Thron's Altered Kingmaker

Game Master Litejedi

Roll20 Map

Loot List

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F Half-Elf Skald 1 (Urban Skald)/Druid 11 (Men. Sav./Prog.)/LM 1 | HP 116/116 | AC 26-15-24 | F+16, R+9, W+22 | Per +22, Sense M +25, Init +7 | Cont. Ins. Rage Dex is OFF
Active Effects:

Sophiel is shorter than Mila, but somehow still manages to be imposing. She looks Mila over, ”no offense taken - but before you judge me, recall who we are facing and what they’re willing to do. At the least, multiple people have tried to murder me,” She stretches herself out, still catlike, ”your cover identity had run its course. I’ll read over the rest of your reports later.” Mila usually sends cyphered reports to Sophiel directly via animal messengers. The last report would have talked about planning at the Grand Academy for the Rushlight Tournament. It would be the reason why Sophiel knows in advance what the tournament entails.

She continues, ”I have a crew that I’d like you to join. Right now they’re planning on clearing out the Slough. With Drelev dead and Armag … agreeing to nonaggression, we have some breathing room, but I need the routes cleared to build roads and other infrastructure.” She smiles slightly, ”a break - from pretending to be someone else, for at least a few months.” She smooths down her hair, ”obviously, you can say no - but afterwards, I intend to take Pitax completely - it will be the last major external enemy other than Brevoy.” She clears her throat, her voice catching on the last words - as if there’s shared knowledge between the pair. A knowing, a reminder of something terrible.

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