Anced_Math |

If it's a weapon, you make it with the magic weapon rules.
If it's a wand, you use the wand rules.
You do not use whatever is the cheapest for the player; that's cheese of the stinkiest order. [/QUOand
Thanks for the responses.
I understand that if she enchants it as weapon, it uses the weapon rules. And I understand that it should generally follow those. But it wouldn't work with a sword, ss the player would want the additional damage. She is looking to use it as a spell delivery vehicle.
As it isn't a magic weapon she wont have the additional hardness and hit points. I think I sm going to allow it as it follow both logic and the rules. However, following logic and the rules, sunder is her enemy. She may find that people try to cut the whip in half. If they do, then nexttime she might want to spend ghd extra gold. ; )
I prefer not to tell them they cant, I am just going toshow her she shouldn't.