![]() FilmGuy wrote:
I just finished these, put them below. The sad thing is I spent a lot of time working on them and the players just sold them. Hehe...I should have expected it. Spellbooks: Oridikon's Spellbooks (The spells in this book take double as many pages to scribe, as his formula are hopelessly redundant) GP Value 12349
Athroxis's Spellbook (GP Value 9111)(I used a different version of her, from these messageboards)
Warriors of Wrath's Spellbooks 1366 gp
Vraxeris's Simulacrum's Spellbook 4824 gp
Vraxeris's Spellbooks 72680gp
Kazaven's Spellbook (26920gp)
Captured Spellbook #1 (Symbol of Envy) (18319gp)
Captured Spellbook #2 (Symbol of Sloth) (18757gp)
Captured Spellbook #3 (Symbol of Lust) (22974gp)
Captured Spellbook #4 (Symbol of Envy) (8116gp)
Captured Spellbook #5 (Symbol of Sloth) (6285gp)
Captured Spellbook #6 (Symbol of Lust) (6991gp)
Captured Spellbook #7-9 (Symbol of Envy) (1831gp)
Captured Spellbook #10-11 (Symbol of Sloth) (1798gp)
![]() Thank you James! I'll look forward to seeing Golarion's cosmology in the upcoming books. For myself, I'm probably going to try to adapt the 4e version to my current game. Its much simpler and easier to use, which I enjoy. I like the main planes (Astral Sea, Elemental Chaos, Feywild, and Shadowfell) accessibility, and I can add the weird, dangerous planes as Dominions. I'm sure there will be plenty from Golarion's version I can adapt as further dominions for the party to explore. One of the things I love about RPGs is that I don't have to stick with anything, that I can take a little bit of everything (Beyond Countless Doorways, PRPG, 4e, my favorite novels, my own imagination) to make something that my group enjoys. ![]()
![]() Our group has decided that for Greater Turning, the undead saves vs the damage per normal, if it fails, it is destroyed. If it saves, then it take half damage per normal. This keeps Greater Turning from boosting the healing effect (or having to generate two totals, one for healing and one for damage to undead) ![]()
![]() A few things I noticed and questions I have: PRPG wrote: Undead creatures within the area are healed a like amount by this wave of negative energy. Hit points above the undead’s total are lost. You can choose whether or not to include yourself in this effect. Why would the Cleric include himself in the area? Could this be read to mean that the Evil Cleric is healed by the negative energy? PRPG wrote: A cleric can command any number of undead whose total Hit Dice do not exceed his level. I'm having a reading comprehension problem with this sentence. Does this mean that an evil cleric can control ANY number of undead as long as each individual undead HD does not exceed the cleric's level OR does it mean the undead's HD are added together for a total that is compared to the Cleric's level? The reason I ask is because of the Necromancy School Power:
PRPG wrote: Specialist Bonus: You can control 8 HD worth of undead creatures per caster level. If the total HD a cleric can control is equal to his level, then the Necromancer (Wizard) is the new lord of the undead. They can control 8 times the HD a cleric can. (Yes, reading is fundamental, but these sentences are wracking my brain) ![]()
![]() Rezdave wrote:
That might be my problem, as I allow most books. But, considering that my players and I have spent $ on them, I don't feel comfortable restricting them. We want options, but unfortunately, those same options lead to the bloated monstrosities that higher-level PCs become. ![]()
![]() Here was my totally crazy idea that i posted to my group: Go through the spells available. Determine if they are of 3 categories. Offense, Defense, or Utility. Offense Spells: These spells are usually blasting, summoning, or debuffs. Durations, if they have them, are usually 1 round/level, since they are intended to used only in combat.
Defense Spells: These are buffs, and yes, some are offensive in nature. This is controversial, but here's my idea. Make all buffs/defense spells an Immediate Action (I think you only get one of these per round). BUT they only last till your next turn. This keeps the Buffgloat from happening and keeps from casters totally overpowering the melee classes.
Utility Spells: Make these spells all take 10 minutes to cast...but if they have a duration...make them last till either sundown or sunup. ![]()
![]() Betote wrote:
Great suggestions. ![]()
![]() Lisa Stevens wrote:
Thank you for the response Lisa. I'll post my grievances with the current system and see if Jason thinks the same way. Its this kind of support that makes it very hard to give up on Paizo. ![]()
![]() While I understand why Paizo is doing this, I can't say I really like it. In my opinion, there's just too much wrong with 3.5 that these alpha rules are not addressing. Adding slight rules tweaks and increasing single-class powers is just putting lipstick on a pig...which is my own opinion of 3.5....especially post 10th level play. Right now I'm trying to decide whether I should cancel my Paizo subscription in light of the recent news. I was hoping that Golarion and the modules would switch to 4e, which I like what I'm hearing of, but its not, so I gotta decide what I want to do. I don't relish the idea of paying money for something I'm going to work on to use. That defeats the whole purpose of buying a module in the first place. That said, I think Paizo is a great company and I have never seen better customer service from a company. (Gaming or otherwise) Their product support is something that I will definitely miss if I decide to abandon the setting. Business-wise, WotC has screwed the pooch on how they are handling rolling out the 3rd party support, which is sad, but ultimately, I want a different system than 3.5, and I like what I see from 4e. So its going to be a hard decision for me. ![]()
![]() My players are looking for ways to get Gargadros corpse back to town, they think its a priceless artifact to be studied. I've told them that its impossible to move a 25000lb slab of frozen meat down the pathways of Hook Mountain, but they're pretty determined. How would you deal with PC's raising Gargadros or speaking with dead with his corpse? What does he know?(Looking for suggestions) ![]()
![]() Michael F wrote:
Dustin's Rival: A winner is you! ![]()
![]() I'll take the rope and a share of the cash. Got a pretty armor crystal in mind and need money for it. For the GM, I'm looking for a Least Crystal of Aquatic Action, so I don't drown wearing my armor. Its from the Magic Item Compendium, negates swim check penalties for wearing the armor its affixed to. ![]()
![]() Actually, I was just looking for brainstorming on how other GMs would handle it. Just to get some ideas. I have the feeling that the PCs are going to whack Ironbriar because they think that he was a murderer prior to being charmed. (They're right of course) I'm fine with whatever they do, I just wanted ideas should they turn him in. ![]()
![]() So last night my players defeated the Skinsaw Men and currently have one of the mooks and Ironbriar captured. Since they dispelled the Charm spell, Ironbriar offered to tell them about Xanesha, but only in exchange for 12 hours to run. The party refused, and now are trying to decide whether to mete out justice immediately or take him in to the authorities. Now my party is very socially-inept. In almost all social skills, Ironbriar beats them. He also has clout in the city, while the pcs have none. Any thoughts on how to handle turning him in to the authorities? ![]()
![]() Hi Yasha...glad you are enjoying the story. I know that Im enjoying running the game. Thanks for the compliments, but most of the kudos belong with paizo for providing such a great adventure to run. About the Deathlord thing...its just a superstition to keep the locals in line. (They had mentioned some local superstitions about Nualia, so i figured those would also apply to Alton) ![]()
![]() Have you considered any action points or a similar mechanic? It could help us in these tense moments. Just a fyi...I'm heading out for the holiday this afternoon. I'll be out of reach of a computer until Sunday night. Feel free to add any snarky comments or butt-kicking goodness for Tyndal. Happy Thanksgiving! |