Greyhawk Pantheons

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

I was trying to divide the human greyhawk dieties into their different pantheons. Bakunish, Suel, Oeridian, and Flan; the Rhenee don't seem to have their own gods, then again I could be wrong hence this post. I'm using the gazeteer. these are the gods that I couldn't place.

St. Cuthbert

An official answer would be great, but any help is appreciated. Thanks

Riptide777 wrote:

I was trying to divide the human greyhawk dieties into their different pantheons. Bakunish, Suel, Oeridian, and Flan; the Rhenee don't seem to have their own gods, then again I could be wrong hence this post. I'm using the gazeteer. these are the gods that I couldn't place.

Boccob, Berei, Ehlonna, Incabulos, Joramy, Obod-Hai, Olidammara, Ralishaz, Raxivort, St. Cuthbert, Trithereon, Wastri, Xerbo, Ye'cind

An official answer would be great, but any help is appreciated. Thanks

Berei is Flan, as is Obad-hai. Raxivort and Ye'Cind are associated with non-human pantheons (xvarts and elves, respectively). Ehlonna is a very old deity (see comment below), and may arguably come from the elvish pantheon.

Some deities are not associated with specific ethnic groups, sometimes because they either predate those cultures or became deities after the groups began mixing.

For what it's worth :)


Sovereign Court

A complete list is available on the Living Greyhawk page (Campaign Documents - Livin Greyhawk Deities)
Lists all gods and has "Origin of worship" which tells what race started the worship.
I hope this helps.

Riptide777 wrote:

I was trying to divide the human greyhawk dieties into their different pantheons. Bakunish, Suel, Oeridian, and Flan; the Rhenee don't seem to have their own gods, then again I could be wrong hence this post. I'm using the gazeteer. these are the gods that I couldn't place.

St. Cuthbert

An official answer would be great, but any help is appreciated. Thanks

Cylerist wrote:

A complete list is available on the Living Greyhawk page (Campaign Documents - Livin Greyhawk Deities)

Lists all gods and has "Origin of worship" which tells what race started the worship.
I hope this helps.

Awesome thanks for the help guys

I. Am. Awesome.
Not only did I recently type all this out, but I sorted it by alignment, too. Good to Evil, Law to Chaos. You'll note that I sorted the chaotic gods by reverse alphabetical, since they'll be easier to find from the bottom up.


Commonly worshipped by all
Heironeous, The Invincible (LG) - God of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, Valor
Mayaheine, The Shield Maiden (LG) - Goddess of Protection, Justice, Valor
Murlynd, The White Paladin (LG) - God of Magical Technology
Pholtus of the Blinding Light (LG) - God of Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, Sun, Moons
Rao, The Mediator (LG) - God of Peace, Reason, Serenity
St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel (LG) - God of Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth, Discipline
Ulaa, The Stonewife (LG) - Goddess of Hills, Mountains, Gemstones
Ehlonna of the Forests (NG) - Goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora & Fauna, Fertility
Heward (NG) - God of Bards, Musicians
Johydee, The Hidden Empress (NG) - Goddess of Deception, Espionage, Protection
Keoghtom, The Pulse of the Living Land (NG) - God of Secret Pursuits, Natural Alchemy, Extraplanar Exploration
Myrhiss, The Thrice-Kissed (NG) - Goddess of Love, Romance, Beauty
Pelor, The Sun Father (NG) - God of Sun, Light, Strength, Healing
Zodal, The Gray Son (NG) - God of Mercy, Hope, Benevolence
Trithereon, The Summoner (CG) - God of Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, Self-Defense
Lirr, Lady Poet (CG) - Goddess of Prose, Poetry, Literature, Art

Cyndor, Keeper of Infinity (LN) - God of Time, Infinity, Continuity*
Daern, The Unshakeable (LN) - Goddess of Defense, Fortifications*
Tsolorandril, The Ethereal Walker (LN) - Diety of Wave Motions*
Zilchus, The Great Guildmaster (LN) - God of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, Influence
Beory, Oerth Mother (N) - Goddess of Oerth, Nature, Rain
Bleredd, The Iron Mule (N) - God of Metal, Mines, Smiths
Boccob, The Uncaring (N) - God of Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Foresight, Balance
Celestian, The Far Wanderer (N) - God of Stars, Space, Wanderers
Charmalaine, The Lucky Ghost (N) - Goddess of Keen Senses and Narrow Escapes
Fharlanghn, The Dweller on the Horizon (N) - God of Horizons, Distance, Travel, Roads
Joramy, The Shrew (N) - Goddess of Fire, Volcanoes, Wrath, Anger, Quarrels
Kelanen, The Prince of Swords (N) - God of Swords, Sword Skills, Balance
Obad-Hai, The Shalm (N) - God of Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, Beasts
Xan Yae, Lady of Perfection (N) - Goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, Mental Power
Zagyg, The Mad Arch-Mage (CN) - God of Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, Unpredictability
Rudd, The Charm (CN) - Goddess of Chance, Good Luck, Skill
Ralishaz, The Unlooked For (CN) - God of Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, Insanity
Procan, The Storm Lord (CN) - God of Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, Navigation
Olidammara, The Laughing Rogue (CN) - God of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, Tricks
Kuroth, The Master Thief (CN) - God of Theft and Treasure-Finding

Hextor, Scourge of Battle (LE) - God of War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, Tyranny
Incabulos, The Black Rider (NE) - God of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, Disasters
Kyuss, The Bone Master (NE) - God of Creation and Mastery of Undead
Nerull, The Reaper (NE) - God of Death, Darkness, Murder, the Underworld
Tharizdun, The Dark God (NE) - God of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity
Iuz, The Evil (CE) - God of Deceit, Pain, Oppression, Evil
Erythnul, The Many (CE) - God of Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, Slaughter

Uncommonly worshipped by all
Allitur (LG) - God of Ethics, Propriety
Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon (LG) - God of Good Dragons, Wind, Wisdom
Atroa, The Sad Maiden (NG) - Goddess of Spring, East Wind, Renewal
Berei, Hearth Mother (NG) - Goddess of Home, Family, Agriculture
Wenta, The Alewife (CG) - Goddess of Autumn, West Wind, Harvest, Brewing
Sotillion, The Summer Queen (CG) - Goddess of Summer, South Wind, Ease, Comfort

Bralm, The Flying Queen (N) - Goddess of Insects, Industriousness
Istus, Lady of Our Fate (N) - Goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, Honesty
Nazarn, The Gladiator (N) - God of Formal and Public Combat
Xerbo, The Sea Dragon (N) - God of Sea, Sailing, Money, Business
Zuoken, Master of Da'Shon and Edel (N) - God of Physical and Mental Mastery
Telchur, Icebrother (CN) - God of Winter, Cold, North Wind

Earth Dragon, Wyrm of the Hills (LE) - God of Earth, Weather, Hidden Treasures
Tiamat, The Chromatic Dragon (LE) - Goddess of Evil Dragons, Conquest, Greed
Elder Elemental Eye (NE) - God of Elemental Evil
Falazure, The Night Dragon (NE) - God of Energy Draining, Undeath, Decay, Exhaustion
Vecna, The Arch-Lich (NE) - God of Destructive and Evil Secrets

Commonly worshipped by humans
St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel (LG) - God of Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth, Discipline
Ehlonna/Ehlenestra of the Forests (NG) - Goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora & Fauna, Fertility
Heward (NG) - God of Bards, Musicians
Keoghtom, The Pulse of the Living Land (NG) - God of Secret Pursuits, Natural Alchemy, Extraplanar Exploration
Trithereon, The Summoner (CG) - God of Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, Self-Defense

Tsolorandril, The Ethereal Walker (LN) - Diety of Wave Motions
Wastri, The Hopping Prophet (LN) - God of Amphibians, Bigotry, Self-Deception
Boccob, The Uncaring (N) - God of Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Foresight, Balance
Joramy, The Shrew (N) - Goddess of Fire, Volcanoes, Wrath, Anger, Quarrels
Kelanen, The Prince of Swords (N) - God of Swords, Sword Skills, Balance
Zagyg, The Mad Arch-Mage (CN) - God of Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore, Unpredictability
Ralishaz, The Unlooked For (CN) - God of Chance, Ill Luck, Misfortune, Insanity

Earth Dragon, Wyrm of the Hills (LE) - God of Earth, Weather, Hidden Treasures
Elder Elemental Eye (NE) - God of Elemental Evil
Incabulos, The Black Rider (NE) - God of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, Disasters
Tharizdun, The Dark God (NE) - God of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity
Iuz, The Evil (CE) - God of Deceit, Pain, Oppression, Evil

Baklunish pantheon
Al'Akbar, High Cleric (LG) - God of Guardianship, Faithfulness, Dignity, Duty
Azor'alq, Son of Light (NG) - God of Light, Purity, Courage, Strength

Daoud, The Mendicant (N) - God of Humility, Clarity, Immediacy
Geshtai, Daughter of the Oasis (N) - Goddess of Lakes, Rivers, Wells, Streams
Istus, Lady of Our Fate (N) - Goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, Honesty
Mouqol, The Merchant (N) - God of Trade, Negotiation, Ventures, Appraisal, Reciprocity
Xan Yae, Lady of Perfection (N) - Goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, Mental Power
Zuoken, Master of Da'Shon and Edel (N) - God of Physical and Mental Mastery

Flan pantheon
Allitur (LG) - Goddess of Ethics, Propriety
Mayaheine, The Shield Maiden (LG) - Goddess of Protection, Justice, Valor
Rao, The Mediator (LG) - God of Peace, Reason, Serenity
Berei, Hearth Mother (NG) - Goddess of Home, Family, Agriculture
Myrhiss, The Thrice-Kissed (NG) - Goddess of Love, Romance, Beauty
Pelor, The Sun Father (NG) - God of Sun, Light, Strength, Healing
Zodal, The Gray Son (NG) - God of Mercy, Hope, Benevolence

Vathris, The Transfixed (LN) - God of Anguish, Lost Causes, Revenge
Beory, Oerth Mother (N) - Goddess of Oerth, Nature, Rain
Obad-Hai, The Shalm (N) - God of Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, Beasts

Kyuss, The Bone Master (NE) - God of Creation and Mastery of Undead
Nerull, The Reaper (NE) - God of Death, Darkness, Murder, the Underworld
Vecna, The Arch-Lich (NE) - God of Destructive and Evil Secrets

Oeridian pantheon
Delleb, The Scholar (LG) - God of Reason, Intellect, Study
Heironeous, The Invincible (LG) - God of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, Valor
Mayaheine, The Shield Maiden (LG) - Goddess of Protection, Justice, Valor
Merikka, Lady of the Calendar (LG) - Goddess of Farming, Agriculture, Home
Murlynd, The White Paladin (LG) - God of Magical Technology
Pholtus of the Blinding Light (LG) - God of Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, Sun, Moons
Ulaa, The Stonewife (LG) - Goddess of Hills, Mountains, Gemstones
Atroa, The Sad Maiden (NG) - Goddess of Spring, East Wind, Renewal
Johydee, The Hidden Empress (NG) - Goddess of Deception, Espionage, Protection
Wenta, The Alewife (CG) - Goddess of Autumn, West Wind, Harvest, Brewing
Sotillion, The Summer Queen (CG) - Goddess of Summer, South Wind, Ease, Comfort
Lirr, Lady Poet (CG) - Goddess of Prose, Poetry, Literature, Art

Cyndor, Keeper of Infinity (LN) - God of Time, Infinity, Continuity
Daern, The Unshakeable (LN) - Goddess of Defense, Fortifications
Stern Alia (LN) - Goddess of Oeridian Culture, Law, Motherhood
Zilchus, The Great Guildmaster (LN) - God of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, Influence
Bleredd, The Iron Mule (N) - God of Metal, Mines, Smiths
Celestian, The Far Wanderer (N) - God of Stars, Space, Wanderers
Fharlanghn, The Dweller on the Horizon (N) - God of Horizons, Distance, Travel, Roads
Velnius, The Rainshroud (N) - God of Sky, Weather
Telchur, Icebrother (CN) - God of Winter, Cold, North Wind
Rudd, The Charm (CN) - Goddess of Chance, Good Luck, Skill
Olidammara, The Laughing Rogue (CN) - God of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, Tricks
Procan, The Storm Lord (CN) - God of Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, Navigation
Kuroth, The Master Thief (CN) - God of Theft and Treasure-Finding
Kurell, The Bitter Hand (CN) - God of Jealosy, Revenge, Theft

Hextor, Scourge of Battle (LE) - God of War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, Tyranny
Erythnul, The Many (CE) - God of Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, Slaughter

Olman pantheon
Quetzalcoatl (LN) - God of Air, Birds, Snakes
Tlazoteotl, Mother Goddess of the Earth (N) - Goddess of Earth Mother, Agriculture, Nature
Hurakon, God of the Flood (CN) - God of Floods, Unrestrained Fury

Chitza-Atlan, The Guardian of the Gateway to the Underworld (LE) - God of Centaurs, Guarding the Underworld, the Dead
Mictlantecuhtli (LE) - God of Death, Darkness, Murder, the Underworld
Tlaloc (LE) - God of Rain
Tezcatlipoca/Apocatequil (CE) - God of Sun, Moon, Night, Scheming, Betrayals, Lightning (as Apocatequil)
Huhuteotl (CE) - God of Fire, Motion of Time
Camazotz/Zotzilaha/Zotz (CE) - God of Bats, Vampires (as Zotzilaha), the Underworld (as Zotzilaha)

Suel pantheon
Fortubo (LG) - God of Stone, Metals, Mountains, Guardianship
Jascar (LG) - God of Hills, Mountains
Lydia (NG) - Goddess of Music, Knowledge, Daylight
Phyton, The Woodshaper (CG) - God of Nature, Beauty, Farming
Phaulkon (CG) - God of Air, Wind, Clouds, Birds, Archery
Kord, The Brawler (CG) - God of Athletics, Sports, Brawling, Strength, Courage
Dalt (CG) - God of Portals, Doors, Enclosures, Locks, Keys

Lendor, Prince of Time (LN) - God of Time, Tedium, Patience, Study
Osprem (LN) - Goddess of Sea Voyages, Ships, Sailors
Wee Jas, The Witch Goddess (LN) - Goddess of Magic, Death, Vanity, Law
Bralm, The Flying Queen (N) - Goddess of Insects, Industriousness
Nazarn, The Gladiator (N) - God of Formal and Public Combat
Xerbo, The Sea Dragon (N) - God of Sea, Sailing, Money, Business
Vatun, The North God (CN) - God of Northern Barbarians, Cold, Winter, Arctic Beasts
Norebo, God of Gambles (CN) - God of Luck, Gambling, Risks
Llerg, Great Bear (CN) - God of Beasts, Strength

Pyremius, The Blazing Killer (NE) - God of Fire, Poison, Murder
Syrul, The Forked Tongue (NE) - Goddess of Lies, Deceit, Treachery, False Promises
Beltar (CE) - God of Malice, Caves, Pits

By the way, I got all my information from the Living Greyhawk Dieties v2.0 pdf available here.

Riptide777 wrote:
I was trying to divide the human greyhawk dieties into their different pantheons. Bakunish, Suel, Oeridian, and Flan; the Rhenee don't seem to have their own gods, then again I could be wrong hence this post. I'm using the gazeteer.

As far as I can recall, the Rhennee are anti-religious. Don't know why that is. But there are no Rhennee gods.

Oh, and here's the Touv pantheon as well:

Touv pantheon
Kundo (LG) - God of Building, Noise, Music, Defense
Nola (NG) - Goddess of Sun
Uvot (NG) - God of Prosperity
Vogan (CG) - God of Weather, Storms

Katay (LN) - God of Decay, Inevitability, Order, Time
Breeka (N) - Goddess of Living Things
Xanag (N) - Goddess of Metals, Beauty
Berna (CN) - Goddess of Passion, Forgiveness

Damaran (NE) - God of Vermin, Cowardice
Meyanok (NE) - God of Serpents, Poison, Discord, Darkness, Famine
Vara (NE) - Goddess of Nightmares, Fear

Here's the nonhuman pantheons:

Great Mother (CE) - Goddess of Beholders, Fertility, Tyranny

Bullywugs and Amphibian Races
Wastri, The Hopping Prophet (LN) - God of Amphibians, Bigotry, Self Deception

Skerrit, The Forester (NG) - God of Centaurs, Community, Natural Balance

Chitza-Atlan, The Guardian of the Gateway to the Underworld (LE) - God of Centaurs, Guarding the Underworld, the Dead

Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon (LG) - God of Good Dragons, Wind, Wisdom

Chronepsis, The Silent (N) - God of Fate, Death, Judgement
Io, The Concordant Dragon (N) - God of Dragonkind
Aasterinian, Messenger of Io (CN) - Goddess of Play, Invention, Pleasure, Learning

Tiamat, The Chromatic Dragon (LE) - Goddess of Evil Dragons, Conquest, Greed
Falazure, The Night Dragon (NE) - God of Energy Draining, Undeath, Decay, Exhaustion

Zinzerena, The Princess of the Outcasts (CN) - Goddess of Drow, Deception, Humiliation, Ambush, Assassination

Vhaeraun, The Masked Lord (CE) - God of Drow Males, Thievery, Evil Surface Activity
Lolth, Queen of the Drow (CE) - Goddess of Drow, Spiders, Evil, Darkness
Kiaransali, The Pitiless Dowager (CE) - Goddess of Drow, Slavery, Vengeance, Undeath
Keptolo, The Eager Consort (CE) - God of Drow Males, Flattery, Intoxication, Rumor, Opportunism

Berronar Truesilver, The Revered Mother (LG) - Goddess of Safety, Truth, Home, Healing
Clangeddin Silverbeard, Father of Battle (LG) - God of Battle, War
Fortubo (LG) - God of Stone, Metals, Mountains, Guardianship
Jascar (LG) - God of Hills, Mountains
Moradin, The Soul Forger (LG) - God of Dwarves, Smithing, Engineering, Creation, War
Ulaa, The Stonewife (LG) - Goddess of Hills, Mountains, Gemstones
Muamman Duathal (NG) - God of Expatriates, Urban Dwarves, Travelers, Exiles, Lightning
Dugmaren Brightmantle, The Gleam in the Eye (CG) - God of Scholarship, Discovery, Invention

Gendwar Argrim, The Doomed Dwarf (LN) - God of Fatalism and Obsession
Bleredd, The Iron Mule (N) - God of Metal, Mines, Smiths
Dumathoin, Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain (N) - God of Mining, Exploration
Vergadain, The Merchant King (N) - God of Wealth, Luck

Laduguer, The Gray Protector (LE) - God of Duergar, Crafts, Protection, Magic, Magic Weapons, Artisans
Abbathor, Great Master of Greed (NE) - God of Greed
Diirinka, The Great Savant (CE) - God of Derro, Magic, Knowledge, Cruelty

Ehlenestra/Ehlonna, Goddess of the Woodlands (NG) - Goddess of Forests, Woodlands, Flora & Fauna, Fertility
Ye'Cind, The Bard (CG) - God of Music, Magical Songs
Solonor Thelandira, Keen-Eye (CG) - God of Archery, Hunting, Wilderness Survival
Sehanine Moonbow, The Lady of Dreams (CG) - Goddess of Mysticism, Dreams, Far Journeys, Death, Full Moons, Transcendence
Rillifane Rallathil, The Leaflord (CG) - God of Wood Elves, Woodlands, Nature, Druids
Labelas Enoreth, The Lifegiver (CG) - God of Time, Longevity, History
Hanali Celanil, The Heart of Gold (CG) - Goddess of Love, Romance, Beauty, Fine Arts, Artists
Deep Sashelas, Lord of the Undersea (CG) - God of Aquatic Elves, Oceans, Knowledge, Beauty, Water Magic
Corellon Larethian, Creator of the Elves (CG) - God of Elves, Magic, Music, Arts & Crafts, War
Aerdrie Faenya, The Winged Mother (CG) - Goddess of Air, Weather, Avians, Rain, Fertility

Gadhelyn, The Archer (CN) - God of Independance, Outlawry, Feasting, Hunting
Fenmarel Mestarine, The Lone Wolf (CN) - God of Wild Elves, Outcasts, Scapegoats, Isolation
Erevan Ilesere, The Trickster (CN) - God of Mischief, Change, Rogues

Evil Aquatic Creatures
Panzuriel, Deep Old One (NE) - God of Evil Aquatic Creatures, Murder, Confusion, Subversion

Evil Humanoids
Earth Dragon, Wyrm of the Hills (LE) - God of Earth, Weather, Hidden Treasures

Doresain, King of the Ghouls (CE) - God of Necromancy, Ghouls

Hiatea (NG) - Goddess of Giants, Females, Nature, Agriculture, Hunting, Childbirth
Iallanis (NG) - Goddess of Good Giants, Love, Mercy, Beauty
Stronmaus, The Storm Lord (NG) - God of Storm & Cloud Giants, Sun, Sky, Weather, Joy

Annam, The Prime (N) - God of Giants, Magic, Knowledge, Fertility, Philosophy
Skoraeus Stonebones, King of the Rock (N) - God of Stone Giants

Surtr, Lord of the Fire Giants (LE) - God of Fire Giants, Fire, War
Karontor (NE) - God of Fomorians and other Misshapen Giants, Deformity, Hatred, Beasts
Memnor (NE) - God of Evil Cloud Giants, Pride, Mental Prowess and Control
Vaprak, The Destroyer (CE) - God of Ogres, Combat, Greed, Destruction, Aggression, Frenzy, Trolls
Thrym, Lord of the Frost Giants (CE) - God of Frost Giants, Cold, Ice, War
Grolantor (CE) - God of Hill Giants, Ettins, Ogres, Hunting, Combat

Ulaa, The Stonewife (LG) - Goddess of Hills, Mountains, Gemstones
Baervan Wildwanderer, The Masked Leaf (NG) - God of Forests, Nature, Travel
Baravar Cloakshadow, The Sly One (NG) - God of Illusions, Protection, Deception, Hatred of Goblinoids
Flandal Steelskin, Master of Metal (NG) - God of Mining, Smithing, Fitness
Garl Glittergold, The Prankster (NG) - God of Gnomes, Protection, Humor, Wit, Gemcutting, Jewelrymaking, Illusion
Segojan Earthcaller, Earthfriend (NG) - God of Earth, Nature

Bleredd, The Iron Mule (N) - God of Metal, Mines, Smiths
Calladuran Smoothhands, Deep Brother (N) - God of Svirfneblin, Protection, Earth, Mining, Secrecy

Roykyn, The Merciless (NE) - Goddess of Cruelty
Urdlen, The Crawler Below (CE) - Diety of Greed, Bloodlust, Evil, Hatred, Blind Destruction

Khurgorbaeyag (LE) - God of Goblins, Slavery, Oppression, Morale
Nomog-Geaya (LE) - God of Hobgoblins, War, Authority
Bargrivyek (NE) - God of Cooperation, Territory
Maglubiyet, The High Chieftan (NE) - God of Goblins, Hobgoblins, War, Rulership
Hruggek, The Decapitator (CE) - God of Bugbears, Violence, Combat
Grankhul (CE) - God of Hunting, Senses, Surprises, Stealth

Nazarn, The Gladiator (N) - God of Formal and Public Combat

Arvoreen, The Defender (LG) - God of Protection, Vigilance, War
Cyrrollalee, The Hand of Fellowship (LG) - Goddess of Friendship, Trust, Home
Yondalla, The Protector and Provider (LG) - Goddess of Halflings, Protection, Fertility

Urogalan, He Who Must Be (LN) - God of Earth, Death, Protection of the Dead
Brandobaris, Master of Stealth (N) - God of Stealth, Thieves, Adventuring
Charmalaine, The Lucky Ghost (N) - Goddess of Keen Senses and Narrow Escapes
Sheela Peryroyl, Green Sister (N) - Goddess of Nature, Agriculture, Weather

Ilsensine (LE) - God of Mind Flayers, Illithids, Mental Dominion, Magic

Mouqol, The Merchant (N) - God of Trade, Negotiation, Ventures, Appraisal, Reciprocity

Gaknulak (LE) - God of Protection, Stealth, Trickery, Traps
Kurtulmak, Gnomesmasher (LE) - God of Kobolds, Trapmaking, Mining, War

Blibdoolpoolp, The Sea Mother (CE) - Goddess of Kuo-Toa, Darkness, Insanity, Revenge

Semuanya, The Survivor (N) - God of Lizardfolk, Survival, Propagation

Eadro, The Water of Life (N) - God of Locathahs, Merfolk

Eadro, The Water of Life (N) - God of Locathahs, Merfolk
Mouqol, The Merchant (N) - God of Trade, Negotiation, Ventures, Appraisal, Reciprocity

Shekinester, The Empower (N, CE, & LG) - Goddess of Nagas, Destruction, Wisdom, Knowledge, Protection

Ilneval, The Horde Leader (NE) - God of Warfare, Leadership
Luthic, The Cave Mother (NE) - Goddess of Female Orcs, Fertility, Medicine, Healing, Servitude, Caves, Home
Yurtrus, White Hands (NE) - God of Death, Disease
Shargaas, The Night Lord (CE) - God of Darkness, Thieves, Stealth, Night, Undead
Gruumsh, One-Eye (CE) - God of Orcs, War, Territory
Bahgtru, The Strong (CE) - God of Strength, Stupidity

Sekolah, The Great Shark (LE) - God of Sahuagin, Plunder, Hunting, Tyranny

Laogzed, The Devourer (CE) - Deity of Troglodytes, Eating

Squerrik (LE) - God of Wererats, Thievery, Disguise, Concealment

Sixin, The Highest (LE) - God of Xill, War, Intrigue, Deception

Raxivort, Lord of Xvartkind (CE) - God of Xvarts, Rats, Wererats, Bats

Merrshaulk, Master of the Pit (CE) - God of Yuan-ti, Poison, Somnolence

As an addendum (I love that word), these are the deities' portfolios, not their domains. So don't get excited when making a cleric of Keptolo looking for the Intoxication and Flattery domains - they don't exist (I hope).

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
As an addendum...

Who you callin' dum?!?


Tatterdemalion wrote:
Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
As an addendum...

Who you callin' dum?!?


Adden, my epic level barbarian, of course. Not that he'd know, what with being illiterate and having wiped out anyone capable of telling him what I typed.

"Wordz 'r bad! Adden crush!"

Shadow Lodge

Rhennee people are not so much anti-religious, so much as "spiritual." They don't worship deities of their own, but rather mystical forces.

There is more on this in teh Living Greyhawk Journal that introduced the Darkhagard prestige class (#2 or #3?).


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