FLGS. I'll continue to buy edition proof things like Item Cards, Map Packs, and Planet Stories. I can't go cold turkey off of Paizo!

3) I'll keep my Pathfinder subscription for the next path, Curse of the Crimson Throne. Beyond that I'll make a decision as I learn more about the new paths. I plan to keep buying occasional GameMastery adventures that are 3.5 compatible and strike my fancy, like J3: Crucible of Chaos, W2: River into Darkness, and D4: Hungry are the Dead.

All that being said, I think Paizo should embrace 4.0 unless it is just a horrible system. I'd hate to see Paizo go under because it stayed 3.5 or tried to serve two masters. I'm not ready to make the switch, but that doesn't mean I don't wish you the best of luck getting new customers!

1) I may buy the books, but not too sure if I'll play, depends on how good the game ends up being.

2&3) I'll likely continue to buy Paizo stuff for quite a while. Pathfinder has yet to dissappoint, and I expect it to continue to provide enough fluff and encounter ideas to make it worth the money I spend on it even if I can't use the mechanics.

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

No - My group has settled on Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved as our 4th Edition. I will likely pick up the 4th Ed books to mine for ideas, but that is about it.

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

It depends on how easy it is to convert. I use the Pathfinder modules almost as is, with races, classes, magic, etc. converted to Arcana Evolved. If this remains easy to do and stories remain engaging, then I will likely continue to purchase.

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

This is an even easier yes, as I already know that conversion is fairly easy.

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

No. Not until I run out of 3.x stuff.

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I would still consider purchasing "rules-light" products that support my 3.x game.

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I would continue to purchase Paizo products as much as I do now or perhaps moreso.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Thanks for the responses, folks. This information is very helpful!

Please keep the responses coming!


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) No. I do not plan to convert. I will review the new edition and may steal what ideas that appeal to me. If for some reason the new edition totally blows me away (extremely unlikely given what I've seen thus far) and I decide to convert I would still definitely not convert for at least 2 or 3 years after its release.

2) I will probably still buy products not directly tied to the 4.0 edition as well the occasional 4.0 product to mine for ideas but overall my purchases will likely drop to 50% or less of what I purchase now.

3) I will continue with my Pathfinder, Pathfinder Chronicles and Gamemastery subscriptions, as well as buying other products as they strike my fancy. If and when my disposable income increases I plan to add a Planet Stories subscription to my list (currently I am buying the titles at my local Borders store, one at a time as I can afford them).

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) Not within the first 12 months. I remember the holes in the 3.0 rules, and irrespective of whether I eventually decide to go 4E, I intend to wait for the first annual errata 'update'- or maybe the second- to fix all the things the playtesters missed. Not having any products to purchase which are recognisable to me as being for a version of the Forgotten Realms with which I am familiar (previously WotC's strongest selling 3.5 line to me) is likely to leave me more money for other areas of my games budget.

2) If Paizo converts immediately after release, I will probably wave goodbye to you as far as purchasing your products go (except for S1, of which I will feel duty-bound to collect a copy, to show my support for the new writer, Christine). I am given to understand Second Darkness will be strongly drow-flavoured, which is not amongst my favourite D & D tastes. After Dungeon magazine ceased to be in print, I have purchased Paizo Adventure Paths instead, for 3.5 adventure inspiration; however 4E is being promised to be 'so different' from 3.5 that, combined with the drow nature of AP #3, a conversion is likely to kill my interest.
If Paizo do not convert until after Second Darkness is past, I may be more interested in remaining a customer, depending on the subject of the 4th adventure path, since the first annual revision of the 4E rules will be much closer by this point.

3) You may succeed in persuading me to learn to like Golarion a lot more (even Golarion drow). Any money that I might otherwise have spent on FR sourcebooks, is likely to be earmarked for Golarion purchases instead.

I hope that this is helpful.

And purchases are made entirely through the agency of my Local Games Stores. I go in, and look at the products on the shelves, or order Adventure Paths via them.

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) It is highly unlikely due to the various ways WotC has been handling this affair, chiefly regarding their shoddy treatment of the 'new' Dragon and Dungeon (I have, frankly, seen fanzines of much higher quality) and a large number of the alterations being made. I will look at the first core books, and if they appeal to me I may acquire them, but there are numerous other systems out there and I have quite a bit of 3.5 material (thanks, in large part, to you folks and your dedication to quality).

2) It won't. Even with the rumblings about a lack of backwards compatibility, I can still convert things; as long as the quality of Paizo products remains high, I will remain a customer.

3) Given my skepticism regarding 4.0, this would make me quite happy, not the least because I won't have to concern myself with conversions.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

1) I do not plan to convert to the new edition. I am not saying that I will never ever, but that event is years down the road. None of the tables I play at seem terribly interested.

2) This one is tricky. I subscribe to three of your product lines, yet have used very little of it. I enjoy reading the stories and seeing the setting expand and develop, but as the material diverges from my needs and wants, so may my total support. I could see myself just picking up books by the writers I really really like in this future.

3) Things will blissfully continue as normal for me, my group and my purchases.

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

I intend to convert to 4th edition.

Erik Mona wrote:

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I will likely continue my pathfinder and gamemastery subscriptions.

Erik Mona wrote:

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

I will likely decrease severely, or end my purchasing of any 3.x specific products. Things that can be used for 4th ed. would likely still interest me. (critical hit decks etc.)

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

---At this point, I plan to convert to 4e.

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

---I will continue to purchase both the Pathfinder and Gamemastery Lines of modules.

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

---If Paizo does not convert, I will most likely stop purchasing Gamemastery modules when 4e is released and stop purchasing Pathfinder at the conclusion of Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Erik Mona wrote:
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

Yes and no.

Yes, because my group is gung-ho on converting. No, because I've advised them repetitively that I still plan on running 3.5 (and being one of the two DM's in the group, I'm allowed some leeway in what I choose to run.)
Erik Mona wrote:
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

None what so ever. I purchase paizo products because of the quality of the product. The quality of the writing, the quality of the art, the quality of the layout, and the quality of the support. An edition change to the mechanics won't change any of that.

Erik Mona wrote:
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

See answer to number 2.

As I skimmed through the responses from others I was hoping to see more people answers match my own . . . I'm surprized I don't see more than I have, but I can't fault anyone for having the answers they do.

EDIT: With a more in-depth reading of other responses, I like the fact that there are more people who share my opinion than I originally surmised. But, as someone eslse said, I hate the fact that paizo is in a no-win situation.

Dark Archive

1) I am undoubtedly going to play 4E. Whether I continue to play 3.5 as well is unclear, though perhaps unlikely. Most of my current D&D is RPGA-related, and I'm looking forward to Living Forgotten Realms.

2) I am far, far more likely to maintain my Pathfinder subscription if you publish it in the 4E rules-set

3) I am already considering dropping my subscription for Curse of the Crimson Throne as - although I really like urban adventures - I do not know when I would get to play/run it, given that I have not yet managed to start my Runelords campaign :( and that will be, at most, fortnightly, so I expect to be playing it for a long time to come! Conversion documents, even if imperfect and even if there had to be a marginal charge, would be very welcome indeed.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

1) My group and I currently have no plans to convert before 2010 or 2011, or until we run out of pregenerated 3.5e adventures/campaigns.

2-3) Whether Paizo converts to 4e or not is not a deciding factor in my purchasing patterns.

Thanks for asking.


Hmm. Am I still allowed to play D&D, despite the length of my 'beard' and my extreme age (=grognard)?

Well, if I am ...

I was messing around with Chainmail rules when this D&D thing came out. I've followed it through each change and found something to like each time.

So ...

1) I'll give 4E a try by buying the three core books. But I won't shift over immediately.

2) Depends on how well I like those first three books. If I like them, of course I'd continue down Paizo's 4E path. Your work is literally the best.

3) Depends on how well I like those first three books. If I don't, I'll continue down Paizo's 3E path. If I do move primarily to 4E ... I'm not sure what I'll do about Paizo. My professional life is busier than ever. I'd like to keep supporting Paizo ... perhaps I'd end up supporting Planet Stories more heavily.

Hope that helps!

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) Yes.

2) Will not affect, our group will continue to buy adventures, which is all we really buy.
3) Yes, our group will buy less to zero products. Our group are older gamers that don't have a lot of time for conversions

Erik Mona wrote:

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?

2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?

1) Not any time soon.

2) Probably not (if there is some level of d20/True20 support)

3) It will not.

Dark Archive

Hmm at the moment


2)not really sure i probably wouldent use the 4e stuff but then im the kind of guy that buys things for the pretty pictures.

3)I would keep my subscription.

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