Good Things

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Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Mr. Shiny's goin' to college. With an $8,000 per year scholarship. Epic. f#%&ing. Win.
Where are you going, Oh Shiny One?

SCAD, man.

Congrats, Shiny!

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Mr. Shiny's goin' to college. With an $8,000 per year scholarship. Epic. f#@~ing. Win.

F!!$ing Awesome. \m/ ^_^ \m/

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Mr. Shiny's goin' to college. With an $8,000 per year scholarship. Epic. f#%&ing. Win.
Where are you going, Oh Shiny One?
SCAD, man.

Way to go pal! lots of congrats!!!

Liberty's Edge

Everyone, seriously, thanks. If all of you hadn't been here, I'd probably be smoking dope on a street corner somewhere. I salute you.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Everyone, seriously, thanks. If all of you hadn't been here, I'd probably be smoking dope on a street corner somewhere. I salute you.

It's safer to do that indoors.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Mr. Shiny's goin' to college. With an $8,000 per year scholarship. Epic. f#%&ing. Win.
Where are you going, Oh Shiny One?
SCAD, man.

SWEET!!! I will send you an e-mail later on this week with my contact info, if you so choose to. ~grins~ If not, then that is ok too.

Shiny, that's wonderful news! Congratulations!

Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Mr. Shiny's goin' to college. With an $8,000 per year scholarship. Epic. f#%&ing. Win.
Where are you going, Oh Shiny One?
SCAD, man.
SWEET!!! I will send you an e-mail later on this week with my contact info, if you so choose to. ~grins~ If not, then that is ok too.

I won't be there until next summer/fall, but still, if you want to, go ahead.

Liberty's Edge

Daigle wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Everyone, seriously, thanks. If all of you hadn't been here, I'd probably be smoking dope on a street corner somewhere. I salute you.
It's safer to do that indoors.

Nothing is funnier than watching a cop with two DUIs and four DWAIs try to bust a bunch of dopers in a parked car. FAIL.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Mr. Shiny's goin' to college. With an $8,000 per year scholarship. Epic. f~@@ing. Win.

Good f%**in stuff mate! That's awesome.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

SCAD, man.

? ... for the foreigners ...?

~grins~ Man, SCAD is an interesting place, that is for sure. I was driving near where my mom works, so I thought I would stop in and say hello. I circled the parking lot a few times, but there were no spots, since she works near a SCAD building. I called her to say that I couldn't get into there, but while I was talking I said "~sighs~ I love SCAD!" She thought I was being sarcastic. However I said I wasn't being sarcastic. My actual quote was...

"Mom. I am a heterosexual male. I love looking at the eye candy that goes to SCAD!"


Liberty's Edge

Sharoth wrote:

~grins~ Man, SCAD is an interesting place, that is for sure. I was driving near where my mom works, so I thought I would stop in and say hello. I circled the parking lot a few times, but there were no spots, since she works near a SCAD building. I called her to say that I couldn't get into there, but while I was talking I said "~sighs~ I love SCAD!" She thought I was being sarcastic. However I said I wasn't being sarcastic. My actual quote was...

"Mom. I am a heterosexual male. I love looking at the eye candy that goes to SCAD!"


One of the best things about a great college and a great town.

Liberty's Edge

Mothman wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

SCAD, man.

? ... for the foreigners ...?

Savannah College of Art & Design, Savannah, Georgia. Also Sharoth's home town.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

1. Putting shingles on a garage roof. On a hilltop. In single-digit temperatures.

2. The fact that both rubber boot soles and tarpaper become extremely slippery when cold.
3. Almost falling off of a garage roof between ten and fifteen times over the span of ten hours.
4. The fact that I might have to go back again to fix some stuff we f*@#ed up.

5. Putting up siding. In the dark. In single-digit temperatures.

6. Having to haul ripped-up pieces of particleboard for three hours. In single-digit temperatures.
7. Having to make a bonfire in single-digit temperatures is good. What sucks is:
8. Inhaling toxic fumes.
9. Inhaling smoke.
10. Almost catching a friend's truck on fire.
11. Almost starting a brush fire.
12. Almost catching yourself on fire.

13. Going home and finding out that other people have royally topped your s@~&ty day, which makes me feel like a total a!@&*%@ for posting this.

What a good thing to hear! I'm not the only dude that had to suffer this shit. Did someone by any change stall his pickup OVER a campfire?

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Mothman wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

SCAD, man.

? ... for the foreigners ...?
Savannah College of Art & Design, Savannah, Georgia. Also Sharoth's home town.

~grins~ Well, not quite my home town. But close. I have lived here since the summer on 1990. It does FEEL like home at this point.

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:
What a good thing to hear! I'm not the only dude that had to suffer this s%%#. Did someone by any change stall his pickup OVER a campfire?

No, one of the guys burning all of the debris threw a giant cardboard box onto the fire. The resulting inferno of fluttering cardboard flame-bats started numerous small brushfires all over the tinder-dry grass near where we were working. One of the flaming cardboardy bits landed under the bed of the garage-owner's truck, and we had a devil of a time getting it put out. No overt damage, though.

We did, however, catch a tree on fire.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

~grins~ Man, SCAD is an interesting place, that is for sure. I was driving near where my mom works, so I thought I would stop in and say hello. I circled the parking lot a few times, but there were no spots, since she works near a SCAD building. I called her to say that I couldn't get into there, but while I was talking I said "~sighs~ I love SCAD!" She thought I was being sarcastic. However I said I wasn't being sarcastic. My actual quote was...

"Mom. I am a heterosexual male. I love looking at the eye candy that goes to SCAD!"


One of the best things about a great college and a great town.

One of the joys of Savannah is that we have 4 universities in our town and another one (Georgia Southern) withing an hour or so drive of town. Plus we also have a beach too! ~WEG~ I love walking on the beach during summer!

Well. It wasn't my pickup and it was really cool when it blew up.

... bush parties.

-Having insurance again...even if it doesn't show up in they system yet
-Survived the trip through the ice storm with relatively little pain
-Finances almost recovered enough to restore Paizo subscriptions!

Sovereign Court

Congrats Shiny for your SCAD goodness.

Congrats, Shiny.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Congratulations Shiny.

About time the world came around for you Shiny and Shamgar.

Scarab Sages

Albuquerque getting its first amendment rights back.

What's that cop no warrant, then you can't come in.
My property, my tree, I don't have to climb down.
That's right I am questioning your judgment and you can't arrest me for it.
Ha Ha you can't arrest me for speaking in public anymore.

Liberty's Edge

Ubermench wrote:

Albuquerque getting its first amendment rights back.

What's that cop no warrant, then you can't come in.
My property, my tree, I don't have to climb down.
That's right I am questioning your judgment and you can't arrest me for it.
Ha Ha you can't arrest me for speaking in public anymore.

Now if only they extended those rights to the state of New York...

Good for you Shiny!

Also a good thing, laying in bed all morning with lovely company.

Sovereign Court

Ubermench wrote:

Albuquerque getting its first amendment rights back.

What's that cop no warrant, then you can't come in.
My property, my tree, I don't have to climb down.
That's right I am questioning your judgment and you can't arrest me for it.
Ha Ha you can't arrest me for speaking in public anymore.

What are you talking about?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Callous Jack wrote:
Ubermench wrote:

Albuquerque getting its first amendment rights back.

What's that cop no warrant, then you can't come in.
My property, my tree, I don't have to climb down.
That's right I am questioning your judgment and you can't arrest me for it.
Ha Ha you can't arrest me for speaking in public anymore.

What are you talking about?

Not sure what he's talking about. I think he lives in a tree, though. A very outspoken, political tree.

Sovereign Court

Tarren Dei wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Ubermench wrote:

Albuquerque getting its first amendment rights back.

What's that cop no warrant, then you can't come in.
My property, my tree, I don't have to climb down.
That's right I am questioning your judgment and you can't arrest me for it.
Ha Ha you can't arrest me for speaking in public anymore.

What are you talking about?
Not sure what he's talking about. I think he lives in a tree, though. A very outspoken, political tree.

Is it a liberal tree, who'd it vote for?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Callous Jack wrote:
Tarren Dei wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Ubermench wrote:

Albuquerque getting its first amendment rights back.

What's that cop no warrant, then you can't come in.
My property, my tree, I don't have to climb down.
That's right I am questioning your judgment and you can't arrest me for it.
Ha Ha you can't arrest me for speaking in public anymore.

What are you talking about?
Not sure what he's talking about. I think he lives in a tree, though. A very outspoken, political tree.
Is it a liberal tree, who'd it vote for?


Sovereign Court

Damn leafy bastards, those Ents are all socialists!

Hey now.

The Exchange

YeuxAndI wrote:

Good for you Shiny!

Also a good thing, laying in bed all morning with lovely company.

Along the same lines....feeling old but then ending the day showing that you can still toss a half-dozen O's to your better half.

Yup. Life is good.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

feeling old but then ending the day showing that you can still toss a half-dozen O's to your better half.

Yup. Life is good.

Yeah, I love juggling oranges.

'Cos that's what you meant by "O's", right? ;-)

Beats me, I thought he was talking about donuts.

Scarab Sages

Callous Jack wrote:
Ubermench wrote:

Albuquerque getting its first amendment rights back.

What's that cop no warrant, then you can't come in.
My property, my tree, I don't have to climb down.
That's right I am questioning your judgment and you can't arrest me for it.
Ha Ha you can't arrest me for speaking in public anymore.

What are you talking about?

Let me explain, no let sum up. Albuquerque has had an ordinance in effect since 1973 that makes not doing what a policeman tells you to do a crime, commonly called the 'contempt of cop' law. The ordinance was implemented to allow the police to arrest people making threats of violence against another person and people behaving in a way that would cause physical harm to oneself or others. The most notable abuses of the law are;

1) A man was arrested because he wouldn't let a policeman into his house without a warrant. the cop arrested him for not obeying him and now because the man committed a crime the cop had probable cause to search the mans house and didn't need to get a warrant.
2) Two kids were climbing in a tree on their father’s property, a cop told them to climb down, they refused, and the cop arrested them.
3) A cop was called to house where a man was attacked and fight broke out, the cop not wanting to make an arrest told the parties involved to go home and calm down, the man who was attacked demanded the cop arrest the one who attacked him so the cop arrested the man for telling the cop what to do (his job)
4) A cop pulled over a speeder and while he was writing him a ticket he asked that the passenger to stop smoking, she refused and the cop arrested her.
5) a political worker was in the plaza of downtown Albuquerque, a public area, talking to a group about his candidates view point, a cop told him he need to move on the man refused stated he has a 1st amendment right to be there, the cop arrested him.

70% of the cases where dismissed by the courts as violations the defendants civil rights and another 10% of the cases were never followed through with and dropped by the policeman who made the arrest. Over 200 civil suits were brought against the city and police department because of the law. The ordinance was repelled today.

First day spent 1 on 1 travelling with the boss went relatively well
He feels like I'm progressing at the rate I should
Might actually have time to get organized this weekend
Company cars

Liberty's Edge

Ubermench wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Ubermench wrote:

Albuquerque getting its first amendment rights back.

What's that cop no warrant, then you can't come in.
My property, my tree, I don't have to climb down.
That's right I am questioning your judgment and you can't arrest me for it.
Ha Ha you can't arrest me for speaking in public anymore.

What are you talking about?

Let me explain, no let sum up. Albuquerque has had an ordinance in effect since 1973 that makes not doing what a policeman tells you to do a crime, commonly called the 'contempt of cop' law. The ordinance was implemented to allow the police to arrest people making threats of violence against another person and people behaving in a way that would cause physical harm to oneself or others. The most notable abuses of the law are;

1) A man was arrested because he wouldn't let a policeman into his house without a warrant. the cop arrested him for not obeying him and now because the man committed a crime the cop had probable cause to search the mans house and didn't need to get a warrant.
2) Two kids were climbing in a tree on their father’s property, a cop told them to climb down, they refused, and the cop arrested them.
3) A cop was called to house where a man was attacked and fight broke out, the cop not wanting to make an arrest told the parties involved to go home and calm down, the man who was attacked demanded the cop arrest the one who attacked him so the cop arrested the man for telling the cop what to do (his job)
4) A cop pulled over a speeder and while he was writing him a ticket he asked that the passenger to stop smoking, she refused and the cop arrested her.
5) a political worker was in the plaza of downtown Albuquerque, a public area, talking to a group about his candidates view point, a cop told him he need to move on the man refused stated he has a 1st amendment right to be there, the cop arrested him.

70% of the cases where dismissed by the courts as violations the defendants civil rights and another 10%...

I wonder if Black Flag ever played in Albuquerque...

Liberty's Edge

Ordered the SCAP book not ten minutes ago! :D

Paizo's sales rock!

The new (I saw new, but it's a few years now, still new to us) car got totaled coming home from my wifes parent's place (Thanksgiving) this weekend. She wanted to beat the ice storm home and spend my only night off this week together, but it didn't quite work out. That in and of itself isn't good news, but both she and my son came out just fine, and that's the car with full coverage, so whatever.

Scarab Sages

mwbeeler wrote:
The new (I saw new, but it's a few years now, still new to us) car got totaled coming home from my wifes parent's place (Thanksgiving) this weekend. She wanted to beat the ice storm home and spend my only night off this week together, but it didn't quite work out. That in and of itself isn't good news, but both she and my son came out just fine, and that's the car with full coverage, so whatever.

Glad to hear the family came out of that OK. Sorry to hear about the car though.

Love. Plus all the lovey dovey stuff that comes with it.

YeuxAndI wrote:
Love. Plus all the lovey dovey stuff that comes with it.

Indeed! ^_^

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Lilith wrote:
YeuxAndI wrote:
Love. Plus all the lovey dovey stuff that comes with it.
Indeed! ^_^

Is this like that ring-toss thing that Fakey was referring to earlier? With all the "O"s?

Go ahead.. click the link... you know you want to...

Cosmo wrote:
Lilith wrote:
YeuxAndI wrote:
Love. Plus all the lovey dovey stuff that comes with it.
Indeed! ^_^

Is this like that ring-toss thing that Fakey was referring to earlier? With all the "O"s?

** spoiler omitted **

How did you get that picture? Blackmail, I say! Fallacy!

Liberty's Edge

mwbeeler wrote:
The new (I saw new, but it's a few years now, still new to us) car got totaled coming home from my wifes parent's place (Thanksgiving) this weekend. She wanted to beat the ice storm home and spend my only night off this week together, but it didn't quite work out. That in and of itself isn't good news, but both she and my son came out just fine, and that's the car with full coverage, so whatever.

Hey Mike, glad to hear that everyone is ok. That’s the most important thing. That the car is covered is a bonus.

Liberty's Edge

Cosmo wrote:
Lilith wrote:
YeuxAndI wrote:
Love. Plus all the lovey dovey stuff that comes with it.
Indeed! ^_^

Is this like that ring-toss thing that Fakey was referring to earlier? With all the "O"s?

** spoiler omitted **

I love ring-toss.

Oh, wait, I was thinking of something else. Disregard.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I got my PhD today. That's Dr. Tarren Dei now ;-)

This last year was really a lot of work but having my PbPs for distraction and Paizonians for company helped me to get the work done without getting lonely or crazy so thanks gang.

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