4E Yes or No? - A Poll

4th Edition

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Will I buy it? Yes.

Will I play it? Possibly.

Will I DM it? Not in the near future. I'm not ending or converting my 3.5 games, nor do I particularly want to run game in different systems.

4e sí*.

*This post contains forward-looking statements. Its accuracy is neither guaranteed nor implied.

There are more 'other' games I'm more interested in checking out. d6, mo'GURPS, Chronicles of Ramlar. As well as already playing an 'other' game, C&C.
D&D4 (at last projected pricing estimate I've seen) is not enough bang for the buck.
It's just not worth it, man! =)

I'm most likely going to buy it at least. So far I've liked almost everything I've heard about it, but the implementation might be screwed up.

Kelvar Silvermace wrote:
I will *not* buy the books unless they offer a better game than we currently have. And I will not buy the books until I've had the chance to make that determination. But from everything I've been reading, it sounds like WOTC is taking everything I like about the game and chucking it right down the crapper.

Ditto. Put me down for "NO."

Sovereign Court

Medriev wrote:

So the simple question is - 4E yes or no (or maybe if you've not decided yet)?

NO !

Liberty's Edge

If Paizo accepts it for Pathfinder then yes!

4th Edition:No. Though I do plan to continue to support Paizo as much as I can. I'll probably end up cancelling my Pathfinder subscription, but any rules lite stuff will be purchased. I'm going to try out some other rules sets for a time.

Yes (A big resounding HECKYEAH!)

I'll wait and see what the critics are saying.



Dark Archive

"No" for all home gaming.
I will be buying a PHB to continue RPGA gaming, but I'll be giving up DMing.



Am interested in Living Faerun but only because they're a lot more interesting than Wizards Community, about the only thing that interests me in 4e is the Games Table and that isn't going to be enough on its own especially as they don't seem to be reading what they've posted before or trying to shovel under the door mat and hoping people don't notice.

4e ? No.

From the beginning, the answer for me was no.

At first I thought I would buy the PHB just to take a look, although the more I read about 4e, the less likely I am to even do that. I can afford to waste money on the PHB, but I still do not want to.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

I will buy it to read, but will not play it.

4e is nothing but another RPG alternative to me, like GURPS, Fantasy Hero, Runequest, etc. I'd like to review the rule system to see what it's like and to see what ideas I might find for my campaign but, the only game I play/will play regularly is D&D 3.5.

I'll buy the three core books, and the first two modules. After that, it is up to my group to decide.

Larry Lichman wrote:

4e is nothing but another RPG alternative to me, like GURPS, Fantasy Hero, Runequest, etc. I'd like to review the rule system to see what it's like and to see what ideas I might find for my campaign but, the only game I play/will play regularly is D&D 3.5.

What he said.

Other members of my group (completests) are going to buy it. I'll look at it, fi someone runs it, I'll play it. But I'm not buying in or running it.

Dark Archive

Larry Lichman wrote:
4e is nothing but another RPG alternative to me, like GURPS, Fantasy Hero, Runequest, etc.

Even as a Pro-4e guy I freely admit that is my belief too. I also admit that I regard 3e in the same manner though.

When I want to play D&D; 2nd Edition, OD&D or C&C will remain my method of choice. I have no problem checking out this "new game" and enjoying it though if it holds my interest.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Yes and No! As in, I'll buy a PH for 4.0 if I have to, but I'd much rather continue playing 3.5.


I actually want to add some context to my upthread post of support for 4e.

Whether I go to 4th edition or not, I'm pretty much done with 3e when I finish running Age of Worms. I won't rule out playing in one shots here or there, but there are many other worthy systems out there that we'd like to shift our attention to. (The only person in our group who is disliking as much of the 4e preview material as he is liking is planning out his WFRP campaign.) For us, 4e will be D&D's chance to satisfy the Something Different urge that's percolating,

Maybe. Probably.

Most people do eventually switch to whatever is new out there and I'm not different in that regard. Gamers and geeks especially like shiny, new stuff regardless of whether it's technically better, and I never liked 3.5E that much in the first place.

Scarab Sages


Whilst some of the ideas are not bad, such as spell casting and how traps work.. they've changed far to much.



You can't do polls on the Wotc messageboards? they'd shut that down like right after you posted it...

The Exchange Kobold Press

Huh. Interesting, though I suspect a certain amount of selection bias is inevitable.

I'll look at it, because there's no way I can ignore it professionally. So I'll play enough of it to learn it. Whether it displaces my home campaign is a very big IF. Too soon to tell.

At the very least, Heinsoo, Cordell and the rest will have some mechanics that are fun to pick apart. At best, they'll improve the play experience for the DM sharply.

At worst... I try not to think about that.

I guess that I will buy the books at some point, if there is a special offer or something (read: try to get them cheap). This is the collector in me.
Playing? Not very likely. (Enough 3e stuff and all...)


Scarab Sages

Most resounding YES. I like the sound of the changes and updates and don't have fits over change so I'm looking forward to it. If it turns out to be crap I still have 2nd and 3rd edition.

That said I'll not be running a 4E game till I've run all of Paizo's excellent Pathfinder AP's that are 3rd edition.

Later Days

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

The short answer is NO.

The long answer is that I will probably buy the 3 Core Rulebooks, along with the FR and Eberron Campaign Settings. My play group however (and I count myself here) all agree that we have enough 3.5 between us to last for an extremely good number of years, so we see no reason to switch.

If Paizo decides to go 4e (which unfortunately I think they eventually will) then I will probably continue my PF Sub for 1 AP to see how it goes, then give it away.

Never. Ever.






Scarab Sages

gurps wrote:

Never. Ever.






So your thinking no then?


If Paizo switches, I'll give it a look-over; but it's highly unlikely that I'll make the switch. The way I've been feeeling lately, I'm more likely to give up D&D altogether, and find some other avenue for divesting myself of extraneous cash.



Dark Archive








Short Term: NO

Long Term: Maybe (2-3 years from now)

Darrell wrote:


The way I've been feeeling lately, I'm more likely to give up D&D altogether, and find some other avenue for divesting myself of extraneous cash.

Can I have it?

Liberty's Edge

Probably not. I will probably try it but I don't see myself running out and buying the books.


Horus wrote:
gurps wrote:

Never. Ever.






So your thinking no then?

Don't peg him yet, he seemed a little uncertain.

Dark Archive



Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
DM Jeff wrote:


And I'm surprised how drastically my surfin' habits have changed. I used to check EN World daily. I now go there maybe once a week, if that. I used to visit WotC 2-3 times a week. I haven't been there since mid-December.

But I come here daily. It might be because I still feel welcome here.

-DM Jeff

No (to 4e)- and, oddly, I'm in the exact same situation (regarding EN World).

4e -- Yes please! I can't wait, I wish it was coming out sooner. I won't be playing/DMing a single session of any 3.5 game after 4e is out.


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