The Eggplant Wizard wrote: JOIN US!!!
Be green and ocularly challenged! You know you want to!
Here is an interesting question: SMURF
Which takes precedence?
EDIT: Have a smurfy Erik Mona day!
An all happy and glorious Erik Mona Day!
Eric Mona day? again? dam time goes fast
I feel like I should get the day off or something.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Happy Erik Mona Day and good gaming to all!
Happy Erik Mona Day!
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
happy birthday, erik!
may your writing be great and your tummy be shrunk.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Ah, a holiday we can all enjoy. Happy Erik Mona Day!
Just missed post 666! Damnation!
I thought every day was Erik Mona day, (except those days that are Erik Ferguson day's...)
Happy Birthday Erik "with a 'K'" Mona!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Happy Birthday, Erik! Your birthday present is delayed until you get some free time in the Cities so we can go to Lion's Tap!
We're killing a Crave Case tonight in your honor, Erik.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Happy Erik Mona day to everyone!
Happy Erik Mona Day! (No wonder my left eye was hurting last night.)
I assume today is Erik Mona day? Happy Mona day everyone!
6 people marked this as a favorite.
You, there boy. What day is today?
Why, sir, it's Erik Mona Day.
I HAVEN'T MISSED IT! HAPPY ERIK MONA DAY!!! Now be a good lad, and go buy a giant Erik Mona Day Ham. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but your mother, she's a hooker, right? Please advise her that her services are requested, and to bring some blow if she has it.
I can't wait to decorate the Mona Tree.
<waves tiny flag with a one-eyed fiend on it>
Sebastian wrote: You, there boy. What day is today?
Why, sir, it's Erik Mona Day.
I HAVEN'T MISSED IT! HAPPY ERIK MONA DAY!!! Now be a good lad, and go buy a giant Erik Mona Day Ham. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but your mother, she's a hooker, right? Please advise her that her services are requested, and to bring some blow if she has it
So you are like Scroge?
Uh, guys... Erik's birthday is in April.
Erik Mona Day is just because he's... well, he's ERIK F$~+ING MONA!!!
It's Erik Mona day already!?
For someone much more worthy of a day than I am. Happy Erik Mona day.
Mysterious Cultist wrote: Uh, guys... Erik's birthday is in April.
Erik Mona Day is just because he's... well, he's ERIK F%$&ING MONA!!!
A common misconception. Erik doesn't need some flimsy reason like a birthday to be celebrated and adored.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Hooray! It's my day!
I didn't even notice until just now, because back in the day, folks used to send us pizzas or something around here.
I am starting to think that hiring Mark and Liz may have been the worst mistake (for Erik Mona Day) that we have ever made.
Erik Mona wrote: Hooray! It's my day!
I didn't even notice until just now, because back in the day, folks used to send us pizzas or something around here.
I am starting to think that hiring Mark and Liz may have been the worst mistake (for Erik Mona Day) that we have ever made.
*makes a Stealth check*
Liz Courts wrote: Erik Mona wrote: Hooray! It's my day!
I didn't even notice until just now, because back in the day, folks used to send us pizzas or something around here.
I am starting to think that hiring Mark and Liz may have been the worst mistake (for Erik Mona Day) that we have ever made.
*makes a Stealth check* Obviously, you didn't roll very high.
Erik Mona wrote: Hooray! It's my day!
I didn't even notice until just now, because back in the day, folks used to send us pizzas or something around here.
I am starting to think that hiring Mark and Liz may have been the worst mistake (for Erik Mona Day) that we have ever made.
So are you saying all someone needs to do to get hired by Paizo is send lots of food to the staff on special, fan-invented holidays?
It seems to have helped, judging by how we never get anything sent our way anymore. :)
Mona8myhead wrote: Erik Mona wrote: Hooray! It's my day!
I didn't even notice until just now, because back in the day, folks used to send us pizzas or something around here.
I am starting to think that hiring Mark and Liz may have been the worst mistake (for Erik Mona Day) that we have ever made.
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. So are you saying all someone needs to do to get hired by Paizo is send lots of food to the staff on special, fan-invented holidays? There does appear to be a trend ...
Woa, almost missed it! Darn dayjob messing with my internez gamer habits!
Happy Mona day!
Hey! It's Erik Mona Day again!!!! HAPPY ERIK MONA DAY!!!
Happy Erik Mona day, from California!
My day has not ended yet so it's still Erik Mona Day here!
Why not extend the festivities? HAPPY ERIK MONA DAY 2 !!
Is the day after Erik Mona Day Erik Mona Boxing Day? If so, who is he facing off against? ;)
I glanced down at the clock on my desktop. "Something wasn't right," I thought as I saw that it was 12:15 on the 8th of November. I wracked my brain for the source of this most curious feeling. I hadn't missed any time-sensitive work. I wasn't missing lunch. I didn't skip any parts of my morning routine. I was still wearing pants.
And then it hit me.
Happy Erik Mona Day!
Why it seems like it was Erik Mona Day only 3 posts ago ...
EDIT: At least some were still celebrating EMD 3 posts ago ... ;)
Hooray! My favorite holiday. The traditional Eye-poking stick is at the ready!