Defense of Brookside

Game Master caster4life

The farming hamlet of Brookside has suffered some violent and mysterious attacks.

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Female UC Rogue (Phantom Thief) 8, Warpriest of Ostara 1, HP: 91/91, AC: 24:17:19, CMD: 26 Saves: 10:12:9 (+2 vs enchantment), Init +5 (+3 when bluff/SM involved); Status:
Acro +13, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplo +12, Disg +21, Escape A +11, Heal +20, Kn(arc, nobles) +13, Kn(loc, planes) +21, Kn(nat) +16, Kn(rel) +17, Kn(others) +12, Ling +7, Perc +20, Sense M +8, Stealth +27, Surv +5, Swim +6

Mel studies it carefully for a few moments.

Perception: 1d20 + 20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 20 + 10 = 35

Looking for any signs of magic with Detect Magic still running, and also mundane traps. If it looks clear she'll pick the book up and immediately stash it in her handy haversack.

Brookside Campaign Journal

The book appears to be untrapped and non-magical. Mel stashes the leatherbound, parchment volume without incident.

What else would you like to try?

HP 52/52| AC 17(16)/FF14/T13(12) | Saves 7(6):10(9):11 | CMD 18 | Init 2 |Perception +11 | FS 2/2 SS 2/2 | Pearl1 3/3 Fund 140/500 Grtr Magic Aura

"I reckon we crack it open." Hal whispers "It'd be our luck to discover we nicked a por... er poor substitute."
So plan is get it out, right? We gave up on the idea of a man-in-the-middle attack?

Dwarf 10HD Sentinel (4) Buffs (n/a) Wounds (24) HP (103) AC (33/13/30) Saves (14/9/7, +2 Hardy) Initiative (+6) MF (2/4) HP (1/1) CMD (28+4 trip and bull rush, +2 vs grapple, +1 disarm and sunder) Battlefield Protector (Sp) sanctuary (3/3) shield of faith (1/2) prayer (1/1)

”That what we need?” Kazador asked. ”I’d hate to stay longer than we have to, but it beats a second trip.”

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