webtroll |

That Flotsam Ooze is starting to frighten me. Surprisingly, we had our first actual death last night. Lots of "how negative will you go before the group finishes off the big bad", but no deaths.
Quentin Peck, Human Ranger 4
Location: Basement of Vanderboren Manor
Catalyst: A Bullywug's Great Club
During the clearing of Vanderboren Manor, the Ranger didn't think of the potion of cure moderate wounds on his belt and rushed in to quickly finish off the Rust Monster. Seeing his beloved pet crumble to rust, the Cheiftan of the Bullywugs rushed in and dealt a devastating blow to the one Quentin Peck. He did not score a critical, but did deal max damage (23 until the wizard broke out the wand of ray of enfeeblement).
He did make his way back to the party through the use of some divine magic, having learned his lesson to use the potions when you have them.

Steve Greer Contributor |

I don't know if I am not playing the monsters to their full potental or what because I haven't had one death yet and we are all fairly new to the game.
Maybe you aren't or perhaps your group is having some beginner's luck. Of course, the goal isn't to wipe out your players' characters, so you shouldn't feel like you're doing something wrong because they've been surviving each encounter. However, not knowing what kind of game you run, it's anyone's guess as to what's going on at your table.

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I don't know if I am not playing the monsters to their full potental or what because I haven't had one death yet and we are all fairly new to the game.
don't worry about it - we've had less than 30 deaths in the first adventure.... how many people are running the campaign? If you compare the amount of campaigns times 4 or more characters a campaign.... plus the fact that the ST glories thread is almost just as long as this one...

Jeremy Mac Donald |

silenttimo wrote:Wow! are you playing a console game there?New account :
- 1st adventure : 23 PCs / 3 NPCs-familiars-animals
- 2nd adventure : 6 PCs
- sidetrek before 3rd adventure : 1 PC
- 3rd adventure : 9 PCs
No - he's keeping an official tally. So not just his players deaths but every death recorded on this thread.

joshua johnson |

Mactaka wrote:No - he's keeping an official tally. So not just his players deaths but every death recorded on this thread.silenttimo wrote:Wow! are you playing a console game there?New account :
- 1st adventure : 23 PCs / 3 NPCs-familiars-animals
- 2nd adventure : 6 PCs
- sidetrek before 3rd adventure : 1 PC
- 3rd adventure : 9 PCs
Which is kind of silly, since the data means very little. All we know are the # of player deaths reported on this thread. Maybe a breakdown somthing like "for every player involved there is an average of 1.7 deaths" or some other fancy math thing would be more interesting. I'm not zinging anyone, we all do and enjoy silly things. Me especially.
Starting BWG soon- maybe I'll have some deaths to add to the tally!! (ripclaw dont fail me now!! Muah muah mauhahahah)

Jeremy Mac Donald |

Which is kind of silly, since the data means very little. All we know are the # of player deaths reported on this thread. Maybe a breakdown somthing like "for every player involved there is an average of 1.7 deaths" or some other fancy math thing would be more interesting. I'm not zinging anyone, we all do and enjoy silly things. Me especially.Starting BWG soon- maybe I'll have some deaths to add to the tally!! (ripclaw dont fail me now!! Muah muah mauhahahah)
At the very least we get to learn which adventures are real killers and which are cake walks. That alone makes the information of interest to me.

joshua johnson |

OK- I'm really not trying to start an argument here. My point is that the only people posting on this thread are the ones who had fatalies. We are not getting a data set that means anything because we have no way of knowing how many survived vs how many died. We are only getting one sort of info. It would be like sayiong the glories thread gives insight to the easy part of the campagin. It dosent.
Again the trhead is entertaing and the context of the posts does have value for the other DM's here. I really enjoy this thread. I watch it for pitfalls as well. It's just theat the numbers dont maen anything to me. Will some math guy help explain this??
One cavern from Ripclaw at last session break!!
I have a party of 6 4 3rd and 2 2nd.. Should I still run Ripclaw as written, or dumb him down to a savage croc as the scaling the adv sidebar suggests for 2nd level parties?

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OK- I'm really not trying to start an argument here. My point is that the only people posting on this thread are the ones who had fatalies.
I have not had any fatality so far (end of the Black Dragon lotus guild right now), and my PCs are going to meet Gut, Rowyn, the lieutenant (Kersh ?) + one thief...
They have done too good so far : I guess I'll make a few thieves escape (16 + cruncher have been killed during the attack, 2 on the rooftops before the arrival on dead dog alley).
I need to challenge them : 6 PCs, all 2nd level (enough xp to be 3rd, but I wait for them to get out of the guild to allow them to go up).
2 PCs went into negs against the 1st rhagodessa, 1 against the ravenous zombies (+1 NPC fatality).
One cavern from Ripclaw at last session break!!
I have a party of 6 4 3rd and 2 2nd.. Should I still run Ripclaw as written, or dumb him down to a savage croc as the scaling the adv sidebar suggests for 2nd level parties?
Wow, how come they are only 2-3 levels high ?
Ripclaw seems a very dangerous challenge for your PCs...Good luck.
BTW, I enjoy this kind of thread, and it makes me evaluate much better the kind of danger that awaits my PCs !

Lex Talinis |

OK- I'm really not trying to start an argument here. My point is that the only people posting on this thread are the ones who had fatalies. We are not getting a data set that means anything because we have no way of knowing how many survived vs how many died. We are only getting one sort of info. It would be like sayiong the glories thread gives insight to the easy part of the campagin. It dosent.Again the trhead is entertaing and the context of the posts does have value for the other DM's here. I really enjoy this thread. I watch it for pitfalls as well. It's just theat the numbers dont maen anything to me. Will some math guy help explain this??
By this reasoning - all forms of data collection are too flawed to be used. To include medical studies.
I appreciate the data here - it shows short term trends in a small spectrum analysis. So what.

Steve Greer Contributor |

Joshua, I don't think anyone here thinks you're trying to start an argument, me included. The purpose of tallying deaths that STAP has inflicted on the various gaming groups represented here is really just for fun. Although, it should give DMs further behind in the AP a bit of a warning about some of the tougher encounters. Does it mean that because a few groups out of the huge amount of groups that don't post anything here have had some problems that you should go ahead and change the encounters? Not really. Just that you should be aware that there could be some problems and be ready to take steps to ensure that it doesn't end disastrously for your group.

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ok first NPC death... instead of falling to his death, the informant went down willingly to get the PCs to trust that it was safe.... then got torn apart by 2 zombies - who, for things preocupied with eating the flesh off the bones, where very difficult to hit.... six rounds later they had stripped all but 2 limbs of meat and the only interest they had shown in the party was to throw the empty, stripped skull at the one who had done max damages to one. then the dice gods finally allowed them to be hit and cleaved in 2 (all 4 party members hit for max damage in one round)... made for a very interesting encounter though

joshua johnson |

I enjoy this thread and the insights I gain from the DM's that have run before me, I'm just not getting the numbers. I guess I'm missing somthing? Small spectrum trend?
My PC's are low level cause they never fought the Ixthilians (sp I know) and Rowan saw she was beat and fast talked her way out of a conflict with the PC's, so no XP there either. I offered a side quest but they wanted to press on....
No more thread jacking--my next post here will contain a shredded PC I swear!

terrainmonkey |

okay, i don't know if i'm doing anything wrong or not but it seems that this first adventure is a killer.
dwarven mage, 3rd level, slain by Gut Tugger the crested felldrake. this creature bit him for several points, then got sneak attacked by rowyn, then the next round, after all had been done to save him, bitten by a critical attack and slain.
rowyn got away, after all.
so the player says to me, "dude, i'm playing a cleric from now on, so i can heal other people. if this is any indication of what this adventure path has in store, we're going to need it."
tonight he rolled up a dwarf cleric to start next week's session.

Steve Greer Contributor |

Character: Terren Whistlegap, errant son of Kora Whistlegap
Adventure: The Dungeon of Rust and Fire (side trek between The Bullwug Gambit and The Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Antechamber at the base of the iron tower
Catalyst: A critical hit and a normal hit by one of the tower's guardians, a delusional nimblewright.
DM's Explanation: The party had been defeated by the nimblewright (who was disguised as a human warrior in plate mail holding 2 rapiers) the session before and decided to go back and "teach him a lesson" using better tactics. Unfortunately, the absence of some of the players had a lot do to with the party being underpowered and Terren Whistlegap paid the ultimate price before the party retreated for good.

Falchieyan |

Had my first two yesterday...
Characters: Fabricator(warforged artificer), Alex(human urban ranger)
Adventure: There is No Honor
Location: The Crucible
Catalyst: Divided and conquered
Description: While checking out the Taxidermist's guild, Alex noticed a pickpocket nab a scroll from Fabricator. He called out after the thief, who fled around a corner. The party gave chase and followed the man into an alley. A few hidden assailants rained down arrows from hand crossbows and used tanglefoot bags to bar the exits. The party's fighter and cleric started dealing with the attackers while the warforged and ranger hurdled the tanglefoot barrier and continued their pursuit of the thief. To the fighter and cleric, it was the last time that they ever would see their friends.
Alex and Fabricator saw the pickpocket duck into a well at the end of an alleyway and decided to hop down after him. Once down there, they were cornered by a crocodile and continuously peppered with arrows from slits in the walls. It was only a matter of time before they were both slain in that most deviously constructed room.
Now the fighter and cleric have no idea where their allies went, and now can only think to return to Lavinia to wait a couple of days for them to return. If that doesn't work out, they're going to see into recruiting more help to assault the Lotus Dragons.

lindemacil |
At the end of TINH, the party had suffered only one loss:
PC: Morgan Stonegrinder, Orc Cleric 1
Adventure: There is No Honor
Location: Hold of the Blue Nixie
Catalyst: a hungry rhagodessa
Surprisingly charismatic and intelligent for an Orc, Morgan considered himself the leader of Lavinia's recent hires, and so prided himself on being the first in battle. With Vark and his thugs, this wasn't a major issue. However, when he jumped into the flaming hold, he realized he'd taken on more than he could handle. The rhagodessa sprang at him, grabbed him with its pedipalps, and proceeded to bite off the cleric's head. Despite their initial inclination to beat feet, his fellow adventurers managed to overcome the beast together.

el_skootro |

I had two last night. Partly it's my fault: the party's cleric did such a good job turning zombies during the last session that I felt no compunction about trapping the party between the hecueva and two zombies.
PCs: Eris, tibbit (from the Dragon Compendium) rogue 2 and Arbok, erbust (homebrewed race) druid 2
Adventure: There is No Honor
Location of Death: One of the rooms under parrot island
Catalyst: Hungry zombies
After scouting ahead to look for dangers (or a way out), Eris realized that in addition to zombies there was a skeletal priest-like creature who might cause a bit of trouble. Hoping to take the priest out quickly, Amaleth, the enchanter, cast an <i>enlarge person</i> on Honey Bee the barbarian. Honey Bee charged in ... and was promptly feared right out of the room. Now at a tactical disadvantage, the party mustered up their nerve and went after the hecueva. After what seemed like an excrutiatingly long number of rounds (nobody thought to use the silver dagger, and nobody had knowledge: religion to conjure up some insight), a pair of zombies shambled into the room. Since the cleric had already used his (unsuccesful) turning attempts on the hecueva, and since the barbarian was cowering in some corner, the party was in deep trouble. Eris tried to tumble under one of the zombies and was quickly devoured. Arbok got munched on a few times but managed to wiggle his way free before being grappled. With only a small amount of his life force remaining however, he couldn't handle a critical bite from the zombie and went down.
Honey Bee eventually came to her senses and quickly smashed the hecueva to smithereens, but not before Echo, the cleric, was brought to just one HP.
So almost a TPK under parrot island. Know everyone is 3rd level (and bouyed by the gear of their fallen comrades), and ready to storm the Lotus Dragons -- who have already ambushed them, nearly killing the enchanter in the process.
On an unrelated note, all of the Lotus Dragons in my campaign are Gnome Gninjas. They are tons of fun.
El Skootro

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2 More deaths to report from this last weekend.
PC: Deuroo, Human Druid Lvl 8
Adventure: Here there be Monsters
Location: In the jungle past the cliffs on the Isle of Dread
Catalyst: Olangru's pounce ability on a charge after already being injured before that.
Deuroo had already been hit by a charge and pounce taking full skirmish damage from Olangru, and was crawling on the ground to try to help the groups Paladin against one of Olangru's mates, when Olangru saw him and charged again ending his life. Then Olangru and his mates teleported away with the unfortunate Druid's corpse and took the party's sorcerer captive as well.
PC: Hyena animal companion of Deuroo the Druid
Adventure: Here there be Monsters
Location: On the beach by the shipwreck
Catalyst: Hungry Tyrannosaurus needing a midmorning snack
The hyena was unfortunate enough to be closest to the Tyrannasaurus when it attacked the group after the shipwreck, eating the poor creature in two rounds. The party was unable to kill the beast quickly enough to save the hyena after it was swallowed.
This adventure is really a killer and I can't wait til the group has to face off against Olangru and the Lemorian Golem in their lare. Should get at least 1-2 good PC deaths on that one.

Bryon_Kershaw |

PC: Marcus, level 2 human Rogue
Adventure: "There is No Honour"
Location: Underneath Parrot Island
Catalyst: The Sea during high tide
One poor PC decided to swim the caverns during high tide. The sea was particularly bad, and as he kept rolling poorly he suffered non-lethal damage from being battered into the cavern walls. He was eventually knocked unconscious and drowned after considering drinking a healing potion with 0 HP left. His companion Yijcual, a jungle barbarian, nearly drowned trying to rescue him only to find him too late.
~ Bryon ~

joshua johnson |

PC: Whe Whe the 1/2 champion from the Isle of YO-YO.
Location: Captain Harliss Javell
Catalyst: Um.. Pirates are tough.
Upon learning that Harliss was a pirate, the 1/2 orc druid and Barbarian decided that she was one of the raiders who came to their island and stole their animals and women. They attacked.
(these two players invented a island of origin that was being plundered by animal traders and slavers. They were sent to Sasserine by their tribal elders to identify and stop this type of thing early)
Harliss Dropped the 1/2 orc with one feint, and then stabbed him again for good measure, due to the fact that he was about 12-14 feet tall (enlarged) just to be sure. She then dropped the druids animal companion, then the druid. The wizard threw his hands up and his gold down in surrender, so she spared his life and stole his spellbook. The rest of the party scattered while she plundered the coinage from the fallen. The druid and his viper companion both stabilized. My party hates her now.

terrainmonkey |

The rest of the party scattered while she plundered the coinage from the fallen. The druid and his viper companion both stabilized. My party hates her now.
well, they shouldn't have attacked her. given the explaination, i can understand though. good gaming! :)
on another note, all i can say is savage monkeys. those things are dynamite!
adventure: TBG
Death: Elf rogue (again)
okay, so the party comes to a clearing in the jungle, wherein three antelope are dead or dying. birds of all types, parrots, etc, are eviscerated and eat upon. the rogue runs into the clearing to take a look, while everyone else scans the trees. just as he gets to one of the dead antelope, 5 savage monkeys start jumping down the trees onto him, screeching, biting, and clawing at him.
the rest of the PCs run in to help, but a critical on the rogue rips into him and he falls to 0. there's still one monkey on him at this point, as the other 4 turn to face the other PCs and run at them to attack.
the druid in the party then takes aim on the monkey with the rogue and fires. "Dude," says the rogue's player, "This monkey's killing me! Shoot it!" the druid shoots, nat 20, critical confirmed, and does 16 points of damage. the arrow goes into the monkey, out of the monkey and skewers the rogue. he drops. so now, at -9 hp, with a savage monkey sticking to him, the rogue is bleeding out and only the druid can save him.
the druid runs to stabilize him, and gets attacked by another monkey as well. so he gets locked in combat with a monkey trying to fend it off and the rogue bleeds out to -10. the PC spends a hero point to stabilize himself, and after another round, the fight was over and they revived the rogue.
the players were a little upset. "Savage monkeys?! WTF?" i told them it was in the adventure, "besides," i said. "any time i get a chance to use monkeys to kill you guys, i'm gonna take it!"

Bryon_Kershaw |

the druid in the party then takes aim on the monkey with the rogue and fires. "Dude," says the rogue's player, "This monkey's killing me! Shoot it!" the druid shoots, nat 20, critical confirmed, and does 16 points of damage. the arrow goes into the monkey, out of the monkey and skewers the rogue. he drops. so now, at -9 hp, with a savage monkey sticking to him, the rogue is bleeding out and only the druid can save him.
The only thing better would have been if the druid killed the monkey and then it promptly melted onto the rogue and he was killed by the acid.
~ Bryon ~

Aureus |

PC: Aujir'oth (CG male human dragonshaman 2)
Location: Rhagodessa Lair
Catalyst: Raging companion
After the first TPK on board of the Blue Nixie due to the powerful rhagodessa in the hold, my players were eager to slay the three predators very quickly. They haven't used up the earth elemental gem from the smuggler's caves, so Lucil the priest threw it in the middle of the room summoning the elemental. It didn't took their summoned friend long to kill two of the rhagodessas. The third one engaged the dragonshaman in melee, finally grappling the man. It has damaged the heroe severely, when the elemental tried to join the grapple it was unable to, so the barbarian of the group, still raging, didn't even bother to join and attacked. She slew her friend with an awesome blow of 18 damage reducing him to -13 hp. The players were kind of stunned and it took us some time to get started again. But as we did the player of Orba the barbarian asked: "Hey I have the cleave feat and as I just killed someone I can make an additional attack against an adjacent foe right?". I said: "Sure you can!" (I wasn't really sure if she could but as she just murdered her own friend I agreed). And so Orba killed both dragonshaman and remaining rhagodessa in the same round.

Steve Greer Contributor |

Aureus, why did the dragon shaman get hit by his companion while he was grappling? The Grapple rules in v.3.5 allow you to make melee attacks against a grappled opponent without risk of damaging your opponent. The only chance of hitting your ally by mistake is if it is a ranged attack. In that case there is a random chance of hitting either one of the grapplers (see table 8-6 in the Player's Handbook pg. 151 and the footnotes beneath it).
I believe v.3.0 had this rule of randomly hitting grappling opponents with both melee and ranged attacks, but that is long gone. If you're using your own house rules for grappling, then that's fine and all, but otherwise your poor dragon shaman died unnecessarily.

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Character: Olan, 2nd lvl Cleric of Pelor
Adventure: There Is No Honor
Caltalyst: 4 Rogues flanking + high-crit range weapons.
The party has made a very successful trip through the Lotus Dragon base, making quick work of the guys in the barracks and the 1 patrolling party they encounter. They then bypass the door to the training room for the closet up the hall, making enough noise to be heard.
The rogues set up their ambush, and it just so happens they surrounded the cleric with 4 of them.
1 round later, a flat-footed, flanked cleric gets dropped to -11 exactly from full hp.
(first PC death in the game)
Character: Janik, human bard 4
Adventure: Bullywug Gambit
Catalyst: Tried to kill Drevorhaz after the party had convinced him to take them to Lavinia.
The bard was smooth talking the 1/2 orc mercilessly, and had convinced him that yes, that WAS captain Harliss that just showed up (Party's rogue/psion Changeling with a 48 disguise check, which beat the 1st mate's spot of 20 readily), and she changed her mind about the whole kill the Vanderborens thing.
The cleric has her note and marilith earring in his pouch, mind you, and they ask if he's harmed anyone. He says, "Yeah, that halfling woman. LV wasn't talking so's I put the hurt on her halfer."
When they asked what he did to Kora (whom the whole party loved) he replies "I dead-ed the halfer, and what of it, s'just the usual bizness, eh?".
The bard gets angry, draws and stabs him as he's turning to lead them upstairs. He responds with 2 attacks which drop the bard (already down 16 from the stilt-walkers encounter) to about -22, decapitating him cleanly.
The party then had to fight their way through him, the bullywugs in the room, to assist the rogue who almost fell to the cleric on the 2nd floor.

Aureus |

Aureus, why did the dragon shaman get hit by his companion while he was grappling? The Grapple rules in v.3.5 allow you to make melee attacks against a grappled opponent without risk of damaging your opponent. The only chance of hitting your ally by mistake is if it is a ranged attack. In that case there is a random chance of hitting either one of the grapplers (see table 8-6 in the Player's Handbook pg. 151 and the footnotes beneath it).
I believe v.3.0 had this rule of randomly hitting grappling opponents with both melee and ranged attacks, but that is long gone. If you're using your own house rules for grappling, then that's fine and all, but otherwise your poor dragon shaman died unnecessarily.
We sat at the table frustrated by the complexity of the grapple rules (I know they are necessarily that way). When the barbarian came up with the idea of attacking we all said: "NO! There is always the chance of hitting your companion." So apparently we all had this strange rule in mind, either really a remainder of 3.0 or just fatal mistake and product of our twisted minds. In either way I am a poor DM making such a mistake :( But after all it was a very funny moment, so everybody has still fun and that's what counts (I hope). But please don't tell the player of Aujir'oth! :)

The Black Bard |

Not to derail, but the WotC D&D page did a solid step by step on grappling, that really does make it far less complex than you would think. Easier than figuring out the AC, attack and damage of buffed cleric power attacking on a charge.
And we all had the leftover "grappling miss chance" mentality as well, so don't feel bad. The main reason is because it doesn't actually mention it in the grappling section, its in another section on effects of cover or something.

Steve Greer Contributor |

Steve Greer wrote:We sat at the table frustrated by the complexity of the grapple rules (I know they are necessarily that way). When the barbarian came up with the idea of attacking we all said: "NO! There is always the chance of hitting your companion." So apparently we all had this strange rule in mind, either really a remainder of 3.0 or just fatal mistake and product of our twisted minds. In either way I am a poor DM making such a mistake :( But after all it was a very funny moment, so everybody has still fun and that's what counts (I hope). But please don't tell the player of Aujir'oth! :)Aureus, why did the dragon shaman get hit by his companion while he was grappling? The Grapple rules in v.3.5 allow you to make melee attacks against a grappled opponent without risk of damaging your opponent. The only chance of hitting your ally by mistake is if it is a ranged attack. In that case there is a random chance of hitting either one of the grapplers (see table 8-6 in the Player's Handbook pg. 151 and the footnotes beneath it).
I believe v.3.0 had this rule of randomly hitting grappling opponents with both melee and ranged attacks, but that is long gone. If you're using your own house rules for grappling, then that's fine and all, but otherwise your poor dragon shaman died unnecessarily.
Don't worry, Aureus. I won't be the one to tell your player ;)
If it makes you feel any better, my group had continued with the same 3.0 rule/mindset/whatever up until only earlier this year. When I announced one night, "OK, guys, I've been looking through the Grapple rules and can't find any mention of a 50/50 chance of hitting an ally that is grappling except if you are making ranged attacks. So... your free to whack away at the bad guys if they are grappling one of your characters." There was sigh of relief from my players all around the table. They know how I love grabbing and munching on their characters, so it was cause for celebration for them.
Joe, Simply Joe |

Don't worry, Aureus. I won't be the one to tell your player ;)
If it makes you feel any better, my group had continued with the same 3.0 rule/mindset/whatever up until only earlier this year. When I announced one night, "OK, guys, I've been looking through the Grapple rules and can't find any mention of a 50/50 chance of hitting an ally that is grappling except if you are making ranged attacks. So... your free to whack away at the bad guys if they are grappling one of your characters." There was sigh of relief from my players all around the table. They know how I love grabbing and munching on their characters, so it was cause for celebration for them.
I can vouch for that, we are all glad :-)

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The victims err... i mean the valiant heroes who had fallen in There Is No Honor:
1. Durath Salainiel: Elf rouge. Died when he tried to switch sides with Rowyn. His only reward was Gut Tugger eating his liver after the party attacked too soon.
2. Linsha Corbus: Female Human fighter. Killed when two Rhogdesias swarmed over her in the Lotus Dragon's guildhall.

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The Sea Wyverns wake our group ,now part of the Jade Ravens ,lost Skank Rat a beguiler assassin 5/1lvl gnome to the fire wall trap in Tamoachan. Strange enough, his main attack was throwing alchemist fire and burning things,ahhh he died as he lived...
In the vein of the Age of Worms Obituaries thread, let's report the untimely deaths of our valiant heroes in the latest adventure path. I'll kick things off.
PC: Grael, Draconic Orc Barbarian 1
Adventure: There is No Honor
Location of Death: D19 of the Lotus Dragon Hideout
Catalyst: Three rhagodessas and their powerful bitesLong Description: The descendant of a chaotic fang dragon and a particularly lusty female orc, Grael came to Sasserine along with the half-lillend Zan as a bodyguard. Along with Annah Jareth and Samantha Quickblade, graduates of the Cauldron adventuring company, he soon found himself in the employ of Lavinia Vanderboren. The party invaded the lair of the Lotus Dragons thieves' guild, managing to drive off Rowyn Kellani and kill many of the other thieves.
Once the main force of the Dragons had been defeated, the party decided to explore the sea caves just outside the subterranean hideout. One cave was inhabited by three rhagodessas, vicious vermin with enormous mandibles. Grael led the charge against them, slamming into the beasts with his enormous maul. During the battle, one of the creatures grabbed him in its pedipalps and bit deeply into the draconic orc. He managed to pull himself free, but the hooked barbs wounded him further. As the others in the party tried to deal with two of the rhagodessas, the third one pressed the assault on Grael. It bit the draconic orc again, its powerful mandibles tearing into him and biting deeply into his organs. It was too much for Grael to take, and he died on the spot.
He was later reincarnated, much to his chagrin, as a draconic halfling.

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Had another death:
NOTE: <b>Nevermind, they JUST decided to REINCARNATE him.<b>
SONO PAL-OMEN (Ranger 2/ Sorcerer 2)
Adventure: The Bullywug Gambit
Location: Vanderboren Mansion, Basement
Catalyst: Chief Lorpth SMASHED him to -20 HP with a power attacked Greatclub strike, as poor SONO was delievering a potion of heling to another fallen ally. (Poor dumb..er, we mean heroic, bastard.)
PS - When the group encountered Savage Brissa he was so annoyed that he nailed her with a 10D6 LIGHTNING BOLT in annoyance.
PPS - <b>Nevermind, they JUST decided to REINCARNATE him.<b>
Now he's a dwarf.