Amber Scott Contributor |

I got a copy at GC, as evidenced by the picture in the blog.
Me (at till): "I'd love to buy Burnt Offerings, but I'm a subscriber so I'll just get it in the mail soon."
Josh: "But you won't get this special edition cover only available at the Con!"
Me: "Sold!"
Josh: "Hooray! Smile for the camera!"
I read it on the plane and we're making characters tonight. This looks super-sweet.

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I'm quite happy with it too, except for the formatting - Why is it in 10 different files (title page, TOC, foreword, adventure, city, country, journal, bestiary, characters, covers) instead of just one PDF with bookmarks?
I'd prefer that too, actually. I know I read an explanation about that in one of the other threads about a Dungeon PDF, but I don't remember which one. So I think there is some sort of actual reason.
Oh, and thumbs up on Pathfinder. I'm still trying to squish it all into my brain.

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I'm quite happy with it too, except for the formatting - Why is it in 10 different files (title page, TOC, foreword, adventure, city, country, journal, bestiary, characters, covers) instead of just one PDF with bookmarks?
Because opening a graphics-intensive 100-page PDF can cause slower machines (and PDAs) to come to a crawl, and because generally, we think, when you're opening the PDF (after your first read-through, anyway), you're probably looking for a specific article anyway.
Maybe we should set up a survey...

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Kvantum wrote:I'm quite happy with it too, except for the formatting - Why is it in 10 different files (title page, TOC, foreword, adventure, city, country, journal, bestiary, characters, covers) instead of just one PDF with bookmarks?Because opening a graphics-intensive 100-page PDF can cause slower machines (and PDAs) to come to a crawl, and because generally, we think, when you're opening the PDF (after your first read-through, anyway), you're probably looking for a specific article anyway.
Maybe we should set up a survey...
Well, yes, for PDAs and older systems, it does make sense, but what about for using it to actually run the adventure? Won't you have to be flipping back to look at the bestiary for stats? Notes for Sandpoint's locations of interest? That means trying to keep 2, 3, maybe even 4 files open at the same time, and switching between them. For the older systems you seem to have in mind, I would think one file would be less for the system to keep track of.

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Kvantum wrote:I'm quite happy with it too, except for the formatting - Why is it in 10 different files (title page, TOC, foreword, adventure, city, country, journal, bestiary, characters, covers) instead of just one PDF with bookmarks?Because opening a graphics-intensive 100-page PDF can cause slower machines (and PDAs) to come to a crawl, and because generally, we think, when you're opening the PDF (after your first read-through, anyway), you're probably looking for a specific article anyway.
Maybe we should set up a survey...
My Mac be super-dooper-fast...I vote for one file. People with slower PCs should convert to Mac. CONVERT! CONVERT!!

Dances With Worgs |

I thought the multi-section formatting was a little weird at first, but I actually find it comes in handy. I have a rather wide monitor, and this way I can keep two sections open side to side, have them still readable, and refer back and forth.
One or two wee tiny typos or formatting errors, but so far (at about 1/3 of the way through the whole thing) I'm drooling to run it.

David Fry |
I'd vote for one file as well, bookmarked by article. I'd find that easier to navigate than multiple open windows. Having flipped through the adventure briefly, it looks really great, although I'm not such a big fan of the NPC art. I think it works better for some of the later characters in the adventure, but looking at the first couple of NPCs made me wonder a little if maybe an old Virtua Fighter engine had been used to render them. ;)

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Query: I am a subscriber, but I received no notification about a PDF to download. How did you all access it?
Subscribers are getting emails as their orders are processed, so they're rolling out over time. Basically:
Domestic shipping began with UPS shipments (of which there were only a few dozen). Then we went to folks who have charter Pathfinder subscriptions shipping with GameMastery Modules subscriptions - they're getting Pathfinder 1, Player's Guides, and Module D2. Right now, we're working on the biggest group, which is charter subscribers without Modules subscriptions - so folks who are getting Pathfinder 1 and the Player's Guide. After that, we'll do the folks who chose Pathfinder as their transition option, but haven't yet signed up for ongoing subscriptions - they're getting only Pathfinder 1. In each group, shipments are sorted by zone, with the ones that have to travel the furthest going out first. The whole process, we estimate, will take around 13 hours of printing, so it won't be finished tonight.
They're on their way!

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From what I've read, nicely done!
I really liked the Bestiary, especially the Attic Whisperer.
I also enjoyed the Thassilon history. Very cool setup going here.
I've seen several typos/editing mistakes so far, but given the conditions under which the book came out, I can forgive them. I only had a hard time understanding what was meant once.
The font for the first page of the campaign journal was hard to read, especially the lines with a lot of characters on them. The spaces about disappeared on those lines leaving no visual breaks to aid reading.
It appears that I may be in the minority, but I appreciate this being in several PDF files. I don't have the best PC, and even the shorter PDFs slowed my machine due to the resolution and graphics. I'm probably going to hold off on reading the adventure itself until I get the hardcopy because of this issue.

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The font for the first page of the campaign journal was hard to read, especially the lines with a lot of characters on them. The spaces about disappeared on those lines leaving no visual breaks to aid reading.
We've changed the font for Pathfinder #2 and future issues. It looks much better.

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Domestic shipping began with UPS shipments (of which there were only a few dozen). Then we went to folks who have charter Pathfinder subscriptions shipping with GameMastery Modules subscriptions - they're getting Pathfinder 1, Player's Guides, and Module D2. Right now, we're working on the biggest group, which is charter subscribers without Modules subscriptions - so folks who are getting Pathfinder 1 and the Player's Guide. After that, we'll do the folks who chose Pathfinder as their transition option, but haven't yet signed up for ongoing subscriptions - they're getting only Pathfinder 1. In each group, shipments are sorted by zone, with the ones that have to travel the furthest going out first. The whole process, we estimate, will take around 13 hours of printing, so it won't be finished tonight.
Fair enough. And that makes good business sense, reward the folks who signed up for the most stuff. I'm just transition right now, missed the charter offer by a day. Heavy Sigh.

Professor |

This is everything I was hoping it was going to be. Very high quality product here. I love everything about it. I love the premise for the first adventure thus far...the lead in background material with the runewells is extremely intriguing....Sandpoint is fleshed out beautifully....Background on Thassilon and the pacing preview is simply outstanding...the bestiary is top notch as well.
Thank you Paizo!

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Absolutely amazing.
Even things I'm generally nit-picky about (margins, headers, etc) I couldn't find a reason to complain about.
Most of the product has only got a quick scan through by me because I'm focusing on what I need to run my first session this Saturday. But WOW!
Some of the best things I've noticed so far:
The goblins rock.
The setting has a real good feel. Its hard to put my finger on but I love all of the possible side treks and plot ideas away from the main story line that have a lot of possibility. The more I read the more ideas I get. Very well done.
The section on Sand Point is top notch.
Amazing maps.
Now I'll be sitting here scribbling C&C conversion notes and making notes for how I plan to run it until the sun comes up.

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Adding a vote for "multiple files are more confusing then convenient." I think anyone that would really use the .pdf knows what one looks like and expects/prefers that.
(If it is slow for people, try the utterly free and lovely Foxit Reader, instead of bloated Adobe. It's seriously a world of difference!)
More thoughts later. :)

mearrin69 |

Hi all,
Just got my notice this afternoon and downloaded the PDF this evening (after running our ongoing EtCR campaign session). The module is really quite good. Nice production values and I love the goblin flavor. The goblin song is *sweet* - too bad I can't sing (even in an 'orrible goblin voice). I'm gonna love running this some day.
Only sadness is that I don't seem to have a download link for the player's guide. Anyone know what's up with that? You all get yours?
Can't wait for the print copy. Nice going Paizo. We'll see what happens with WoTC and Dungeon and Dragon - but you guys are going to get a nice sized chunk of my gaming dollars over the next few years.

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Okay, I've read it now.
And, I love it. I had really high hopes for Pathfinder, and I wasn't at all disappointed. The adventure is a cut above everything else out there. It's creative and interesting, and should be exciting to play out.
Golarion just has a great feel to me. It's the opposite of cliché or dumbed/watered down. It's polished, it's fresh, it's a little more grown up, and most of all, it's fun.
Not to derail my own post too much, but my biggest concern with 4e is that they'll update things so much, they'll "fix" what's not broken. In a nutshell, I think Pathfinder is solid, classic D&D, at its very best.

blackotter |

Fine fine work. I'm reading Sandpoint now and I love the detail of the town relationships. The blending of the area's history into the present is excellent. (Like the true purpose of Old Light)
I'm trying to figure out the best way to present to the players without giving too much away. I guess we'll do in play, but there's so much here that I want them to enjoy as much as I am.

Bloody Root |

Very Nice!
Who does the graphic design/paste up/lay out on the book? All I had seen in the credits are a slew of Art Directors (senior, managing, and plain ol'). Who ever it is...AMAZING JOB! I love the look of it. The colors, art and fonts blend very nicely throughout the PDF and I'm sure it will be evident in the hard book as well.
The fluff is wonderful. It reminds me of why I love dnd. Creative and interesting races, monsters and places. You guys are rightful proud of this baby. Best PAIZO book ever.

Tigarri |

Funny typo I found in the Sandpoint Devil's stat block:
"Special Attacks...trample (2d6+126)"!
Holy cow! That's a lot of damage! :D
(It should be 2d6+16 for those following along at home.)
I think there's a typo in the goblins' stat blocks, too. Not sure which one is right/wrong, but shouldn't the base goblins (not the warchanter) from the first two encounters be the same?
From 1st encounter:
Goblins (3) CR 1/3
Goblin warrior 1 (MM 133)
hp 5 each
Melee dogslicer +3 (1d4+1/19–20)
From 2nd encounter:
Goblins (4) CR 1/3
Goblin warrior 1 (MM 133)
hp 5 each
Melee dogslicer +3 (1d4/19–20) or torch –1 (1d2 plus 1 fire)
Both groups are said to be affected by Inspire Courage. Shouldn't they both do the same damage? I'm assuming the 1d4+1 is correct.

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Words cannot describe how much I hate Pathfinder.
As we speak, I am wrestling with how to arrange for the current campaign to suffer a tpk so that I can play pathfinder right now. I realize that I should continue playing in the current campaign in anticipation of 4e, that it makes no sense to switch to Pathfinder right now, that I start new campaigns too often.
And yet, there it is, with all its gobliny goodness...
So maybe hate isn't the right word.
On a more constructive note, I love the flavor of the goblin encounters. One of the funny things about D&D is the way in which the probability of most actions is known, and therefore an optimal choice can frequently be found. For goblins, that choice would be to attack. Thus, I love the flavor of having the goblins do something other than attack, or making less than optimal attacks (e.g., hot melted glass). You guys are really amazing in the way you pay so much attention to the game mechanics yet continue to remind us that there is a story to be told on top of those mechanics.
I'm not done with the issue, and I'm still a bit wary of the magic-item-heavy backstory, but so far, amazing stuff. Thanks Paizo.

Evil Genius |

Three cheers for the Paizonians!!! The PDF and adventure therein look great! I especially love the art done for many of the portraits including Shalelu and Aldern Foxglove.
The only thing I found disagreeable was the hard-to-read letter in the strangely black-and-white Pathfinder's Journal.
One question though... The Kaijitsu family are supposedly from a place called Minkai. Is this the Pathfinder Chronicles setting's token Asian flavor locale, and are there katana there? >:D