Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() This may have been addressed in previous forums or old posts; but I have an odd question. When reading through the faction handouts given to players at the beginning of the session; from a role-playing perspective; how do you suppose those players got ahold of their handouts/missions/papers? Assuming they are all at the Grand Lodge in Absalom for example for one of the missions; I'm assuming each faction had their own major spy network that somehow got these missions to their agents? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Thank you makes sense. 3 and 4 were the ones I found myself on the fence on and was leaning the opposite way of both your posts but I find your answers are practical and grounded. I just wanted to make sure that if I am allowing anything it is more for flavor and I don't want to get "gamed" but with 1 and 2 there was give and take ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I have a player who is doing a character build and sent me these questions regarding the use of a net. I am prepared to respond but I am curious how other GMs/prospective GMs and rules lawyers would answer these questions. How would you rule? I'm about to build a net, so I can deal with our enemies less lethally. This means that I've got some net questions which I'm going to ask here, so that they're easy to find and refer to later on when we've both forgotten what your rulings were. 1. A net normally has a range of 10', and a 10' trailing rope which you hold on to when you throw it. Your enemy can't get more than 10' away from you without beating you in a strength check. My Strong Arm, Supple Wrist trait will up that range to 20' when I get a running start. Since I'm building the net myself, I could easily make the trailing rope 20' long. If I do, will my enemy still be forced to stay within 20' of me, or is that just too much slack, allowing him to build up enough momentum to break away even if I win the Strength check? 2. Can I choke up on that trailing rope? i.e. If I throw it from 20' away (or 10', if you disallow the 20' trailing rope) and then close to 5' on the following round, can I shorten his leash along the way? If so, is that a swift action, or something more substantial? 3. If I later take the Net Adept feat, suddenly I have the option of using my net as a melee weapon with a 10' reach. No, I'm not asking if Strong Arm Supple Wrist gives it a 20' reach. That'd be silly, particularly since the trait only affects ranged attacks. What I AM asking is if I can use it to attack creatures right next to me, or if it's like almost all the other reach weapons and can ONLY attack 10' away, not any closer. 4. If, instead of a net, I build a Snag Net, will I still be able to use net-based feats with it, even though it's technically a different weapon? 5. The net as written is made of hemp rope. Can I make it out of silk, or spider silk, to make it proportionately lighter, stronger, and more expensive? What about chain? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I have a question that my group and I have gotten into a bid discussion over. The grease spell....the question is...can it be seen? Is it like easily seen as like a coating that someone or something can spot and move around (when it is already cast and you have an area of affect) or is it so translucent that it is hard to spot? I've had a hard time finding wording to that effect. I think it makes a big difference ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I am writing because I initiated all of my subscriptions and placed my order on July 21st. My order is STILL pending. I sent three different emails and finally got a response on Saturday morning that the reason my order was delayed was because there was a glitch in the system and that they were not sure if I really wanted the 3 adventure paths in my cart. I responded back within seconds of receiving the email and responded yes I did indeed want all 3 and I have already paid for them. Here is Tuesday morning August 6th and the order is still pending. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I wanted to get some input. I am going to be starting a Rise of the Runelord campaign in the coming days / weeks. I am wrestling with whether or not to run it as is under 1e or to run the Rise of the Runelord campaign using 2e rules and character creation. I am wondering, from any of the developers or play-testers, how difficult is it going to be, or even possible, to convert all the old wonderful 1e APs to 2e? Anyone want to help me out with a thought or opinion? Much appreciated ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() This question should probably get its own thread but I'll throw it up here and see if get a cognizant answer. The elevator trap in Whispering Cairn. How did GM's handle this? I am a bit confused. Is it instant death to enter it? Or does it do 2d6 of crushing damage? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Name of the PC: Bret
Cause of Death: The Yeth Hounds in the Chapel of Lamashtu. Righteous indignation from this Sandpoint native caused him to take a stand here and say; "No more." With two of the four companions having fled from the magic induced fear of the Yeth Hounds, needless to say, not the best place or instance to decide to take a stand. This young investigator became dog chow ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I believe I already know the answer to this question...but if the companions are facing two Yeth Hounds. And the Yeth Hounds win initiative and begin to BAY...sine there are two of them..would you have each of the party members make two will saves? One for each Yeth Hound present? Or once to overcome the fear of the baying in general? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I believe I already know the answer to this question...but if the companions are facing two Yeth Hounds. And the Yeth Hounds win initiative and begin to BAY...sine there are two of them..would you have each of the party members make two will saves? One for each Yeth Hound present? Or once to overcome the fear of the baying in general? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Glad to see you are now funded and we are hitting stretch goals now. Congratulations. I am sure it makes you feel good to see this happening as this is like your child. Quick question, if we spend the extra money to add on the Crucible as an example in softcover, do we receive the Crucible PDF as well at no charge if we buy the Crucible softcover? Same with the other modules as well. Thank you ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I would get the Advanced Class Guide and I would also start the players off with the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition. It is a fantastic adventure path and they should have a ball. May I also recommend purchasing a megamat by Chessex with a package of colored expo wet erasers for your mapping and displays. It can make for awesome eye candy while you're playing. Have fun! ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Great thread...and thank you for taking the time. Mr. Jacobs..I'd love to see hardcovers of the Pathfinder Chronicles. Starting with Book #1 I'd love to see author's commissioned to contribute to the story for that book...or short stories...include maps...etc....this is something that the Pathfinder geek in me would immediately hand over money for. I could see a new volume being released every few months or something like that. I can bet that something like this has been discussed. I'd want it to be different than Pathfinder Tales...actually written, drawn, and presented by Pathfinders for Pathfinders...would love to see something like this done. I guess my question is...is this something the minds over there have talked about...my this come into fruition some day? So the first volume would be the entire account of Durvin Gest's exploration of the ruins of Azlant and Selmius Fosters race against a marid and efreeti, and Gregaro Voth's adventures in the Mwangi Expanse. Could be a great work of love with illustrations, maps, goodies. I get goose bumps just thinking about the possibilities. Make it so! lol ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Rules clarification please: Koruvus in Rise of the Runelords has 3 arms and 3 melee weapons......a character moved into and then out of a square threatened by Koruvus provoking an AOO.......my quesiton: Is Koruvus' attack of opportunity only 1 strike with one of the melee weapons? Needing combat reflexes for more? or does he get he get to attack with each of those melee weapons in the AOO. My first thought ist that it is not a full round of actions but the one strike? Example with the longsword? Or am I incorrect and he gets all 3 attacks that he would normally get in a round? Thank you in advance ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I asked this question in the older product line under Shackled City but perhaps not many read or peruse the area. All of Paizo's Adventure Paths are usually designed for 4 player characters. I plan on running a shackled city campaign and see that in the introduction it recommends 6 player characters. Has anyone run this adventure path and who can speak from experience? Is it designed for six player characters regarding challenge? It is stated and seems like a difficult adventure path as it is and I don't want to doom the party from the start if they only begin with four or five characters. Would appreciate some input. Thanks in advance. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() All of the PAIZO adventure paths usually recommend 4 player characters. I am getting ready to start a shackled city campaign set in the world of Golarion and I've noticed in reading through it that in the beginning 6 player characters are recommended for the campaign. This seems like alot as I've been used to 4 PC's in the current Adventure Paths. Is this fairly accurate that the adventure path calls for 6 player characters. Or to rephrase my question; is it designed and geared for 6 player characters? Anyone care to chime in here? Thanks in advance ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Joss Whedon is amazing and broke the TV mold with Buffy and Angel (Angel a far superior series in my opinion and deserved at LEAST another season) and it is criminal that Firefly didn't get more of a chance as the writing and characters and acting on that show were incredible. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() If I may.....I'd like to suggest....possibly publishing at least twice a year (every 6 months) in the AP books a column that discusses current events and what's happening around the world of Golarion. I would find this extremely interesting as obviously time has gone by on Golarion since the first AP (Rise of the Runelords) and it would be interesting for the GM to have some extra source material so that it seems to the players (whether they are playing an AP or a Pathfinder Module) that the world is a dynamic ever changing place. I used to love in old TSR supplements or boxed sets when there would be a timeline or roll of years and each of the years had a specific title and that there were bullet points of things that where happening or happened and then in the most current year you'd have a bigger list or broader brush strokes. I know it is agonizing to whittle down material to fill 96 pages each month but I think once or twice a year a column like this would be absolutely awesome for readers. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I just recently decided to try Robin Hobb and her Farseer trilogy. The first of which is Assasin's Apprentice. Incredible stuff and extremely hard to put down. I'm shaking my head and wondering why I have not decided to read her much earlier. I may go right into the Liveship Trader trilogy right after this. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I received mine on Friday and I have to say it is absolutely beautiful. It is truly a labor of love by all involved. I personally want to thank you for all that you put into this. I already have owned the original AP's and have been a subscriber since the beginning but I couldn't resist the Anniversary Edition and I'm not disappointed. Kudos and thank you for this. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Just received my Anniversary edition in the mail and I just wanted to say thank you for all that you do. I have the original ROTRL Pathfinders but couldn't resist the hardcover and it is obvious that it was a labor of love. Kudos to you, as well as a dove-clap. It is just beautiful. I hope that sales of this anniversary edition go very well for you as that may entice you to do something like it again down the road. Any chance of an Age of Worms hardcover with a Golarion setting? Not sure if there would be copyright problems there. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Feedback appreciated. I am about to GM a new ROTRL campaign and I have read all 6 parts of the this lovely AP. I am very curious to hear others chime in and possibly even the Paizo staff as well.....using the Core Rules and the new base classes from the Advanced Players Guide....which combination of 4 classes stand the best chance of being able to move from the beginning to the ultimate end here? I am eagerly awaiting input ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere. I have just recently purchased a kindle. Is it possible to take the e-book editions of the Pathfinder Tales and somehow load them onto my kindle? Will it read them or do I have to also somehow load a reader onto Kindle? I am speaking about Prince of Wolves, Winter Witch, and Plague of Shadows (I have enjoyed all 3 of those by the way) Thank you in advance ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() This Adventure Path was written during the 3.5 OGL. Now that the Core Rulebook is out, I'm curious what the writers or others feel should be the speed of level progression throughout the this series. Obviously there is a Slow, Moderate, and Fast level progression outlined in the Core Rulebook. My first instinct was to use the moderate progression but I remember characters getting to second level under old 3.5 rules with only 1000 experience points. Curious what the general thought process is out there ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() Savage_ScreenMonkey wrote:
How about a Sandpoint Devil sidequest? There are a number of things you can do. Perhaps a rival group of hunters or adventurers might give your group some problems as well. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
![]() I have immensely enjoyed reading the Pathfinder Adventure Paths. I am sure that Erik is extremely busy, wait for it, ........BUT...I very much enjoyed his first installment in the Ages of Worms Adventure Path. It still rates up there for me as one of THE top Adventure Path installments. The authors that you have been lining up have been nothing short of, wait for it again, ........AWESOME! But I was wondering, what do we need to do, to pull Erik away from his publishing duties, and have him don the mantle of writer/creator once again? Erik how bout it? |