Angelic's page
25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Hierophantasm wrote: A while back, almost immediately when I started the AoW campaign, I had the idea of making a soundtrack for it. I eventually made one, and gave my players all cds with issue #124's cover--the image by Wayne Reynolds--as the cd art. It came out pretty nice, if I do say so.
I was wondering if any other DMs had done something similar to this. I went with mostly rock songs, with an odd one here and there--seemed appropriate w/a rock band adopting the name of the main antagonist in AoW, namely Kyuss. So, here's the track list I went with:
Age of Worms Soundtrack
1: “Dirty Black Summer”—Danzig
2: “Immigrant Song”—Led Zeppelin
3: “The Chain”—Fleetwood Mac
4: “Ring of Fire”—Johnny Cash
5: “Gimme Danger”—Iggy & The Stooges
6: “Negative Creep”—Nirvana
7: “Wave of Mutilation”—Pixies
8: “Voodoo Chile”—Jimi Hendrix
9: “Colossal”—Wolfmother
10: “Carry on Till Tomorrow”—Badfinger
11: “Bad Moon Rising”—Creedence Clearwater Revival
12: “Waiting for the Worms”—Pink Floyd
13: “Whiter Shade of Pale”—Procol Harum
14: “Infra-Red”—Placebo
15: “The Supermen”—David Bowie
16: “The Ride of the Valkyries”—Wagner
17: “Black Hole Sun”—Soundgarden
18: “Cities on Flame With Rock & Roll”—Blue Oyster Cult
19: “I’m Not”—Kyuss
20: “Epic”—Faith No More
Wow we have some cross songs :) Awesome, this is my soundtrack for Age of Worms---
Age of Worms -Sound Track Take 2
1. On the Turning Away -Pink Floyd
2 The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
3 Ring of Fire- Johnny Cash
4 Voodoo-Godsmack
5 Don't Fear the Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
6 Black Hole Sun- Soundgarden
7 Riders on the Storm- The Doors
8 Nights of Fire- Type O Negative
9 In the Air Tonight- Phil Collins
10 Ordinary World- Duran Duran
11 She Moves In Mysterious Ways- U2 (Lashonna's Theme *lol*)
12 Nights in White Satin - Moody Blues
13. I will Find you- Clannad
14. Mummer's Dance - Lorranna Mckinit (sp)
15. Possession (Sarah Mcluaghlin)
16. Hurt-Johnny Cash
17. We are the Champions - Queen
Rakshaka wrote: Well, I'm getting ready for the fight against Dragotha, and as I've stated on other posts, I think the big D has grim prospects versus a large band of heroes. Afterall, they're at least taking quadruple the number of actions he is a turn, making it mathematically impossible for him to keep up, no matter how badass he is. He needs a way to do more each round. He needs...minions! While there are a small amount of forces to help defend Dragotha, chances are the PCs have encountered them on the way there, as Balakarde suggests, leaving Dragotha with one action versus the seven to twelve that my PCs will be taking each turn. Being the holiday season,I've decided to give Dragotha some presents: A trio of adventurers who accompanied Balakarde on his quest before their fateful meeting with Dragotha (Afterall, few smart wizards I know would try to take on a dracolich alone, no matter how powerful). The fourth is a PC's former cohort who now serves Kyuss... Enjoy!
Advanced Kyuss Knight- CR 16
CE Medium Undead. Init +4. Darkvision 60 Spot +33 Listen +33. Abyssal, Common. AC 30, Flat 30 Touch 10. HP 322 (28 HD) DR 10/Silver. Immune Cold/ Elec, Undead Traits. Fort +13 Ref +13 Will +23. Speed 20. Melee: +1 Unholy Bastard Sword +35/+30/+25 (2d6+16/19-20) and 2 bites +25 (1d4+10 and 1d4 Int drain). Base +14 Grapple +24. Gifts of Kyuss, Spell-Ab: At will- Detect Magic, 1/day Bull’s Strength, Death Knell (DC 17), Prot. From Energy, CL 20. Str: 30 Dex: 10 Con: _ Int: 13 Wis: 15 Cha: 20. SQ: Dark Blessing, Martial Calling, Turn Resist +4, Unholy Toughness, Worm Healing. Feats: Cleave, Exot. Wpn. Prof: B. Sword, Expertise, Great Cleave, Imp. Bull Rush, Imp. Init., Imp. Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Wpn Focus: B. Sword. Skills- Concentrate +31, Intimidate +36, Know: Religion: +32, Listen +32, Spot +32.
1) Harthan Stonebeard: Harthan was captured by bandits as an infant and raised as a slave in the Free city arena, becoming brutally initiated into the realm of armed combat. He was a natural with bladed weapons, and quickly...
This is great, like the four horseman of Kyuss!I will likely use it too :) Thanks for sharing
Just a holiday greeting ^_^
Guy Humual wrote: There should be a name that iconic competition. That would be neat, I'd love to see the stats on those characters, they make the magazine fun to look at. Its entertaining to read,And pretty. well mostly
My suggestion in this case is to alternate, you gaming group. Make characters for the savage tide, and play the games on alternate meeting days, this is a little work for the GM, but if your that eager, it should be well worth it!
The Black Bard wrote: I'm both, but that sentence was nothing compared to the brutal manglings I saw my fellow "english majors" produce hoping to wow an "A" from professors who are, shall we say, less than impressed with verbal gymnastics.
To Quote Dr. Nash:
"Wait, do you hear that? No, of course you don't. You're too busy speaking to notice the sound of the English language screaming in agony."
English isnt my first language, I'm lucky to be capable of spelling. (mostly)
Heathansson wrote: I think R. Pett's Styes offerings have the same attitude and feel of a Sigil Stomp. And yet, that being said, for me they belong there in the Styes.
I think Umbra, a 2e. Dungeon adventure based in Sigil, stands out as one of the alltime greats from the annals of this esteemed mag. My opinion may be obviated, however, by a definite lack of contact with many of those Dungeons of a bygone age.
Yes, thanks so much, I think the Styes would be an excellent adventure for Sigil. Just smack it in the Hive, as for other adventures since I was digging through my Dungeons, I discovered that there were a couple that might be used.
As for dungeons, Mothman, I think that some of my favorites was Chimes at Midnight (fits pretty well), Murder In Oakbridge (since Sigil has visitors from everywhere),Cavern of the Ooze Lord. (I can deffinantly see oozes in the Hive.)
office_ninja wrote: Angelic wrote: I know that people have had some pretty strange occurances, with the Savage Tide Adventure Path, I think the strangest so far for the group, was that Tavey took up with the parties, Duskblade, who is usually really quiet even amongst her own party, but decided to take him under her wing, after he constantly, followed her around asking her how she did this and how she did that, everyone in the group thought for certain that she'd flip out and yell at him, but she's been coaxing him. Dang. That entire thing is one sentence. Hey!
I am not an english major I am a gamer heh.
I'd really like to be able to subscribe to the threads I am posting in so, I don't miss a reply ^_^.
My favorite has to be a toss up between half draconic and half fiend, mainly because there's all kinds of potentuial there.
I know that people have had some pretty strange occurances, with the Savage Tide Adventure Path, I think the strangest so far for the group, was that Tavey took up with the parties, Duskblade, who is usually really quiet even amongst her own party, but decided to take him under her wing, after he constantly, followed her around asking her how she did this and how she did that, everyone in the group thought for certain that she'd flip out and yell at him, but she's been coaxing him.
Uri Kurlianchik wrote: Jeremy Mac Donald wrote: Don't go to far Uri. Its almost January and myself or one of the other regulars will soon create a Thread where we pick out our favourite adventures from the last year. I have a hunch that Murder at Oakbridge will get a lot of picks as a favourite. Thanks! You might be interested to know that there is a green-lit manuscript for a sequel that is being examined/ scrutinized by the three great J's even as we speak. It is deffinantly one of my favorite reads, this adventure is going to be added into my Savage Tides game, feel sorry for Shadowshore.
I can not wait to see the next installment.
I Agree totally, I have ready through the whole issue( twice at least but who's counting. heh) I absolutely love Here there be Monsters that adventure is going to deffinantly be tough on the group, with so few fighters.Thus likely exciting for them.
The Masque of Dreams is going to be run the Savage Tide game too. very exciting issue for me since most of it can be tied into the Savage Tides :D
Kurocyn wrote: So MM IV has info, eh?
I don't have it, but from what you were saying about it, I may have to pick myself up a copy.
What is their culture like? Just need basics really. From said posts, it's obvious that they're tribal, and the MM says that their leaders rule by strength, but what about the size of their clans? How they raise their young? Common (civilized) interaction?
As for my original questions:
2 years? Wow... I guess they are like hyenas (sp?)... I was going to guess around 15 or so... So what would the other age categories be? 2 = adult, 20ish? = old, 30ish? = venerable, +D10 = max age?
Name wise, I'm still in the dark. Combining two words seems like it'd be the easiest route...
Any other ideas for a male Gnoll NE ranger 4/bloodhound 1? He's taken humans as his favored enemy, has the two weapon combat style, and has a hyena animal comp.
There is also Gnoll information in some of the Forgotten Realms books. Unapproachable East if I am not mistaken.
Opps that should have been Dungeon, See this is why one should never post when sleepy. O.O
The Rhagodessa did a number to all of the group, no one was left unhurt by the end of this. We even lost our Paladin, being bitten in half, because he made himself a target. That Rhoagodessa was one of the Scariest Combat's that I have had in a long while.
erian_7 wrote: Luke Fleeman wrote: While he may not know from the saving throw success, keep in mind that he may notice the telltale signs of a spell being cast on him, like weird words and finger wagging. Actually, from the rules it's the opposite of this--he definitely knows he's been targeted with magic if a saving throw is successful... I would think it would be a K. Arcana followed by Spellcraft since thats pretty much what those skills are also for ?
Okay so since I am so nostolgic now, Planescape was always a huge favorite of mine! So I am wondering, what adventures from Dragon could be adapted to run in Sigil, since it's been years since I have done anything planes related. *lol*
Any and all discussion welcome ^_^
Uri Kurlianchik wrote: Mike McArtor wrote:
after 62 HOURS of no power and below-freezing temps). Whee fun.
It is at times like this that I am happy that I live in a desert where the worst you can get is a slight chill and even a slighter rain :) Oh, but do you ever get snow ? Sometimes it snows in NY but thats usually a light dusting upon the ground.
<b>PC</b>: Rutund The Dwarf
<b>Adventure:</b> There is No Hounor
<b>How</b>: He was killed by Rowyn when he tried to sneak attack her and botched his Move Silently Roll. Flanked by her pet and herself he died horriably, ripped to shreds.
Heathansson wrote: Their power was out all weekend. There was a horrible windstorm in the Pacific Northwest; lotsa people without power. Hundreds of thousands. Goodness folks,
I hope things get back in tip top shape soon! Thats horriable. I was wondering what had happened. Our new's doesn't tell us anything her in Virgina. >.< Were shrooms I tell you.
Okay, Nostaliga snuck up on me with a large stick and whacked me something firece. -sigh- So like all the rest of you good adventurers, I dug out my old adventuring maps, and grabbed my planeswalking amulet, now lets see, I am looking at the Savage Tides for the moment and all my Gazetters, and going Hmmm. *lol*
I would think the Savage Tides would deffinantly have something to do with the Minrolhad Guilds. Im still going to research this though, I will add more information once I have finished reading and adapting, since I am back in the GM seat again. :)
Thank heavens you guys are back!
I buy all my downloads here, and I was without my fix, for something new to read.