![]() Thanks Sozin! I have been using GIMP photo editing software (free) and just getting into the pixels to overwrite the room numbers, S doors and such. (I'm getting pretty good!) But ultimately this is a fair amount of work, so I will look into the Maptools solution. I'll look at the tutorials when I have more time, hopefully from there I can figure out the method of stripping out the layers. Thanks Again! ![]()
![]() well - that being said (story awards) -- if you are running a large group (as I am about to) then maybe the party will be slightly more powerful with this method. Leveling up 4 PC's is less of a power bump than leveling up 6 PC's, and the Xp in the module would have to be spread out more thinly with a smaller group so it stands to reason that the party would be slightly less advanced.... Im running HoH starting this wed - I'll just prolly just level all 6 PC's at the same time (unless a player pisses me off bwahahaha -- everyone level up --EXCEPT you CHRIS) maybe throw a few more centipedes and zombies at them as well. I'm a pretty loose DM when it comes to this kinda stuff. My advice is just to go with what works, and save your self headaches. If your game is fun your players wont mind whatever liberties you take with the RAW. ![]()
![]() OK - I've been clicking around some here. It appears that the PDF's generated by Paizo are "layered" - the discussion seems to revolve around the best way to make this work, but I'd still like some reassurance this is still the case (info from old posts) before I go and buy the PDF of a book I already own.... Fog of war - looks like maptools is kinda the winner here on this subject. ![]()
![]() Hello posters. I'm trying to get set up to table top projected maps like this: http://www.d20srd.org/extras/tabletop_projection/ You seem like you know your stuff about PDF's on the whole. I have a few questions with regards to PDF's and editing them. So as to not thread jack I would like to point your attention to: http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/paizo/pDFQuestionsProjectionHelp&page=1#2 oh and if anyone cares to explain how to make the cool little linky things instead of a big ole URL to copy paste, I'm all ears. :-) ![]()
![]() Hello all. Im in the process of setting up this: http://www.d20srd.org/extras/tabletop_projection/ Not being a graphic designer - I have questions. Any help would be SUPER! Thanks in advance! Questions:
2) If answer to #1 = no. What is the best way to deal with this? I have access to photoshop and one of the new players I have recently met is a student of Graphic Design, so we can probably get kinda sorta technical here. 3) Best way to create a mask layer for the fog of war effect? ![]()
![]() I know there are guide lines and GP limits and stuff now, but really, you just have to decide weather or not you want a flaming longsword +1 running around in your players hands. Same goes for resurrections. Go with your gut, and with what you think would be fun for you and the group. The rules are your own. If you make poor decisions for long enough, your players will just oust you from behind the screen! No biggie! If they are 6th level now i feel it's not unreasonable, (admittedly using wealth per level guidelines here, i like those) for a PC to get that kind of weapon; on the other hand, they will be above the power curve for the AP already so maybe the sword would be too much..... Then again, the coming flotsam ooze is a killer, so maybe he should have the sword....... Or you could let him buy the sword, then a traveling priest, capable of resurrecting the fallen PC, decides he likes the flaming sword ( "it looks just like my dads!") and offers any service for a trade........ not helping am I.... :P ![]()
![]() Try building a Pandora station around these artists to add flavor to the party in the BWGambit. Carnival !! (dont forget your beads!) Edison Machado
As an aside: for all you space type rpg'ers try somafm.com
There is also a "secret agent" station here. RAD. but.... they will only be on the air for a few more weeks unless some crappy corp. leglislation stes stomped. :( WRITE A LETTER!! ![]()
![]() Yup. Our parties cleric failed TWO turning checks at point blenk range and went down under the maw of a hungry (ravenous even) zombie. I had the cleric munching zombie failed his save and began feasting, whils the 1/2ling and wizard beat it with sticks for about three rounds....whaich did maybe 3 points of damage in the three rounds I gave the zombie to find the cleric's heart.... so after the zombie was done eatin it stood up, ( more Aoo's) and began trying to eat the wizard The rest of the party was dealing with the other 2 Z's that came doen the hall from the other direction all this time. The hecuva went down fiarly easily. After it scared the bard the wizard enlarged the barbarian and hit the H with a max damage shocking grasp. ![]()
![]() The problem for me would be that having all the meta knowledge would detract from the fun of playing a PC. Example: the puzzle in Olangrau's Lair.
If you can still enjoy sitting through 8+ hours playing a adv. while pretending to not know anything, then you should be fine. I guess you can always play the 5 int barbarian......... I like the dual (simultaneous) DM idea. That would rock. ![]()
![]() I too have high hopes for the pathfinder series; however I too am aware of the limitations of such a format: Namely that unless you are playing the path you will have limited resources available from the series. Eg: In the recent issues of Dungeon, there have been adv's for varying levels of play. In any given mag you could find high, med and low level adventures, so if you were not playing the path you still would have a reason to buy the mag. The majority of Pathfinders' customers will be people who are playing or intend to play the path. People looking to run a one off or integrate published stuff into their own campaigns will likely turn to Goodman games or the like. I'm irked the the people who "own" D&D would end the traditions of these mags. As a result I will put my money into other institutions which are moving the game forward. Keep up the good work Piazo. ![]()
![]() Catsclaw: I had the same thought while prepping the adv today. Why wouldnt the MoAll just transport behind a group of her onrushing vine horrors? She could then fight the PC's with the aid of all of her children. I'm not going to have her do this, because it's got TPK written all over it, but I don't see any reason why it couldn't happen. ![]()
![]() I plan on throwing some Jerren (savage, evil pack fighting halflings)at them. I think Jerren tribes will fit in nicely with the evil and untamed element of the Isle. I have a halfing scout in the party who can go toe to toe with some of his evil cousins. I think it will be fun. Maybe they will ride terror birds.... humm. ![]()
![]() I am not trying to decide who should and shouldn't read these boards. That would be plain silly. I'm just making the point that players on these boards will see spoilers. Do what you will with that information. There are plenty of people who read the last page of a book first too. It doesn't matter to anyone but the person who's reading it. And heck, maybe some players like reading spoilers. Thats fine too. Let's just not kid ourselves about whats goin on here! I would be miffed if I was a player, cause personally I wouldn't want to be here, and if the dragon boards are thin on STAP players that would be disappointing as well. If i had a suggestion i would put it here. Have fun! ![]()
![]() Tool,
If I was a player I certainly would like to speculate and swap stories, but this board has way too many spoilers for any player who is not (at least remotely...subconsciously??), fishing for spoilers. Some thread titles alone are spoilers. I do not believe that you have lurked around these boards and not come across at least one bit of meta-knowledge. But whatever. I care not. PS- glad you have found a way to not go insane. ![]()
![]() "In the end, it is a tool to deepen the characters´ story a little bit." I agree. I once played in a game where every new feat, spell level, class ability so on so on had training prerequisites. I felt it bogged down the game and made me resentful ( I was a wizard) that I had the XP to cast 2nd level spells but I had not had the ability in the story to go and seek out a higher level wizard. If used as a story aid and applied logically (as the archer who didnt get the heavy armor) it can add to the game. ![]()
![]() New Death!
Preface: In TINH Dudley and the party wizard parleyed with Rowan.With the help of some good bluff checks they convinced Rowan to pay them some coin as she made her offer, which Dudley and Gil, (the wizard) pretended (?) to accept. Meanwhile the rest of the party was heisting the LD flag map over the bodies of the fallen guild.... So rowan Hates the party, especially Dudley and Gil. Also, before departing Sasseine, Dudley decides he needs to hire a bard to journey with them and make songs of his heroic deeds. He ends up at the Sasserine Sleigh ride, where he rescues Bridget, a young strumpet with a singing voice and convinces her to make the voyage. (after running her pimp thru with his elven thinblade) Anywayyy.......... So Rowan impersonates Bridget and, thanks to Dudleys +1 will save, manages to get him naked and overboard to play with her shark. Dudley manages to climb up the anchor chain and escape the shark after being only badly mauled. So after the commotion, the PC's narrow down who was on deck,and find bridget hog-tied (probably not for the first time..)to the
So Rowyan beats EVERYONE at INIT, casts hold person and moves up to and behind the now held Dudley,(who fails his 3rd will save in a row) suffers AOO's from the party's Hadozee and 1/2ling scout, and COUP DE GRACE for poor old dudley. Rapier through the base of the skull. Rowan fell the next round under a flurry of blows from the surrounding party members. ![]()
![]() The bottom line I suppose is "is everyone having fun?"
thats my two d10 ![]()
![]() In another thread, some people were mentioning the overhead projector as a great game aid. I love the idea. Follow this link of you dont know what I'm talking about: http://www.d20srd.org/extras/mapProjection.htm I would like some input from anyone who has actually done this and/or anyone familiar with photoshop (or similar recommended app) Specifically, I'm wondering: A) how complicated is the process of layering, scaling and masking? b) How would you get your maps to comply with the layering and such? Can you just DL the PDF maps from this site? I'm handy and computer literate, but i'm not a tekkie/graphics
Thanks in advance for any pointers! ![]()
![]() I really dont understand the whole DM attempting to kill your PC. If he wanted your PC dead, what dosn't he just kill him? Maybe I'm old school, but what the DM says goes. So if he wanted you dead why not have a Kracken looking for an apertief pluck your pc from the sea wyvern? Oops... someone poisined your water. Thats a
If the DM wants your PC dead, it's really not hard. Sounds like you are derailing the game intentionally, which calls into question your presence there in the first place.
![]() I'm DMing the STAP, but I ran WC a while back. I had a PC do a funny thing when the swarm came up into the false tomb area...... The party saw the swarm and the slasher coming, and most just ran, but the FTR got caught and was covered by critters. Having discovered the fire trap in the sarcophagus (the hard way) earlier, he ran over to it, covered in swarm, and opened it, again, and again, and again, each time taking burning hands damage, until the swarm died. He nearly bought it as well, but I rolled his damage and the swarms damage separately for each opening, and the swarm got the worst of it.. The whole table was cracking up. It was fun. Anyone else have PC's do this? ![]()
![]() Thanks Seb-- I was actually searching the archives as you typed your reply! Next time I'll search first and ask questions later!! HA! Anyway- I saved and printed Mike Mearls and James Jacobs explanations, as my players are going to throw a FIT about this. Armed with such professional help and a 1st ed "In my campaign" attitude, I'll be attacking light sources all night long!! Woo+ !! ![]()
![]() HI! I'm running the grimlock U cavern as part of an underdark side quest in the STAP. Ever since I first read 3Foe i thought it was pretty darn cool, Mearls and all.... so anyway.... My question-- the tactics column states the grimlocks attack light sources. Umm..... being blind just exactly how do they do that?
I really would like the grimlocks to snuff out the lights, but HOW?? ![]()
![]() Hello again! I am adding the Sable drake to the list of baddies for my PC's to deal with.
So has anyone run the Sable drake in any campaign? Pointers?
![]() Thanks. I liked this Idea better than:
![]() OK--so I'm suggesting to my players that they construct backup PC's prior to departure from Sasserine. These backup PC's will be crew on the Blue Nixie, and if needed will transfer over to the SW.
![]() Players about to storm their way into the Vanderboren Manor in TBG.
The BWG has been HACK-A-LISHOUS. They tried to FIGHT Harliss. !!
Anyway this AP has been big fun!! ![]()
![]() sotra kina on topic........
Stats fot this, the least feared of golems?? Wounding paper cut attack??
![]() Your players are bound to miss out on some of that XP. Plus you may end up with ore or less players depending on the availability of your players, so its really hard to say how they end up. My players dindt make 3rd until the beginning of BWG because they missed a fair amount of things (mostly Rowan fast talked her way out of a fight and escaped-s no XP there) ![]()
![]() "Now whenever I roll the dice, I have a 1 in 4 chance of criticalling. And unless I'm mistaken, a critical is an automatic hit no matter what the AC is. Couple that with power attacking as a fighter, and the ability to Cleave continuously at higher levels." You have a 1 in 4 chance of rolling 15-20. If your 15 roll does not hit (after bonuses) you dont crit. If it does hit, then you have a threat, not a crit. You must roll again, and hit again, to get that crit. Also I'm not sure you can use cleave with weapon finesse (cleave feat and finesse weapons dont mix??) But I may be getting my Iron Heroes rules all muddled up in here......... Nice build though, and that 10,000 gp starting item---whew--- thats one hecka of a inheritence!! |