Rise of the Runelords


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Vaclav bounds past the prone goblin, drawing his mace as he does so. He surges forward putting all of his weight into a solid blow. He knocks a goblin flat to the earth and takes up a position near Rince.

With a bright flash and a puff of scented smoke a lean, golden colored labrador appears. It snarls viciously and lunges at one of the goblins bringing it down easily.

No one notices (aside from Marius) the errant acid spell that sizzles harmlessly on the earth a good 10 feet short of any combatant.

2 goblin (1 prone), and the goblin dog remain.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Tzoltan shoots an arrow at the prone goblin.

I only rolled a 4, but with my +3 for dex and potential bonuses for sneak attack (+4) and the target being prone (+?), it may be 11 or more. On the off chance that I hit, I do 5 damage.
P.S.- I'm in Afghanistan now.

Rambling Scribe wrote:

I rolled for everyone (and rolled well for once!)

Vaclav 20+2= 22
Marius 20+2= 22 (not sure how you want to break that tie)
Tzoltan 16+3= 19
Onagella 15+1= 16
Rince 14+0= 14

Just reposting Initiative. Onagella's go.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella marches over to the prone goblin and pounds her axe into his skull.

To hit roll 10+3+1=14
Damage roll 2+2+2=6 points.

"No point letting him gat back up to fight" she says.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1
Onagella Sunpath wrote:
"No point letting him gat back up to fight" she says.

whoops, "get," obviously

Male Human Fighter /1

Rince realises his peril and takes a 5' step to get him out of flanking trouble (preferably so he's standing next to ongella).

He'll take a swing at the Goblin dog trying to send it into the afterlife after it's master.

Rince swings at the Goblin Dog (1d20+4=23, 1d10+2=6)

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

Hefting his morning star, Vaclav steps toward the last standing goblin. to hit last goblin (1d20+1=7) that's the invisible castle I know. I was wondering who the impostor of the last two rounds was. damage in the unlikely event I hit (1d8+1=4)

Vaclav Rennet wrote:
Hefting his morning star, Vaclav steps toward the last standing goblin. to hit last goblin (1d20+1=7) that's the invisible castle I know. I was wondering who the impostor of the last two rounds was. damage in the unlikely event I hit (1d8+1=4)

Well the goblins get to go before you so your action may be null and void; I am at work and away from my books at the current second, so I will try to resolve actions and go for the goblins when I get home.

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

Good point, sorry.

Vaclav Rennet wrote:
Good point, sorry.

No apology needed; I am the king of messing up initiative. AND on the bright side you get to ignore a crappy roll! Win-win*

Unless you are a goblin.

Rince is no longer flanked, but cannot make it back to Onagella, he does unleash a vicious swipe on the goblin dog, causing it to shriek in pain.

Onagella and Tzoltan finish of the prone goblin in gruesome fashion.

The last remaining goblin is obviously afraid; he just watch Vaclav rush in and smash his compatriot's head in. Alas he is also cornered. He lunges at Vaclav with his rusty dogslicer. His swipe is powered by this fear and skirts past Vaclav's defenses 1d20+2=19; Dmg 1d4=2; Vaclav takes 2 points of damage

The dog also lunges forward, its mangy maw and rotting teeth snapping at Rince 1d20+2=7. It misses barely; blood from Rince's wound cakes the ugly animal's face as it snarls in frustration.

Vaclav's go

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

Hefting his morning star, Vaclav steps toward the last standing goblin. to hit last goblin (1d20+1=7) damage in the unlikely event I hit (1d8+1=4)

I'll stand by my previous action and results.

time for healing soon. Rince and I are getting to be hurting pups.

Male Varisian Wizard 1

The celestial labrador takes another bite at the goblin in front of it.

Dog Melee attack 1d20 + 4 = 24

Seeing if it confirmed a critical hit 1d20 + 4 = 7

Not a confirmed critcal but damage is 1d4 + 3 = 7

As for Marius, he continues to hide from his position and looks for a ranged weapon somewhere.

Vaclav's swing is parried, but the celestial dog drops the dead goblin in it's mouth and brings downt the last remaining goblin with a vicious bite.

Only the goblin dog remains.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Tzoltan nocks an arrow and holds his turn, waiting to see if an opportunity to shoot the goblin dog arises without any danger of hitting his new comrades.

If this scenario does occur, I rolled a 6+3 dex = 9, unless there are other modifiers. (Maybe the creature will break off contact and flee? Tzoltan has no qualms about shooting a goblin dog in the back. The point is moot however, since I'll miss in any case.)

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella closes with the goblin dog and swings her axe in a fierce arc.

Attack: 18+3=21
Damage: 4+2=6

"Did that get your attention, ugly?" she shouts.

Busy day of editing my portfolio of fiction for grad schools, will try to catch up things late tonight

Male Human Fighter /1

If it's still standing Rince will slash out at the Goblin Dog:

Rince tries to 'put down' Goblin Dog (1d20+4=12, 1d10+2=8)

Maybe Rince has lost a little too much blood !?

Its dead. I will hand out XP and do the next session soon.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella looks over in the direction of the inn. "I hope Droga is okay." She looks at her companions. "I wish I could do something for your injuries. If we find any more goblins, let me take point." She looks back over her shoulder. "Sunshine! Heel!"

The Last Rogue wrote:
Its dead. I will hand out XP and do the next session soon.

Guys, I forgot to mention something kind of big. I am going on a cruise that leaves on Sunday. I will be gone about a week. Sorry for the late notice. I may not post until after Christmas. If I don't, have the best of holidays and may your stockings be full of Paizo-y (or whatever else you want) goodness! ;)

Male Varisian Wizard 1

The celestial dog begins to fade and then with a sparkle of light vanishes completely from this plane. As this happens, Marius straightens himself up from out of the shadows. "I see smoke coming from some of those buildings, quickly we must put out those fires or face losing part of the town again."

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Tzoltan stands uncertainly, and looks in the direction of the smoke. He buckles the quiver of goblin arrows to his belt as he waits to learn the concensus of the group.

Is the smoke coming from the general location of Tzoltan's mother's house? She lives in building #7 on the map.

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6
Marius Vaca wrote:
The celestial dog begins to fade and then with a sparkle of light vanishes completely from this plane. As this happens, Marius straightens himself up from out of the shadows. "I see smoke coming from some of those buildings, quickly we must put out those fires or face losing part of the town again."

"You're right. But let's make sure this filth is really dead." For emphasis Vaclav knocks a fallen goblin in the head. "Rince, you took a couple of nasty slashes. Do you need help binding them up?"

before traipsing off, it'd be good to get healed up . Vaclav and Rince are in need I think. ANyone else? Oh, and V needs to recover his bow.

Male Human Fighter /1
Vaclav Rennet wrote:

"Rince, you took a couple of nasty slashes. Do you need help binding them up?"

"Any help with these wounds would be gratefully recieved - I didn't know anything could hurt this much !"

Male Human of Varisian and Chelaxian descent Cleric of Erastil 6

Crying aloud "Erastil, Protector of the hearth, Provider of all that is needful, in your mercy and grace, have pity on us. Heal this brave man's wounds, gotten in defense of this town, so that we can continue your work. Please also heal me, unworthy as I am, so that I may serve you," Erastil reaches out and touches Rince, covering the fighter's wounds with his hands.

Cure light wounds: Rince, then Vaclav (1d8=8, 1d8=1)
Rince healed for 9 hp. Vaclav healed for 2. I guess Erastil is still upset about last night.

anyone else interested in the horse and the civilian?

Nice rp while I was away; I will post xp tonight (including extra for good roleplay) and pick up the game tonight or tomorrow.

As you guys can imagine the curse of real life has struck me.

I sincerely apologize, but I believe I will have to cancel this game.

I have been neck-deep in writing and editing (grad school, and trying to hone my fiction writing skills).

I even had to cancel my PF subscription. . .I know realthom, you got another pbp going on, so that eases the guilt a bit ;)

Anyways guys, I will be ghosting a lot more than posting, but it was nice playing with you all for awhile even if it was just a short bit via PBP. I wish you all well and good luck in your current and future endeavors, and again I apologize.


Oh, just for the hell of it, SNEAK ATTACKS for everyone!!!

Sorry to hear it, Rogue. Thought you were running a nice game. But I do understand how real life gets in the way. If you ever crank a game up again, count me in.

Chuck, Guthwulf, Scribe. I'll miss you guys too. Thought the party was shaping up to be outstanding.

Alex and Flamifur, I'll see you in Cauldron.

Feel free to drop by the thereal thom discussion thread anytime you want to chat.

Best of luck in all your endeavors.


Sovereign Court Contributor

It was fun while it lasted, and I'm sorry to see the game end. Nice playing with all of you!

TLR, thanks, I hope I'll see you around when you have more time.

Male Workaholic, level 10

Thanks for the invite, in any case, Rogue. Good luck with Grad School, etc.

Man, my luck with ROTL is now 0-2. Anyone else in need of a stray character for a game in Golarion?

Good luck to all!

Scarab Sages

Male Human Expert 3/Cleric 3
Alex Martin wrote:
Man, my luck with ROTL is now 0-2. Anyone else in need of a stray character for a game in Golarion?

It's not Golarion (or even DnD) but I am looking for a couple more potential players Here.

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