Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Can we not talk bad about gnomes, please? Just because our personalities are nothing like you humans' doesn't mean we don't have feelings!
Does anyone else think it would be funny to have a 20th level monk of the healing hands named "the"?
joela wrote:
I know you think I'm a hate-filled playa hater or something for not liking 4e with all my body, and I should not voice my opinions of 4e as they can be considered hatemongering, but boy, I just cannot refuse this opportunity! You first list 4e PHB2 as higher in the list as 3.5e PHB, probably implying its better and getting a nice warm feeling for that, and then you say that the #124 book is better than the #1 book? T he logical conclusion of this: That #28 spot is meaningless, since the #1 isn't better than #124. Or maybe this: 4ePHB2 is #28, 4ePHB is #47, 3.5ePHB is #5s; since #124 is way better than #1, #57 must be better than #47 and a good deal better tahn #28. So there. Feel free to call me a hateful person for using logic. :P Robert Hawkshaw wrote: D&D selling well is good news for everybody who likes RPGs. Not for me. I want it to fail. I want everyone responsible for 4e to lose their jobs and houses and loved ones and live under a bridge in misery only to die a lonely, painful death without anyone taking notice! Or something like that, only worse, like them being forced to sell themselves by watching Uwe Boll movies or Star Wars Episode 3 for money! Spoiler: Well, not really, but I have a reputation to defend.
RiseFlynnsterRise wrote:
Nah, they filter these guys out with 4e. I hated 4e for a long time, but I realised that 4e is to RPGs as CounterStrike is to team-based FPS games: The filter. Just as CS gets all those who want to write using more numbers than letters ("ph34r my 1337 5cr1p7") so you can play other games in peace, 4e gets those who are in it for the "WoW Blackout Edition" experience, so we can roleplayin peace using PF ;-P
Paul Watson wrote:
I doubt that, too. They might attempt to (and I'm not even sure about that), but they won't succeed. bugleyman wrote:
Didn't know that one yet. I knew about 4e-diots, but 4ron's not bad, either. |