![]() A friend who was in our high-school group for years always named his characters the same: Slim Retlaw (his name spelled backwards.) And I think they were always thieves. And an NPC that appeared in only 1 or 2 sessions, an old man guarding a bridge against passage with his "muscle" backup: a brown dragon, who wasn't terribly smart (and may've been a result of our DM not thinking fast enough) and who, through a short exchange of words, decided his name should be Wagon MugOfAle. Can't think of any poor names for any of my own characters, not saying every one was a gem, just can't think of a good groaner of a name. Maybe Jyyr'd Fiir'ks't (Fire-kissed), my goblin pyromancer (who, through lack of gaming at the time, only saw 2 sessions of burning everything he could, and who's fiery kukri was named Cha'li..."Charlie", after the character in Firestarter...I love "Easter Eggs"!)? Thankfully I've gotten over my need to add a ridiculous amount of apostrophes in names. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() While I have yet to see if my 8-year-old would like to play D&D (we used to play a dice "game" when she was little that consisted of rolling all my dice on the carpet...ah, the simpler times) we have had many "adventures" with the D&D Electronic Board Game. It's fun to play and very visual/aural. Good luck gaming with your child, it sounds fun (and may be something I'll do around our house someday.) - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() KnightErrantJR wrote: I'd almost be willing to be that if 4th edition tanks, regardless of what Paizo does, Hasbro is going to get as far away from RPGs as possible, as the whole frustrating thing is that there isn't enough of a profit margin in the industry for them. Or they'll release D&D 5.0 as a CCG with all the monsters cutified and trade out the vast array of weaponry for red & white creature-containment spheres. That cash cow doesn't seem like it'll ever die. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Sen the Collector wrote: Any estimate of when the coupon will be e-mailed out? Lisa Stevens wrote:
Hrothgar Rannúlfr wrote:
Same here, not that I'm complaining as I received some great books (missed out on a few of the Green Ronin books but thems the breaks) to read through. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() ArchLich wrote: And by the way stationary does not mean the same as immobile. In this case I would think that it means it does not move (unlike a cloudkill spell) not that it can't be moved. Hmmm...I hadn't looked at it that way (and thanks for the info from the SRD, easy to digest when laid out like that) so it could feasibly move if it was cast onto something movable, just not move under its own power. This may just be the explanation I was looking for, thanks! - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() ArchLich wrote: Maybe for the really rarely used skills like balance and forgery. Combining them together... Balance + Forgery = Equilibrium Ectype: You prefer to forge documents while walking a tightrope or on a large, colorful ball. 5 or more ranks gives a +2 synergy bonus to Perform (Calliope). - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Hojas wrote: I agree eileen. The biggest problem for me(besides lack of good content) is that there is no "magazine". That's why I jumped on the Kobold Quarterly bandwagon right away, it promised great content from a slew of reputable writers and it came in a printed format. Had it only been in PDF format (which one can opt for) I don't think I'd have picked it up. I like having something to read besides a screen, I do that enough already. Besides, my desk chair is nowhere near as comfy as the other chairs in the house which are perfect for crawling into with a good gaming magazine. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Chris P wrote: I've not sure about the range being touch. Maybe it means it's centered on you (your unaffected by the bats right). I guess putting it on a coin could work but visually it seems weird to me. I would say that it's either centered on you or starts from an adjacent square. Where I'm getting the touch range is from the Darkness spell description since the description for Hungry Darkness starts out by saying "You can create an area of shadow (as the darkness spell)...", I used a coin as an example of something minimal that an adventurer would have on hand. Ah, seems I've possibly found my answer in a mis-read (or just plain missed) line: "The hungry darkness is stationary." So it would seem that it is as I'd first envisioned it: centered (or at least one of the squares would have to encompass the caster, allowing for a small adjustment to where it's placed) on the character though since it's in a fixed spot the caster could walk out of it unscathed (since the bats don't affect the caster.) I'd originally pictured my warlock sitting in a tavern and when the bill came dropping the hungry darkness then walking out the door, bill unpaid and chaos ensuing behind him. Still, I think it'd be cool to be able to cast it onto something mobile (then have it fixed in place wherever the object is in the next round) and using that in battle. Like the arrow example I mentioned, seeing the black streak arcing towards the battle then everything is blacked out and the biting begins. Or dropping it down a hole to hit the baddies below. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() My warlock just hit 8th level and I've given him the Hungry Darkness invocation (took Devil's Sight last time around, too, so I can see inside it should I need to.) I'm looking for some clarifications/ideas on some useful ways of dropping it into a fight. Since it works like Darkness it's range is touch. At first I was thinking that just meant I had to drop it where I was standing but since it can be cast onto something, just like Light, can I cast it on, say, a coin and toss the coin into the battle (grenade-style)? Or onto an arrow and fire it into something or someone? Also, it says the bat swarm occupies every square of the 20' radius (which differs from the 10' square a bat swarm normally takes up) which is 44 squares versus the 4 the normal swarm takes up. Should the swarm stats be beefed up to account for the additional space they take up or is it assumed there is overall the same amount of bats but they're more spread out? Any further useful tricks/tactics anyone can share with this invocation? - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Jason Grubiak wrote:
If memory serves they're selling out the current design and working on a new one (I got one of, if not the last Large size of the goblin shirt and this was mentioned then.) While it's a drag for those who didn't get one of the current designs I'm looking forward to picking up a different one. Can't have enough goblins in my wardrobe! - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() King o' Cthulhu wrote: I hate mosquitoes Yea, me too...and termites. I hated termite season in Hawaii, when the winged, wormy bugs were EVERYWHERE, clouding the sky. I remember a couple of occurrences, one was when I was in high school up late watching TV and feeling something on my back. The window was open so I thought the wind was blowing the curtain pull-cord, thought that's what it was. Lights were out but for the TV so couldn't initially see anything...then it fell in past the tv, then another and another. I jump up out of bed, and hit the light and there they were, covering nearly the entire window's screen, hundreds, possibly thousands of termites, assumingly attracted to the tv's glow like moths. They'd find their way past the screen and they're wings drop off leaving the creepy-crawly body which is what I'd initially felt. I shut the window and started hunting bugs to squish. *ick* The other occurrence was when I was living on the Big Island and we were heading home from town one night and needed to stop for gas. There was a Chevron along the way, which I'd never really noticed was kind of there by itself, no other shops nearby. As we're pulling up to it, the bright lights in the ceiling over the pumps a glowing beacon in the blackened night sky (the Hilo side of the island is pretty sparse in areas population-wise) and there they were, like the thickest fog you can imagine but localized in the lighted area only. Being the good kid I was I spared my mom the heinousness of the termite cloud and got out to pump the gas trying my hardest to not completely freak out. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Daigle wrote: What made the grapefruit so damned special as to warrant it's own utensil? Why don't more people just peel and eat them? I don't see any orange spoons or tangerine spoons or kumquat spoons. Mothman wrote:
Not as long as you wash it. Ba-Da-Chiiinnnggg!!! Seriously, though, you wouldn't need a utensil for kumquats as they're tiny and the rind is edible...though I suppose you could use a grapefruit spoon made at dollhouse scale. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Arctaris wrote: One of our cats does that. She kills mice and then eats all of them except for the heads which she leaves staring up at you on the floor in placs that you're likley to step in the early morning. Growing up in Hawaii we have geckos everywhere (including in your house which is supposed to be good luck and also good for eating the plentiful mosquitoes.) We'd adopted an outside stray, Chaos, who would stalk and kill the geckos outside that he could find, leaving their headless bodies near the front porch. Sometimes, late at night, you could hear him outside munching away. Always a treat to sweep up in the mornings. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Razz wrote:
I'm with Razz here. Whatever the rules come to be regarding traps (and anything else in 4E) the fact that it was initially on the chopping block is ridiculous. I don't think traps are that difficult to deal with, don't slow the game down so much as to be unplayable, any more so than they were in the old days. Sure, an entire dungeon filled with traps every 5' slows the game down but that's with any edition. As I recall, when 2E was being rolled out it wasn't spitting in the face of 1E, just saying that we've had a long time to look at things and thought a smoothing out was in order. My take on 4E, and it's a very limited-exposure-take as I've purposely avoided nearly all coverage for 4E thusfar, is that they've looked at all the work done with 3.0/3.5 and said it's completely unfun and unplayable, so here's something new. Maybe that thought is skewed from the few anti-4E posts I've read but I get a few updates here and there from my gaming group (who seem glued to EN's boards) and that's what I can gather thusfar. I'm not pro- or anti-4E. I'm pro-D&D and it's been fun for all the iterations I've been playing since 1981 so I find I take some offense when I feel those handling the product dump on its building blocks. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() The Real Troll wrote: Sound like the game has been designed by a bunch of soccer mom's who want to make sure everyon gets a trophy. Sweet! I knew 26+ years of playing D&D would someday net me a trophy! Hi Mom! I'm going to Disneyland!!! - Chris Shadowens
Spoiler: Who, for the one and only season of any sport he ever played in his youth, was told by his fellow players he was the worst player on his soccer team and received some sort of quickly lost ribbon at the end of the season. And people wonder how he can hate sports so much...and soccer moms, to a lesser degree. ![]()
![]() PulpCruciFiction wrote: If my Black Leaf ever died, I just don't know what I'd do... Daigle wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I'm assuming Black Leaf died at 7th level (damned poison traps!) as when the session's over Debbie's cleric Elfstar (though in the first panel she's referred to as "Wizard") levels up to 8th. Tch-tch-tch, poor Marcie...hey, can I have that dragon figure since you're not using it anymore? - Chris Shadowens Spoiler:
...who wishes he could cast the mind bondage spell on his missus...though he could find better uses for it than getting more books and minis. ;) Spoiler: Thanks to Jack Chick and the mysterious person who once left this tract on top of a urinal seemingly for me to find in the Kukui Grove Shopping Center's restroom 15+ years ago. ![]()
![]() I was editing WotC's Magic Item Record Sheet so that the slots would be text fields, for ease of record keeping and I'm running into what I'd think was an easy fix but isn't presenting itself as such. I've created all the text fields for the item and reference boxes as well as 3 large text fields over the lines in the misc. items box at the bottom of the sheet (with solid white backgrounds and multiple lines selected so one can type whatever into the fields.) The option I'm not figuring out is how to make the text auto-scale to fit within the text fields, which is necessary for printing the sheet out (where a scroll bar obviously wouldn't work.) Can anyone direct me further? I'm assuming it's something simple that I'm just overlooking but browsing the Help file isn't turning up what I'm looking for. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() ancientsensei wrote: I haven't looked: Does skillful have a gp value instead of a + in MIC? Despite the extensive list the Magic Item Compendium has, I couldn't find Skillful on it. Complete Arcane lists it at +2, no monetary equivalent. GeraintElberion wrote: I initiated a similar debate a few months ago and through comparisons we established the cost of a feat at about 5k. Placing it on a magic weapon (and thus not using an item slot) might make it a +1 or +2 adjustment instead. After reading the above suggestions 4k-5k could be about right, or a +1 enhancement (which, on it's own, is only 2k). Using Skillful as a base for the idea was very helpful (I hadn't seen that weapon enhancement before), but since I don't need it to emulate the Base Attack stuff that could effectively drop it to a +1 enhancement instead of the +2 that Skillful is. As I was looking at building it into an Augment Crystal instead I looked at the prices of those to see if something was roughly an equivalent cost. A Crystal of Energy Assault (Lesser) is 3k, adds +1d6 damage which is the same as the various +1 weapon bonuses that add damage. Maybe this is better gauge of cost? On a different branch, I looked at something as basic as Bull's Strength for simply offsetting the -4 to attacks for being non-proficient (which is really all I'm trying to work around with this magic item). Gauntlets of Ogre Power (which uses Bull's Strength in their creation) give a +2 strength bonus for attacks and damage but if something could instead give +4 to attack, no damage bonus, that could effectively cancel out the non-proficiency penalty. Further, if it's placed into an Augment Crystal it'd have to be attached to a Martial Weapon (Exotic Weapons could have a crystal, too) to be useful and would ultimately only emulate having the appropriate feat, not actually give a +4 bonus. Thusly, it could feasibly still cost 4000gp. Or am I way off? Man, making magic items is exhausting! - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() I'll open with: I've not used the magic item creation tables to make my own magic items despite having played 3.5 for a number of years now. Just haven't had the need to until now and I'm looking for some assistance. I'm looking to create an item, was thinking initially a ring but after going through the Magic Item Compendium I'm thinking it could be an Augment Crystal. What I'm looking to do is create an item that'll allow the user to use a weapon they wouldn't otherwise be able to do, effectively giving the user the Martial Weapon Proficiency, either for a specific weapon or have it be generic, allowing the user the "emulated" proficiency with whatever martial weapon the crystal is attached to. Assumingly, it could also be done for Exotic Weapon Proficiency, at a higher cost I imagine. I guess what I need is to know how to price a feat as accurately as one can. I did find Gloves of the Balanced Hand (Magic Item Compendium) that emulates the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. Would the cost of that be essentially interchangeable with a Martial Weapon Proficiency (or cost less if it allows only a specific type of weapon instead of whatever it's attached to?). Or, should all this be for naught, is there a magic item somewhere (even non-WotC-sourced) that does what I'm looking for here? Thanks to any and all that can help me iron this out. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() *** Reposting below as something happened to my original post (even though it shows up in my Recent Posts section. *** Kobold Cleaver wrote: It doesn't really have to have anything to do with illithids, I just need some flaws for Lame, my changeling rogue. He works as a cunning assassin, and I can't find any flaws that would work. Any ideas? Hmmm...[digs out his homemade PDF of all the Flaws from UA and various issues of Dragon Magazine (#324-329, 333)]...
That's just from skimming through the list, you may find others that fit the overall feel of your character even better. I didn't include any stats as I wasn't sure if that was okay though I did mention above the issues of Dragon Magazine that had Flaws articles (you can get the ones from the UA from the Hypertext SRD) I hope this helps. I love using Flaws, wish I'd gotten to propose them with character generation in our current campaign. Too late now. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Kobold Cleaver wrote: It doesn't really have to have anything to do with illithids, I just need some flaws for Lame, my changeling rogue. He works as a cunning assassin, and I can't find any flaws that would work. Any ideas? Hmmm...[digs out his homemade PDF of all the Flaws from UA and various issues of Dragon Magazine (#324-329, 333)]...
That's just from skimming through the list, you may find others that fit the overall feel of your character even better. I didn't include any stats as I wasn't sure if that was okay though I did mention above the issues of Dragon Magazine that had Flaws articles (you can get the ones from the UA from the Hypertext SRD) I hope this helps. I love using Flaws, wish I'd gotten to propose them with character generation in our current campaign. Too late now. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Corey Young wrote:
Hi Corey! Thanks for getting back to me so quickly and for fixing the mixup. As always, Paizo's above and beyond the norm for customer service and having people like you working for them is why! :D - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Hello, I got my shipment in the mail today (huzzah!) and while everything was lovingly packed I found that an incorrect book was in the box. I received Green Ronin's - Temple Quarter and I'd originally ordered Green Ronin's - Thieves' Quarter. My online invoice says I ordered Thieves' Quarter as does the printout in the box. Can we swap out the books? While temples are interesting structures the thieves, to me, are the bunch I'm really interested in. == Chris Shadowens c.c. email ![]()
![]() Varl wrote: ...I find it curiously refreshing to have Nicolas Logue's writing contain dark, dreary, and outright vile scenarios unfold. It's a tremendous change from the PC modules of yore where everyone would kiss at the end of the module because they won the day. Screw that. Hear hear, Varl! This is EXACTLY why I like Nick's adventures: it's not the princess putting medals on the heroes at the end of every adventure. No, things happen, things that despite the change of events the PCs have caused they can't clean everything up. I like that Nick said (somewhere above) that he's leaving hooks for DMs to follow up with, that's great! There's an ending to the adventure but it doesn't have to close the door to further adventures nor does it have the DM casting aside all the NPCs he may have fleshed out along the way. I enjoy dark and gritty stories, the grim and dismal that seems like no matter how hard the PCs scrub the townsfolk might never get clean (The Seeds of Sehan 3-parter, Dungeon #145-147, had that kind of feeling.) Maybe it's because I'm older, that I know that not every fantasy story has to be knight-in-shining-armor: Thieves' World and The Black Company showed me this and I will ever applaud them for it. So I say, bring it on, Nick, I'll gladly wade through the vile muck with you any day. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() mwbeeler wrote: The diet drug, which causes “oily discharge.” Yeah, I wouldn’t eat again either. Heh heh, my wife picked up a bottle of that stuff and I said the same thing: if you're worried about crapping yourself you'll stay away from food and lose the weight. Brilliant! I don't think she took more than a couple of the pills, she never said why but I think the paranoia got to her. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Glitter. If you touch anything with glitter on it, greeting cards are HUGE culprits here, it gets on you. You wipe & wash and still you find it on you. It gets on your clothes, it doesn't come out, just relocates, maybe to the floor but it's still there, and now it'll transfer to your foot then to somewhere else in the house. The worst, of course, is getting it in your eye, which'll only serve to scratch your eye up in the frantic attempts to get it out of there...plus it'll just be stuck to your finger at that point and the cycle continues. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Talion09 wrote: I don't think anything new soon... he has been having health problems, which are delaying the strips coming out on the website. Yea, I read Rich's post about taking a spill on an icy patch and trashing his elbow. Just thought that since the online strip's a couple hundred strips past where book 2 leaves off maybe there'd be something on the horizon print-wise. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Was wondering if anyone knew if Rich was putting out another collection book any time soon. I've read all 4 books thusfar (yes, I know, one can just read the strips online, I just prefer the books) and would love to sit in my comfy chair with a cup of coffee and the tales of my favorite band of mis-adventurers. - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() Clive wrote:
I thought I did, too, but I can't find the pic I'm remembering either. The Carrionstorm from Pathfinder #2 might be what's in my head, I went through all the gaming stuff I've been flipping through recently (Pathfinder #3, Kobold Quarterly #1 & #2, Modules D0 & D1) and came up dry otherwise. Anyone? - Chris Shadowens ![]()
![]() ...went to look at a game product (Dark Tower module) and my shopping cart was filled with 3 items that I'd bought ages ago. I removed them, and all seems fine, but that was weird. Even had Monte Cook's Best of d20 in there (which was auto-removed as it's not available...wish Monte'd compiled subsequent books, it's a great book!) Anyhoo, just thought I'd mention. - Chris Shadowens