Wanted: Addle-coved Berks

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Very good. I'm really happy with everyone's characters so far. Right lot of addle-coved bashers and knights of the post.

Sorry about my recent absence; I was visiting some friends.
I went over my backstory and changed a few things. I also added answers to your questions and a description.
I'll get to work statting him up ASAP.

Thanks James for the info. I worked on all the math today, and I think I might redo the point buy, but I think I have the skills and feat and such down. I will post tomorrow with a more rounded character. I have been digging up all my books and the rust is flaking off all of my clockwork gears over here but I am remembering more and more.

Ok, I'm a little more focused and put together today on the character. I like the aspergillium concept, much more inventive than the hose. I think the Modron armor is perfect. I was leaning towards asking about a custom breastplate configuration anyway, but Planewalker comes through!

I reread the Planar Handbook, and I believe you are right about the substitution rather than starting out. I figure Law and Knowledge are good starting domains (they fall in with the concept well) Please feel free to point out any glaring errors I make. I am an old skool player and have only done the 3.5 game a scant few times and never a cleric so I am bound to make a gaffe or two. :) Also I had a question: In the Complete Divine book, there is a feat called Augment Healing that gives +2 hp/spell level to healing magic. Is this allowable? If not I think Investigator would be my next feat choice keeping in the concept.

Very good. Just take a look at your skill ranks; all knowledge skills are class skills for you because you've taken the Knowledge domain, so Knowledge (Sigil) isn't cross-class. According to my tally, you should have a total of 20 skill points (1st level= 2(cleric)+2(Int)x4=16 + 2(cleric)+2(Int)= 20. So I think you have a little too much with some of those cross-class skills. EDIT: Yeah, after Knowledge (Sigil) is considered a class skill, you're only over by two; so just take one rank out of a cross-class or two ranks from a class skill and you're all set.

I don't have a problem with Augment Healing or Investigator, whichever you like. If you take Augment Healing, I think the rest of the party should make sure to write you a thank-you note! ;)

Oops. Thanks again for straightening this poor Clueless berk out. I had redone my stats and then used the skills from the former stats. Will rejigger them now :)

I've been thinking and decided that Deris is actually an full blooded elf. I want to play up her connection to fey as her source of magical power. She would be the child of elven adventurers and accidently popped into Sigil when she was young. Since she's been around for a while, and loves the city, she has made her way into noble society. And she's got a trust fund. What she wants is to create a very solid information network, a la Elaith Craulnober of the Forgotten Realms, and uses her charm to do so. Is that ok James?

That's fine with me. Information is probably the most readily accepted currency on the Planes. It can be a very dangerous business, however. I'll give you the dark of it in a spoiler (in case you don't have much in the way of further Planescape info).

In Sigil, information and various other things are trafficked by a blood named Shemeska the Marauder, King of the Cross Trade. She has her fingers in a lot of pots and is one of the most well-lanned bashers in Sigil. Autochon the Bellringer (I think that's how you spell it) is another berk to be wary of. He's the head of Sigil's most elite courier service, renowned for their silence and discretion to the point where many have had their tongues cut out. Kylie (as mentioned briefly in O.L.L.I's write-up) is a more neutral type; a tiefling tout with her own business that ran afoul of Autochon with some very sensitive darks and started out on her own. Shemeska the Marauder has expressly informed Autochon that Kylie is not to be the target of retribution, for reasons that none can even guess. So there's a rough idea of your competition; I'll dole out further info once we're in the thick of it.

Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:

That's fine with me. Information is probably the most readily accepted currency on the Planes. It can be a very dangerous business, however. I'll give you the dark of it in a spoiler (in case you don't have much in the way of further Planescape info).

** spoiler omitted **

Would you put Rule of Three in the information business as well? Or is he less of a player than I think?

I've put a physical description at the top of Thorn's profile James - feel free to use artistic license on it as you see fit.

I'll try to put his game statistics together later today or tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:
Here's a Rennet sketch. It's kind of a rough-like idea of what I plan on doing with it. The sash of random crap across his chest is a bunch of medals, badges and holy symbols. I figger if I'm going to do these, I should take my time and do them right, so I'm going to go back and do a similar thumbnail drawing for everyone and get the character in a place doing something (in this case, brooding in a razorvine and crow choked old cathedral, holy books and hymnals scattered beneath his feet) since I can't just keep making people floating in air.

Looks cool - the razorvine etc in the background is a nice touch.

Thorn of Clovenwood wrote:

I've put a physical description at the top of Thorn's profile James - feel free to use artistic license on it as you see fit.

I'll try to put his game statistics together later today or tomorrow.

He's very well endowed.

Eir Haakonen wrote:
Thorn of Clovenwood wrote:

I've put a physical description at the top of Thorn's profile James - feel free to use artistic license on it as you see fit.

I'll try to put his game statistics together later today or tomorrow.

He's very well endowed.

So's she. And accommodating.

Mothman wrote:
James Keegan wrote:

That's fine with me. Information is probably the most readily accepted currency on the Planes. It can be a very dangerous business, however. I'll give you the dark of it in a spoiler (in case you don't have much in the way of further Planescape info).

** spoiler omitted **

Would you put Rule of Three in the information business as well? Or is he less of a player than I think?

He is, I suppose, but he doesn't really cultivate too much influence as far as I understand (doesn't have a gang, for instance). And his only demands in payment are that it comes in threes and that somehow the items of his payment should be related.

Dark Archive

James Keegan wrote:

Okay. Third level for everyone, including level adjustment if any. I guess we'll also do 32 point buy on Invisible castle. 2700 gp, as per the DMG wealth-by-level guidelines and no one item can take up more than 1/3rd of your starting gp pool (I'm basically stealing Primemover003's character creation guidelines, minus the allowance of psionics).

I've got a pretty kick ass campaign in mind. Lotta ins, lotta outs. Lotta what have yous. (I will likely be awarding people XP or something for pointing out all of my Big Lebowski references. And that one don't count, berk.) It's going to take me a while to get all the mechanics (like NPC statblocks prepared and stuff) so take your time.

Make sure the questions I posted are answered in the bios, and be okay with revisions for the setting if necessary. Any further questions (clarifications of factions, questions about the tone of the game, etc.) are welcome.

I'll try to finalize Reghar in a few hours.

Rennet is pretty well set (pending approval), I just need to transfer him over later today.

Love the character portrait, by the way. Talk about quick sketching!

Mercy?! You want MERCY?! I'm CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!! (Just noticed half of the party is chaotic neutral. Interesting.)

Hey, Radavel, was there a problem in the copy/paste department? You've got a lot of Zuko in your Reghar.

James Keegan wrote:

Mercy?! You want MERCY?! I'm CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!! (Just noticed half of the party is chaotic neutral. Interesting.)

Easily my favorite Youtube video.

Dark Archive

James Keegan wrote:

Hey, Radavel, was there a problem in the copy/paste department? You've got a lot of Zuko in your Reghar.

I just copied and pasted that sheet and I am now editing it.

Radavel wrote:
James Keegan wrote:

Hey, Radavel, was there a problem in the copy/paste department? You've got a lot of Zuko in your Reghar.
I just copied and pasted that sheet and I am now editing it.

I see, just double checking.

Rennet juggles three gold coins for a moment, before letting each one land on his head, blinking and jolting at each impact. He gives a stiff bow and stops to recover the loose change.

I picked aberrations because of his Neogi enslavement, even though he is an aberration, thinking that he probably hates his life a little too. Eventually I’m thinking of taking Outsider: Lawful, and working his way into Horizon Walker.

Cool. I guess I better write some aberrations and lawful outsiders into the plot, then.

I have some more sketches up on my blog of just about everybody's characters. OLLI the voyeuristic modron kind of steals the show and I'm not thrilled with the little 'Deris sketch with the peacock feather fan. I did a little reworking on the Rennet drawing (though he still has a sword instead of a scythe because I like how it looks) and a few little Thorn doodles to figure out where he's going. Maybe I'll do a group line-up to show size relations when I get a chance.

Yeah, and don't read anything on there. It's stupid.

James Keegan wrote:
Cool. I guess I better write some aberrations and lawful outsiders into the plot, then.

No need to add extra creatures on my account. I just thought Lawful Outsiders as a choice before he even became a pally seemed a stretch, seeing as Neogi aren’t lawful, or outsiders… By the time I take another level that grants me a bonus, I bet he’ll be angry at a whole new set of people!

James Keegan wrote:
Yeah, and don't read anything on there. It's stupid.

I read it regularly, including the disappearing shabbos goy post (I'm not a stalker, really!). Personally, sometimes I think you should put art on the backburner and become a professional writer; your writing style is that compelling. Then you could do your own cover art and save.

mwbeeler wrote:
James Keegan wrote:
Cool. I guess I better write some aberrations and lawful outsiders into the plot, then.

No need to add extra creatures on my account. I just thought Lawful Outsiders as a choice before he even became a pally seemed a stretch, seeing as Neogi aren’t lawful, or outsiders… By the time I take another level that grants me a bonus, I bet he’ll be angry at a whole new set of people!

James Keegan wrote:
Yeah, and don't read anything on there. It's stupid.

I read it regularly, including the disappearing shabbos goy post (I'm not a stalker, really!). Personally, sometimes I think you should put art on the backburner and become a professional writer; your writing style is that compelling. Then you could do your own cover art and save.

Thanks, man. I'd love to write someday, maybe do my own graphic novel or pull an Adam Rex or something. I didn't even think anyone read that one; I thought I got a little too heavy and sanctimonious, so I got rid of it.

I L.O.V.E! the O.L.L.I. sketch you did, absolutely first rate. You really captured the concept of a slightly bumbling nosy animate box perfectly. It's incredible but did I even mention to you about a hammer with clockwork designs on it? I had been thinking about that as a weapon for O.L.L.I but I hadn't thought I discussed it with you .... are you sure you don't allow psionics? ;)

Patrick Curtin wrote:


I L.O.V.E! the O.L.L.I. sketch you did, absolutely first rate. You really captured the concept of a slightly bumbling nosy animate box perfectly. It's incredible but did I even mention to you about a hammer with clockwork designs on it? I had been thinking about that as a weapon for O.L.L.I but I hadn't thought I discussed it with you .... are you sure you don't allow psionics? ;)

I'm a pretty good mind reader; someday I'll be even better.

You mentioned it in the World Serpent Inn ;)

That O.L.L.I ... always rattling off his bone box and givin' away the darks. Barmy lil' son of a steamtrunk

Nice work James! Saw some of your other work too, cool stuff. Hehe, so which one of us should swap out to a Githzerai monk?

I should be able to flesh out Thorn a little more stat-wise today (I’ve worked out most stuff, haven’t finished equipment yet).

One question of interest:

One of the vestiges I’ll likely be binding is Amon. The sign you manifest when you bind Amon is that you grow curling goat’s horns. Now, given that I already have an impressive pair (ha!), would I grow a second lot of horns, or would the existing ones get bigger and curlier? What’s your take (either is cool with me).

My existing horns do not give me a natural attack EXCEPT on a charge, in which case I get a slam attack that deals 2d6 damage with the horns. Amon’s horns give me a natural attack that does 1d6 damage, and an ADDITIONAL 1d8 damage on a charge. What’s your take on these stacking or otherwise?

While I'm running around frantically trying to figure out all my math, I wanted to ask you about a kip for O.L.L.I. I don't know if you have access to the Expedition to the Demonweb Pits book, but it details a "Library of the Lady" on pg. 27. It sounds like a perfect place for O.L.L.I. to have a "day job" as an assistant scribe. Also, instead of a salary, perhaps he would be allowed to park his square carcass there during the anti-peak hours. There is an interesting night watchman, a lawful oathbound ice devil named Shactal. When not oathbound to defend the library during the 6 hours previous and post-antipeak, he is found guzzling whatever ice devils guzzle at that infamous tavern the Styx Oarsman. I thought it would be a good place for O.L.L.I.to have his kip, as he would need a small area to store whatever gear he has, but since he doesn't sleep he really doesn't need a whole house. I can just imagine him and Shactal parked at the library's front desk and discussing the nature of Law as it pertains to the Nine Hells and Mechanus while Shactal sips a Pina Larvata and O.L.L.I. indulges in a Clockwork Medium Grade Oil.

Liberty's Edge

That sounds pretty cool Patrick

Thorn of Clovenwood wrote:

Nice work James! Saw some of your other work too, cool stuff. Hehe, so which one of us should swap out to a Githzerai monk?

I should be able to flesh out Thorn a little more stat-wise today (I’ve worked out most stuff, haven’t finished equipment yet).

One question of interest: ** spoiler omitted **

I'll say that Amon renders your natural horns a bit sharper; which means that you can use your horns as a natural attack without a charge for the damage specified. When performing a charge attack with your horns, you have an additional +2 to attack and damage. I think that's fair without being ridiculous. For you, the manifesting sign will be a mouth lit by flames, which is visible when you speak. Smoke comes out with your breath and s~!*, it's really unsettling.

The vestige of Aoskar will replace Otiax from the Tome of Magic; I think it's a similar enough idea that having both would be redundant. His open portal ability will now grant you to find portals with a search check, tell where they lead and activate them without a key.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
While I'm running around frantically trying to figure out all my math, I wanted to ask you about a kip for O.L.L.I. I don't know if you have access to the Expedition to the Demonweb Pits book, but it details a "Library of the Lady" on pg. 27. It sounds like a perfect place for O.L.L.I. to have a "day job" as an assistant scribe. Also, instead of a salary, perhaps he would be allowed to park his square carcass there during the anti-peak hours. There is an interesting night watchman, a lawful oathbound ice devil named Shactal. When not oathbound to defend the library during the 6 hours previous and post-antipeak, he is found guzzling whatever ice devils guzzle at that infamous tavern the Styx Oarsman. I thought it would be a good place for O.L.L.I.to have his kip, as he would need a small area to store whatever gear he has, but since he doesn't sleep he really doesn't need a whole house. I can just imagine him and Shactal parked at the library's front desk and discussing the nature of Law as it pertains to the Nine Hells and Mechanus while Shactal sips a Pina Larvata and O.L.L.I. indulges in a Clockwork Medium Grade Oil.

I don't have Demonweb Pits, unfortunately, though I've heard that it's basically a Planescape adventure for 3.5 which makes me interested. I'm fine with the background, though.

Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:
Thorn of Clovenwood wrote:

Nice work James! Saw some of your other work too, cool stuff. Hehe, so which one of us should swap out to a Githzerai monk?

I should be able to flesh out Thorn a little more stat-wise today (I’ve worked out most stuff, haven’t finished equipment yet).

One question of interest: ** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

All sounds good.

Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:

I don't have Demonweb Pits, unfortunately, though I've heard that it's basically a Planescape adventure for 3.5 which makes me interested. I'm fine with the background, though.

I've got it, and yes, I'd agree, it's very planescapesque and looks like a good adventure.

Unfortunately I never actually finished reading it - just can't stand that delve format, maybe it's good in play, but makes it very hard to read.

Mothman wrote:
James Keegan wrote:

I don't have Demonweb Pits, unfortunately, though I've heard that it's basically a Planescape adventure for 3.5 which makes me interested. I'm fine with the background, though.

I've got it, and yes, I'd agree, it's very planescapesque and looks like a good adventure.

Unfortunately I never actually finished reading it - just can't stand that delve format, maybe it's good in play, but makes it very hard to read.

Yeah, I noticed that. It does look like it cuts down prep time, but since it has to be on a two page spread, you can't have a lot of unique monsters/NPCs in one encounter.

I have to agree with the format difficulty in The Expedition to the Demonweb Pits. I do have to say that as a rabid Planescape fan I was happy to see an Adventure that was set (partially) in Sigil. I especially was happy to see one of my favortie Planescape monsters (Ratatosks) given a 3.5 upgrade. Definitely one of the better books put out in the waning days of 3.5.

James Keegan wrote:
mwbeeler wrote:
James Keegan wrote:
Cool. I guess I better write some aberrations and lawful outsiders into the plot, then.

No need to add extra creatures on my account. I just thought Lawful Outsiders as a choice before he even became a pally seemed a stretch, seeing as Neogi aren’t lawful, or outsiders… By the time I take another level that grants me a bonus, I bet he’ll be angry at a whole new set of people!

James Keegan wrote:
Yeah, and don't read anything on there. It's stupid.

I read it regularly, including the disappearing shabbos goy post (I'm not a stalker, really!). Personally, sometimes I think you should put art on the backburner and become a professional writer; your writing style is that compelling. Then you could do your own cover art and save.

Thanks, man. I'd love to write someday, maybe do my own graphic novel or pull an Adam Rex or something. I didn't even think anyone read that one; I thought I got a little too heavy and sanctimonious, so I got rid of it.

A graphic novel by you would be frickin' sweet. I like what you've done with everyone's character; I hope that the art classes I'm taking will one day allow me to do similiar.

I've almost finished my character, including giving him a full name. Hopefully I'll get him completely done by tomarrow evening.

I might not be around as often on the boards as I am now in the next week or so, but I'll make sure to check in fairly often on your characters. I'll be writin' up a storm for this whenever I get a chance; it just might be a bit longer. Patience will be appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

James Keegan wrote:
I might not be around as often on the boards as I am now in the next week or so, but I'll make sure to check in fairly often on your characters. I'll be writin' up a storm for this whenever I get a chance; it just might be a bit longer. Patience will be appreciated.

No problem James - take your time.

Aye ... Real life always intrudes (and has priority!)Take as long as you want. I am having great fun rummaging through my Planescape collection and getting O.L.L.I's gear together.

Dark Archive

Take your time, Keegan. :D

James Keegan wrote:

Cool. I guess I better write some aberrations and lawful outsiders into the plot, then.

I have some more sketches up on my blog of just about everybody's characters. OLLI the voyeuristic modron kind of steals the show and I'm not thrilled with the little 'Deris sketch with the peacock feather fan. I did a little reworking on the Rennet drawing (though he still has a sword instead of a scythe because I like how it looks) and a few little Thorn doodles to figure out where he's going. Maybe I'll do a group line-up to show size relations when I get a chance.

Yeah, and don't read anything on there. It's stupid.

OMG, I know you don't like the little 'Deris sketch but it totally made my week. Seriously, I've wanted someone as cool and talented as you to draw a character of mine forever. /fangirl

Unfortunately, I think the fascists at work installed a web tracker thingy so I can't finish her today. I'll try my best to have her mostly done, stat wise, by Sunday.

No rush. Depending on whether they keep me on this job or not, I may not be ready to start for a little while.

I like some of the things in the sketch of 'Deris, but I think it needs rearranging or something.

I do believe Kev is done.

Looks okay, Arctaris. One question: are you CG or CN? You have both on your alias.

Reminder- Starting gold is 2700; no single piece of equipment can cost more than a third (900 gp) of that. So no +1 armor or weapons.

Alignment fixed; now choatic neutral.

Shoot, my 1250 chain def. breaks that then. I'll shift it down to masterwork and then put some thought into what to do with the extra 1000 gold tonight.

If you guys have suggestions for things you would like to see in the adventures (for example, if you're a big fan of wilderness stuff, if you hate dungeon crawls), let me know. If you've always wanted to punch a paladin in the face, I can work that in. If you want an entire segment to take place in a Tarrasque's lower intestines...well, let's just say I've got you covered.

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