![]() pres man wrote: Or is anyone else feeling more and more disturbed by the content, that it is going in unnecessary detail on certain aspects? Also I've seen a thread about wanting a "director's cut" version which would be even more graphic. Simply put, it presents a complete ignorance of violence and it's consequences. "Dark" is "cool" at the moment, but it's the cool of high school shooters and horror movies. Creepy, puerile, immature and gratuitous. It used to be a little different and these are direct quotes from Dungeon magazine (RIP)with regard to adventure submissions to show my point - "Here's a good rule of thumb. : if you think you've gone to far, you probably have. This sort of material is just not necessary to make an adventure good." - Dungeon 89 "Make it unique, and make it sing" - Dungeon 125 IMO , If it needs the gore to be good, it probably isn't. ![]()
![]() Forget e-zines and new editions....THIS is what causes the game to grow. Good on you for taking up the challange. Keep it simple, keep it fun and they'll come back and look up the more complicated bits themselves. Hopefully, that'll make your job easier too. And remember, you're allowed to have fun as well! ![]()
![]() firbolg wrote: Growing up in rural Ireland, you'd think D&D would be pilloried, but not at all.? Ditto. Not a peep and I went to a Christian Brothers school. firbolg wrote:
Don't you know? if you're poor it means you havn't prayed hard enough! It least that's the general idea I get whenever Beyonce talks about god (hers . Not mine.) firbolg wrote:
You get the same s**t in Australia. A smug, sense of National pride but it's got OUR sort of pride- ..sorry...off topic...dammit....:) ![]()
![]() Jim Helbron wrote: There is little difference between FR/GH and Dragonlance? Wow, me thinks you've been hitting something pretty hard there man. Just MHO, Jim. GH/FR are middle earth with clerics, except that DL takes them back out.They all have a "gandalf" - Mordenkainen, Elminster, Fizban. DL and FR have orders of powerful fighters/wizards etc (Knights of Solamnia/harpers) sworn to hold back the darkness and councils of powerful magic users who seem split between fighting or joining with the forces of evil. Don't get me wrong, this is not a bad thing, but it is Tolkienesqe and not the only fantasy world possible just the most prevelant. It does lend itself to ease of play but it also ignores campaigns influenced by (for example) Westeros, The Young Kingdoms, Barsoom, The Hyborian age or even Athas. ![]()
![]() Grimcleaver wrote:
To my mind, there is so little difference between the first three setting that, for all intents and purposes GH/FR/DL amount to the same medieval/tolkien fantasy standard so i'd pick just one. I'd throw in Spelljammer as a steampunk fantasy, as presented a few years back in Dungeon NOT the original. I'd also throw in a primative world setting, like Hollow world to make up the five. Grimcleaver wrote:
This is absolulty how it should workchuck out what doesn't fit. ![]()
![]() YES!!!YES!!!ME!!ME!! I love Dragon Warriors and played a campaign in the late '80s, altough I think it had already died a comercial death by then. Bad promotion and distribution apperantly. It had a combat and magic system that placed it between DnD (as it was in 1986) and Fighting Fantasy gamebooks. It was a system that was simple,flexible and easy to supplement by "ripping off" the above games. But the real jewel was book 6 - The Lands of Legend - perhaps the best (IMO) fantasy/medieval campaign world ever. The new edition? Bring it on! ![]()
![]() The loss of the magazines I bought maybe one book a year but I bought 20+ issues of both mags. Editions come and go (take a bow , Games Workshop!) but it's the periodicals (...you too, White dwarf!)keep the game alive esp. when players go thru their "sabbaticals" due to too much real life happening! (Try gaming on any sort of regular basis with a mortgage and bub!) ![]()
![]() In no particular order.... George Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's BRAVE NEW WORLD for revealing to me the horrors of unchecked Communism and Capitalism. Frank Herbert's DUNE. An overwhelming SF book. Years ahead of it's time with it's ecological theme that underlies it's exploration of religion and politics, power and Myth. Henry Rollins SOLIPSIST. I walked out of a Rollins show once because he was talking S--T but this book is superb prose for anyone who's ever felt anything. ![]()
![]() This is a worry. I don't mind a 4th edition. DnD isn't the first game to upgrade/simplfy/callitwhatchawant with an eye on both improving gameplay and attracting new gamers. GW does this with WH and WH40K every 6 years or so and it's no biggie. BUT my beef comes from the 3.5 fiasco. Yes, 3.5 was sorely needed and it tidied up the rules nicely BUT that was after 2 years of feedback from DnD gamers. And what did they get for their troubles? They had to buy the same 3 core books again with about few lines changed when an errata sheet (with an issue of Dungeon/Dragon and a downloadable pdf) would have solved everything. Bring on 4th edition but have it playtested so we don't have to look at 4.5 in 2010 OR a 5th edition before 2014! ![]()
![]() The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote: In high school, there were frequently Air Force recruiters in the lunchroom trying to recruit unsuspecting students. Have you seen the Australian defence force's home-movies from Iraq. Skulling beer through a length of tube in their Klan costumes. ..."sniff" I'm so proud "sniff"..... ![]()
![]() Peruhain of Brithondy wrote: Also, I don't know how the term "coloured people" is viewed in Australia, but it kind of has racist overtones in American English. Not trying to make accusations but to give you feedback on how your use of the language is perceived over here. It probably has the same racist overtones in Australian English. I used it in the same way that Bill Hicks (RIP)used a similar phrase in a routine about the military on his "Rant In E-Minor" CD. Absolutly no rascist overtone was intended and I apologise if any offence was taken. ![]()
![]() Kruelaid wrote:
Discussing, venting, arguing - Call it what you want. It's all good - I love it. I love that you and Stunty feel strongly enough about all this to sit a type out a reply. I love that fact that we CAN when so many in the world can't. I don't like the fact that some of us think that that's OK. and if Paizo gets firewalled from china (probably followed me getting firewalled from Paizo)get a mate who's not living in china to get your stuff for you. ![]()
![]() Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:
To quote from Kruelaid's own letter. "China has an authoritarian government system. Deal with it." ![]()
![]() Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:
Mr Chinese print-worker has to work for 49 hours to purchase a copy of Pathfinder from his local game store. I have to work for about 2-1/2 hours (and then I get a paid break). I can join a Union. I get a choice of multiple partys to vote for in regular and fair elections. I have government regulated Safety standards in case I lose a body part at work and a "pension" should that body part loss take me out of the workplace. The city I live and work in doesn't make top-100-polluted- cities-in-the-world list (Chinese cities dominate that list). I can write up a blog entitled "George Bush is a Twink" or "Hilary Clinton is a lesbian" and I'm not going to receive a visit from the police. I'm not to be put in jail for 10 years and have my family black-listed for being a member of "yoga" group. AND because I have access to media thatisn't state controlled , I get to find out about events like the death of around 150 miners last week BEFORE the miner's familys did. How's that for context. ![]()
![]() Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:
40c an hour. Hands up everybody who'll work for 40c an hour? and hands up everyone who doesn't think that's slavery? For the record I check where everything is made. I'll pay more for something made in Australia but I'll also go for items made in the US or Europe. I contribute to green causes because at the current rate this world will be turned to S--T for "our convenience"! I work in retail. I'm saddened to think that most of what we sell gets wasted and half-used because it's cheap and nobody gives a damn where it's made. I can't imagine ever owning an SUV. My wife calls me the Reccycle Nazi... Trust me. I've chosen a side. ![]()
![]() mwbeeler wrote:
Havn't a clue what other gamers would or would not pay. To further clarify my point. I will be paying an extra $8 (25%)above what I normally shell out a month on Paizo material. That used to break down as $16 for 96 pages. Now it's $40 for 96pages. and this is when the printing costs are slashed to (probably) a quarter of what they were for Dragon or Dungeon. As it stands i WILL buy the first issue of Pathfinder. It may be more than $40 and as high as $50. It may not. THEN and ONLY THEN I will decide if it's worth purchasing on a regular basis. ![]()
![]() But you didn't answer the question. Presuming the quality level is there, would you be willing to pay 30% more (maybe $A53 or so???) to purchase this same book, only printed in some other country? And if so, would enough of your fellow gamers do the same to make Pathfinder a financially viable option for Paizo? As it stands i'll be paying an extra 25% per monthon my gaming periodicals from Paizo. I used to pay $32 a month for BOTH Dragon and Dungeon. I'm assuming I'll be paying $40 for a SINGLE issue of Pathfinder. When page counts are taken into consideration, and this is on my assumption that Pathfinder basicly is a 96page Dungeon/Dragon hybrid, it works out as a 160%(give or take)increase.$40 for 96 pages compared to $32 for close on 200pages betwen Dragon and Dungeon. Bang for my buck? ![]()
![]() Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:
Since the cost of feeding my kid and and paying my bills continue to go up I expect more money for the same job because I'm not allowed to elect to NOT pay my bills. Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:
Pardon me for expecting a safe workplace OR getting sick occasionally OR actually expecting a decent wage. Why am I so greedy? Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:
Why not just reintroduce slavery? Or maybe you can convince everybody that they should become "proud and happy" like all the little coloured nations we use to produce our plastic knic-knacs for 40c and hour! Next stop -"made in North Korea" for 20c an hour! ![]()
![]() Rauol_Duke wrote:
I was willing to and did pay $16 (australian) for Dragon and Dungeon every month since 2002. That price is approx. 3 to 4 times what an average magazine would cost me. Pathfinder will probably cost me $A40 an issue and I will be most certainly purchasing the first issue to check it out BUT bear in mind it's the SAME company producing ONE magazine/book printed in china replacing TWO magazines printed in the USA, for nearly TWICE the US cover price of ONE of those magazines. Yes, I paid for quality, twice a month, every month for the EXCELLENT work that went into both Dragon and Dungeon. I ecpect that level of quality to be present in Pathfinder and the price increase didn't bother me UNTIL I heard "printed in China". ![]()
![]() Erik Mona wrote:
Seriously, how much does a Chinease print worker producing Pathfinder get per hour(the actual guy on the floor)? Can he join a union? Does the printer for Pathfinder have an Occupational Health and Safety standard or Health fund or equivelent? Since Paizo printed Dragon + Dungeon in the US and Pathfinder is now printed in China, I (we?)as a consientious gamer/customer feel that this is a legitamite querie? ![]()
![]() I was reading a "roleplay vs rollplay" thread on another forum when I was struck by a post from a confessed ROLEplayer. This guy didn't bother to pick a class or a race, instead he determined them RANDOMLY from the core choices. He then rolled his abilities (4d6 and drop lowest roll) IN ORDER. He figured it gave him something to work with and this gave me an idea for what I call the "DnD KARMATIC Campaign" First, roll for your abilities in order. (4d6 and drop lowest for STR, then DEX etc.) Second,roll 1d8 for your race.
Third, roll 1d12 for your class.
start at level 1 with max HP and everything is decided by the player (alignment, equipment, spells etc.) So far, so low fantasy (more Warhammer than Greyhawk)..and probably, PROBABLY, a bit tough.. But what I thought would be a good idea in said circumstances would be KARMA points equal to the character's cumulative level at death. Say the character dies at level 3, the NEXT character rolled up the same way gets 6 KARMA (or KP) points (1 + 2 + 3=6 ). KP could be added or subtracted to either of the class or race rolls
any thoughts? ![]()
![]() Anybody here know of this site? It's a HUGE collection of free amateur game systems (mainly rpg). It's mostly crunch rather than fluff but there are some great systems to download and mess around with. One of the current ideas is a game system AND a character sheet all on a single page. and yes it's harder than it sounds to make it work but when it works out it's sweet. ![]()
![]() I honestly found 28 days later to be a terribly grim film. I especially found the underlying subtext disturbing. That people, infected or not (the zombies and soldiers),can turn on you LIKE THAT and in such circumstances it's best to DESTROY them with un-thinking savagery in order to survive. HOWEVER...my wife took from the movie the complete opposite feeling given how the young surviving Irishman (well,Irish actor Cillian Murphy) refused to act like that and in doing so rose above the situation( BIG car-journey conversation between the 2 of us recently.
I still find the idea of HAVING to kill people utterly repugnent and refuse to consider it a justifiable action. Nobody ever HAS to be killed and no real life scenario would ever require a military attack against unarmed people (unless you already had your speech prepared for the war crimes hearing). Which is a long way of saying I won't be spending my $$$ to go see the sequel anytime soon.:) ![]()
![]() Y'know, were the adventure paths really SO popular? I had more time for the single adventures in Dungeon ( esp over The Age of Worms - "Part ten - the PC's face Knights of Kyuss and Lepers of Kyuss and Snotmonsters of Kyuss"...god I was SICK of the colour green by the end of all that!!!) and of the two magazines I prefered Dragon. and US$19.95 = AUS$40+....mmmm..."not happy John!" Tell you what....I'll take a long hard look at Pathfinder but it better WOW me from the word go.... ![]()
![]() back when I was a teen...we're talking back in the mid 80's, I was about the only one of the group to play a female character, a cleric. I remember being allowed by my DM for her to have little oil lamps on her breast-plate, right about were her nipples would be underneath....amazingly this WASN'T considered a stupid/impractical/immature idea...go figure... ![]()
![]() Mormegil wrote:
since you ask...I usually find that those who consider the human race to be just another animal certainly do not consider themselves to be animals. Some of us do act like animals but that's not the same thing. I usually find that the lack of animal created science, art, logic, religion etc. , allow me quite easily put animals in 1 bracket and humanity in another. Oh...also, I can guarentee you that I don't believe in reincarnation, either as humans or animals. ![]()
![]() I'm down with the theory of evolution. I am there. It makes perfect sense to me. Always has. It has ALSO been abused as an idea, being put forward as justification for the horrible treatment of workers throughout the Industrial revolution or the "proof" that europeans were superior to other races (Kind of hard when there's only one human race). As for Aliens...(smirk)...I'll believe in ET when he lands on the White House lawn. Not saying (and didn't say) we're all alone in the universe. Either way it doesn't change a single thing I said or what I meant in my last post. ![]()
![]() Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
I was being somewhat faecetious when I wrote that last line. To be more precise in my views i have to admit that I see religion, science, business, politics, art, music, sport etc, as being expressions of humanities desire to know and explore and shape existance. They become our "vehicles" which which give form and permit action in our lives and our world. Their use as such reveals both who we really are and what we capable of. And all of them are open to abuse, to promote power and abition above well being of others. The examples you listed chose religion as their "vehicle" and used it in calculated, destructive ways. ( Or in bin laden's cause , still does )They presented their religion AS existance and in doing so, they preyed on the hopes and fears of their followers to fulfill their ambitions and delusions. Religion, to me, is an acknowledgment of the divine, to provide a moral compass in my life and to rise above the mundane. We are all biological creatures but we are not animals. There is purpose to life and we , as a race and individuals, are a work in progress. ![]()
![]() Aubrey the Malformed wrote: This is of course not an original notion - Marx called religion "the opiate of the masses" in the 19th century. But that is the main societal problem with religion - it discourages free-thinking and blind obedience. Most of the time it doesn't matter, as most people are basically nice with or without religion. But in the hands of the unscrupulous (and let's face it, there are lots of nasty people "of faith" out there who use religion as a screen for their own ambition, as well very nice atheists) it is a dangerous... I would'nt consider Marx to be the best juxtapose to the flaws, faults and crimes of the religious down through the ages. Lets look at who he influenced with his simple gospel of workers liberation - Lenin, Stalin, Pol pot, Mao etc. - All active advocits of athiesm. All brutally intolerent of religion. All willing to use any means - imprisonment,torture,murder - to promote their beliefs. All cultivated Cults of Personality demanding total subservience to the state and it's leaders. I'll settle for the "Nasty" people banging on about heaven and hell, thanks... ![]()
![]() Just the facts?
![]() Anybody here got any game related tattoos?
![]() farewell2kings wrote:
You're Homer Simpson, right? I thought you lost that job ? seriously though, that attitude could take my Retail Manager job to a WHOLE new level.... :) Fewer customer complaints, a compliant staff, a raise every other week....HOT DAMN, I'm buying a gun....:P ![]()
![]() This one is really obscure but anybody into Death Metal may know the band. On Morbid Angel's "Formulas Fatal To The Flesh" thanx page, lead guitarist Try Azagthoth metions "36HD undead beholders" and a name checks what I can only assume is stuff relating a homebrew dugeon campaign including combat modifiers !! also in an interview with UK mag Kerrang mentioned praised DnD as a tool of creativity and imagination. lately though this has given way to a preoccupation with online QUAKE ( and two very underperforming albums ...IMO...) |