Arctaris |

Thats right. This is the evil twin of the 'Good Things' thread. This a place to post all those things that don't make for full-sized rants but still bug you. Because, in life there's always something that sucks right?
For instance,
For some unknown reason my computer has stopped letting me use Winamp and every time I try to play music with it it gives me an error message.
I've ordered several books that I wanted for an upcoming campaign but they've still not arrived and the campaign nears (I suppose this is what I get for not springing for the expedieted shipping).
At work today I spilled mustard all over my hands (again) so for the afternoon I smelled like mustard.

Fizzban |

Yesterday, someone hit my new 2006 truck and didn't care to leave a note or any type of info.
Today I locked my keys in my truck, and the fire dept. which I happened to be right next to could not get the door open, so I had to call a locksmith who took 2 hours to get there and charged me 60 dollars to open my door.
The fire dept. thanks for trying to help, but they said they have never been able to unlock cars because they were never trained to use the tools and picks that they were given. So they just have to wing it. They said if a baby is locked in the car they either just break the window or call a locksmith. Come on lets get them trained.

MaxSlasher26 |

My closest uncle...like the one who was there when I was freaking born, passed away today from cancer.
He was doing good, but the cancer suddenly surged back to life. He went into chemotherapy and then got an infection. Due to the lack of white blood cells, they had to hook him up to tons of machines to keep him alive. However, his living will said he did not want to live hooked up to machines, so the plug was pulled around noon today. (Err...yesterday. It's past midnight.)
And the worst thing is that I don't feel sad. It's a horrible thing, but I don't feel sad about it. I'm not sure why.
Thanks for this thread Arctaris. I needed something like this to be able to vent about the bad things as well as cheer about the good. :)

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And the worst thing is that I don't feel sad. It's a horrible thing, but I don't feel sad about it. I'm not sure why.
It takes a while. Especially when you watch the person waste away, and get used to the idea that they are going to be gone gone soon. That process makes the whole thing seem normal and fine at first. In your head it's, "Well, it's not like they got killed in a car crash on the way home from work or had a bridge collapse under them." It will affect you slowly, and if you are a strong person it won't make you an a!~*&$~.
I lost my Dad to cancer when I was 19. He was an amazing guy and the best Dad a guy could ever want. We got used to the idea that he was going to be gone soon, so when it happened I went into planning mode and didn't feel it much at first. Then I became an a&%+#@% and pushed a couple of awesome people away at the time. It all worked out in the end and I'm kinda rambling now...
...what I meant to say was, Man. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm certain that there's nothing anyone can say that will make any of this better, but we're here.
That was a horrible debut on the 'everything sucks' thread.

mwbeeler |

It's a horrible thing, but I don't feel sad about it. I'm not sure why.
Perfectly human, nothing horrible about it. We ran into the same thing when my wife's alcoholic father finally passed away. It was hard, but there was a lot of relief and catharsis that came with his passing.
As for my own sucktastic event: Got a ticket for five over on the way to work today. "Insert Expletive here!" The worst part about it is, of COURSE I was doing five over; I don't want to be rear-ended or shot! I wonder if that fits in under "admit responsibility with explanation." "Slow down out there" my arse.

Sean, Minister of KtSP |

And the worst thing is that I don't feel sad. It's a horrible thing, but I don't feel sad about it. I'm not sure why.
When my mom's mom passed away, she'd been suffering quite badly for several years. I think my mom and her brothers were devastated because, you know.... Mom, but I was just relieved that her suffering was over. I miss her, and her delicious cooking that always made me feel better about stuff, but I could not be sad at her passing.

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Having a Job where you do absolutely nothing all day. It is boring, embarrassing and you get no sense of an accomplishment. Been like that for a year now, and every idea we get for a mission gets shot down. grrrrrrrrrr.

magdalena thiriet |

And the worst thing is that I don't feel sad. It's a horrible thing, but I don't feel sad about it. I'm not sure why.
My uncle died also from cancer, which was pretty much known whole year before that it is inoperable and chances of chemo doing anything were pretty low...so the sorrow was spread over the year and by the time of actual death and funeral people were pretty cool about it.
Also, sometimes the feeling of sorrow and loss do not hit immediately. Might take days or weeks for the info to really get through, on emotional level.

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My closest uncle...like the one who was there when I was freaking born, passed away today from cancer.
My condolences on your uncle's passing. It sucks to watch someone waste away. I watched it happen to a grandfather, a grandmother, and an uncle. Often, the death comes with relief that they are not suffering anymore. Then we just do what we can to get on with our lives and have everything try to make sense the way it use to.
As for my sucky thing of the day...having to fight off contractors who want to blame you because they didn't follow the proper directions.

Kruelaid |

Three days in a row with half the normal sleep because your daughter's vomiting all night, then your wife's vomiting all night, and then you just can't sleep worth a s!%# because you're too wired from crisis-mode instincts taking over.
Shit sorry dude, I hear you. My daughter just finished her vomiting this afternoon (your night)--but for me it was only one night. Although now she's got galloping diarrhea (foreshadowed above). Thanks KFC.
I'm the one who has to stay up cause my girl won't have anything to do with her mom when she's sick--mom frets a little too much.
I'm glad my wife isn't squirting, too.

MaxSlasher26 |

MaxSlasher26 wrote:
And the worst thing is that I don't feel sad. It's a horrible thing, but I don't feel sad about it. I'm not sure why.
It takes a while. Especially when you watch the person waste away, and get used to the idea that they are going to be gone gone soon. That process makes the whole thing seem normal and fine at first. In your head it's, "Well, it's not like they got killed in a car crash on the way home from work or had a bridge collapse under them." It will affect you slowly, and if you are a strong person it won't make you an a%*#!#&.
I lost my Dad to cancer when I was 19. He was an amazing guy and the best Dad a guy could ever want. We got used to the idea that he was going to be gone soon, so when it happened I went into planning mode and didn't feel it much at first. Then I became an a%*#!#& and pushed a couple of awesome people away at the time. It all worked out in the end and I'm kinda rambling now...
...what I meant to say was, Man. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm certain that there's nothing anyone can say that will make any of this better, but we're here.
That was a horrible debut on the 'everything sucks' thread.
I guess that makes sense. Thanks for explaining that. I guess you're right. I knew that he might die for the past year, so I guess it came as less of a shock.

James Keegan |

Four months out of school, unemployed, not even so much as an interview. Phone ain't ringing on the portfolio. Living with my parents again is getting old. Can't get a crappy job in the city because I'll have to commute and that will take up just about all of the money I would earn. No real jobs where I live without driving 45 minutes to an hour, and then gas would take a chunk out of what I could save. I am not a graphic designer: therefore, I am unemployable in the field I have chosen, at least for the next three to five years. That's the downside of following your dreams.
MaxSlasher26, sorry about your uncle. My great aunt is in her 90s, probably almost 100. She's pretty healthy for her age, but her mind is gone. She's just not the same benevolent yet vaguely racist person I had known so well from my youth. It's a slow death, really. If she were to pass on, I would probably feel just like you. Sometimes I think maybe she'll live to bury all of us and won't even remember who we were.

James Keegan |

Heathansson wrote:Three days in a row with half the normal sleep because your daughter's vomiting all night, then your wife's vomiting all night, and then you just can't sleep worth a s!%# because you're too wired from crisis-mode instincts taking over.Coincidences...
s%@@ sorry dude, I hear you. My daughter just finished her vomiting this afternoon (your night)--but for me it was only one night. Although now she's got galloping diarrhea (foreshadowed above). Thanks KFC.
I'm the one who has to stay up cause my girl won't have anything to do with her mom when she's sick--mom frets a little too much.
I'm glad my wife isn't squirting, too.
To commisserate on the bodily functions train, when I ate meat KFC would always do that to me as well. Whatever they feed those chickens or whatever they fry it in is not kosher for the stomach. Or heart.
And those eleven herbs and spices? Pepper. Just pepper. Colonel Sam is a lying sack of it.

Taliesin Hoyle |

Tomorrow I leave on my honeymoon for three weeks in Thailand.
Yesterday I got fired from my job as an elementary teacher. I still work high school at the same school. I was fired because after five years there, I have had three raises and a promotion with a signing bonus for good work, so I now cost US$10 more an hour than a new teacher. They say they are happy with my work, but they want new blood. They waited two months to tell me at the last possible moment.
Here is Taiwan.
Thank Zod I still have the high school job.
And this is the time when all the Canadians go home, so I have to find more expats that play D&D, now that all five of my players have finished contracts and are going home.

mwbeeler |

Three days in a row with half the normal sleep because your daughter's vomiting all night, then your wife's vomiting all night, and then you just can't sleep worth a s!%# because you're too wired from crisis-mode instincts taking over.
s~&@ sorry dude, I hear you. My daughter just finished her vomiting this afternoon (your night)--but for me it was only one night. Although now she's got galloping diarrhea (foreshadowed above). Thanks KFC.
Used to go insane over Culver's food (so tasty), then my wife and I were given the gift of rotavirus. Never...again. Even when my liver temporarily shut down from receiving 6 immunizations at the same time (packed 'em in before my EMT class because I couldn't find my shot card...); nothing compared to this. Holy....hell. Was twice as bad for her, she was pregnant with our son at the time.
Four months out of school, unemployed, not even so much as an interview. Phone ain't ringing on the portfolio.
I find this incredibly depressing. If you are out of a job, something is wrong with the world.
Normally I loathe people and the thought of encouraging social relations sickens me, but holy crap James, you are a creative genius. If I won the lotto, I'd call you up tomorrow and pay you to bend paper clips into funny animals and run around my yard naked at random intervals. The company that brings you aboard first is going to hit the freaking jackpot (assuming it isn't like, National Security; I can see your amalgam of boredom and creativity being dangerous there, heh).
If you are looking for something to do while you wait, the world can always use more EMT's (I wish I could do it more, but the pay seriously sucks compared to my regular job). Bringing hillbillies back to life can be a lot of fun, though! They always vomit after they convert. Always.
If you are going to splurge on anything, purchase good boots (found a giant needle embedded in the heel of mine the other morning, good times).
I was fired because after five years there, I have had three raises and a promotion with a signing bonus for good work, so I now cost US$10 more an hour than a new teacher.
Ah yes, I'm quite familiar with the whole "we can get three people who don't know squat for what we pay you!" mentality. I'm the bitter, jaded man I am today thanks to it!

Chris Shadowens |

Three days in a row with half the normal sleep because your daughter's vomiting all night, then your wife's vomiting all night, and then you just can't sleep worth a s&#& because you're too wired from crisis-mode instincts taking over.
Something similar in our household a couple months back. We were attending a wedding in Vegas when my son gets ridiculously ill and spends nearly 2 weeks throwing up. We left the next day (from when he was sick) and my wife comes home from work early, also throwing up, then my daughter, too. At no point was I sick though I had to call in sick to work for a few days (which I felt idiotic for as I wasn't sick...made that clear to them, too, since I didn't want to get shit for calling in after a weekend in Vegas) to play nursemaid/mass-launderer/vomitorium-attendant. My son was on the brink of hospitalization (to ensure he wasn't dehydrated) but thankfully finally made his FORT save and took a turn for the better.
- Chris Shadowens

YeuxAndI |

Menstrual cramping. The kind that makes your legs hurt. >.<
(Y'all asked...)
My ma called me this morning to tell me, in exquisite detail, how much a wastrel, disappointment, failure, and jackass I am. I've got $28 in the bank, $25 of which will be paying for the new pup's spaying (OMG I'M GETTING A PUPPY!!), and still need to sign up for classes. I think someone may have gotten my credit card number illegally, I'm out of gas, and the flea infestation of my house which we thought was gone has returned with a vengeance.

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Heathansson wrote:Three days in a row with half the normal sleep because your daughter's vomiting all night, then your wife's vomiting all night, and then you just can't sleep worth a s&#& because you're too wired from crisis-mode instincts taking over.Something similar in our household a couple months back. We were attending a wedding in Vegas when my son gets ridiculously ill and spends nearly 2 weeks throwing up. We left the next day (from when he was sick) and my wife comes home from work early, also throwing up, then my daughter, too. At no point was I sick though I had to call in sick to work for a few days (which I felt idiotic for as I wasn't sick...made that clear to them, too, since I didn't want to get s%!% for calling in after a weekend in Vegas) to play nursemaid/mass-launderer/vomitorium-attendant. My son was on the brink of hospitalization (to ensure he wasn't dehydrated) but thankfully finally made his FORT save and took a turn for the better.
- Chris Shadowens
OMG...I only had one day each of the spewness...

mwbeeler |

My ma called me this morning to tell me, in exquisite detail, how much a wastrel, disappointment, failure, and jackass I am.
Is she Italian? If there is one thing my mother taught me (by default), it's that no one can make you feel guilty without your permission. Give Gillyweed a hug, you'll feel better (assuming he doesn't give you fleas).

James Keegan |

Thanks for the vote of confidence mwbeeler. Your millionaire "what if?" plan for employing me reminds me of what some of my teachers told me that my alma mater was like during the '60s. The instructors would get everyone to make bug and beetle costumes. Then they would dress up, go to the park, drop acid and the instructor would say,"Now, POLLENATE!"
Why couldn't I have gone to acid-flashback-costume-orgy art school!?
Another "great" food poisoning story. It was right before Christmas break at SVA and I was hard at work in the studio on a Sunday night on a piece due the next day. Suddenly, my stomach feels like its lurching to my throat. I run to the bathroom, spew up the soup I had at the tea house earlier. I'm thinking,"Oh, dammit. What did I eat?" For a few minutes, I was worried that I had ingested turpentine or something since I habitually put the back end of my brushes in my mouth sometimes (gross, right?) but after checking out the symptoms, it was food poisoning. Puking at odd hours through the next few days, drinking lots of gatorade to remain hydrated. Painful as hell, couldn't have come at a worse time. Thankfully, my teacher was cool about the assignment and missing class. I had concluded that, since the soup was half-digested, it must have been the bagel place from earlier that morning. Such a sketchy place.

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My ma called me this morning to tell me, in exquisite detail, how much a wastrel, disappointment, failure, and jackass I am. I've got $28 in the bank, $25 of which will be paying for the new pup's spaying (OMG I'M GETTING A PUPPY!!), and still need to sign up for classes. I think someone may have gotten my credit card number illegally, I'm out of gas, and the flea infestation of my house which we thought was gone has returned with a vengeance.
My mother was a travel agent for guilt trips...
...still miss her now that she is gone...
yay puppy

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Thanks for the vote of confidence mwbeeler. Your millionaire "what if?" plan for employing me reminds me of what some of my teachers told me that my alma mater was like during the '60s. The instructors would get everyone to make bug and beetle costumes. Then they would dress up, go to the park, drop acid and the instructor would say,"Now, POLLENATE!"
Why couldn't I have gone to acid-flashback-costume-orgy art school!?
Another "great" food poisoning story. It was right before Christmas break at SVA and I was hard at work in the studio on a Sunday night on a piece due the next day. Suddenly, my stomach feels like its lurching to my throat. I run to the bathroom, spew up the soup I had at the tea house earlier. I'm thinking,"Oh, dammit. What did I eat?" For a few minutes, I was worried that I had ingested turpentine or something since I habitually put the back end of my brushes in my mouth sometimes (gross, right?) but after checking out the symptoms, it was food poisoning. Puking at odd hours through the next few days, drinking lots of gatorade to remain hydrated. Painful as hell, couldn't have come at a worse time. Thankfully, my teacher was cool about the assignment and missing class. I had concluded that, since the soup was half-digested, it must have been the bagel place from earlier that morning. Such a sketchy place.
Be careful with stuff like this. Sounds like this was food poisoning. My close friend had something similar - but it turned out to be a large kidney stone. It makes you very ill when it works its way through your guts. So. if accompanied by pain, you've got more than food poisoning.
And that was your friendly neighborhood medical warning for the day.

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Stuff that sucks?
Getting accepted to Arizona State University, finishing your first semester, and then missing 3 full months of your second semester due to contracting mononucleosis. The missing classes cause you to get expelled, your mother and father refuse to continue paying for your education because you got expelled, and you enter the workforce at age 19 with nothing more than your high school diploma and no chance in hell of getting back to school anytime soon.
This is my life.

el_skootro |

Be careful with stuff like this. Sounds like this was food poisoning. My close friend had something similar - but it turned out to be a large kidney stone. It makes you very ill when it works its way through your guts. So. if accompanied by pain, you've got more than food poisoning.
And that was your friendly neighborhood medical warning for the day.
Hmmm. Just what an unemployed artist wants to hear: "You may have an expensive medical condition!"
El Skootro

ghettowedge |

Yesterday I found out that my work's insurance has denied an MRI for my psiatic nerve problem for the third time. Work has caused the injury, but without an MRI there's no way for my doctor to treat it. It's been over three months of constant pain and all she can do is request it again. She's advised me to call a lawyer if it's denied a fourth time.

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Stuff that sucks?
Getting accepted to Arizona State University, finishing your first semester, and then missing 3 full months of your second semester due to contracting mononucleosis. The missing classes cause you to get expelled, your mother and father refuse to continue paying for your education because you got expelled, and you enter the workforce at age 19 with nothing more than your high school diploma and no chance in hell of getting back to school anytime soon.
This is my life.
My wife never went to college. She pulls in a 6 figure salary. I love her but she isn't the brightest bulb, just motivated. There are 4 things that can make you successful: Motivation, Intelligence, Education, and dumb luck. All you need is one of those to succeed, more just makes it easier.
I have seen your posts and I can tell that you have vast amounts of intelligence. Work on the others and build yourself into a Power. I have faith in your abilities.FH

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I have seen your posts and I can tell that you have vast amounts of intelligence. Work on the others and build yourself into a Power. I have faith in your abilities.
Thanks, Fakey. Right now I'm doing just that, hopefully I'll be able to find my way into a job that I enjoy soon... and one that actually has advancement opportunities. The one I'm in right now has burned me out and barely pays enough to keep me in my home. Plus, there's no ladder to climb unless I can get a job in corporate... which is one of the things I'm hoping for.
I hate sales positions so much. Trying to convince people to buy things is demeaning and the fact that my trainers and bosses keep sending me to meetings to learn better 'sales techniques' just pisses me off. Yeah, you can teach me all sorts of 'lead words' that will open up the customer and create a product interest... but what if I utterly despise the very notion of manipulating someone into buying something that they don't actually want to buy? Every time I hear the company 'success stories' at one of these meetings, it makes me feel sick. I hate manipulating people and I sure as hell don't want to depend upon a lack of morals to keep a roof over my head.

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Getting accepted to Arizona State University, finishing your first semester, and then missing 3 full months of your second semester due to contracting mononucleosis. The missing classes cause you to get expelled, your mother and father refuse to continue paying for your education because you got expelled, and you enter the workforce at age 19 with nothing more than your high school diploma and no chance in hell of getting back to school anytime soon.
Have you considered a paralegal program? Being a paralegal doesn't actually require any specific education, just being sharp and detail oriented, and it pays fairly well. The program is mostly to get your foot in the door.
Of course, paralegals do have to deal with all the big ego a~&*#$$ attorneys that populate law firms. *cough*

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Fake Healer wrote:I have seen your posts and I can tell that you have vast amounts of intelligence. Work on the others and build yourself into a Power. I have faith in your abilities.Thanks, Fakey. Right now I'm doing just that, hopefully I'll be able to find my way into a job that I enjoy soon... and one that actually has advancement opportunities. The one I'm in right now has burned me out and barely pays enough to keep me in my home. Plus, there's no ladder to climb unless I can get a job in corporate... which is one of the things I'm hoping for.
I hate sales positions so much. Trying to convince people to buy things is demeaning and the fact that my trainers and bosses keep sending me to meetings to learn better 'sales techniques' just pisses me off. Yeah, you can teach me all sorts of 'lead words' that will open up the customer and create a product interest... but what if I utterly despise the very notion of manipulating someone into buying something that they don't actually want to buy? Every time I hear the company 'success stories' at one of these meetings, it makes me feel sick. I hate manipulating people and I sure as hell don't want to depend upon a lack of morals to keep a roof over my head.
The worst for me was back when they all wanted to start offering service plans and leveled with me on the fact that they were almost totally worthless in most cases. Then they b@&$! because you don't sell many and that is "a product that costs nothing to make, is almost never needed, and is usually a redundant coverage to the original item's manufacturers warranty". Can I sell you some air?
Sales sucks.FH

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Have you considered a paralegal program? Being a paralegal doesn't actually require any specific education, just being sharp and detail oriented, and it pays fairly well. The program is mostly to get your foot in the door.
Of course, paralegals do have to deal with all the big ego a!*&#~~ attorneys that populate law firms. *cough*
You know, that might not be so bad. I'm pretty good at dealing with attitude problems (I've been in customer service practically my entire professional life). I must say that it sounds daunting, however. I know absolutely squat about the legal system. Finding a firm that was interested in my experience and willing to train me would be the problem. It's something worth considering, though. Thanks for the idea.
Right now, my biggest leads are working at corporate in the Underwriting Department (which means never having to try to sell anything!) and getting some sort of service position (clerical, not mechanical) at a Mercedes-Benz dealership.

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You know, that might not be so bad. I'm pretty good at dealing with attitude problems (I've been in customer service practically my entire professional life). I must say that it sounds daunting, however. I know absolutely squat about the legal system. Finding a firm that was interested in my experience and willing to train me would be the problem. It's something worth considering, though. Thanks for the idea.
Right now, my biggest leads are working at corporate in the Underwriting Department (which means never having to try to sell anything!) and getting some sort of service position (clerical, not mechanical) at a Mercedes-Benz dealership.
The easiest way to do it is to become a legal secretary and be very good at your job. You can pick up most of what you need to know along the way.
I also hate sales, but I must say, that most lucrative positions are sales positions. In most company's, the CEO is a sales guy, the CFO is an accountant, and the next highest paid executives are nearly always sales. Inevitabley, you lose your soul, and start shilling out stuff like "you've got have fun with it!" (which is the mantra of all sales people), but, having sold my soul, I can't begrudge them.
Seriously though, has anyone ever met a sales person and not have them say "you've got to have fun with it." There's also an inverse relationship between the social benefit of the product being sold and the liklihood of the sales person making such a statement (i.e., the more dispicable the product, the more likely the person will claim that they have fun selling it).

Garjen Soulhammer |

Things that suck:
Having my six biggest @$$4ole clients rearing their ugly heads today to give me grief... on a Friday.
On a related note: clients that have no gratitude for the lengths to which you go to pull their stupid butts out of the fire and keeping Judges from giving them what they (>koff< probably >koff<) deserve!
--all the while NOT getting paid by the firm for the time I actually put in making the boss look good and taking the kind of grief I get, AND no benefits.
At all.

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Yeah, my job requirements are pretty lax (IMO):The easiest way to do it is to become a legal secretary and be very good at your job. You can pick up most of what you need to know along the way.
I also hate sales, but I must say, that most lucrative positions are sales positions. In most company's, the CEO is a sales guy, the CFO is an accountant, and the next highest paid executives are nearly always sales.
- No sales. At all. Ever. (Unless it was a product I really and truly loved, which I doubt will be the issue unless Phil at Paizo is looking for a sales monkey...)
- $30K/yr.
- Preferrably 45 hours/wk. or less (but willing to work up to 50 hours/wk if money is good).
- Benefits would be nice, but aren't required.
I work for State Farm Insurance. We don't get insurance benefits. How stupid is that? In fact, I get no benefits whatsoever besides 11 days of paid vacation time per year (that's including sick leave). Any benefits at all would be an improvement, but I'm already used to living without them, so it wouldn't be a huge factor.

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Things that suck:
Having my six biggest @$$4ole clients rearing their ugly heads today to give me grief... on a Friday.
On a related note: clients that have no gratitude for the lengths to which you go to pull their stupid butts out of the fire and keeping Judges from giving them what they (>koff< probably >koff<) deserve!
--all the while NOT getting paid by the firm for the time I actually put in making the boss look good and taking the kind of grief I get, AND no benefits.
At all.
Ooh, if you're opening the door to industry specific suckage, let me chime in with tax attorneys. WTF is their problem? Why do they have to jump in at the last minute trying to cram arcane and completely irrelevant tax provisions into a merger agreement that is nearly fully negotiated and ready to sign? Oh yeah, I'm sure the other side won't mind at all if we completely revise the indemnity reps at the last minute.

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Having a Job where you do absolutely nothing all day. It is boring, embarrassing and you get no sense of an accomplishment. Been like that for a year now, and every idea we get for a mission gets shot down. grrrrrrrrrr.
Hell, give me that job. I work for a private university and here we have two types of employees...the workers and the slackers. Problem is, the slackers are in a click and usurp all the credit, back each other up in lies, and blame the workers for all the problems. Can we say sabotage? Needless to say, there is a turnover rate with the workers. Only upside for working for a university? Free education.