Legion of Super Heroes


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EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
I have a few scattered issues which I haven't read yet. When I bought them I thought they were another Legion comic line. I have heard that other people have liked it though. I haven't read it so I really can't say if it is good or bad. I just try to limit my purchases to Legion comics in order to not get carried away with titles.

I think it's definitely a must if you're a Brainiac 5 fan, since Vril Dox's personality is basically an adult Brainy who's been accustomed to being right so many times he can't imagine being wrong. :)

One of the other things I liked about it was seeing a few of the Legionnaires' homeworlds, like Colu, 1,000 years before the LSH. When LEGION was being published, both it and LSH occasionally had occasional references to the other series, but many of them you'd only notice if you were reading both. I remember an LSH issue (after the 5 year gap, I think) where Ultra Boy or some other character was viewing some tech room and said "how old is this junk?" then when he moves away you can see an old rusted LEGION symbol on the wall.


There were major crossovers, too, like the introduction of the amnesiac Phantom Girl as Phase (though DC's "Zero Hour" event retro-actively cancelled this out and said it was really PG's sister who was on the same shuttle as PG when she disappeared...). Later on, LEGION issue 50's "Whatever happened to the Durlan?" story was pretty big too.

Sounds like the latest issue is out now. Haven't acquired it yet, but I hear someone went crazy. Projectra...could be based on the rumor rumblings I've heard, but then again Jim Shooter said that Phantom Girl would suffer a grave injury and never be the same again; so we shall see.

Liberty's Edge

I Liked L.E.G.I.O.N. and the subsequent R.E.B.E.L.S.

There are lots of tie ins to the LSH history in the books...like Emerald Empress'Eye, the various homeworlds...some of the characters are reminiscent to the LSH. yeah, pretty good books..Id get em if you can find em cheap.


Last night I worked on making miniatures for the game. After going through a few ideas and a couple of hideous attempts, I think I succeeded (as well as one can expect to). I only completed one because I wanted to see how well it turned out. I used Dream Girl.

Supplies Used:
I purchased a 16 x 20 poster frame, the type with the plastic sheet covering where you slip the slides on. Cost $5.00. I purchased some plastic bases. These bases are actuall very cheap curtain string attachments which are suppose to be applied to the wall next to the window. They have a little plastic clamp to wrap the cord around. When you set them on the flat edge they make great miniature bases. There are 8 in a package cost $2.00. I also bought a permanent marker, cost $2.00. I already had some photo paper and super glue. I borrowed a small sanding tool from this guy at work. Here's what I did....

1. I broke apart the plastic curtain bases and sanded down the flash edges.

2. I drew a grid on the plastic sheet that came with the poster frame. Each rectangle was 1 x 2" in size. It was big enough for 80 miniatures. Then cut them apart. Using a scissors, I trimmed two pieces at a time in order to make sure they were the same size.

3. I selected pictures of Legionnaires from my computer and reduce their size to about 1 1/4" x 3/4". I put 18 characters on a sheet and printed it out on photo paper. I printed 2 sheets in order to have 2 pctures of each character.

4. I super-glued the two matching pictures together, so they are both facing the outside.

5. I then applied glue to the inner edge of the plastic poster piece, laid the two-sided Legionnaire picture on the plastic and them applied the second plastic piece on top. The glue fused the two plastic pieces together with the double sided Legionnaire picture inside.

6. I then applied a super-duper glue to the base clamp and inserted the plastic/picture piece into it, so that it stood up (kinda like a Stratego piece for those who are familiar with that game).

The end result is a near photo like picure of the character on both sides of the plastic, with a base that is usuable on 1" square game mats.

Problems which occurred.....accidently getting glue on the picture part and you can see the glue used to apply the two plastic poster pieces together. Also the plastic poster frame is very susceptable to scratching.

Rather than using super-duper glue to fasten the miniature to the base I plan on using that silicon stuff and after it has hardend, trim away the excess with a hobby knife. I was also considering spray painting the bases black so they would (hopefully) look better with the clear poster plastic frame.

Overall cost.......very cheap....Labor....not to much, maybe 10 minutes each for the glueing process.

Can anyone think of any improvements I can make. Overall, it looks pretty good. Suggestions for improvement?

Making your own miniatures? Wow, you are truly dedicated to this. I'd say you did just fine, although the length and breadth of my excursion into this field has been working on HG and MG kits for Gundam, and I have a resin kit for Guy lying around here somewhere.

Also, I really liked this last issue of Legion- we finally get to see Dream Girl, and find out a little bit about religion and psychology in the 31st century. Of course, the latter is the most interesting to me. I wonder what would happen if I had to get into a slugfest with my darker impulses, and what they would look like. Although I think I have someone on my caseload who might fight that bill...

I can't wait for the next issue- I wanna see who ends up in the legion this time around, and if a substitute legion gets created outside of the UP's Young Heroes.

Also, after a week spent in the company of my good friend Manny Chevitz, I have an idea of what to do once Legion is cancelled- post my Legion stories on here! Why the hell not- others have made idealized versions of their superheroes, why not me? I think I posted it already, but I'll repost what I have so far after issue 50 is out, it'll give me more time to create more storylines n' stuff, particularly while Eileen works on her stuff. Maybe we can inspire each other.

Freehold DM wrote:

Making your own miniatures? Wow, you are truly dedicated to this. I'd say you did just fine,

I have enough working pieces to make 63 miniatures over time. Right now I'm looking at dream girl and quite happy with how it turned out, with the exception of getting glue on the picture and the base color (white) seems to kinda clash with the clear plastic. I'll try spray painting it with the next one and see how it looks. I'm told it will look worse. Either way, all the working pieces are in place and the prototype was a success.

Also, I really liked this last issue of Legion- we finally get to see Dream Girl, and find out a little bit about religion and psychology in the 31st century. Of course, the latter is the most interesting to me. I wonder what would happen if I had to get into a slugfest with my darker impulses, and what they would look like. Although I think I have someone on my caseload who might fight that bill...

I can't wait for the next issue- I wanna see who ends up in the legion this time around, and if a substitute legion gets created outside of the UP's Young Heroes.

I won't get the issue until sometime next month. I've read posts on it elsewhere and heard a lot of compaining. I've also learned to not get excited about the complaining as they are often over exageratted.

I did read an interview from Jim Shooter about why the comic was cancelled. The interview seemed pretty bias and he seemed pretty angry about things at DC. I'm sure if you asked the DC management what happened you would get a different response. My guess is the truth is somewhere in the middle. It usually is.

Also, after a week spent in the company of my good friend Manny Chevitz, I have an idea of what to do once Legion is cancelled- post my Legion stories on here! Why the hell not- others have made idealized versions of their superheroes, why not me? I think I posted it already, but I'll repost what I have so far after issue 50 is out, it'll give me more time to create more storylines n' stuff, particularly while Eileen works on her stuff. Maybe we can inspire each other.

I don't recall you posting any fiction here on Legion. Do you post it elsewhere? Sometime ago, either you or Set (can't recall which) did post their idea of what the Legion should be like in regards to characters. Perhaps that's what your referring to? I would love to read it.

Yes we shall inspire one another. Soon our projects will merge and Paizo shall see the success we bring as we convert all of these Paizonians to Legion. It won't be long until Paizo steps out of the fantasy genre and strictly goes Legion. Legion PBP will pop up everywhere. There will no longer be 3.5 and 4th edition wars because the 31st century is a utopian. That is until the original vs. reboot vs. 3 boot vs. Geoffs Legion come along. I shall reign supreme as THE LEGIONNAIRE and lay the smackdown on anyone who gets out of line. Fans of all ages will clamor to Paizo to post. For a while, the site will be down until Paizo management figures out how to handle the surge of traffic.

DC will be so impressed they will offer us independent jobs, and millionaires we shall become. Eventually, I'll be able to create that Legion of the 31st century museum I've always wanted to create. It will be a massive builidng built to specifications of the actual Legion headquarters. Inside will be every Legion comic that appeared, life-size holograms of the Legionnaires; a time bubble room to the 21st century to go visit Superman/Superboy, the Justice League; a simulated Legion cruiser space ride; a gift shop that sells Legion boardgames and flight rings; and Heatheasson will be working in the gift shop; Valegrim will buy his first Legion comic and love it so much he will trade his Marvel collection in for back issues of Legion; me, I'd kind of like to give the tours; soon multiple museums will open up across the United States and eventually the globe; that's just the beginning. The entire model of the 31st century shall inspire world leaders to finally get the crap together in order to form a better world for all. Yep, I see this as a good thing

Job Posting: Wanted. male, approxemently 6'0, 210 lbs. of nothing but solid muscle. Will be wearing the Superboy costume and flying around to greet customers as they arrive at the museum. Will perform three shows daily, battling villains on the Colossal Stage. Must be susceptible to Kryptonite and magic.

Liberty's Edge

Theres a Game called Heroclix, that produces plastic miniatures of super hero's. its been out for quite some time.

Currently Legionaires that have been done
Saturn Girl (2 diferent poses)
Lightning Lad/Live Wire (2 diferent poses)
Cosmic Boy (2 diferent poses)
Brainiac 5 (1 pose)
Chameleon (1 pose)
Kid Quantum (1 pose)
Supergirl (4 diferent costumes/poses)
Young Superman (1 pose) {although superman has maybe 25 poses}
Ultra-boy (1 pose)
Mon-El (1 pose)
Wildfire (1 pose)
Dreamgirl (1 pose)
Phantom Girl (1 pose)
Bouncing Boy (1 pose)
Shrinking Violet (a disc with her name on it..but no figure)
Colossal Boy (1 pose)
Shadow Lass/Umbra (1 pose)
Karate kid (1 pose)
Dawnstar (1 pose)
Element Lad (1 pose)
Shvaugh Erin (1 pose)
Science Police (same pose as Shvaughn)
Mattereater Lad (has a carboard disc but no figure)

Legion villains that have been done
Tharok (1 pose)
Mano (1 pose)
Persuader (1 pose)
Emerald Empress (1 pose)
Validus (1 pose)
Mordru (2 poses- though the more recent looks like the one from JSA)
Ra's Al-Ghul (4 poses)
Time Trapper (1 pose)
Lightning Lord (1 pose)
Saturn Queen (1 pose)
Cosmic King (1 pose)
Darkseid (3 poses)

I think I have them all...but I may have misses a few...search for HCRealms.com or wizkids.com and you can look at the figures. HCrealms youd go to the unit section and 'search' for them by name or keyword 'Legion of Superheroes'. In wizkids go to DC, then go to Figure Gallery. then click on the legion team symbol ;)

Dread wrote:

Theres a Game called Heroclix, that produces plastic miniatures of super hero's. its been out for quite some time.

Currently Legionaires that have been done
Saturn Girl (2 diferent poses)
Lightning Lad/Live Wire (2 diferent poses)
Cosmic Boy (2 diferent poses)
Brainiac 5 (1 pose)
Chameleon (1 pose)
Kid Quantum (1 pose)
Supergirl (4 diferent costumes/poses)
Young Superman (1 pose) {although superman has maybe 25 poses}
Ultra-boy (1 pose)
Mon-El (1 pose)
Wildfire (1 pose)
Dreamgirl (1 pose)
Phantom Girl (1 pose)
Bouncing Boy (1 pose)
Shrinking Violet (a disc with her name on it..but no figure)
Colossal Boy (1 pose)
Shadow Lass/Umbra (1 pose)
Karate kid (1 pose)
Dawnstar (1 pose)
Element Lad (1 pose)
Shvaugh Erin (1 pose)
Science Police (same pose as Shvaughn)
Mattereater Lad (has a carboard disc but no figure)

Legion villains that have been done
Tharok (1 pose)
Mano (1 pose)
Persuader (1 pose)
Emerald Empress (1 pose)
Validus (1 pose)
Mordru (2 poses- though the more recent looks like the one from JSA)
Ra's Al-Ghul (4 poses)
Time Trapper (1 pose)
Lightning Lord (1 pose)
Saturn Queen (1 pose)
Cosmic King (1 pose)
Darkseid (3 poses)

I think I have them all...but I may have misses a few...search for HCRealms.com or wizkids.com and you can look at the figures. HCrealms youd go to the unit section and 'search' for them by name or keyword 'Legion of Superheroes'. In wizkids go to DC, then go to Figure Gallery. then click on the legion team symbol ;)

Yes, I have a few of them. I thought I would collect them over time but as long as it would take me, this would be quicker. The Heroclix are random and I really didn't want to sink money into tons of miniatures that I will never use. Now if I can find a place that sells them individually, I shall make liberal use of such a location. Do you know of any?

Liberty's Edge

HCrealms has a part of the board that folks sell extra figures or ones they dont care for.

in addition, you can normally find them on ebay, or at most comic shops sold as individual pieces. because its a collectable game, some have more value than others.

I am thinking a lot about your prison planet; I am thinking something like what was in that last Star Trek movie; The Klingon prison planet might be good; something every inhospitable; but someplace everyone would hate being and want to leave.

There has to be a way to keep people there; forcefield or some such; you could do it Escape from NY like where the place is just abandoned to them to fend for themselves; make it a enslaved work world like the Klingons did; or do it much cleaner; knowing LSH; the place would probably be the last option; some far away world; hospital clean; everything some type of chromelike steel; sterile; impersonal; each inmate with a single cell; a whole planet of single celled sterility; clean; effective; large armored guard presence; lots of treatment and counciling facilities; everything watched and controlled; a place that would drive any meglamaniac or free thinking absolutely nuts. This last option is probably the most humane to sell to the masses; but is probably the most cruel and would build the most desparate and vile villians; at least in a Escape from NY; individuality could be expressed and gangs and the like would be prevalent; many villians would thrive in a survival of the fittest planet; where they wouldnt necessarily want to escape as they would fit right in; this prison planet might be abit more secure.

To have real fun; have one of each; where differnet galactic governments are trying all three models; each backed up by the latest and greatest psychiatric minds; to see which works the best; the old nature vs nuture all over again :)

Valegrim wrote:
I am thinking a lot about your prison planet; I am thinking something like what was in that last Star Trek movie; The Klingon prison planet might be good; something every inhospitable; but someplace everyone would hate being and want to leave.

I haven't seen that movie for a few years, I should rewatch it. Your description "the place would probably be the last option; some far away world; hospital clean; everything some type of chromelike steel; sterile; impersonal; each inmate with a single cell; a whole planet of single celled sterility; clean; effective; large armored guard presence; lots of treatment and counciling facilities; everything watched and controlled; a place that would drive any meglamaniac or free thinking absolutely nuts." is actually quite fitting from the few pictures I have seen of it. This is the route I am going with for the inside. The outer part however is harder. I like your idea of a inhospitable planetoid. This actually fits in well with the idea that the villains are stealing the technology for controlling atmospheres. I think I mentioned that in another post. Perhaps they are utilizing this technology to assist in the prison break. If they use the technology to calm the atmoshperic conditions in order to make the escape. At the same time they need to fend off any remaining science police force. I'd like to do this in a particularly violent manner if possible in order to set a serious tone for the game.

Also I have a powerful telepath as part of the villains so she can perform an inside job. She will have access to the entire facility and the commander there as well. Any ideas on running battle skirmishes to keep the PCs occuppied and entertained and at the same time allowing the necessary NPCs to escape? I want about 3 villains to escape the prison and the PCs to either see it or find out about it. At the same time I'd like to try and keep them "busy" so they do escape, all at the same time not railroading their options. I had thought about having a spaceship enter the planet atmosphere and generating some sort of of transport beam to bring the desired inmates to the ship. Anyone else caught in the transport beam would be literrally torn apart as the beam would only accept certain DNA that have been programmed into it. This could result in other inmates being killed, science police trying to stop them, and be danagerous to the PCs as well. I'm looking for ways to improve this scenario so that it doesn't fall underneath me. If the PCs stop the ship and capture everyone at the beginning well....game ends kinda premature, know what I mean?

Well; an energy beam can be very very tightly focused; what if the beam is only the diameter of a needle? then it would act more like a slicing beam, but people might have a chance to only get nicked before they recover and pull back.

Valegrim wrote:
Well; an energy beam can be very very tightly focused; what if the beam is only the diameter of a needle? then it would act more like a slicing beam, but people might have a chance to only get nicked before they recover and pull back.

True, good point!

Dark Archive

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Also I have a powerful telepath as part of the villains so she can perform an inside job. She will have access to the entire facility and the commander there as well. Any ideas on running battle skirmishes to keep the PCs occuppied and entertained and at the same time allowing the necessary NPCs to escape? I want about 3 villains to escape the prison and the PCs to either see it or find out about it. At the same time I'd like to try and keep them "busy" so they do escape, all at the same time not railroading their options.

The classic prison break is for the prisoners masterminding it to engineer what *appears* to be a massive prison break, starting with a riot, and while the guards are busy dealing with the other prisoners, the masterminds sneak away in the confusion (and, if they want to go all Hannibal Lector, they can sneak away disguised as wounded guards, being transferred off-planet for immediate medical assistance!).

The reverse of that, to mix it up, would be for the masterminds to engineer massive crackdowns on their fellow prisoners, and to somehow manipulate / goad the prison staff into attacking a prisoner and starting the riot. This will add some political tension, if the prison has recently been reprimanded for excessive force (which particular guards have been manipulated into using), and the guard force is thus somewhat under-equipped or even under-staffed (with a bunch being rotated out for sensitivity training!). SP forces that might go in guns blazing in a normal situation might be a bit more delicately assigned if the prison has a recent reputation for excessive force, and the SP officers in charge of the situation don't want to be tarred with that, leaving the super-heroes having to suck up the potential bad publicity and get in there to save lives, with the bureaucrats bicker and posture for the public opinion monitors.

The heroes might end up not just having to rescue some guards from getting fatal 'comeuppance' from prisoners who feel that they've been mistreated, but also have to rescue the occasional prisoner from overzealous guards who have built up a lot of resentment from all the bad press they've been getting about the 'prisoner abuse' allegations.

(Avoid having the heroes themselves be the ones who rescue the masterminds in this latter case. It would be both insanely unlikely to occur as a mastermind-possible-thing, and it might piss off the players to be manipulated by DM fiat into freeing the villains they'll be facing in the next scene, particularly if they get bad press about it. "Yes, here come the young heroes, to try and clean up the disastrous mess they made by freeing these criminal psychopaths in the first place...")

Set wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Also I have a powerful telepath as part of the villains so she can perform an inside job. She will have access to the entire facility and the commander there as well. Any ideas on running battle skirmishes to keep the PCs occuppied and entertained and at the same time allowing the necessary NPCs to escape? I want about 3 villains to escape the prison and the PCs to either see it or find out about it. At the same time I'd like to try and keep them "busy" so they do escape, all at the same time not railroading their options.

The classic prison break is for the prisoners masterminding it to engineer what *appears* to be a massive prison break, starting with a riot, and while the guards are busy dealing with the other prisoners, the masterminds sneak away in the confusion (and, if they want to go all Hannibal Lector, they can sneak away disguised as wounded guards, being transferred off-planet for immediate medical assistance!).

The reverse of that, to mix it up, would be for the masterminds to engineer massive crackdowns on their fellow prisoners, and to somehow manipulate / goad the prison staff into attacking a prisoner and starting the riot. This will add some political tension, if the prison has recently been reprimanded for excessive force (which particular guards have been manipulated into using), and the guard force is thus somewhat under-equipped or even under-staffed (with a bunch being rotated out for sensitivity training!). SP forces that might go in guns blazing in a normal situation might be a bit more delicately assigned if the prison has a recent reputation for excessive force, and the SP officers in charge of the situation don't want to be tarred with that, leaving the super-heroes having to suck up the potential bad publicity and get in there to save lives, with the bureaucrats bicker and posture for the public opinion monitors.

The heroes might end up not just having to rescue some guards from getting fatal 'comeuppance' from prisoners who feel...

Wow Set, I'm glad you posted. Hoping to play this weekend. Friday I'll spend more time on the plot (crosses fingers). I really like your prisoner abuse scenario and since the telepath is Saturn Queen, I think that she can play both sides quite well to ensure a riot in just the right places. She will be disquised as a Science Police officer so its doubtful the PCs will realize she is not who she claims to be (unless maybe Saturn Girl tags along). None of characters (or PC) will know who Saturn Queen is so it all should work out nicely. I was thinking about throwing in Black Mace as a prisoner in order to skirmish against someone other than a regular inmate as well, though he won't be part of the Legion of Super Villains, but rather a red herring to throw the players off and give them someone more worthy to fight when they are trying to quell the riot.

Excellent post! You earned your Legion Flight Ring today!

Hey, it took me a while to find it, but I decided to re-post my Legion idea. I'm working on individual issues to post even now, but as I said before I won't do anything until after this current run of the Legion is over.

The Prison Break Scenario sounds WONDERFUL. I like that it's turned on it's ear, I would expect nothing less from Set.
In order to make up for my grevious lack of LOSH updates, I've decided to post something I did at the DC Comics site ages ago. It was from a thread I started where we did our own takes on Legion of Super Heroes, and I don't *think* I've posted it here. Either way, here goes.

The Legion of Super Heroes is a government program created by the flagging United Planets originally as an ad campaign (or propaganda tool according to those who do not trust the UP)to get young people to join the intergalactic and interplanetary Science Police. However, they surprise themselves when the first few conscripts (the classic trio along with Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid, and a few others) save R.J. Brande (ah, RJ- where is he in this latest incarnation?) from assassins. The Science Police take it from there, but they gain an enthusiastic patron in the young (yes, I want him young this time) gazillionare, who suggests they become a team like the JL of old- he is quite the fan, and has all sorts of gewgaws from that now mythic age. The proto-team smiles nicely and tells him they will think about it, but does not take him too seriously. Most of them aren’t keen on the “superhero” idea and would much rather leave law enforcement to the SP. The original trio finds the idea charming, however, and keeps in touch with him on it. He has the gift of gab and eventually talks these three into costumes (although SG talks him out of the skimpy outfit he designed for her into her original pink and white tights), his prototype flight rings, and the basic idea of the Legion of Super Heroes as we know it. This idea spreads amongst the members from the originals and is either accepted or rejected by individual members of the team with varying degrees of zeal.

The Legion’s rivals/allies are first and foremost the Legion of Substitute Heroes, a group of second and third stringers that aren’t necessarily weak per se as they are those unfortunates who were second and third choices from their planets to be delegates to the UP’s (the ad campaign has a strict one rep per planet policy). They do as much harm as good. They are more eager to involve themselves in acts of derring-do because unlike a vocal minority in the UP’s Legion, they actually DO want to be superheroes, and are unfortunately on Leland McCauley’s payroll (unlike many, I liked the idea behind the Workforce, especially with that evil Evolvo [-Lad]! He was creepy!)

The Science Police is another rival to the Legion, - friendlier to them than the current incarnation, although they do not kowtow to them as much as other versions. They view them as punk kids, saviors of the UP, weirdos, and all things in between, depending on the particular officer. Gigi, Erin, and other famous SPers become something akin to groupies/liasons, and Gim Allon becomes the SP representative to the Legion, despite the fact that he is from Earth.

Their enemies include….

Leland McCauley, who, as usual, seeks to supplant RJ Brande as the richest person in the galaxy. He is more intellectual though less refined and psychologically stable than previous incarnations, and it is rumored that he and Brande were once lovers in the past. His current lover and bodyguard is that reality’s Karate Kid.

The Dark Circle, a group of assassins and mercenaries who have been attempting to kill key figures in intergalactic politics to brew discontent and make a tidy profit. They have made attempts on RJ Brande’s life before, usually at Leland McCauley’s behest. They eventually incorporate more metahumans and superhumanly powerful aliens and make a go of becoming a Dark Legion.

The Fatal Five, which consists of the creepy Legion version of Mano, the Legionnaires(circa issue #2) version of Emerald Empress, the version of Persuader that is psionically bonded to his axe, a Tharok that is at war with himself(machine side versus human side), and Validus (who I do not know much about). Their primary motivations are lust for money and power.

The Khunds of this reality have more in common with the Battletech Crusader Clans of old more than the pseudo-Klingons they were in the 80’s. They refuse to bow to the will of the “soft” United Planets: they were born space-reavers, and will die as such.

Glorith, who schemed and murdered her way to rule her own planet, she also opposes the United Planets, but moreso through politics than force of arms. Her planet is a “neutral zone” – in reality a safe haven for those escaping UP justice, although she will not extend her personal guard to protect, aid or abet known militants should the SP come calling.

Mordru, a revolutionary who uses “magic” (in actuality theoretical mathematical formulae that he can force upon the universe through unknown means) to carve out a benevolent dictatorship on Xerox- the “Sorcerer’s World” pseudonym is forced upon it from without by the ignorant.

Earthgov loyalists, who distrust the UP and their pet Science Police and Legion.

Wow. It just occurred to me that I did not outline my lineup. Yeesh.

The Legion Of Super Heroes

1.Brainiac 5- Colu’s outcast boy genius, what makes him unpalatable to his people this time around is not his intellect, but his emotions: unlike most Coluans, he actually has them. He a mature, serious young man for the most part, but his inability to control his emotions gets him into trouble.

2.Chameleon Boy- Stranger in this incarnation as opposed to the current one because he uses his powers almost unconsciously. I think there was a previous version of him that did that, maybe in the Legionnaires reboot? Either way, he is a prankster along the lines of Morph from the Exiles. He really is not interested in being a hero or anything so pretentious, but his powers are so useful he finds himself pressed into the hypocritical role of scout and front line combatant.

3.Colossal Boy- Not an original member of the Legion, as they already have an earth representative, he joins under the auspices of the Science Police. He adds legitimacy to the Legion once they start taking the idea of heroics more seriously. He is torn between his devotion to the Science Police and his Earthgov political leanings.

4.Cosmic Boy- As one of the big three, Coz is mostly unchanged, save that he is more of a jock than previously shown. Personally, I loved his The Legion incarnation- he used his powers intelligently, like a former magno-ball pro would. He leads the Legion as best he can.

5. Element Lad- Well, he certainly isn’t gay and in love with anyone named Sean this time around. He is still sensitive and artistic, and would prefer to use his powers to create works of (occasionally toxic) art than to hurt anyone.

6. Invisible Kid- The boy genius of the Legion, he attaches himself to Brainiac and- when he isn’t studying him- helps him adjust to his emotions.

7. Lightning Lad- Personality wise, he is between his SW6 self (no jeers, please, he was the perfect example of responsibility of power) and his original self. He loves his powers, and uses them in more scientific ways than his previous incarnations.

8. Andromeda- Yes, I’m going for Laurel instead of Lar. I liked her when I was originally introduced to her in Legionnaires, not the weird white triangle version that was introduced later. She is the most ardent advocate of leaving law enforcement to the SP’s despite her considerable array of powers.

9. Phantom Girl- As she was originally packaged save for the gigantic “P”, she loves the idea of heroics mainly because she does not see herself being injured in the process, which would be hard considering her natural abilities.

10. Saturn Girl- I’ve made the biggest amount of changes to her, and I hope the old guard can forgive me. I want her to be a model. She is sold on the idea of the Legion as a propaganda tool and a stepping-stone in her career, but she is not as stupid or shallow as most people think- she genuinely believes in the UP, SP, and what they stand for, and in the idea of everyone working together towards a common goal. To that end, she becomes the cornerstone of Brande’s idea and of the big 3.

11. Shrinking Violet- Sweet Vi has few changes, except for the fact that she is a close combat expert. I know its cliché, but I love the idea of her as a 3rd dan black belt in judo. While she is ostensibly in Andromeda’s clique regarding heroics, she does enjoy having the opportunity to show off her hand to hand combat abilities- she even attempts to best Triplicate Girl at tri-jutsu.

12. Star Boy- He’s something of a bench player, but man, what a right arm!

13. Lone Wolf- Okay, this is where everyone is going to REALLY hate me- I see him as an android. An honest to goodness android. He still looks the same, but is very open about his artificial nature. The rivalry between him and Ultra Boy develops when Lone Wolf begins to follow him around like a little lost puppy and impersonate him- leading to an identity crisis (no pun intended!).

14.Ultra Boy- Emerald Dragon. That’s right, I want him as Emerald Dragon. I remember him having a pseudo-cool green and black outfit a while back- or was I thinking of someone else? Anyway, I want him in and bad-ass as all get out, serving in the Legion because he’s a pretty face who will definitely get people to enlist in the SP a la Elvis. He loves heroics because they give him the chance to engage in the rough, brutal violence that got him put in prison and Legion (due to an agreement with the parole board) in the first place.

15.Triplicate Girl- Lu is mostly unchanged, although her median personality is strongly attracted to Vi.


Cosmic Boy
Lightning Lad
Saturn Girl
Ultra Boy (Emerald Dragon)
Phantom Girl
Triplicate Girl (extrovert)
Brainiac 5 (when in the right mood)

Element Lad
Shrinking Violet
Colossal Boy (usually)
Triplicate Girl (introverted)

Legion of Substitute Heroes
1.Bouncing Boy- One of my favorite heroes, and as close to a leader as the Subs are going to get when Karate Kid isn’t around (see Leland McCauley). He is a master of tactics, although he occasionally needs someone to give him a shove in order to use his powers effectively.

2.Calamity King- Here as just plain old Calamity, he does his best to be a hard-case bad-boy, but is avoided by most other members of the team- he breaks Kid Quantum’s belt and a few of Computo’s drones simultaneously by accident.

3. Chlorophyll Kid- Something of a conservationist, his powers aren’t very useful on tech-heavy planets (like a good 70% of the planets in the UP).

4.Color Kid – Chlorophyll Kid’s partner-in-uselessness, he really comes into his own when he starts to alter levels of brightness instead of simply hues, and blinds a group of terrorists by turning the insides of their visors to arctic white.

5.Dream Girl- I loved her on the cover of Legionnaires, although I know that’s sacrilege to some. Anyway, her powers here work like they did originally (to my knowledge anyway)- she mumbles the truth only when she is fast asleep and people are close enough to hear. She usually remembers her dreams and is able to act on her precognition, but has been known to misinterpret dreams.

6. Lightning Lass- Or Live Wire or what have you- Garth’s twin sister both inspired by his example and in protest over Legion policies.

7. Inferno/Sun Boy- The Subs bad @$$, he makes it a point to flirt with Ayla in front of Garth, leading to the first-ever rumble between the Legion and the Subs.

8. Kid Psycho- The sub’s psionic, he is often the voice of reason booming through all of their heads because he lacks control over his telepathy.

9. Matter-Eater Lad- Another one of my favorites, he is Bouncing Boy’s go-to guy, and also their close-combat expert (again, when Karate Kid isn’t around).

10. Spider Girl- Pakka is here and more of a vamp than ever before, working with Dreamy to keep the men on something other than their toes.

11. Computo- A double agent, Computo actually works for Earthgov’s HomeSec Special Forces(see below)

12. Kid Quantum- Leland McCauley’s ace in the hole (all together now) when Karate Kid isn’t around, his belt was manufactured by McCauley Industries.

13. Infectious Lass- Just as shy as Vi or Lu’s left hand, but utterly incompetent when it comes to physical combat (not that it matters).

Earthgov’s HomeSec Team 6

1.Catspaw- I never liked the fact that this Pantha/Feral/Thornn hybrid wasn’t developed further, but never mind that. Here she is one of Earthgov’s many mercenary malcontents. She has a history with Colossal Boy.

2.Dragonmage- Another one of my underdeveloped favorites, he is the team’s fire support and powerhouse.

3 Gear- An infiltration specialist, Gear can control all parts of his mechanical body.

4. Evolvo Lad- The team leader and a frighteningly powerful telepath along with his computer like intelligence in his highly evolved form, he devolves to his ape-like form only in dire emergencies.

5. Ferro Lad- The team’s bruiser, Ferro here is stuck in his iron form.

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:
a Tharok that is at war with himself(machine side versus human side), and Validus (who I do not know much about).

I used the Fatal Five for a fanfic, and, not being a fan of the Validus as Garridan Ranzz option, I reworked it so that he was a clone of Tharok, grown to incredible size, and sparked into consciousness by using neural tissue he'd seized from dozens of telepaths he'd victimized. Tharok's 'human half' was visibly a smaller and more gracile looking version of Validus (three fingers and toes on his non-mechanical feet, small fangs, large bald forehead.

In the story, Tharok had planned on kidnapping Imra and using her way-above-average telepathy to bring his monster to life, but her teammates foiled that scheme and he instead finished it off by luring the team into an encounter where her telepathic scans ended up kickstarting the creature. Tharok was kind of hoping for an insanely tough creature, with Saturn Girl level telepathy, but ended up with an insanely tough creature with out of control mental blast powers and limited intellect. (He had even considered tranferring his mind into such a creature, but after it's disappointing 'test-run,' decided not to bother.)

By making Validus both a creation of Tharok, and specifically connected / attuned to Imra, I kind of turned Validus into a synthesis of Frankenstein's Monster ('my creation!') and King Kong (inexplicably drawn to the pretty blonde lady).

As for Color Kid and his 'uselessness,' he's definitely a one-trick pony. Making everyone's corneas turn opaque is just one handy stunt. Faced against a Kryptonian or Daxamite, he could shut them down by turning the ambient yellow sunlight red. That might be one reason why Geoff Johns wrote him out of the 'Action Legion' subs and replaced him with Rainbow Girl, because he's a *Sub* who could shut Superboy Prime down with contemptuous ease (although it's possible that Chlorophyll Kid could, too, if he took a page from Swamp Things book and had Prime's Kryptonian gut-flora sprout through him and tear him apart from within! It's silly impossible 'comic-book science' (like affecting the iron in someone's blood magnetically) but the Swamp Thing has already established that it's do-able in the DC Universe!)).

Set, I really like your origin of Validus. Much better than the real deal. Freehold DM...need time to digest your post. Response, coming soon.

In case the word isn't out yet....

Legion comes to Smallvile

Another link but scroll down a bit to the article

In case your still not convinced

Blurbs from Web sites
“Legion” is scheduled to air on Nov. 27 on The CW.

Actress Alexz Johnson has been cast in the role of Saturn Girl for the up-coming "Legion" episode of Smallville. Legion", written by Superman comic writer Geoff Johns, is expected to air on November 27th in the U.S.

Meet Saturn Girl.

A really big picture of the actress.

Dark Archive

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Set, I really like your origin of Validus. Much better than the real deal.


I like to borrow from the best ideas I see in the comics (and the Legion is alternately blessed or cursed with a lot of different 'versions' I can pillage from), so making Validus connected to Imra in some way, through the agency of the 'Dark Man' Tharok, allowed me to suggest the whole Darkseid/Garridan Ranzz thing without actually using it (since neither worked in my story). Sort of an easter egg for the reader.

Making Validus and Tharok more connected also helped to justify why Tharok always seemed to be in control of him anyway, when Validus clearly has temper issues and is more powerful than Tharok by an order of magnitude...

My version of Validus was a mutated alien who had a serious brain chemistry issue, rectified only by eating the brains of other sentient beings. The brains of telepaths are particularly delectable/potent, so he seeks out their minds above all. I guess Tharok would be the closest to him because he really doesn't have much of a brain to lose, being half-machine- and Validus would consider his brain-stuff unpalatable at the very least. He communicates through grunts and screams as always, but those encountering him on the mental plane find him to be an incredibly erudite and machiavellian foe, almost pitable because he can only channel this side of himself on the physical plane when he has truly gorged himself on the brains of telepaths (and of course, not for very long).

Eileen! I just found out my weekend's going to suck- I need your input on my Legion! Set's too. And Valegrim. Maybe.

Freehold DM wrote:

My version of Validus was a mutated alien who had a serious brain chemistry issue, rectified only by eating the brains of other sentient beings. The brains of telepaths are particularly delectable/potent, so he seeks out their minds above all. I guess Tharok would be the closest to him because he really doesn't have much of a brain to lose, being half-machine- and Validus would consider his brain-stuff unpalatable at the very least. He communicates through grunts and screams as always, but those encountering him on the mental plane find him to be an incredibly erudite and machiavellian foe, almost pitable because he can only channel this side of himself on the physical plane when he has truly gorged himself on the brains of telepaths (and of course, not for very long).

Eileen! I just found out my weekend's going to suck- I need your input on my Legion! Set's too. And Valegrim. Maybe.

Right now I'm printing out the combat chapter (what's done so far), along with some other stuff. I'll post back in a bit with my input then go back to priting. I think (for the 18th time) we are actually going to play test what I have done so far tomorrow.

Combat chapter about 16 pages. Opening chapter (traits and general how to use the system rules about 13 pages so far, Areas of Expertise about 6 pages so far, Powers about 6 pages of how they work and not much done on specific power entries; character improvement about 8 pages. Introducation about 3 pages, and Universal Combat chart about 2 pages.

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Beware: The world's Longest Legion Post, because Freehold DM demanded it! So really, it's all his fault. I would have emailed it but I couldn't get a hold of him. Sorry! I wonder if Paizo will charge me for using up to much space?

In order to make up for my grevious lack of LOSH updates, I've decided to post something I did at the DC Comics site ages ago. It was from a thread I started where we did our own takes on Legion of Super Heroes, and I don't *think* I've posted it here. Either way, here goes.

Well I don’t know why your weekend is going to suck or how my input will help, but here you go.

The Legion of Super Heroes is a government program created by the flagging United Planets originally as an ad campaign (or propaganda tool according to those who do not trust the UP)to get young people to join the intergalactic and interplanetary Science Police. However, they surprise themselves when the first few conscripts (the classic trio along with Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid, and a few others) save R.J. Brande (ah, RJ- where is he in this latest incarnation?) from assassins. The Science Police take it from there, but they gain an enthusiastic patron in the young (yes, I want him young this time) gazillionare, who suggests they become a team like the JL of old- he is quite the fan, and has all sorts of gewgaws from that now mythic age. The proto-team smiles nicely and tells him they will think about it, but does not take him too seriously. Most of them aren’t keen on the “superhero” idea and would much rather leave law enforcement to the SP. The original trio finds the idea charming, however, and keeps in touch with him on it. He has the gift of gab and eventually talks these three into costumes (although SG talks him out of the skimpy outfit he designed for her into her original pink and white tights), his prototype flight rings, and the basic idea of the Legion of Super Heroes as we know it. This idea spreads amongst the members from the originals and is either accepted or rejected by individual members of the team with varying degrees of zeal.

Ok, as a variant, the idea of being UP sponsored is good. I don’t really know what your intentions are as far as a relationship with the UP, but personally I like some “at odd’s” and some “we work together”. This diversity is how I’ll be portraying them. Some politicians and Science Police like the Legion, others don’t. How much influence it affects storylines is dependent upon the amount of power or responsibility the UP or SP member has. Also, I would consider the Legion members perhaps having mixed views as well. Some might be more likely to want to help and work worth these organizations, while others might be less than thrilled but do it because they have to. This adds personality depths as well.

Personally, I prefer R.J. Brande as an older man but not anywhere near death. The primary reason I prefer this is because I think the characters need a “Father figure”. Not only is it cool that they show respect for someone considerably older, but after all these years, I think R.J. Brande would want to “Give Back” to the world that treated him so well. I see him as sort of a guy who wants to complete his life and wants to be remembered for more than his wealth. He’s someone who looks back on his life and says “What have I done that really made a difference? What can I still do that will make this a better universe than I had?”

I like the idea of some people who were invited to join to be less than “thrilled” at the thought of it. They kind of humor Brande and then walk away, thinking “Right….Yea, Whatever!” Others take him quite seriously. Thus the founding members who stick close together. Personally, I always loved Saturn Girl’s pink bikini, but that’s just me. The white and red is more practical and she may not want to be treated as “eye candy” so I think that is a good move. I’d maybe opt to have the boy’s be all for it though. By refusing, she puts them in their place and says “You will take me seriously”.

I like the idea of some teens joining but not fully “getting the Legion thing” and thus they discover they aren’t cut out for it, while others truly embrace it.The idea of flight rings, the general Legion code, all a must.

I would think that in the 31st century, people would easily live longer, not to mention specie differences in age progression. For my personal game I thought about this and decided that I would take the following approach….this gets a bit off topic…sorry!

Most sentient beings have a fairly common life span (exceptions occurring of coarse). About 200 years ago, science discovered ways to increase life expectancy considerably. The scientific process involved does not work with all species, but does with most. At adolescence, early to mid teens were given a drug or exposed to some advanced rays of some kind which control the aging process. In order to work, the recipient must be at an age where their body is going through physical, emotional, and mental changes and not yet leveled out as an adult. If it is performed to early in the life span, the effects don’t work or worse.

Through the ages of say 14-30, the person ages considerably slower, thus extending their life expectancy while in their prime. Physically, every 5 solar earth years that pass allows the person to age (physically) 1 year. The ages would be recorded as such.. Age 15.4.8 (the first number is the age they appear, the second number is the number of years actually added, and the third number is the amount of months they are through their next yearly progression. In actuality, this person would be 19 years and 8 months old. Once a person peaks out, the begin aging normally.

The reason I wanted to do this is to help explain how and why the Legionnaires start out as kids, comics extend for 50 years and they are just now growing up. I wanted to use a real calendar for game time. Plus, in the comics the Legionnaires often refer to themselves as “that was several years ago” yet DC hasn’t found a way to fix the obvious age discrepancy. In addition, it allows some explanation of how these “teens” are so accomplished at what they do in battling villains, knowing things, etc.

I know this is offbeat but the reason I mentioned it is because I thought the general concept might serve some use for you in your fiction and making some sense of the comics timeline.

The Legion’s rivals/allies are first and foremost the Legion of Substitute Heroes, a group of second and third stringers that aren’t necessarily weak per se as they are those unfortunates who were second and third choices from their planets to be delegates to the UP’s (the ad campaign has a strict one rep per planet policy). They do as much harm as good. They are more eager to involve themselves in acts of derring-do because unlike a vocal minority in the UP’s Legion, they actually DO want to be superheroes, and are unfortunately on Leland McCauley’s payroll (unlike many, I liked the idea behind the Workforce, especially with that evil Evolvo [-Lad]! He was creepy!)

I like the idea of initially treating the Substitute Legion as a mixed bag of those who couldn’t make the team but still fully support it, and those who didn’t make the team and secretly hide their resentment. I’d make the weaker members (generally speaking) the ones who eventually stand by the Legion, still hoping to eventually make the grade. I’d make the more powerful ones (generally speaking) as those who have secret ambitions which are less than ethical. Eventually, these more powerful individuals break off from their weaker counterparts and form what they feel is a more effective team (again less ethical as well). This places the two Sub teams at odds with one another as well as with the Legion. Leland McCauley I see being a major pusher in this splinter group forming.

The Science Police is another rival to the Legion, - friendlier to them than the current incarnation, although they do not kowtow to them as much as other versions. They view them as punk kids, saviors of the UP, weirdos, and all things in between, depending on the particular officer. Gigi, Erin, and other famous SPers become something akin to groupies/liasons, and Gim Allon becomes the SP representative to the Legion, despite the fact that he is from Earth.

Yep, keep this as is. It’s the approach I’m taking as well for the game.

Their enemies include….

Leland McCauley, who, as usual, seeks to supplant RJ Brande as the richest person in the galaxy. He is more intellectual though less refined and psychologically stable than previous incarnations, and it is rumored that he and Brande were once lovers in the past. His current lover and bodyguard is that reality’s Karate Kid.

Wow! Big variant for me. I really don’t know much about Leland McCauley at all or their sex lives. I’m good with being intellectual and less refined, I think he is better off being a bit “off his rocker” but just good at hiding it and being manipulative. Brande is better at being nice and the real deal. McCauley has to hide his true nature to succeed, but he’s very good at it. As for the Karate Kid bodyguard/lover idea…I’m not sure what Karate Kid you’re talking about. Are you talking about Legionnaire Val Armorr…who has been tied to Projectra or another Karate Kid (an evil one). I hate to see Val changed that much.

The Dark Circle, a group of assassins and mercenaries who have been attempting to kill key figures in intergalactic politics to brew discontent and make a tidy profit. They have made attempts on RJ Brande’s life before, usually at Leland McCauley’s behest. They eventually incorporate more metahumans and superhumanly powerful aliens and make a go of becoming a Dark Legion.

Yep, very good. Keep it as is.

The Fatal Five, which consists of the creepy Legion version of Mano, the Legionnaires(circa issue #2) version of Emerald Empress, the version of Persuader that is psionically bonded to his axe, a Tharok that is at war with himself(machine side versus human side), and Validus (who I do not know much about). Their primary motivations are lust for money and power.

The only Fatal Five version I know is the original (still haven’t read the reboot and everything in between) so it’s hard to comment. I like the idea of Persuader being psionically attached to his axe (can I borrow that?) as far as I know, the DC version doesn’t have any such link. I think that it is a great addition to the character and helpful from a writing and gaming point of view. Tharok should be at war with himself given each side wants to dominate the other. This needs to be controllable though or he won’t get much done, especially if he’s inventing things, scheming, and running the Fatal Five show. I really liked Set’s idea for Validus’ origin. I read yours as well and use it because it was your idea and you like it. The DC version honestly, sucked! I think the Fatal Five needs more motivation. Lust for money and power are a good starting point, but I think the characters need to develop more of a strong bond and it takes more than money and power to achieve that. I see them as individuals willing to risk their lives for one another despite their internal bickering. I’d up the ante for them but develop it through your writing. I’m not sure what their goal could be, but it should be something that everyone fears and that will take a very long time to achieve.

The Khunds of this reality have more in common with the Battletech Crusader Clans of old more than the pseudo-Klingons they were in the 80’s. They refuse to bow to the will of the “soft” United Planets: they were born space-reavers, and will die as such.

The Khunds should be the organized evil space war mongers. Violence is their first and foremost approach to handling things. I’m not sure what you mean by pseudo Kingons or Battletech Crusader Clans of old though. I’m thinking you’ve read a lot more stories with Khunds appearing.

Glorith, who schemed and murdered her way to rule her own planet, she also opposes the United Planets, but moreso through politics than force of arms. Her planet is a “neutral zone” – in reality a safe haven for those escaping UP justice, although she will not extend her personal guard to protect, aid or abet known militants should the SP come calling.

I haven’t read about this character, I don’t know who they are. Sorry!

Mordru, a revolutionary who uses “magic” (in actuality theoretical mathematical formulae that he can force upon the universe through unknown means) to carve out a benevolent dictatorship on Xerox- the “Sorcerer’s World” pseudonym is forced upon it from without by the ignorant.

I like the idea of mixing magic and science together for the “magic” explanation of Legion. It fits in a lot better with the 31st century science idea as well. May I borrow it?

Earthgov loyalists, who distrust the UP and their pet Science Police and Legion.

I can see earth having it’s hardcore liners who don’t want other world influence. If this is what you have in mind I like that as well. Will they be very politically active? Underground?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
Wow. It just occurred to me that I did not outline my lineup. Yeesh.
The Legion Of Super Heroes

1.Brainiac 5- Colu’s outcast boy genius, what makes him unpalatable to his people this time around is not his intellect, but his emotions: unlike most Coluans, he actually has them. He a mature, serious young man for the most part, but his inability to control his emotions gets him into trouble.

I like the idea, but I think I would measure Colu emotion as absolute zero, and though Brainac 5 shows too much emotion for his home race, the rest of the Legion wonders how he can be so cold. In other words the Colu’s are that far removed. I can see him getting very frustrated and angry when he doesn’t get his way because he is smarter than everyone else and they are to stupid to “get it”. I can see outbursts here as well. Also rejection from his home planet has to hurt and so he hides that as well. Someone in the Legion should pick up on this though and show empathy towards him. Whether he accepts it or not is dependent upon whom you pick and what kind of stories you tell.

2.Chameleon Boy- Stranger in this incarnation as opposed to the current one because he uses his powers almost unconsciously. I think there was a previous version of him that did that, maybe in the Legionnaires reboot? Either way, he is a prankster along the lines of Morph from the Exiles. He really is not interested in being a hero or anything so pretentious, but his powers are so useful he finds himself pressed into the hypocritical role of scout and front line combatant.

I was never a fan of the humorous Chameleon Boy. I want to take him and Bouncing Boy as serious as possible. I can see others being suspicious and distrusting of him because of his specie reputation (much like telepaths). I like the idea that he wants to get over the prejudice people out there, as a result, he’s got something to prove.

3.Colossal Boy- Not an original member of the Legion, as they already have an earth representative, he joins under the auspices of the Science Police. He adds legitimacy to the Legion once they start taking the idea of heroics more seriously. He is torn between his devotion to the Science Police and his Earthgov political leanings.

Not a bad idea. I like the concept of him being torn between the Legion and the Science Police. I’d make him a Mommy’s Boy and give her a lot of influence over him. There must be a reason why he thinks the Science Police are cooler than the Legion.

4.Cosmic Boy- As one of the big three, Coz is mostly unchanged, save that he is more of a jock than previously shown. Personally, I loved his The Legion incarnation- he used his powers intelligently, like a former magno-ball pro would. He leads the Legion as best he can.

Yep, only I’d up the ante on his leadership skills. Perhaps not so much of a diplomat or deep thinker but more of a man who can call the right things at the right time; a leader of action. He should be the top jock of the team. Absolutely ripped, abs to die for, a bit of a chick magnet except that he’s to serious and easily brushes the ladies off.

5. Element Lad- Well, he certainly isn’t gay and in love with anyone named Sean this time around. He is still sensitive and artistic, and would prefer to use his powers to create works of (occasionally toxic) art than to hurt anyone.

Sounds good. I never really felt this character got developed in the old Legion. I haven’t read about the gayness in the comics yet but have known about it via the internet.

6. Invisible Kid- The boy genius of the Legion, he attaches himself to Brainiac and- when he isn’t studying him- helps him adjust to his emotions.

Yea, I like this. He needs to be more intellectual but remain casual at the same time. I see him as having friends in a lot of circles, partly because he doesn’t talk down to others or brag about his intellectual achievements. Brainiac 5 can take the rap for being that way.

7. Lightning Lad- Personality wise, he is between his SW6 self (no jeers, please, he was the perfect example of responsibility of power) and his original self. He loves his powers, and uses them in more scientific ways than his previous incarnations.

I’m not familiar with the SW6 version (what does SW6 stand for anyway?) I see him as devoted to Imra, knows he’s the third member (Ouch that hurts from his point of view and thus sometimes feels like a third wheel in the competency department. He isn’t incompetent in any way what-so-ever, it’s just the way he see’s himself, as a result he want to prove himself more than the other two founding members. He doesn’t have Imra’s brain or Rock’s celebrity and overall athlete and leadership capabilities so given the power he has, I see him as compensating for what the other two don’t have…being a harder, little more grim hitter. He takes a backseat when the other two are around but considers himself top dog when he’s around the rest of the Legion.

8. Andromeda- Yes, I’m going for Laurel instead of Lar. I liked her when I was originally introduced to her in Legionnaires, not the weird white triangle version that was introduced later. She is the most ardent advocate of leaving law enforcement to the SP’s despite her considerable array of powers.

Sorry, haven’t read that far yet. Don’t know anything about her.

9. Phantom Girl- As she was originally packaged save for the gigantic “P”, she loves the idea of heroics mainly because she does not see herself being injured in the process, which would be hard considering her natural abilities.

Yes, sounds good, but I favor the second costume by far. I think she is the romantic at heart Legionnaire. Emotionally soft and always looking for love for herself and others. In the 60’s and 70’s she cried a lot as compared to the others. Cried out of love, tragedy, never out of fear.

10. Saturn Girl- I’ve made the biggest amount of changes to her, and I hope the old guard can forgive me. I want her to be a model. She is sold on the idea of the Legion as a propaganda tool and a stepping-stone in her career, but she is not as stupid or shallow as most people think- she genuinely believes in the UP, SP, and what they stand for, and in the idea of everyone working together towards a common goal. To that end, she becomes the cornerstone of Brande’s idea and of the big 3.

I can see others wanting her to be the model, but with her intelligence I think she would be opposed to it. If your going to go that route though I’d go back to a sexier costume. Being a model and being all covered up don’t mesh for me.

11. Shrinking Violet- Sweet Vi has few changes, except for the fact that she is a close combat expert. I know its cliché, but I love the idea of her as a 3rd dan black belt in judo. While she is ostensibly in Andromeda’s clique regarding heroics, she does enjoy having the opportunity to show off her hand to hand combat abilities- she even attempts to best Triplicate Girl at tri-jutsu.

I like this. The old Vi of Adventure comics was to frail. The 70’s version with Mike Grell was stunningly gorgeous but still not action oriented. The current version is good (the best?) but I like the long hair. Depending upon the level of aggression you give her in combat, it might carry over to other areas as well. Is she emotionally aggressive or repressive? I go for repressive. A girl who has it, but doesn’t realize how pretty she is and often doesn’t get it that guys are interested in her.

12. Star Boy- He’s something of a bench player, but man, what a right arm!

I always thought he was a second string character the way it was. I never could figure out why Nura went after him. He was never particularly attractive and he was so boring. This guy needs a make-over.

13. Lone Wolf- Okay, this is where everyone is going to REALLY hate me- I see him as an android. An honest to goodness android. He still looks the same, but is very open about his artificial nature. The rivalry between him and Ultra Boy develops when Lone Wolf begins to follow him around like a little lost puppy and impersonate him- leading to an identity crisis (no pun intended!).

Ok. I know he first thought he was an android when he was introduced, but I always went….”ok, whatever, time to move on”. If you like it keep it, there your stories. I like the overly aggressive, sometimes loses control version, even a bit arrogant. I also like his mid 70’s look best.

14.Ultra Boy- Emerald Dragon. That’s right, I want him as Emerald Dragon. I remember him having a pseudo-cool green and black outfit a while back- or was I thinking of someone else? Anyway, I want him in and bad-ass as all get out, serving in the Legion because he’s a pretty face who will definitely get people to enlist in the SP a la Elvis. He loves heroics because they give him the chance to engage in the rough, brutal violence that got him put in prison and Legion (due to an agreement with the parole board) in the first place.

I have heard of the Emerald Dragon name but not read the comics yet. Otherwise I like it. He’s better off being a rough and tough bully of the Legion even if he comes across as a jerk. Phantom Girl could do a lot better but seems to like the attention he gives her, though when he is a bully she straightens him out fast. I never saw this version of Ultra Boy taking her real seriously though. He’s a jerk and a user, and the Legion needs someone without as much of a conscience. PG is just caught in the middle. She’s in love with being in love. That’s what binds her with him and allows her to not see his faults. By the way, he’s not faithful but she is.

15.Triplicate Girl- Lu is mostly unchanged, although her median personality is strongly attracted to Vi.

I’m ok with this. I prefer her as not being the most confident person in the world and her, Ayla, and Vi, I could see any or all of them eventually preferring girls. She should be kick butt with her Hand-to-Hand combat though, otherwise an introvert, shy and quiet. I’d come up with a reason why she’s so positive in combat and less in other ways to avoid a clash in personality.

Cosmic Boy
Lightning Lad
Saturn Girl
Ultra Boy (Emerald Dragon)
Phantom Girl
Triplicate Girl (extrovert)
Brainiac 5 (when in the right mood)
Element Lad
Shrinking Violet
Colossal Boy (usually)
Triplicate Girl (introverted)

I like your clicks but I’d break them down more by who hangs out with who, like in High School. Everyone tolerates each other but not everyone fits in together.

Legion of Substitute Heroes

1.Bouncing Boy- One of my favorite heroes, and as close to a leader as the Subs are going to get when Karate Kid isn’t around (see Leland McCauley). He is a master of tactics, although he occasionally needs someone to give him a shove in order to use his powers effectively.

I’d make him a master pilot as well. He’s under rated, I’m not talking about his power but his personality potential. This is where he needs to shine.

2.Calamity King- Here as just plain old Calamity, he does his best to be a hard-case bad-boy, but is avoided by most other members of the team- he breaks Kid Quantum’s belt and a few of Computo’s drones simultaneously by accident.

Don’t know the character sorry!

3. Chlorophyll Kid- Something of a conservationist, his powers aren’t very useful on tech-heavy planets (like a good 70% of the planets in the UP).

Add speak with plants ability? I don’t know, maybe bad idea. Conservationist is good. Hard to see him not caring about flora.

4.Color Kid – Chlorophyll Kid’s partner-in-uselessness, he really comes into his own when he starts to alter levels of brightness instead of simply hues, and blinds a group of terrorists by turning the insides of their visors to arctic white.

This guy takes some thought to use effectively but it could be done. Needs new clothes. My daughter call him Rainbow Boy. Now if that isn’t an insult I don’t know what is!

5.Dream Girl- I loved her on the cover of Legionnaires, although I know that’s sacrilege to some. Anyway, her powers here work like they did originally (to my knowledge anyway)- she mumbles the truth only when she is fast asleep and people are close enough to hear. She usually remembers her dreams and is able to act on her precognition, but has been known to misinterpret dreams.

NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a sub. The Legion needs a flirt and sex honey. Misinterpretation is good and it’s what I’ll be doing as well. She needs to receive her visions in small bites and then share them with others. This allows interaction between her and other characters, it allows others to get paranoid when she tells them something that is going to happen, and its easy for everyone to get the wrong idea about what will happen.

6. Lightning Lass- Or Live Wire or what have you- Garth’s twin sister both inspired by his example and in protest over Legion policies.

I’m better with this change. I actually think I like it better. Perhaps some jealousy has arisen and Mekt want to exploit it.

7. Inferno/Sun Boy- The Subs bad @$$, he makes it a point to flirt with Ayla in front of Garth, leading to the first-ever rumble between the Legion and the Subs.

How come you didn’t want Sun Boy in the Legion? He’s pretty powerful overall, I just think the writers didn’t use him to the extreme they could. I talked to Sunboy about this and he is really hurt by not making the team!

8. Kid Psycho- The sub’s psionic, he is often the voice of reason booming through all of their heads because he lacks control over his telepathy.

Good! I think he would get on everyone’s nerves though.

9. Matter-Eater Lad- Another one of my favorites, he is Bouncing Boy’s go-to guy, and also their close-combat expert (again, when Karate Kid isn’t around).

In all honesty, he really is better off in the Subs, always was, same with Bouncing Boy. I’d go with low self esteem.

10. Spider Girl- Pakka is here and more of a vamp than ever before, working with Dreamy to keep the men on something other than their toes.

Not sure who you’re talking about here? The girl from the Legion of Super-Villains? If so I think she should be a *itch.

11. Computo- A double agent, Computo actually works for Earthgov’s HomeSec Special Forces(see below)

Works for me!

12. Kid Quantum- Leland McCauley’s ace in the hole (all together now) when Karate Kid isn’t around, his belt was manufactured by McCauley Industries.

Don’t know the character as I haven’t read the comics yet. Heard of the name though.

13. Infectious Lass- Just as shy as Vi or Lu’s left hand, but utterly incompetent when it comes to physical combat (not that it matters).

I noticed on the internet that she seems to have a bit of a cult following for being a hottie. I’d maybe sex her up a couple of notches, though she would probably be the girl that everyone wants but can’t get close enough to. Frustrating for her as well. Wants a relationship both physical and emotional but the boys all look but can’t touch.

Earthgov’s HomeSec Team 6

Never heard of these guys. Sorry!

1.Catspaw- I never liked the fact that this Pantha/Feral/Thornn hybrid wasn’t developed further, but never mind that. Here she is one of Earthgov’s many mercenary malcontents. She has a history with Colossal Boy.

Again, seen the character, haven’t read the stories yet though.

2.Dragonmage- Another one of my underdeveloped favorites, he is the team’s fire support and powerhouse.

Heard the name, don’t know anything about them.

3 Gear- An infiltration specialist, Gear can control all parts of his mechanical body.

Never heard of them.

4. Evolvo Lad- The team leader and a frighteningly powerful telepath along with his computer like intelligence in his highly evolved form, he devolves to his ape-like form only in dire emergencies.

I’d give him some health problems as well.

5. Ferro Lad- The team’s bruiser, Ferro here is stuck in his iron form.

Our friendship is over! Ferro Lad was always one of my favorites. The Legion needs his dramatic death as a symbol of what being a hero really means. I also like his "can turn to iron form" Sorry!

No Superboy? Supergirl? Shadow Lass, Chemical King, Mon-el? Sniff sniff…..Mon-el always bored me, but the other two will always be core Legion for me.

Hope this helped. Please take any differences of opinion lightly though. I wanted to give you my real thoughts rather than just saying “Sounds Good”. I really did like a lot of it though! Excellent read. Thanks for posting!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Beware: The world's Longest Legion Post, because Freehold DM demanded it!

Because I demanded it...yes...I like the sound of that. This one will be longer, I'm sure.

Ok, as a variant, the idea of being UP sponsored is good. I don’t really know what your intentions are as far as a relationship with the UP, but personally I like some “at odd’s” and some “we work together”. This diversity is how I’ll be portraying them. Some politicians and Science Police like the Legion, others don’t. How much influence it affects storylines is dependent upon the amount of power or responsibility the UP or SP member has. Also, I would consider the Legion members perhaps having mixed views as well. Some might be more likely to want to help and work worth these organizations, while others might be less than thrilled but do it because they have to. This adds personality depths as well.

Well, the intention with the UP at first is that of a sponsor to the actors and models they hire- which is to say, none at all outside of a paycheck. It isn't until they win a few engagements with the Dark Circle and the Fatal Five that the UP "deputizes" them under the auspices of auxiliaries to the SP.

Personally, I prefer R.J. Brande as an older man but not anywhere near death. The primary reason I prefer this is because I think the characters need a “Father figure”. Not only is it cool that they show respect for someone considerably older, but after all these years, I think R.J. Brande would want to “Give Back” to the world that treated him so well. I see him as sort of a guy who wants to complete his life and wants to be remembered for more than his wealth. He’s someone who looks back on his life and says “What have I done that really made a difference? What can I still do that will make this a better universe than I had?”

I know this is a rather unpopular view, but RJ Brande always seemed like something of a pedophile to me. I just wanted to see him younger because of the current story arc- what would RJ Brande be like if he started the Legion as a young man, as opposed to an older one. I never cared for him being on death's door in any case, and I like your VERY noble RJ Brande.

I like the idea of some people who were invited to join to be less than “thrilled” at the thought of it. They kind of humor Brande and then walk away, thinking “Right….Yea, Whatever!” Others take him quite seriously. Thus the founding members who stick close together. Personally, I always loved Saturn Girl’s pink bikini, but that’s just me. The white and red is more practical and she may not want to be treated as “eye candy” so I think that is a good move. I’d maybe opt to have the boy’s be all for it though. By refusing, she puts them in their place and says “You will take me seriously”.

I like the idea of some teens joining but not fully “getting the Legion thing” and thus they discover they aren’t cut out for it, while others truly embrace it.The idea of flight rings, the general Legion code, all a must.

I'm REALLY glad you like this part. I always had trouble with a batty old man saying he will pay cash money for kids to get dressed up in tight outfits and fight crime for him and the kids just going along with it.

I would think that in the 31st century, people would easily live longer, not to mention specie differences in age progression. For my personal game I thought about this and decided that I would take the following approach….this gets a bit off topic…sorry!

Most sentient beings have a fairly common life span (exceptions occurring of coarse). About 200 years ago, science discovered ways to increase life expectancy considerably. The scientific process involved does not work with all species, but does with most. At adolescence, early to mid teens were given a drug or exposed to some advanced rays of some kind which control the aging process. In order to work, the recipient must be at an age where their body is going through physical, emotional, and mental changes and not yet leveled out as an adult. If it is performed to early in the life span, the effects don’t work or worse.

Through the ages of say 14-30, the person ages considerably slower, thus extending their life expectancy while in their prime. Physically, every 5 solar earth years that pass allows the person to age (physically) 1 year. The ages would be recorded as such.. Age 15.4.8 (the first number is the age they appear, the second number is the number of years actually added, and the third number is the amount of months they are through their next yearly progression. In actuality, this person would be 19 years and 8 months old. Once a person peaks out, the begin aging normally.

The reason I wanted to do this is to help explain how and why the Legionnaires start out as kids, comics extend for 50 years and they are just now growing up. I wanted to use a real calendar for game time. Plus, in the comics the Legionnaires often refer to themselves as “that was several years ago” yet DC hasn’t found a way to fix the obvious age discrepancy. In addition, it allows some explanation of how these “teens” are so accomplished at what they do in battling villains, knowing things, etc.

I know this is offbeat but the reason I mentioned it is because I thought the general concept might serve some use for you in your fiction and making some sense of the comics timeline.

I like this because it reminds me very much of Mechwarrior: Dark Ages take on aging- by that time in human history, there are cures for the vast majority of diseases(although breast cancer and many other cancers remain a problem for genetic reasons), and as a result people live in the prime of life much longer, and although aging is normal, people dying on the job at 104+ years of age is a part of everyday life.

I like the idea of initially treating the Substitute Legion as a mixed bag of those who couldn’t make the team but still fully support it, and those who didn’t make the team and secretly hide their resentment. I’d make the weaker members (generally speaking) the ones who eventually stand by the Legion, still hoping to eventually make the grade. I’d make the more powerful ones (generally speaking) as those who have secret ambitions which are less than ethical. Eventually, these more powerful individuals break off from their weaker counterparts and form what they feel is a more effective team (again less ethical as well). This places the two Sub teams at odds with one another as well as with the Legion. Leland McCauley I see being a major pusher in this splinter group forming.

I don't know about the split between the Leland Loyalists and those who genuinely want to be heroes being along the lines of raw power...but there WILL be a split. Who will be on what side? Well, for that you'll just have to read on...

The Science Police is another rival to the Legion, - friendlier to them than the current incarnation, although they do not kowtow to them as much as other versions. They view them as punk kids, saviors of the UP, weirdos, and all things in between, depending on the particular officer. Gigi, Erin, and other famous SPers become something akin to groupies/liasons, and Gim Allon becomes the SP representative to the Legion, despite the fact that he is from Earth.

Yep, keep this as is. It’s the approach I’m taking as well for the game.

Once again, I'm really glad you like this.

Their enemies include….

Leland McCauley, who, as usual, seeks to supplant RJ Brande as the richest person in the galaxy. He is more intellectual though less refined and psychologically stable than previous incarnations, and it is rumored that he and Brande were once lovers in the past. His current lover and bodyguard is that reality’s Karate Kid.

Wow! Big variant for me. I really don’t know much about Leland McCauley at all or their sex lives. I’m good with being intellectual and less refined, I think he is better off being a bit “off his rocker” but just good at hiding it and being manipulative. Brande is better at being nice and the real deal. McCauley has to hide his true nature to succeed, but he’s very good at it. As for the Karate Kid bodyguard/lover idea…I’m not sure what Karate Kid you’re talking about. Are you talking about Legionnaire Val Armorr…who has been tied to Projectra or another Karate Kid (an evil one). I hate to see Val changed that much.

Actually yes, I was thinking about Val Armorr being his lover...a mixture of something I learned about while studying some of the more amorous relations between Shaolin monks and their students a few years ago and because hey, it's the 31st century- I'm sure people are more in touch with their sexuality than in the 21st century. Still, I understand that it may be a bit much for some people to swallow- perhaps I'll change him into an alternate Karate Kid.

The Dark Circle, a group of assassins and mercenaries who have been attempting to kill key figures in intergalactic politics to brew discontent and make a tidy profit. They have made attempts on RJ Brande’s life before, usually at Leland McCauley’s behest. They eventually incorporate more metahumans and superhumanly powerful aliens and make a go of becoming a Dark Legion.

Yep, very good. Keep it as is.


The Fatal Five, which consists of the creepy Legion version of Mano, the Legionnaires(circa issue #2) version of Emerald Empress, the version of Persuader that is psionically bonded to his axe, a Tharok that is at war with himself(machine side versus human side), and Validus (who I do not know much about). Their primary motivations are lust for money and power.

The only Fatal Five version I know is the original (still haven’t read the reboot and everything in between) so it’s hard to comment. I like the idea of Persuader being psionically attached to his axe (can I borrow that?) as far as I know, the DC version doesn’t have any such link. I think that it is a great addition to the character and helpful from a writing and gaming point of view. Tharok should be at war with himself given each side wants to dominate the other. This needs to be controllable though or he won’t get much done, especially if he’s inventing things, scheming, and running the Fatal Five show. I really liked Set’s idea for Validus’ origin. I read yours as well and use it because it was your idea and you like it. The DC version honestly, sucked! I think the Fatal Five needs more motivation. Lust for money and power are a good starting point, but I think the characters need to develop more of a strong bond and it takes more than money and power to achieve that. I see them as individuals willing to risk their lives for one another despite their internal bickering. I’d up the ante for them but develop it through your writing. I’m not sure what their goal could be, but it should be something that everyone fears and that will take a very long time to achieve.

How have the Fatal Five gotten along in the past? Eventually they were merely folded into the Legion Of Super Villains(who I will not be using in my version...I find the name, while traditional, to be rather silly- I like Dark Legion instead). I'll have to come up with something that keeps them distinct from the Dark Legion and other such ne'er do wells. Maybe Persuader could be good buddies with Tharok, and Emerald Empress and my version of Validus could have a psychic fling. I'll have to figure that one out.

The Khunds of this reality have more in common with the Battletech Crusader Clans of old more than the pseudo-Klingons they were in the 80’s. They refuse to bow to the will of the “soft” United Planets: they were born space-reavers, and will die as such.

The Khunds should be the organized evil space war mongers. Violence is their first and foremost approach to handling things. I’m not sure what you mean by pseudo Kingons or Battletech Crusader Clans of old though. I’m thinking you’ve read a lot more stories with Khunds appearing.

Well, I'm sure you know what Klingons are, but Crusader Clans from Battletech are those clans that want to return to the Inner Sphere(read: earth) and conquer it, to save us from our "hedonistic" ways. I'll certainly make them organized and war-like and with their own noble streak.

Glorith, who schemed and murdered her way to rule her own planet, she also opposes the United Planets, but moreso through politics than force of arms. Her planet is a “neutral zone” – in reality a safe haven for those escaping UP justice, although she will not extend her personal guard to protect, aid or abet known militants should the SP come calling.

I haven’t read about this character, I don’t know who they are. Sorry!

It's okay. Glorith wasn't used too much in my experience, and I'd like to have her more as a ridiculously powerful business woman as opposed to another world-shattering Mordru groupie. This isn't to say that she doesn't know magic, however...

Mordru, a revolutionary who uses “magic” (in actuality theoretical mathematical formulae that he can force upon the universe through unknown means) to carve out a benevolent dictatorship on Xerox- the “Sorcerer’s World” pseudonym is forced upon it from without by the ignorant.

I like the idea of mixing magic and science together for the “magic” explanation of Legion. It fits in a lot better with the 31st century science idea as well. May I borrow it?

I am honored that you would like to borrow this idea. Certainly!

Earthgov loyalists, who distrust the UP and their pet Science Police and Legion.

I can see earth having it’s hardcore liners who don’t want other world influence. If this is what you have in mind I like that as well. Will they be very politically active? Underground?

I'll outline them more as the storyline develops, right now they are something of a terrorist group as the vast majority of earth supports the idea of a UP. I based them off of my experience with people who don't like having the UN in New York, but made them much more violent and organized.

1.Brainiac 5- Colu’s outcast boy genius, what makes him unpalatable to his people this time around is not his intellect, but his emotions: unlike most Coluans, he actually has them. He a mature, serious young man for the most part, but his inability to control his emotions gets him into trouble.

I like the idea, but I think I would measure Colu emotion as absolute zero, and though Brainac 5 shows too much emotion for his home race, the rest of the Legion wonders how he can be so cold. In other words the Colu’s are that far removed. I can see him getting very frustrated and angry when he doesn’t get his way because he is smarter than everyone else and they are to stupid to “get it”. I can see outbursts here as well. Also rejection from his home planet has to hurt and so he hides that as well. Someone in the Legion should pick up on this though and show empathy towards him. Whether he accepts it or not is dependent upon whom you pick and what kind of stories you tell.

I LOVE this, and may drop my original idea of a neurotic Brainy in favor of it. I'm not too keen on him getting mad because people don't understand, however- that's too much like vanilla Brainy to me. I'd say this Brainy gets more despondent and depressed because people don't understand- he should be more emotional than other incarnations. The rejection from his home planet certainly hurts, however, and that would very much be a source of anger for him.

2.Chameleon Boy- Stranger in this incarnation as opposed to the current one because he uses his powers almost unconsciously. I think there was a previous version of him that did that, maybe in the Legionnaires reboot? Either way, he is a prankster along the lines of Morph from the Exiles. He really is not interested in being a hero or anything so pretentious, but his powers are so useful he finds himself pressed into the hypocritical role of scout and front line combatant.

I was never a fan of the humorous Chameleon Boy. I want to take him and Bouncing Boy as serious as possible. I can see others being suspicious and distrusting of him because of his specie reputation (much like telepaths). I like the idea that he wants to get over the prejudice people out there, as a result, he’s got something to prove.

I want a humorous Chameleon Boy for the same reasons I wanted a humorous Beast: it's how he deals with being an outsider and gets past prejudice. I can see not everyone liking Cham being comedy relief, however, so he should keep his jokes to a minimum, although his comedy will be physical in nature.

3.Colossal Boy- Not an original member of the Legion, as they already have an earth representative, he joins under the auspices of the Science Police. He adds legitimacy to the Legion once they start taking the idea of heroics more seriously. He is torn between his devotion to the Science Police and his Earthgov political leanings.

Not a bad idea. I like the concept of him being torn between the Legion and the Science Police. I’d make him a Mommy’s Boy and give her a lot of influence over him. There must be a reason why he thinks the Science Police are cooler than the Legion.

I don't know about a Momma's boy, but I could make him a family man- the oldest of 4 kids growing up on the wrong side of the tracks and trying to create a good example for them. That would give him a lot of devotion to home and hearth, as well as a great deal of knee-jerk protective character.

4.Cosmic Boy- As one of the big three, Coz is mostly unchanged, save that he is more of a jock than previously shown. Personally, I loved his The Legion incarnation- he used his powers intelligently, like a former magno-ball pro would. He leads the Legion as best he can.

Yep, only I’d up the ante on his leadership skills. Perhaps not so much of a diplomat or deep thinker but more of a man who can call the right things at the right time; a leader of action. He should be the top jock of the team. Absolutely ripped, abs to die for, a bit of a chick magnet except that he’s to serious and easily brushes the ladies off.

Well, as much as I hate jocks, I have to say it's why so many of them go into politics later on in life- they are men of action one and all, and once you get used to calling the shots you never really can take an order ever again. I like him being too serious to pay attention to flighty ladies- are you saying you want him to end up with Night Girl again?

5. Element Lad- Well, he certainly isn’t gay and in love with anyone named Sean this time around. He is still sensitive and artistic, and would prefer to use his powers to create works of (occasionally toxic) art than to hurt anyone.

Sounds good. I never really felt this character got developed in the old Legion. I haven’t read about the gayness in the comics yet but have known about it via the internet.

Although I do want gay characters in my Legion, I don't want him to be one of them- it was a RIDICULOUS storyline. He's the Legion's Colossus- a sensitive artist who happens to be extremely powerful. Should I keep Element Lad or go with Alchemist for his name? I always liked that one.

6. Invisible Kid- The boy genius of the Legion, he attaches himself to Brainiac and- when he isn’t studying him- helps him adjust to his emotions.

Yea, I like this. He needs to be more intellectual but remain casual at the same time. I see him as having friends in a lot of circles, partly because he doesn’t talk down to others or brag about his intellectual achievements. Brainiac 5 can take the rap for being that way.

You got it.

7. Lightning Lad- Personality wise, he is between his SW6 self (no jeers, please, he was the perfect example of responsibility of power) and his original self. He loves his powers, and uses them in more scientific ways than his previous incarnations.

I’m not familiar with the SW6 version (what does SW6 stand for anyway?) I see him as devoted to Imra, knows he’s the third member (Ouch that hurts from his point of view and thus sometimes feels like a third wheel in the competency department. He isn’t incompetent in any way what-so-ever, it’s just the way he see’s himself, as a result he want to prove himself more than the other two founding members. He doesn’t have Imra’s brain or Rock’s celebrity and overall athlete and leadership capabilities so given the power he has, I see him as compensating for what the other two don’t have…being a harder, little more grim hitter. He takes a backseat when the other two are around but considers himself top dog when he’s around the rest of the Legion.

The SW6 version of the Legion are the Legionnaires- the younger version of the Legion that had Chameleon as their advisor. While I stared reading comics with the gritty 80's and 90's legion, I always felt that the Legionnaires were more my speed- and the fantastic Bierbaum art was icing on the cake. Overall, your view of him mirrors mine, although he's a little bit more forward when the other two are around- he may not have the smarts per se, but he is a qualified expert in the field of 31st century electrical engineering, which is saying alot.

8. Andromeda- Yes, I’m going for Laurel instead of Lar. I liked her when I was originally introduced to her in Legionnaires, not the weird white triangle version that was introduced later. She is the most ardent advocate of leaving law enforcement to the SP’s despite her considerable array of powers.

Sorry, haven’t read that far yet. Don’t know anything about her.

Before there was Supergirl and the Legion, there was Laurel Gand as it's heavy hitter, taking the place of Mon-el as the representative from Daxam. She got into a relationship with Brainy, but aside from that she really didn't have much of a personality, imo. I've made her something of a pacifist here, along the lines of what this version of Saturn Girl would be like if she was on the non-heroics side of the fence.

9. Phantom Girl- As she was originally packaged save for the gigantic “P”, she loves the idea of heroics mainly because she does not see herself being injured in the process, which would be hard considering her natural abilities.

Yes, sounds good, but I favor the second costume by far. I think she is the romantic at heart Legionnaire. Emotionally soft and always looking for love for herself and others. In the 60’s and 70’s she cried a lot as compared to the others. Cried out of love, tragedy, never out of fear.

Well, I will put her in that outfit, just for you. Although I could turn her INTO you, if you wish- how would you do PG?

10. Saturn Girl- I’ve made the biggest amount of changes to her, and I hope the old guard can forgive me. I want her to be a model. She is sold on the idea of the Legion as a propaganda tool and a stepping-stone in her career, but she is not as stupid or shallow as most people think- she genuinely believes in the UP, SP, and what they stand for, and in the idea of everyone working together towards a common goal. To that end, she becomes the cornerstone of Brande’s idea and of the big 3.

I can see others wanting her to be the model, but with her intelligence I think she would be opposed to it. If your going to go that route though I’d go back to a sexier costume. Being a model and being all covered up don’t mesh for me.

Actually that's just the thing- a lot of models I know are either extremely intelligent(one is just about to get her masters in psychology, and the other just got her degree in business just to fire her agent) or utterly vapid. I see her as the former rather than the latter, and very serious about her career. I'll give her a sexier outfit if you wish- what do you suggest?

11. Shrinking Violet- Sweet Vi has few changes, except for the fact that she is a close combat expert. I know its cliché, but I love the idea of her as a 3rd dan black belt in judo. While she is ostensibly in Andromeda’s clique regarding heroics, she does enjoy having the opportunity to show off her hand to hand combat abilities- she even attempts to best Triplicate Girl at tri-jutsu.

I like this. The old Vi of Adventure comics was to frail. The 70’s version with Mike Grell was stunningly gorgeous but still not action oriented. The current version is good (the best?) but I like the long hair. Depending upon the level of aggression you give her in combat, it might carry over to other areas as well. Is she emotionally aggressive or repressive? I go for repressive. A girl who has it, but doesn’t realize how pretty she is and often doesn’t get it that guys are interested in her.

Aww, you don't like LeVIathan? I thought that was cheesy as hell, but funny. I also liked crazy violent Vi, but this isn't her. I like the idea of her being repressed until it comes to combat. She should freak out a little when she realizes Lu- or anyone for that matter- is attracted to her.

12. Star Boy- He’s something of a bench player, but man, what a right arm!

I always thought he was a second string character the way it was. I never could figure out why Nura went after him. He was never particularly attractive and he was so boring. This guy needs a make-over.

You mean you dont' like the fact that he's suddenly black? That freaked me out for sure, but I ended up liking the outfit. I'll try to find some hook for him.

13. Lone Wolf- Okay, this is where everyone is going to REALLY hate me- I see him as an android. An honest to goodness android. He still looks the same, but is very open about his artificial nature. The rivalry between him and Ultra Boy develops when Lone Wolf begins to follow him around like a little lost puppy and impersonate him- leading to an identity crisis (no pun intended!).

Ok. I know he first thought he was an android when he was introduced, but I always went….”ok, whatever, time to move on”. If you like it keep it, there your stories. I like the overly aggressive, sometimes loses control version, even a bit arrogant. I also like his mid 70’s look best.

Can you find a pic of him in that outfit? I'm really interested in seeing if thats the one I have in mind for him too. I need to develop this version more.

14.Ultra Boy- Emerald Dragon. That’s right, I want him as Emerald Dragon. I remember him having a pseudo-cool green and black outfit a while back- or was I thinking of someone else? Anyway, I want him in and bad-ass as all get out, serving in the Legion because he’s a pretty face who will definitely get people to enlist in the SP a la Elvis. He loves heroics because they give him the chance to engage in the rough, brutal violence that got him put in prison and Legion (due to an agreement with the parole board) in the first place.

I have heard of the Emerald Dragon name but not read the comics yet. Otherwise I like it. He’s better off being a rough and tough bully of the Legion even if he comes across as a jerk. Phantom Girl could do a lot better but seems to like the attention he gives her, though when he is a bully she straightens him out fast. I never saw this version of Ultra Boy taking her real seriously though. He’s a jerk and a user, and the Legion needs someone without as much of a conscience. PG is just caught in the middle. She’s in love with being in love. That’s what binds her with him and allows her to not see his faults. By the way, he’s not faithful but she is.

I dont' know about making him a user..he should be very much in love with PG, but perhaps he runs afoul of temptation? Either way he will still be involved with his gang, and have run ins with the law on the regular.

15.Triplicate Girl- Lu is mostly unchanged, although her median personality is strongly attracted to Vi.

I’m ok with this. I prefer her as not being the most confident person in the world and her, Ayla, and Vi, I could see any or all of them eventually preferring girls. She should be kick butt with her Hand-to-Hand combat though, otherwise an introvert, shy and quiet. I’d come up with a reason why she’s so positive in combat and less in other ways to avoid a clash in personality.

In which version of the Legion was Ayla gay? I remember that being mentioned, but I don't remember where. And it's only median Lu that's definetly gay, the more outgoing one is bi, and the inverted one is still struggling to come to terms with her sexuality.

Cosmic Boy
Lightning Lad
Saturn Girl
Ultra Boy (Emerald Dragon)
Phantom Girl
Triplicate Girl (extrovert)
Brainiac 5 (when in the right mood)
Element Lad
Shrinking Violet
Colossal Boy (usually)
Triplicate Girl (introverted)

I like your clicks but I’d break them down more by who hangs out with who, like in High School. Everyone tolerates each other but not everyone fits in together.

I really didn't mean cliques in the high school sense, I meant it in the "I agree with your pov" sense. The Legion generally gets along with each other- another benefit of being comprised mostly of models and actors.

Legion of Substitute Heroes

1.Bouncing Boy- One of my favorite heroes, and as close to a leader as the Subs are going to get when Karate Kid isn’t around (see Leland McCauley). He is a master of tactics, although he occasionally needs someone to give him a shove in order to use his powers effectively.

I’d make him a master pilot as well. He’s under rated, I’m not talking about his power but his personality potential. This is where he needs to shine.

Master pilot, got it. He should raise eyebrows when he actually beats Brainy at chess.

2.Calamity King- Here as just plain old Calamity, he does his best to be a hard-case bad-boy, but is avoided by most other members of the team- he breaks Kid Quantum’s belt and a few of Computo’s drones simultaneously by accident.

Don’t know the character sorry!

It's okay. He's a relatively minor character, but I always thought his power had uses.

3. Chlorophyll Kid- Something of a conservationist, his powers aren’t very useful on tech-heavy planets (like a good 70% of the planets in the UP).

Add speak with plants ability? I don’t know, maybe bad idea. Conservationist is good. Hard to see him not caring about flora.

Speaking with plants, why the hell didn't I think of that! He'll get his moment in the spotlight when he is able to track down a few elements of the Dark Legion by talking to flora in the area.

4.Color Kid – Chlorophyll Kid’s partner-in-uselessness, he really comes into his own when he starts to alter levels of brightness instead of simply hues, and blinds a group of terrorists by turning the insides of their visors to arctic white.

This guy takes some thought to use effectively but it could be done. Needs new clothes. My daughter call him Rainbow Boy. Now if that isn’t an insult I don’t know what is![b]

LOL, that's funny. I'll come up with a new outfit for him.

[b]5.Dream Girl- I loved her on the cover of Legionnaires, although I know that’s sacrilege to some. Anyway, her powers here work like they did originally (to my knowledge anyway)- she mumbles the truth only when she is fast asleep and people are close enough to hear. She usually remembers her dreams and is able to act on her precognition, but has been known to misinterpret dreams.

NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a sub. The Legion needs a flirt and sex honey. Misinterpretation is good and it’s what I’ll be doing as well. She needs to receive her visions in small bites and then share them with others. This allows interaction between her and other characters, it allows others to get paranoid when she tells them something that is going to happen, and its easy for everyone to get the wrong idea about what will happen.

I'm sorry, but she has to be a sub for now- she will get her chance to become a Legionnaire proper later on in the series.

6. Lightning Lass- Or Live Wire or what have you- Garth’s twin sister both inspired by his example and in protest over Legion policies.

I’m better with this change. I actually think I like it better. Perhaps some jealousy has arisen and Mekt want to exploit it.

Mekt will appear later on as well. I'm glad you like this change.

7. Inferno/Sun Boy- The Subs bad @$$, he makes it a point to flirt with Ayla in front of Garth, leading to the first-ever rumble between the Legion and the Subs.

How come you didn’t want Sun Boy in the Legion? He’s pretty powerful overall, I just think the writers didn’t use him to the extreme they could. I talked to Sunboy about this and he is really hurt by not making the team!

He'll get his chance too, I just like him as a loose cannon in the Subs for now. There are a lot of people who are in the subs because of the Legion's current policy, which leads to a lot of the drama and action that I hope becomes part of the series.

8. Kid Psycho- The sub’s psionic, he is often the voice of reason booming through all of their heads because he lacks control over his telepathy.

Good! I think he would get on everyone’s nerves though.

I always wanted to include Kid Psycho- I never liked the death he got in crisis on infinite earths.

9. Matter-Eater Lad- Another one of my favorites, he is Bouncing Boy’s go-to guy, and also their close-combat expert (again, when Karate Kid isn’t around).

In all honesty, he really is better off in the Subs, always was, same with Bouncing Boy. I’d go with low self esteem.

Low self esteem? For M-E Lad? NEVER! He's not only comedy relief, he loves himself, and he considers his powers to be the most useful thing ever. Should I give him the super speed eating, or just the eating?

10. Spider Girl- Pakka is here and more of a vamp than ever before, working with Dreamy to keep the men on something other than their toes.

Not sure who you’re talking about here? The girl from the Legion of Super-Villains? If so I think she should be a *itch.

One that would even give your evil twin the willies.

11. Computo- A double agent, Computo actually works for Earthgov’s HomeSec Special Forces(see below)

Works for me!


12. Kid Quantum- Leland McCauley’s ace in the hole (all together now) when Karate Kid isn’t around, his belt was manufactured by McCauley Industries.

Don’t know the character as I haven’t read the comics yet. Heard of the name though.

I'm trying to figure out if I want this version to be black or not.

13. Infectious Lass- Just as shy as Vi or Lu’s left hand, but utterly incompetent when it comes to physical combat (not that it matters).

I noticed on the internet that she seems to have a bit of a cult following for being a hottie. I’d maybe sex her up a couple of notches, though she would probably be the girl that everyone wants but can’t get close enough to. Frustrating for her as well. Wants a relationship both physical and emotional but the boys all look but can’t touch.

Oh yeah, she's smoking hot. Why do you think I wanted to be Penicillin Lad?

Earthgov’s HomeSec Team 6

Never heard of these guys. Sorry!

That's cuz I made 'em up myself!

1.Catspaw- I never liked the fact that this Pantha/Feral/Thornn hybrid wasn’t developed further, but never mind that. Here she is one of Earthgov’s many mercenary malcontents. She has a history with Colossal Boy.

Again, seen the character, haven’t read the stories yet though.

Cool character, even with all the negative press given to furries nowadays.

2.Dragonmage- Another one of my underdeveloped favorites, he is the team’s fire support and powerhouse.

Heard the name, don’t know anything about them.

Equally cool character. Died before his time.

3 Gear- An infiltration specialist, Gear can control all parts of his mechanical body.

Never heard of them.

He was in the Legion series a few years back. Check it out if you have the chance.

4. Evolvo Lad- The team leader and a frighteningly powerful telepath along with his computer like intelligence in his highly evolved form, he devolves to his ape-like form only in dire emergencies.

I’d give him some health problems as well.

Why health problems? From evolving and devolving so much? I like that, it also may be why

...I'll NEVER tell!

5. Ferro Lad- The team’s bruiser, Ferro here is stuck in his iron form.

Our friendship is over! Ferro Lad was always one of my favorites. The Legion needs his dramatic death as a symbol of what being a hero really means. I also like his "can turn to iron form" Sorry!

Noooooo! Dont' be mad! There is a reason for this that will become apparent as the storyline moves on. You'll see!

No Superboy? Supergirl? Shadow Lass, Chemical King, Mon-el? Sniff sniff…..Mon-el always bored me, but the other two will always be core Legion for me.

Hope this helped. Please take any differences of opinion lightly though. I wanted to give you my real thoughts rather than just saying “Sounds Good”. I really did like a lot of it though! Excellent read. Thanks for posting!

Thank you so very much for everything. I'll post on Superboy/girl and other classic characters later on- just because they aren't around for the opening act doesn't mean they'll never appear ever.

I'd write more but I gotta go- wife has been very patient with me while I finish writing this. Hope to see more posts from everyone soon!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok, in a nut shell...

I see you point with R.J. Brande and his hanging around with people so much younger than he. If it creeps you out and the Father Figure isn't what you need to tell the stories then go with the younger version. If you do this though....I would seriously consider making him part of the team. Not a member with a power, but rather as a business overseerer kinda like M'Rissy is right now. An active but non-powered roll with a lot more interaction. Don't make him a "man behind the scenes". Also I'd utilize his business as side plots, people conducting industrial espionage, that sort of thing.

The split in the Subs was long term thinking on my part which gets developed quite some time down the road. The idea is that eventually some of these people move on to bigger and better, others fall (morally), others still always try but serve best as loyal benchwarmers ready to take up the mantle should the need arise.

Karate Kid was one Legionnaire I always liked quite a bit. When I got back into Legion after my many years absence and learned that he had died I was really disappointed. I never viewed him as a throw away character. Keep in mind with some of my responses...it's because I'm a traditionalist.

I always liked the name Fatal Five. When I was younger, they were the group that just grabbed me. The name itself was terroristic, which I liked and still do. Because there are only five of them that is the primary reason why I think they should stick together. The Legion of Super Villains had so many members as time went on I didn't see any real loyalty developing within the organization.

I like the idea of the EarthGov Loyalists being a terrorist group. As some such groups, they think they are actually doing the world a service. Good Job!

I can see Brainy going with Depression as well. If you go that route, I'd make him shun a lot of company overall all, also quite moody.

The Colossal Boy Mommy's Boy image was more like her holding sway over him. She tells him what's best for him and he always wants to please her. The family man idea is good as well. Being a SP I would think is a more stable (still dangerous job though) than being a Legionnaire. So that works as well. If you go that route, flesh out the family so it is very centrical to the character.

I'm pretty indifferent towards Comic Boy and Night Girl. Her power is quite physical though and he might appreciate that in a girl because its something they can relate to...jock wise. I was actually thinking that the girls would fawn all over him and he wouldn't take the time to care and see them more as an annoyance. He's to focused on LEGION.

Keep Element Lad...I'm a traditionalist. Though in all honesty, Alchemist really isn't that bad of a name.

I think Garth would and should speak up quickly between Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy, it's just that his ideas get a little more pushed to the side because they are not as well thought out. She's smarter, he's more charismatic and has leadership skills. Lightning Lad is more of a Go, now, rush through sort of a guy. Not saying he's dumb or anything like that, its just that he knows he doesn't have the same skills as the others but secretly wishes he did. There is a little bit of jealosy on his part. If it ever showed though, he'd take it out on Cosmic Boy.

Glad to hear PG gets a wardrobe change. Not sure what you mean about turning her into me though? How would I do her? Steady....girly....2nd string leader when she had to be but a follower most of the time....romantic at heart....in love with being in love, which is why she picked Ultra Boy, his strength makes her feel emotionally secure. I know you disagreed about him being a bit of a dog, but I do think the Legion needs a guy with some "obvious" faults. Also her inability to see those faults when everyone around her can, shows she's flawed as well. Go pigtails!!!!!

I agree about the idea of models often time being smart. Pro Wrestlers get the same rap. If you ever saw some of those guys speak and read about their lives (educationally) you'd be really surprised. Much more intellegent than the Wrestling image presents. I can see why your going this direction after expaining it a bit more. If you do, loosen up the clothes. A model isn't going to be ashamed of her body, if she was, she wouldn't be modelling. As for a costume design, I know the pink bikini is unpopular. It is what I picture because that's what she wore when I first was introduced to the character. I never saw it as silly but rather more 30th century style, same thing with Night Girl in the 1970's when she got the skimpy suit. It's a cultural thing, not a trampy thing.

I agree that Shrinking Violet should freak out if someone shows an intrest in her, even more so if its a girl. Being repressed is best for her. Opening up the character over time is good for storyines and character development. Kick butt VI is best because otherwise she's to timid all the way through. I'd still find a way to explain the differance though between personal repressive life and aggressive fighting ability.

Star Boy's second outfit was by far his best, and when his skin color changed that outfit was very good as well. His Adventure Comics costume was terrible. His skin tone changed when I was in my in between Legion years. When I first saw it, I honestly thought he was like Star Boy II or something. When his name comes up, I still picture in my head the Adventure Star Boy, not the black Star Boy. This is only because that's what I had when I was growing up. The Adventure Comics Star Boy was so boring and when he got that ridiculous hair cut in the 70's....it was terrible. The darker toned Star Boy is actually better in my opinion. The man needs some personality though.

I always preferred the name Timber Wolf especially if he's aggressive. If you go with the android version then Lone Wolf is a much better name. Timber Wolf originally appeared in Adventure Comics #327 (1964), if you have the hardcover archive books it's in voulme 3, page 193. His costume is tan with a wolf symbol on the chest, black bands around the biceps, and black and white ridges on the shoulders, white trunks, tan pants, tan boots, black belt with a white buckle. If you need a picture I can scan it and email it to you, I'll need your address. This story also introduces not just the character but the fact that he believes he's an android.

I'm still going with Ultra Boy being the Legion jerk overall all. Also to cover up things better, he needs lots of street smarts, which he would have from running around with gangs. I honestly think that it fits the gang on Rimbor image better. I did work security in a Medium prison facility for 4 years and saw a lot of gang bangers and they are master manipulaters, often charismatic. Users from top to bottom but at the same time they can lie to your face and you want to believe them. I see Ultra Boy carrying a little bit of this still with him. I don't see him as someone who met the right girl and his life changed. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Bottom line is it's your story, not mine, so go with what you want and don't be swayed into anything different because I don't want you to regret it later.

I don't know which version Ayla turned lesbian, I just read about it on the internet. I haven't gotten that far on my reading yet. It was easy for me to picture though and my understanding is that she and VI are the ones that eventually found love.

Bouncing Boy needs to be really good at something and piloting and mechanics stand out. In the cartoon they showed this and I thought it was very effective. He needs to raise eyebrows every now and then.

I give Matter Eater Lad a low self esteem because in issue #212 of Superboy starring the Legion of Super-Heroes, he was portrayed this way (the elusive missing page that showed up in the hardcover archives, again I can scan it and email it to you if you want). In the story, he compares himself to the other Legionnaires and admits he has always felt like a lesser Legionnaire because of his power. Kinda a self-defeated attitude. I do like the political side as well. Also thought that the aggressive lawyer from the current series fit in with the politician as well.

Nobody gives my evil twin the willies...she's totally bad *ss. I hear she now RUNS the Legion of Super-Villains.

Elvolvo Lad has the oversized brain and so his body looks so small and frail. That is why I mentioned the health issues. Only when he devolves into a stronger more primitive creature is he not bothered by these issues. In his regular form he would be physically weak and in not so good of shape. It would also be misleading to opponents which he could use to his advantage. Your explanation of why is excellent.

What are your plans for posting your stories? This site, another site? I'm looking forward to reading them. I beleive Legion World web site also has a good fan fiction section. If we don't have one here we could make one or you could use this thread as well. Whatever your thinking is good.

Game #1, Saturday, Nov. 8th, 2009

In 2804, nearly 200 years ago, Dalak 8 was an unhospitable sphere in which the scientific community developed a underground atmospheric research base. The purpose of the base was to re-develop and stabilize atmospheric conditions of lifeless planets in order to prepare them for colonization. After re-developing and controlling its own atmosphere for 75 years the conditions started breaking up and by 2899, Dalak 8 had returned to it's original stmospheric state. With the disuption occurring, the project was abandoned leaving Dalak 8 lifeless once again.

Yesterday: 9:32 a.m. Earth Time
Science Police outpost 2014 picks up a mysterious signal from abandoned planetoid Dalak 8. The incident is relayed to SP Headquarters on Earth.

Today: 6:47 a.m. Earth Time
The Science Police decide they do not have the necessary resources to investigate a restricted planetoid in which temperatures rise and fall from 750 degrees F to -300 degrees F within a matter of hours. With winds reaching up to 200 mph, a surface that suffers from blizzard conditions to immense heat fissures in the groud, great flooding occuring with regularity as well as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes frequency being high, the Science Police contact the Legion of Super-Heroes and ask them to investigate the signal. Brainiac 5 is monitering the mission boards when the call comes in.

Today: 6:51 a.m. Earth Time
Brainaic 5 contacts Cosmic Boy and informs him of the incoming emergency. Brainiac 5 informs the Legion Leader of the emergency and a team is put together to investigate the matter. Legionnaires Cosmic Boy, Ferro Lad, Saturn Girl, and Syphon respond by boarding a Mark X cruiser. Saturn Girl is at the helm performing navigational functions, Syphon is in engineering.

Today, 8:03 a.m. Earth Time
The Legionnaires enter Earth Gate Wormhole and arrive in Sector 41 upon exiting the space phenomena.

Today: 11:35 a.m. Earth Time
The Mark X Legion cruiser arrives and hovers over Dalak 8.

Today: 11:44 a.m. Earth Time
Saturn Girl conducts sensor scans and receives a 3D image of the Dalkak 8 base revealing that no life forms exist and that the base is constructed into 9 different levels. The entrance is buried in 12 feet of snow. Minor blizzard conditions existing though temperatures are currently -104 degrees F.

Today: 12:58 p.m. Earth Time
Saturn Girl and Ferro Lad exit the airlock and via flight ring reach the planet surface, well protected by their trans suits. Hovering in the air and examining the buried entrance, Ferro Lad turns his body to iron and blows a whole into the entrance.

Saturn Girl is suddenly attacked by two security robots with bodies measuring 5 feet across and 9 feet long. Eight spider like legs protrude from the sides and it has glowing red sensors surrounding their shell. One security robot blasts a energy cannon shell striking her and reducing the Legionnaire to the Hurt Damage Status. The second security robot fires its energy cannon but misses. Hurled back 20 feet in mid air from the attack, Saturn Girl repositions herself without losing control of her flight. She hurls herself into the entrance made by Ferro Lad and escapes the threat from outside.

Today: 12:59 p.m. Earth Time
The security robots communicate with additional machines within the research base alerting them of the intruders.

Today: 1:03 p.m. Earth Time
Exploration of the research base reveals standard living quarters and office areas. A large balcony is reached which overlooks the second level. The place has faint security lights left on and generators are running on minimal power. Various transports nearly 200 years old are present.

Today: 1:04 p.m. Earth Time
The Legionnaire fly down to the next level and eventually access a stairwell taking them to the next lower level.

Today: 1:12 p.m. Earth Time
The Legionnaires arrive on the third level. Filled with computers operating on absolute minimal energy Ferro Lad discerns that the entire level consists of computers responsible for creating and maintaining a temperate climate.

Today: 1:29 p.m. Earth Time
A swoooshing sound is heard as six portals located near the ceiling open allowing the exit of miniature-sized security robots similar to those seen on the surface. They prepare to attack.

Meanwhile, a mysterious spacecraft nears Takron Galtos, the prison planet. Tarik the Mute prepares to instigate the largest prison break ever. Working for Tarik the Mute, Saturn Queen has already infiltrated the prison planet and taken over the mind of Science Police Commander Liavektek. Super villains Nemesis Kid, Ron-Karr, Spider Girl, and Tyr are targeted for escape.

Brainiac 5 constantly monitors the teams progress and attempts to contanct the prison computer system; hyperthreading, he also begins a thought process to scramble all prison system commands and rekey them to legionaire command override while at the same time using available data to calculate the teams chances of siezing control of all port entry and exits; meanwhile key the next three standby legionaires or subs and have them gear up and await orders if backup in needed.

<oh; there was once a thread about what thread has the post with the longest discertation or character use; our wonderful post monster general gave us the facts; i dont think this thread has scratched it yet; some like sebastion and lilith and fakey have posts of such length that have humbled me hehe >

I think I labled mine as the longest Legion post, which I know was correct, that is unless someone else is doing Legion on the side without my knowledge. If so, my evil twin might have something to say about that...or perhaps she would be the one doing it! Hmmm.....perhaps Valgrim is in cahoots with her? Another Hmmmm......

I still think my post was longer than DM Freehold. Anyone intrested in accessing a word or line count?

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

I think I labled mine as the longest Legion post

Yea but your post all suck. You just ramble on and on about nothing. Me, I'm thinking about starting a thread on the art of manipulation in all its wonderful forms...bribery, blackmail, seduction, domination, in general *itchiness, etc. Betcha I'll get more people to repsond than you do.

Evil Twin of Eileen wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

I think I labled mine as the longest Legion post

Yea but your post all suck. You just ramble on and on about nothing. Me, I'm thinking about starting a thread on the art of manipulation in all its wonderful forms...bribery, blackmail, seduction, domination, in general *itchiness, etc. Betha I'll get more people to repsond than you do.

Hey go for it, it beats you showing up on occasion and bad mouthing the posters on this thread.

Valegrim wrote:
Brainiac 5 constantly monitors the teams progress and attempts to contanct the prison computer system; hyperthreading, he also begins a thought process to scramble all prison system commands and rekey them to legionaire command override while at the same time using available data to calculate the teams chances of siezing control of all port entry and exits; meanwhile key the next three standby legionaires or subs and have them gear up and await orders if backup in needed.

This is a good idea. It will assist in the clumsy game mastering effort (due to lack of rules and overall comfort and playtesting) by breaking things up and providing some roleplaying. It also helps set the mood for what Brainiac 5 is capable of and the sort of assistance he often can provide. Consider it done, Thank You!

Any suggestions for Brainiac 5 linking the two incidents together; the Dalkok 8 situation detailed above and the forthcoming prison break?

I also have to start working on the assassination attempt that Lightning Lord attempts in order to set his brother up. The only suitable tie in I have at this point is that the politician he's trying to kill has advaocated some serious laws AGAINST Winath citizens that do NOT have twins. I'd like to tie two of the three situations together kinda early, leaving how the 3rd incident ties in until some time later.

As you all recall, Lightning Lad and Light Lass are twins. Nearly every sibling on hte planet of Winath is born in pairs and the two usually share a special bond. Lightning Lord, the eldest of the Ranzz children wasn't born with a twin, but Lightning Lad and Light Lass are twins. I have Tarik the Mute helping Lightning Lord arrange the assassination attempt but I'm lacking for details at this point.

So basically do I tie the Dalak 8 incident to the prison escape? Tie in the prison escape to the assassination attempt? Or do I tie together the Dalak 8 incident and the assassination?

Next game should be in two weeks when I hit my 3 day weekend again, so I got a few days off in between to work on details. Any suggestions people want to offer?

Fire; lots of fire; burn baby burn; smoke inhalation and charred bodies; woot; burn; ooh ooh; sorry about that; just efreeti daydreams

but still; any good prison break might have a few of these areas; radiation contamination from force fields that were tampered with; fires and gasses; and parts of the armored building electrified; some place open to vacuum; some robots might be shooting randomly as their systems or programming were either tampered with or damaged; might add some extra realizm and be a hazard for both side; perhaps makeing some corridors a bottleneck as some paths cant be easily used. stuff like that.

I just checked and HA! My post was a beefy 15 pages in MSW, yours was a mere 12.


deep breath...

hahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahhahahahahaha *cough* *wheeze* *pausing for bottle of water* hehehe. heh...

Freehold DM wrote:

I just checked and HA! My post was a beefy 15 pages in MSW, yours was a mere 12. ** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

What's MSW?

Dark Archive

Valegrim wrote:
but still; any good prison break might have a few of these areas; radiation contamination from force fields that were tampered with; fires and gasses; and parts of the armored building electrified; some place open to vacuum; some robots might be shooting randomly as their systems or programming were either tampered with or damaged; might add some extra realizm and be a hazard for both side; perhaps makeing some corridors a bottleneck as some paths cant be easily used. stuff like that.

Ooh, good stuff! Yes, lots of smoke-filled corridors and trigger-happy guards and collapsing passageways and security measures gone awry!

And MSW is probably Microsoft Word, EPoI.

Freehold DM wrote:

I just checked and HA! My post was a beefy 15 pages in MSW, yours was a mere 12. ** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Now are you sure you used the same font size when you did your little project? Also I posted the longest first so that just makes you an Eileen wanna-be!

I just realized that we are rapidly approaching our 1 year anniversary (Dec. 1st) for this thread. I think we should do something special. Any ideas?

You could get me out of that weird dimensional pocket thingy you guys got me into about 8 pages ago.

You could turn the thread over to me for the next year so we can finally have some fun!

I could start Heath bashing in order to make up for lost time!

We could hold a Legion election for the new 2009 leader. Anybody want to run?

Dark Archive

Ooh, that last comment reminds me;

Whatever DC does with the Legion, they *totally* need to get back the fan interaction that made the original Legion the best-selling DC title.

Fans voting for Legion leader.

Fans submitting new character ideas.

Fans submitting new costume ideas.

Fans winning contests to get 'walk-on' roles or cameos.

A letter page every issue.

Give the fans a place to feel like home, like something they participated in (even if only by voting for someone who didn't make it!) and I'll bet they'll come back.

Dark Archive

As for the above discussion, I prefer an older RJ Brande. Batman has his Alfred, Tony Stark has his Jarvis, the Legion has their RJ Brande. He's a classic, and I prefer him being old and established and hanging out with the bright young kids of the future (just not in a creepy Mark Foley way). Changing Brande to a fellow youngster would, IMO, play into the threeboot notion that only young people are good people and everyone else is an 'old fogey.' Changing him to a middle-aged (30-something) person runs the risk of him coming across as one of those mid-life-crisis people that coaches little league or works at a summer camp in a desperate attempt to recapture his 'glory days' and deny his own fading youthfulness. I don't want him to come off as sad or creepy, but as an older wealthy man who still has a lot of youthful idealism left in him (like Warren Buffet or something).

Sun Boy as a Sub would work better for me if he started out more like the old-school Sun Boy, able to produce light, but not heat or flame. As his powers develop, he can start producing heat, and eventually flame, as well, but limiting him to dazzling flashes and blinding blasts, and only limited heat generation, would, I think, help to show some growth to the character, a bit of personal evolution that we didn't really get to see much of back in the day. It would also signify a reason why he would be one of the first to get the promotion up to full Legionnaire, as his powers expand and develop beyond their starting point. Color Kid, for example, would also start out with light-affecting powers, but his would never progress, meaning that he's going to have to make up for the lack of 'power-up' with his skill and creativity.

Set wrote:

As for the above discussion, I prefer an older RJ Brande. Batman has his Alfred, Tony Stark has his Jarvis, the Legion has their RJ Brande. He's a classic, and I prefer him being old and established and hanging out with the bright young kids of the future (just not in a creepy Mark Foley way). Changing Brande to a fellow youngster would, IMO, play into the threeboot notion that only young people are good people and everyone else is an 'old fogey.' Changing him to a middle-aged (30-something) person runs the risk of him coming across as one of those mid-life-crisis people that coaches little league or works at a summer camp in a desperate attempt to recapture his 'glory days' and deny his own fading youthfulness. I don't want him to come off as sad or creepy, but as an older wealthy man who still has a lot of youthful idealism left in him (like Warren Buffet or something).

Sun Boy as a Sub would work better for me if he started out more like the old-school Sun Boy, able to produce light, but not heat or flame. As his powers develop, he can start producing heat, and eventually flame, as well, but limiting him to dazzling flashes and blinding blasts, and only limited heat generation, would, I think, help to show some growth to the character, a bit of personal evolution that we didn't really get to see much of back in the day. It would also signify a reason why he would be one of the first to get the promotion up to full Legionnaire, as his powers expand and develop beyond their starting point. Color Kid, for example, would also start out with light-affecting powers, but his would never progress, meaning that he's going to have to make up for the lack of 'power-up' with his skill and creativity.

I see where you are coming from regarding RJ Brande, and will consider your point of view, as well as Eileen's. I would like to have some measure of fan-interaction with the Legion I'm working on. I've already posted the basics, and Coz will be leading the team for a while, but there will be room later on for people to put in their two credits, as it were.

I never knew Sun Boy was a night light before storyline changes- this merits consideration/inclusion, but I'm probably not going to change him much. The Subs need their powerhouses too, mainly because their reasons for being are different from the mainstream Subs. Also, what was Fire Lad's power?

Fire Lad breathed fire, kinda like a human dragon. Whooosh fire came out of his mouth! He ate to many hot tamales.

Freehold DM, you have neglected to give us SIGNFICANT information where you plan to post your fiction. How can we read and interact if we don't know where to find it? Please respond....Over!

Freehold DM...Supers thread...Green Lantern...Yes....No...Please respond....Over!

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:
Also, what was Fire Lad's power?

Just fire breath, and, being that he got rejected, not very well controlled fire breath (he'd sneeze and burn stuff, for instance).

Most of the Subs had some restriction to their power, such as Night Girl having super-strength only in the dark, or Infectious Lass being able to make people sick, but not 'aim' her power and being a danger to everyone around her. Others, like Color Kid or Stone Boy, had no problems controlling their powers, but weren't considered to have enough of a power to be worthy of membership.

Polar Boy was probably the worst example of a Sub, because his powers were pretty darn amazing *and* not all out of control in his first appearance.

Given that characters like Shadow Lass *did* make the cut, most of the Subs would have also been 'powerful enough' to be Legionnaires, assuming some training and control.

Some characters were later upgraded as well, such as Stone Boy, who learned how to 'sleepwalk' by the standards of his people and move and fight in his indestructible stone form. Even if he hadn't developed the ability to move in that form, some martial arts training probably would have sufficed to allow him to take advantage of his immobile, invulnerable state by using grappling maneuvers and *then* turning on his power to restrain someone in an unbreakable hold, or by using his flight ring / belt to accelerate his stony form at people as a living torpedo.

None of the Subs were useless, really, except maybe for Double-Header...

Set wrote:

None of the Subs were useless, really, except maybe for Double-Header...

But he was really good at baseball!

What was Double Header's power again, aside from having two heads?

I thought I said so before, but I guess I didn't- I think I will post my fiction here, provided noone has any problems with it. I briefly thought about using the same site I use for my homebrew, but I decided against it- I already have an e-mail address set up for that and am very much invested in it- this will be a serious, but fun project that I want to share with friends and people who will not gripe over LGBT characters and point out imaginary flaws.

Now as to that Supers thread- was this the one I made the Marvel character for or the one I want to be Green Lantern in? I've got to hire a secretary to keep my threads in order....

Freehold DM wrote:

Now as to that Supers thread- was this the one I made the Marvel character for or the one I want to be Green Lantern in? I've got to hire a secretary to keep my threads in order....

I don't know. When I asked you earlier you said that you were going to play green lantern. The rules they are using for the game are Marvel but as far as I can tell, the characters are all DC or homemade. I'm playing Supergirl and I think the one Valgrim is playing he made himself. A couple of others have shown up but just once or twice so I'm not totally sure what is what yet. This is the thread where the fellow wanted to start out having a Batman run group.

I wasn't sure if you were still intrested since you haven't shown up yet. Hope you do, but do what is good for you.

the one I am playing is based on the comic character Malik the dark elf; but I toned him down a lot using the Modred templete as he would be a lot stronger than most other pc's; but with supergirl and green lantern in the mix, am thinking I could put him back up to his normal powerlevel and fit in better.

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