Nodwick? OotS? Zogon?

Customer Service

Will Pathfinder carry our monthly dose of humor?

Please, please, please, please, please!!!!!

I will miss Mount Zogon soooooo much!

Wow. No wonder Tony shut down his website months ago and isn't responding to emails. At least he got fair warning, I suppose.

Alas for all things zogonian.

Thank god they'll never get our Order of the Stick.

Yes, please! I love the comics in these magazines, and have even pre-ordered the Downer & Zogonia compilations coming out in the next few months. A few pages of comics in our Pathfinder would be greatly appreciated!

Sovereign Court

From the blog about Pathfinder, it seems the intent is to have everything within its pages usable for the adventure path. I don't think there will be many comics; unfortunate, because I am a big fan of Zogonia.


Alas and alack, there shall be no comics in Pathfinder. Remember, kids, it isn't a magazine - it's a book. Books don't tend to have regular comics in them :-)

However, we ARE releasing graphic novel compilations of Zogonia, Mount Zogon and Downer in the coming months! They're available for preorder on, just search and you shall receive...

Grand Lodge

Phil Lacefield Jr. wrote:

Alas and alack, there shall be no comics in Pathfinder. Remember, kids, it isn't a magazine - it's a book. Books don't tend to have regular comics in them :-)

However, we ARE releasing graphic novel compilations of Zogonia, Mount Zogon and Downer in the coming months! They're available for preorder on, just search and you shall receive...

*sigh* It hurts more and more... now the question I hate to ask... Can OotS and Nodwick et al be ordered by WizCo to cease using D&D references?

The comics are probably the thing I will miss the most.

Zogonia was wacky fun and Downer made D&D look epic cool.

I'll be getting the compilations for sure.

Paizo Employee CEO

DeVermisMysteriis wrote:
Wow. No wonder Tony shut down his website months ago and isn't responding to emails. At least he got fair warning, I suppose.

Tony decided to take a leave of absence from the comic well before he found out about this.


Krome wrote:
now the question I hate to ask... Can OotS and Nodwick et al be ordered by WizCo to cease using D&D references?

No. Even if the OGL wasn't around, Copyright laws make an explicit exception for satire.

Krypter, you stole the words right out of my mouth!

I'll buy the compilations to further support these great artists/satirists, but of course, they're compilations of stuff I already own in the magazines. Having the strips simply stop is a serious bummer.

Paizo staff: I don't know if the decision not to have the comics in Pathfinder was financial or not, but I wonder if you took a poll of subscribers to see if ordering Pathfinder was in any way contingent on the comics continuing. To be honest, I expected it (book or not) to fill the shoes of Dragon/Dungeon in as many ways as possible.

Maybe have a poll rating the comics, and then make a decision on what you could include in Pathfinder based on popularity?? I don't know, I'm grasping at straws I know, but I will seriously miss those comics.

EDIT: I apologize for using a 2nd account name; I forget that I have 2; this one w/ no avatar. I posted earlier as BenS as well.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Zherog wrote:
Krome wrote:
now the question I hate to ask... Can OotS and Nodwick et al be ordered by WizCo to cease using D&D references?
No. Even if the OGL wasn't around, Copyright laws make an explicit exception for satire.

True: Some people got the wrong impression from an early OoTS strip (here) that The Giant isn't allowed to make D&D references. Of course, he is, hence the ability to make the strip in question.

No comics makes Pathfinder even harder to swallow.

I'm (was)a Dragon Subscriber for years (playing D&D since 1986)and don't have a lot of time to run campaigns. The comics kept me connected. This will probably kill it for me.

Personally, I never thought WotC had any love for D&D. Let them go back to their card games! Jerks!

Sorry it ended this way. Erik (and all) did a great job, and made the mags great again. I'll miss it.

Grand Lodge

While it will be sad to see our comics go it is not the end. Trust me, I long ago cried over the loss of Knights of the Dinner Table. For those who don't know who they are, they were one of the first comics published in Dragon and they were hallarious. Anywho, onto my point.

There are still tons of web comics, many dealing with Dungeons & Dragons, as well as various other games. Order of the Stick, for example, originally was nothing more then a web comic who happend to get published in the Dragon Magazine. Even though Dragon and Dungeon will no longer be around (yes yes a sad thing, however I am very excited to see where Pathfinder will go) you can still read them on the internet.

So in short, while some comics maybe lost, not all are. And besides maybe one of you will create a Pathfinder web comic. long as Paizo doesn't sue. *smiles*

Phil Lacefield Jr. wrote:
Remember, kids, it isn't a magazine - it's a book. Books don't tend to have regular comics in them :-)

Comic books do. ;)

I don't see why there can't be comics in Pathfinder. I think most people would be happy to have them in it, even at the expense of a page or two of campaign setting info.

Of course, whether or not it is financially viable is another thing.

Olaf the Stout

The Exchange

I think that they want to move away from the magazine thing, so I'd be surprised if they put comics in their book.

IMHO it would only improve the quality of pathfinder to have comics. The intermitent humor would improve Pathfinder greatly.

Liberty's Edge

With the end of these comics, will the Zogonia and Downer books have the complete series (up through the September issues)?

If these comics are continuing elsewhere, where?

Lisa Stevens wrote:
DeVermisMysteriis wrote:
Wow. No wonder Tony shut down his website months ago and isn't responding to emails. At least he got fair warning, I suppose.
Tony decided to take a leave of absence from the comic well before he found out about this.

You can see one of the critical differences between WOTC and Paizo right here... the CEO responds to a thread, as does the sales manager, publsher, and all the other peopele whose job it should be to care for customers.

Hasbro is clearly too far removed to expect a CEO to participate; WOTC has no such defense. At the very least, the brand manager could weigh in on a decision that clearly incites dismay in so many.

As a customer who has put a large amount of money towards the WOTC coffers, I have to say, few companies have ever been as dissappointing. To Lisa, Erik, and the whole crew... this simple step engenders loyalty that can carry you through such adversity. As a customer, I have to say, few companies have ever engendered loyalty the way you do.


(P.S. Could you please take over managment at WOTC : ). )

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Ben Taggart wrote:

With the end of these comics, will the Zogonia and Downer books have the complete series (up through the September issues)?

If these comics are continuing elsewhere, where?

Zogonia: Slice of Death contains the complete run of Zogonia (plus some Mt. Zogon strips), but Downer: Wandering Monster is the first book of a two-volume set, so it contains just the first half of the story.

If, when, and where they continue will be up to the creators.

Actually, Dragon had gained and lost beloved other comic series before (ah, Yamara) through combinations of politics, stupidity, and natural causes. Anyone contemplating Pathfinder has to realize that it is not going to resemble a magazine at all.

Dark Archive

OoTS was wildly popular -before- Dragon snagged it. That will be fine w/o paizo.
Zogonia was my favorite and I'm pulling for Tony to get his site back up and running someday. Wanna collaborate?
Nodwick was so long running I think it will be good for A.W. to concentrate on something new, though I know he has other outlets already.
Dorktower I will not miss. Kovalics art grates at me. I like his stuff for those card games but strip wise I'm glad it's over.
Portent was missable but I know its artist is of a higher caliber than cartoon art, he will still get work for interiors and even some indy comic books.
Downer and Kyle Hunter is an interesting one. Dungeon's format allowed him to do his 1-2 pages plus numerous comical interior vignettes. Essentially he is staff. I wager Pathfinder will utilize more serious art given its book quality. So I wonder where that leaves Kyle?

Potantsuem wrote:
While it will be sad to see our comics go it is not the end. Trust me, I long ago cried over the loss of


Phil & Dixie

I would be willing to bet - just on a hunch - there's some non-compete issues over magazine publication and then an NDA to cover the non-compete. Well, that's how *I* would do it if I were a fairly large corporation de-licensing a publisher with a rabid fan-base behind it.

Yes, we are rabid. Take your shots. :D

And I could very well be WRONG on the above count, as I have zero knowledge of anything beyond what has been made public. *shrug* That's just how *I* would have set things up to protect my "intellectual property" in advance of other actions I had planned.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

There's no non-compete. Feel free to seach the boards for some of my previous posts on the topic, but to sum it up: it's one thing to run popular magazines with decades-long histories; it's quite another to launch a new magazine from scratch. We know, 'cause we've tried it. (Three times.) We just don't want to be in the magazine business with titles other than Dragon and Dungeon.

As for the comics, they are—past and future—owned by their creators, so if they'd like them to continue elsewhere, it'll probably happen somewhere.

Vic Wertz wrote:
There's no non-compete.

Which makes it even worse. Ah, well - we trust you with our gaming dollars!

Potantsuem wrote:
While it will be sad to see our comics go it is not the end. Trust me, I long ago cried over the loss of Knights of the Dinner Table. For those who don't know who they are, they were one of the first comics published in Dragon and they were hallarious. Anywho, onto my point.

Not sure if you meant "Wormy" instead of KoDT, or "Shadis" instead of Dragon, but your statement, as is, is a bit mixed up. ;-) I wasn't too upset over losing Knights in Dragon. They have their own mag anyways.

Nodwick, Dork Tower and OotS will all likely live on outside of Dragon. Zogonia was on hiatus, which often means 'that's all folks' (Phil & Dixie was the only Dragon comic to end and come back for a 2nd stint), so as upsetting as losing Tony's excellent additions to the mags was, it had nothing to do with Paizo no longer publishing the mags.

I have the strips in Dragon and downloads from and I am so getting "Slice of death". Seriously I want to be still reading Kev and Geleena in a decades time and I don't want it to be in a "whatever happened to?" coloumn. Vote with your $$$$$$ folks!

>>>Phil & Dixie

Man, I miss Phil and Dixie a lot (along with Will Wheaton column, what was simply outstanding)

And yes, I totally go for comics in Pathfinder. If not Zogonia and Downer, some of same quality / humour. Good people at Paizo, think about it!

daedel, el azote

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