Tell Me Truly

4th Edition

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Erik Mona wrote:

Given what you know so far, are you planning to:

A) Convert! I am ready for a new D&D.
B) 3.5 or Bust! I'm sticking with the man what brought me.
C) We'll see. Need more information.
D) Other.
So, given what you know so far, you plan to: _______________.

Based on what I'm reading about 4th edition, I'd say B. 4th edition seems like too much of a break from classic D&D. The core races should be left alone, as should the core classes.

Besides, they've surgically removed Greyhawk as the default setting, so WotC is dead to me.

PS: For me, C&C is closer to good old D&D than 3.5 turned out to be. I'd love to see Paizo come out with C&C material or, even better, a new d20 fantasy RPG that blows away 4th edition!

I think I've decided against upgrading to 4th edition.

I happen to like low level play. One of my favorite adventures was Treasure Hunt (a 0-level 1st edition adventure). Nobody on the development team likes low level play. First level adventurers are going to be more powerful than currently, and levels are evidently going to be gained even faster than in the current edition. I happen to think that 3rd edition levels a bit too fast.

Also, I really dislike Tome of Battle maneuvers. You could say...

My hat of them know no limit.

Maybe Paizo and Necromancer Games can make me change my mind.

Erik Mona wrote:

C) We'll see. Need more information.

There is many flavorful rpg systems.

There is few players for those.
So, as a DM, I might stick with whatever D&D becomes.
As long as there are players available.

The Exchange

Erik Mona wrote:

D) Other.

I'll quite probably convert to 4E sooner or later. Sooner, if the FRCS 4.0 absolutely blows me away (which i highly doubt, given what we know so far). quite probably I'll wait for Eberron 4E. Until Paizo converts sooner, that is, since I absolutely intend to stay true to what i nowadays see as the best roleplaying material quality-wise.

I don't care about system changes too much, but what I care about is the quality of the story and the background of any book I'll buy. Paizo delivers just that quality

Valegrim wrote:
hehe havent you read our groovy retirement thread? seriously, we have one.

What retirement thread? Do you have a link?

-- david

No; wasnt my thread and I dont remember the name; was a while ago so dont know how to find it myself; hope that one of the gurus can maybe help out; was a fun thread where we all discussed retirement plans and living in a D&D maybe gated community where we could play games all day and night all week and all with great food and fun. Is a great dream; be cool if we could make something like that happen with lots of great people and all kinds of gaming going all the time; imagine the community calender hehe

Erik Mona wrote:

Given what you know so far, are you planning to:

B) 3.5 or Bust! I'm sticking with the man what brought me.

I've owned four of the so far six editions, and haven't seen a compelling reason to spend money on the seventh. Locally, that seems to be the consensus: with the investment we have in 3.5E, we have enough material to cover all our D&D gaming needs for many years to come.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

Given what you know so far, are you planning to:

A) Convert! I am ready for a new D&D.

B) 3.5 or Bust! I'm sticking with the man what brought me.

C) We'll see. Need more information.

D) Other.

B/D option. ;)

I'll stick with the 3.X ruleset. I have developed a nice bunch of house rules that easily tailor the game to my (and my players') tastes.
Moreover, so far I've seen no real reason to convert or any solid improvement beyond the current mechanics.

The more probable scenario is that I'll rip off something from the 4.0 SRD, fine-tune it as I like, use it along my other HR, and stay within the 3.X framework of rules.

Erik Mona wrote:

D) Other.
So, given what you know so far, you plan to: _______________.

I plan on making my selection based on the campaign that looks detailed, interesting, and is well written. The rule set that campign uses is a means to an end as far as I am concerned, with the caveat that the rules can't be stupid or badly flawed.

This is a reverse of the old paradigm where one bought the rules and hoped someone published good adventure materials.

Now I buy good adventure materials and hope the rules are workable.

Because.. who really plays a rule set for the rule set? You play it for the background and campaign! And that is true for whether you just want a broadstroke campaign setting (gazeteer style), or you want a linked adventure path.

I have a friend that keeps wanting to convert people to True20. I'm not against that, but his sales pitch needs work. "It's True20, you can do anything with it!" Well.. you can do that with GURPS too. Players aren't interested in rules for their own sake, their interested in the 'fun stuff' and that's usually the Campaign and the Adventure.

So.. If the campaigns I want to run are supported by 3.5, I stay with 3.5. If an awesome campaign setting and adventure path comes out for 4the edition, I'll consider switching.

But the point is, the rules themselves no longer govern what I do.. it's the setting material.

Sovereign Court

D (with a healthy dose of C).

No one in my group has seen anything so far about 4e that indicates that it make as big a leap forward as 3.xe jumped ahead of 2e.

So we'll probably stick with 3.5 through the AoW campaign, and probably the STAP as well.

However, we'll all probably pick up the 4e core books for tournament play, and so we'll see how it goes.

3.5 or Bust! I'm sticking with the man what brought me...

Hmmm, let's look at the good campaigns available that I haven't finished (or started) yet:

  • Age of Worms
  • Savage Tide
  • Rise of the Runelords

Oddly, I don't see any 4/e material on the list. Worse, I don't expect to see any decent 4/e adventures -- any more than I got to see them with 3.5 (the new Castle Greyhawk excepted, which isn't really WotC's creation anyway, as far as I'm concerned).

I'll look at 4/e after we're finished with these, but that'll be a while.

B for sure. I'll be staying with 3.5/OGL and not converting.

I feel so strongly about this (and so does my group) that 4 out of my 5 regulars are even dropping their RPGA play to nil rather than give WotC a thumbs-up on its new edition.

We LOVE the adventure paths and Pathfinder. Erik, James & others: Paizo will continue to get my business as long as you guys keep putting out 3.5/OGL content in the spirit of the APs and Pathfinder.

I have bought my last version of D&D. I can play this game until I'm on my deathbed about 60 years from now. The 4e announcement put me right back in the realm of the bitter old grognards.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

After the most recent Design & Development article detailing the trashing of the Great Wheel, lobotomizing demons to remove any form of cunning, and imprisoning all devilkind in Hell, I want to change my vote.

B. Sticking with 3.5

Screw their "improved" mechanics. Grapple rules aren't hard to use, despite Hasbro's PR. If my players don't want Vancian casting, sorcerers and favored souls are good options. And I thought making monsters follow the same rules as pc's was one of the best moves in 3rd ed. Going back to mystery stat blocks with HP, attack bonuses, and damage arbitrarily assigned because it is "appropriate" at that level? Yuck.

The fluff should be unaffected by rules changes. I can (and do) mine old edition stuff for ideas, even updating old adventures to the modern rules once in a while. The changes being made to the fluff are invalidating a lot of my purchases.

But only if I let them. Only if I play along.

Paizo, if and when you do convert Pathfinder to 4th ed., I hope the campaign will be easily switched over to 3.5 rules. Getting the same kind of support as C&C or True D20 would be great. If it isn't useful to a 3.5 DM, I'll thank you for the memories and end my subscription.


I feel sickened by the whole mess.

Liberty's Edge

Um, A & B? I'll definitely be picking up 4E and am looking forward to it for use in my home games and RPGA play, but I'll still be playing some 3.5 material (I fully intend to run players thru the first two Pathfinder adventure paths, which will take me at least a year or two past the release of 4E). But past the release of 4E, I probably won't be looking to pick up anymore 3.5 material unless it is really good (i.e. Pathfinder would have to maintain or exceed its current quality in order for me to continue picking it up if it doesn't convert to 4E).

Sacred cows taste good with ketchup.

Heh ... the adventure publisher driving the RPG market. How times change!

Considering that the OGL was originally conceived as a way for WotC not to have to lose money publishing adventures, I find this both amusing and heartening -- as adventures are pretty much the only thing I'm consistently willing to spend money on!

-The Gneech

I choose 'C'. I shall wait and see. :) Not that fussed about it really, don't like the changes to established D&D lore so much though. Hope the next edition dumps alignment or at least does something new with the concept. Hate that you have to pay for all the online extras. Can't they just put a DVD in the back of the new PHB and DMG etc then have 'patches' now and then? I'd pay a couple of extra pounds for the DVD.

Not that I have the time to do it myself, but is the A/B/C/D breakdown so far?

*I might go back and scroll through all the pages to come up with a consensus, but that depends on how much "real" work I have to do today.

R-type wrote:
I choose 'C'.... Hate that you have to pay for all the online extras....

I thought Wizards said you don't need Insider to play?

Kruelaid wrote:
R-type wrote:
I choose 'C'.... Hate that you have to pay for all the online extras....
I thought Wizards said you don't need Insider to play?

They also said a lot of things like "4th edition isn't coming soon" so personally I'm not taking them at their word on a lot of things right now.

Answer C. I will purchase the three new core books, and attend the d&d gaming experience convention in Washington DC in February 2008 and see what the new game looks like.
In principle, I would like to make the switch to 4th edition, though I wish it had come four or five years later than it has. Thus, I will likely switch to 4th edition, barring a mediocre product or none of my players being willing to make the switch also. However, I will NOT be buying the endless supplemental books that will inevitably follow the new three 4.0 core books.

Erik Mona wrote:
So, given what you know so far, you plan to: _______________.


All the guys I play with are pretty solid on 3.5 until the end of time. Only one other fella ventures out to the internet and he has been filling everyone in with the crap from the Wizard boards.

I guess the correct terminology is "We're fired!"

Kruelaid wrote:
R-type wrote:
I choose 'C'.... Hate that you have to pay for all the online extras....
I thought Wizards said you don't need Insider to play?

They have. A thousand times.

Yeah. My current plan is D.

Finish ALL current campaigns in 3.5 This should take until January 1, 2009.

Update all existing PCs to 4th edition as the need arises.


If 4th edition sucks so much that I have to call it "Bob" instead of D+D, which is what it's looking like, I very well may stick with 3.5

There's no way in hell I won't stick with 3.5 if Paizo decides to support the product in 3.5.

Then no one upconverts anything, and I run 3.5 D+D until my brain leaks out my buttocks.

The Last Rogue wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
R-type wrote:
I choose 'C'.... Hate that you have to pay for all the online extras....
I thought Wizards said you don't need Insider to play?
They have. A thousand times.

I hate to break it to you two...

But R-Type said nothing about needing Insider to play.

Just mentioned hating to have to pay for the extras.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber


I really need more info on what the game is going to be like before I make that decision.

That said;

In the last 6 years I have not had a stable group of players because I am in the military, so even if i do decide to go to 4e any players I pick up may decide they want to play 3.5 (or even an older edition).

Even if i do decide to go 4e I will no longer be buying alot of WotC products since I have lost my trust and confidence in them as a publisher for D&D because of the lack of good products they have pushed out. There DI for me is not something I am happy about though I am still in a wait and see on that.

Also if Paizo decides not go 4e then I will not.

And Lastly, Truthfully I am not really a big D&D fan, My games of choice are White Wolf WoD and Shadowrun, I only play and run D&D because almost all Roleplayers i find in the military only play D&D. Once I leave the military in a couple of years and return to home and my good Buddies there who I played with for over a decade it will be rare indeed when i play D&D.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Probably C & D.

But it is dependent on my DMs (I am currently playing in 4 camapigns with 4 different groups) and on Paizo (the best D&D company around). My husband (one of the DMs) is a B, he will not be changing....I think there is only one of my DMs that may possibly change.

If Paizo change I will probably buy the core books from WOTC (or just print out the SRD.

I will not be paying for their digital initiative, so far nothing I have heard makes it even vaguely palatable.

To be perfectly honest I quite like the complexity of 3.5 (even when I DM) so to me the big issue is whether 4.0 is simplified or over-simplified).

Currently I am trying to keep an open mind, but it isn't easy

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

D) Other.

Basically, as a DM, I feel as though it is up to me to understand the game to it's fullest extent, and that means playing it fully a couple of times. I have done so with 3.5, and have multiple options and understanding of the game. While 4.0 is suppose to be more easy, this may change, but at the moment I have a firm grip on 3.5, and at least 2 or 3 years worth of campaigns to use.

Not to mention, I firmly believe that I should wait as long as possible until there are no other "surprise" releases which will mean buying new core material.

Dark Archive

D) Other

I'm interested in the game mechanics of the 4th Edition, but I'll continue playing 3rd Edition until I'm completely convinced 4th Edition is right for my group.

Technically, I don't have much of a choice. As a publisher, I'll have to learn the system and run a few games under 4th edition to ensure I know what the heck I'm doing. When it comes to my recreational gaming, I'll probably do what our gaming group did when the new World of Darkness came out. Use the changes I like and ignore the ones I don't.

But frankly, I'm ALREADY burnt out on 4th edition "news". Until I see an SRD, it's all just fluff and bunny nonsense. From a PR standpoint, I think they are making a mistake with the way they are handling this. Too much hype. The game will not be able to live up to all the nonsense hype they are trying to generate, even if it is a flawless mechanic. By the time the damn system is ready, people are gonna be expecting it to come with real kobolds, for gods' sake.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

B and D (no, not that kind of B&D)

We're sticking with 3.5.314578 (3.5 + various rules and suppliments)

At least one of our players is psyched for 4.0 so he'll likely get the core books. I'll likely just use the SRD, and pilliage 4.0 mechanics for new feats. I'm already looking at the focus rules as a "Pick two schools, with your focus you cast them at +1 CL, w/o your focus you cast them at -1 or -2 CL" type feat.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4

Erik Mona wrote:

Given what you know so far, are you planning to:

A) Convert! I am ready for a new D&D.

B) 3.5 or Bust! I'm sticking with the man what brought me.

C) We'll see. Need more information.

D) Other.

I have 2 answers.

First, I run an Age of Worms game, and I'm finishing up TFoE. At the rate we play, I think we'll finish up Dawn of a New Age about the time 5th edition is hitting the shelves. So there's one vote for B.

Second, I'm not super-psyched for 4th, but I am willing to give the designers the benefit of the doubt. I think my group will sit down with 4th edition in the months following its release and take it for a spin. If we don't enjoy it as much as our current 3rd Edition games, we'll stick with 3rd.

Option B.

Got years of 3.5 material from Dungeon. I only play once a month and am actually developing a homebrew to get back to the RPG roots of D&D and away from the battle orientated feel of the game that will only get worse with 4th ed.

I'm sticking w/ 3.5, but I'm only one voice, albeit the DM's voice, in my group(s).
I skipped 2nd ed. except for Planescape, but that was a matter of quality more than mechanics. They overtaxed the market.
I will likely skip 4th ed. for the same reason, low quality is all they seem to producing in-house over there. Wait, Examplars of Evil was freelance and totally awful. Hmm. Maybe just Paizo/ex-Paizo freelancers then...
I just hope Paizo stays adaptable for both versions...

Books too expensive, blew a lot of cash on current set, works fine, see no reason to upgrade.

I might pick up a 4e PHB out of curiosity. Maybe.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Mostly B, but with a little C (hell, I do have to at least see some of the nuts and bolts of the rules-system before I can judge its effectiveness as a game engine).

I do say mostly B because (and please don't read any hyperbole into these statements....I'm not foaming at the mouth or clamouring for WOTC's demise) I am detecting a distinct lack of respect for D&D's traditions (the Great Wheel, demons and devils, Greyhawk, etc.) in an effort to make the game more palatable to the next generation. I find myself increasingly in the camp of those who feel that this new edition just doesn't feel like D&D to them, not because of the mechanics but because of the seeming disregard to the iconic facets of the shared history that I have felt with this game.

From a financial standpoint, I can see why the designers are doing this, but I also think that it's shamefully short-sighted....I never before thought of myself as a grognard, even though I've been playing since the 5th grade starting with the Red Box (with the Erol Otus artwork, not the newer iteration) but some of these changes to what had been the "back-story"/history of the game, starting with the dissolution of the print edition of Dragon and Dungeon, iconic emblems of our hobby if ever there were some, and their reicorporation at digital downloads. And based on many (but certainly not all) of the responses on this message-board, and to a much lesser degree on EN-World (where I must confess to finding myself less and less at home, even as just a lurker), WOTC is on the verge of alientating a substantial portion of their audience.


But perhaps that is of very little concern to them (WOTC).

At least I can always count on Paizo, and even if you guys eventually shift to 4E, I'll still try my best to support you, simply because I enjoy the atmosphere, and certainly appreciate the candor and customer support that everyone at Paizo shows. I feel better with people like Erik and James (and everyone else too, from Lisa and Vic on down...and hell, we can't forget Cosmo, who has been unfailingly helpfull whenever I've had issues) in charge of things!


P.S. I can also understand that many home-brewers who have of course traditionally ignored many/all of the aspects of D&D's "history" in order to craft the worlds that they imagine will not feel the curious sting and sense of alienation that I am currently feeling. That is fully their perogative, and I certainly hope that no-one thinks that I am suggesting that "old-school", Gygaxian is the only true way to play and that those who don't agree at all that 4E is thus far not feeling like D&D must be heretics of the most blasphemous variety.

It's just that this old-timer (and bloody hell, I'm only 34! ;-) ;-) doesn't see much in terms of fluff that fills him with any degree of confidence that the current designers play the same sort of game and enjoy the same atmosphere that I associate with D&D. Yes, fluff is easily changed compared to crunch, but when the entire framing narrative of a story has changed, including the world it takes place in and the languages used by its characters, etc. the snytax and grammar of the writer matters very's still too different a story, regardless of how well crafted the nuts and bolts might be (hope that metaphor makes sense, eh).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Because the theme of this thread is "be truthful," at this point, I'm going to option E: Screw Paizo.

A lot of the chatter on this board has made me rather irritable at Paizo. To be blunt, there's a TON of negativity going around, which Erik and James are doing a lot to contribute to.

That latter part is the thing that most troubles me. I consider loyalty to friends to be a paramount virtue, and a lot of the things that the two of them have said over the past several weeks, well, you have to look at it in a mighty specific light to find an angle that doesn't look like they're ripping on people they have in the past described as friends. Besides that, it is INCREDIBLY unprofessional. You're not representing your company well in any regard by saying those things on the company's own message boards. The tone on these boards has turned viciously negative and I doubt I'm the only customer who's turned away from them in disgust and said, "Well this is a company I'm going to think twice before giving my money to."

A friend of mine said that he had never heard of Pathfinder until I complained about the boards here and the rampant negativity. Guess what? That's a customer you guys lost before you even got him.

I've basically stopped reading the Paizo boards because I don't like the tone here, and if I keep reading them, I'm very likely to cancel my Pathfinder subscription after my free issues run out. The negativity here is grating on my nerves and making me think badly of the people who are posting here, and the fact that the publisher and a senior writer at the company are openly feeding it does not make me think well of the people who work there. So Paizo, as much as it pains me, at this point you're on notice: Shape the hell up, or I will take my business elsewhere.

Dark Archive

firevalkyrie wrote:
At this point, I'm going to option E: Screw Paizo.

Heh. Don't have really anything to say other than I found it humorous that such a negatively toned post would be chiding folks for for their negativity.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DangerDwarf wrote:
firevalkyrie wrote:
At this point, I'm going to option E: Screw Paizo.
Heh. Don't have really anything to say other than I found it humorous that such a negatively toned post would be chiding folks for for their negativity.

I don't have time for sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. I'm registering a complaint.

Scarab Sages

Whoa! It seemed to me that the mood here on the paizo boards was pretty typical of that found on other boards I browse, ENworld for example. Some people like what they have heard about 4th ed., some people don't, others are uncertain.

I would have to say that your post is easily one of the most negative ones I have seen.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Tambryn wrote:

Whoa! It seemed to me that the mood here on the paizo boards was pretty typical of that found on other boards I browse, ENworld for example. Some people like what they have heard about 4th ed., some people don't, others are uncertain.

I would have to say that your post is easily one of the most negative ones I have seen.


This is the company board. I'd hold WotC accountable if I saw their guys slagging other companies and their employees on their own boards (I won't say it hasn't happened, but I haven't seen it).

A) I'm ready for a new system and await the new one with great anticipation. If it sucks, I I'll go back to 3.5

Scarab Sages

Please point me in the direction of this "Slagging" as I have not seen anything of that sort from the Eric and the crew.

There was one rather winded post from Eric about whether or not Paizo would be converting the third Pathfinder AP to 4th ed. I did not read to much negativity there, but a healthy dose of honesty that I was thankfull for.

I have yet to see anything that would make me say......

firevalkyrie wrote:
At this point, I'm going to option E: Screw Paizo.

But like I said, point me in the direction of these negative posts both here and on the WotC boards.


Scarab Sages

firevalkyrie wrote:
A friend of mine said that he had never heard of Pathfinder until I complained about the boards here and the rampant negativity. Guess what? That's a customer you guys lost before you even got him.

Oh, and tell your friend that he should come here and check it out for himself and come to his own conclusion. Nothing wrong with forming your own opinion and not depending soley on the opinions of others.


Scarab Sages

Considering how WotC, in my opinion, screwed Paizo over, I'd say they've shown remarkable restraint. Not to mention that the comments I've seen from Erik and James were more expressing disappointment over their hard work seemingly being thrown right out the window.


firevalkyrie wrote:

Because the theme of this thread is "be truthful," at this point, I'm going to option E: Screw Paizo.

A lot of the chatter on this board has made me rather irritable at Paizo. To be blunt, there's a TON of negativity going around, which Erik and James are doing a lot to contribute to.

That latter part is the thing that most troubles me. I consider loyalty to friends to be a paramount virtue, and a lot of the things that the two of them have said over the past several weeks, well, you have to look at it in a mighty specific light to find an angle that doesn't look like they're ripping on people they have in the past described as friends. Besides that, it is INCREDIBLY unprofessional. You're not representing your company well in any regard by saying those things on the company's own message boards. The tone on these boards has turned viciously negative and I doubt I'm the only customer who's turned away from them in disgust and said, "Well this is a company I'm going to think twice before giving my money to."

A friend of mine said that he had never heard of Pathfinder until I complained about the boards here and the rampant negativity. Guess what? That's a customer you guys lost before you even got him.

I've basically stopped reading the Paizo boards because I don't like the tone here, and if I keep reading them, I'm very likely to cancel my Pathfinder subscription after my free issues run out. The negativity here is grating on my nerves and making me think badly of the people who are posting here, and the fact that the publisher and a senior writer at the company are openly feeding it does not make me think well of the people who work there. So Paizo, as much as it pains me, at this point you're on notice: Shape the hell up, or I will take my business elsewhere.


Dude, you can't really be serious. What makes the Paizo staff such great people to deal with is their honesty, integrity, and active participation on their own boards. Nobody in the biz even comes close to the level of professionalism and respect they give their customers.

When you start waving this kind of flag around, you better back it up with "quotes", my friend. And don't let us confuse the negativity you describe with an honest opinion or expression of how they feel about the eminent changes in the business they have such a vested interest in. Sure, there's negative remarks on the Paizo boards, but they are no worse (and actually a great deal better) than other gaming forums. The fact that Erik initiated this thread shows that he and the Paizo staff want to do what's right for them and their customers, even if it means going against the grain. That's enormously cool of them and a HUGE risk they seem willing to take! How on earth doest that make a person say "screw Paizo"? Put down the crazy pills, my man.

Erik Mona wrote:

Given what you know so far, are you planning to:

A) Convert! I am ready for a new D&D.

B) 3.5 or Bust! I'm sticking with the man what brought me.

C) We'll see. Need more information.

D) Other.

Please pick one. Feel free to elaborate, but please stick to one reply each for this thread. I'm not interested in fights or refutations of incorrect points or baiting or whatever.

I want to know how you, at this moment in time, feel about the idea of converting to a new edition of the game.

I expect that people's answers will change over time. This is not the last time I will ask this question, so we'll have a chance to gauge the issue as we go along.

So, given what you know so far, you plan to: _______________.

B. I will NEVER buy a 4.0 book, heck I was upset at the new layout of The Ruins of Castle Greyhawk, and Expidition to the Demonweb. I dispise the Book of Nine Swords feel and theme, and it seems to be what they want to go with. Genericizing the world, dropping all of the rich history and playstyle that has been D&D for the last 31 years is not the best business move, the folk at WotC are seemingly under pressure to make they're game more "anime" to appeal to the younger crowd. Heck if I wanted to play Anime games I would get on BESM d20, but I don't I play D&D!

3.5 FTW... 3.5 Till my Dice Rot!


Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
firevalkyrie wrote:

Because the theme of this thread is "be truthful," at this point, I'm going to option E: Screw Paizo.

A lot of the chatter on this board has made me rather irritable at Paizo. To be blunt, there's a TON of negativity going around, which Erik and James are doing a lot to contribute to.

Wow. I'm almost speechless. I've actually found what James and Erik have posted on 4e to be refreshingly honest and candid. While often frank, it has also been respectful to WotC.

As someone with a communications and PR background, Paizo is really the gold standard when it comes to its communications with customers – not just in the RPG world. They could be a case study for communications excellence in any of the industries I consult with (automotive, packaged goods, pharmaceuticals). Their style of respectful communications candor should be encouraged and celebrated

It’s certainly an example that WotC could learn from. Consider the daily corporate cheerleading speak from the WotC blogs, announcements and interviews (with a tone that sounds either mandated by Hasbro execs or Karl Rove). There is a hollowness to 4e communications that lacks genuine authenticity. Few would accuse Eric or James of being inauthentic. If anything, they conduct themselves in public communications with impeccable integrity. They've told us both what they like and what they don't like in a way that is balanced and fair.

As a result of their communication candor, and their courage to not blindly tow the party-line from Renton, my trust in them (and my loyalty to Paizo) grows.

Paizo is providing a high, high standard or communication – and as a consumer, I want the companies I support to raise the communications bar, rather than lower it. In other words, the entire industry would benefit from WotC following Paizo’s example, rather than the other way around.

Sorry for continuing the threadjack, but I just had to say this.

Not only have I missed Paizo slagging WotC on these boards. I hung out with a few of the Paizo guys at Gen Con when they were drunk and honest and they had not one negative word to say about Wizards or 4th edition. I'm not a company shill. That's how it went down. They were baited by some but remained pros.

Please provide some quotes to back up your point, Valk, because I'm curious to see if maybe you misread Paizo's intent.

Many people on this forum were very upset with Paizo losing their license and the prospect of their $500 in 3.5 textbooks becoming completely "outdated" in one fell corporate swoop.

"You play 3.5? Pfft. Who continues to write dead sea scrolls for your dying version? Other dust farting oldsters, right?"

I wrote a letter to Scott Rouse a few days after the announcement and he replied immediately with an encouraging letter saying he had opportunities for me (apparently to clean his pool and sing "Sweet Melissa" to him during his morning shiatsu sessions), but I too am one of the negative Nellies who is not looking forward to the change, or the textbook re-up. That said, I have no real power in this world other than the bang of my buck and so I'll wait and see what's to come before making final pronouncements.

To the question of the OP, Mr. Erik "Wizards can bite my lily white... (oh wait, he never said that)" Mona, I'll continue to buy 3.5 material for sure. That's all I can say with certainty at this point.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

firevalkyrie wrote:
A bunch of paranoid delusional crap.

You know what's a great skill for the internet? Reading comprehension. You should try it - you may come to like it. Plus, if you can master the skill, you won't sound like you're delusional when you post.

As anyone on these boards will tell you, I am enthusiastically pro-4e. This place seems to have a larger knee jerk anti-4e crowd than most boards, but the paizo staff is not among their number. They have been refreshingly honest, non-dogmatic, and intelligent in their comments. If you can't differentiate their posts from what you descibe above, well, I'd try practicing reading Dr. Seuss books and seeing if you can summarize the plot. Once you can do that, move on to the hardy boys or harry potter. If you keep practicing, maybe someday you'll be capable of intelligent discourse based on what you've read.

Sadly, today is not that day.

Why's my knee gotta be a jerk? Have you ever tried to get to know my knee? You'll find it has little passion either way concerning 4th edition because it's a kneeilist.

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