Australian Gamers

Gamer Connection

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Just out of interest, how many Australians are on this message board. I know a few (and all of them go to my school), but I don't know if there are any more on this website. Come out of the closet and celebrate living in this parched (I wish, I live in Melbourne) and dusty land.


Sounding off, Sydneysider myself. I'm curious as to how many Aussies there are on here myself.

Oz permanent-resident-soon-to-be-citizen. I'd call myself a Sydneysider but I have F#@$-all interest in real estate :p

Adelaide here.

-- George Krashos

Adelaide here too

That makes three of us!


Brisbane here.

Dark Archive

Melbourne. And coincidently I'm looking for another gamer for my group. Any Melbournians interested? Located near Frankston.

Melbourne here, south east suburbs. Bit too far north for you though!

Dark Archive

Wraith wrote:
Melbourne here, south east suburbs. Bit too far north for you though!

What town?

Perth here

Perth too

Sovereign Court

Brisbane me!

Grand Lodge


NSW for me.

hmm, realise this thread is a bit old, but am new, so hey.
no i wont try and type in horribly grammatically tormenting ways.
I do that fine by myself, but, back to topic, am in melbourne.
well, south of melbourne.
south of that.
no, past frankston.
ok, thats close enough.

I'm a Melbournian. From the northeast suburbs - think Doncaster, Eltham, Greenborough and you are getting close.

I had the same group for 20 years or so but would like to invite another one or two into the mix if anyone is vaguely interested and willing to travel to my parts.


P.S. We're currently playing SCAP.

Brisbane here. Am looking for a couple of players for the STAP

Liberty's Edge

I'm from Sydney

delvesdeep wrote:

I'm a Melbournian. From the northeast suburbs - think Doncaster, Eltham, Greenborough and you are getting close.

I had the same group for 20 years or so but would like to invite another one or two into the mix if anyone is vaguely interested and willing to travel to my parts.


P.S. We're currently playing SCAP.

Delvesdeep, based on the stuff Ive seen you post here and on RPGenius I'd love to join your game .... but I think the commute might kill me ;-)

And besides, Im running SCAP myself...

#4 from Adelaide

Lantern Lodge

#6 from Melbourne here (Burwood)

delvesdeep wrote:

I'm a Melbournian. From the northeast suburbs - think Doncaster, Eltham, Greenborough and you are getting close.

I had the same group for 20 years or so but would like to invite another one or two into the mix if anyone is vaguely interested and willing to travel to my parts.


P.S. We're currently playing SCAP.

I live around the corner from you. Started rpging about 27 years ago, been playing on and off since, getting into it again lately running a campaign for my kids.

Do you still have any room at your table? I can be there in about 15 minutes :)

Another Melbournian, another one in the eastern suburbs. Currently running Savage Tide.


Sunshine Coast, Qld.

OK, I emailed delvesdeep but no reply yet. My 13 year old son, who I have passed rpg mania down to, loves our games at home but is frothing at the bit for more.

Any Melburnians in the N/E suburbs or reachable from there who would let us try out at their table? We are both house trained, and promise to come bearing chips and sarsperella. We'll play whatever's going. Except Vampire. ;)

For a laugh:
This thread on WargamerAU shows some work I've done for the PC minis in our campaign.

I'm running a custom play-by-chat game on Sunday nights (7pm AEST) for some 3.5 beginners, if anyone's interested. There might be room for a couple more keen gamers.

Dark Archive

I'm from Melbourne (Box Hill)

Sydney. Blacktown.

Shadow Lodge

Just to revive the thread, I'm also an Aussie.

I live about an hour and a half north of Sydney, on the Central Coast.


Liberty's Edge

PsionicFox wrote:

Just to revive the thread, I'm also an Aussie.

I live about an hour and a half north of Sydney, on the Central Coast.



Shadow Lodge

Mothman wrote:


Hah! That didn't take long!

Sorry, I was completely unaware of this post.

Southern Highlands, NSW. About 1 1/2 hrs out of Sydney.

Former part-owner of a games & gaming store.

Wow, I knew a few of you were Aussies, but not so many.

Since this thread has been revived a few times now, I figured I should also post.

I'm in Sydney myself, although I can't wait to get out. just over 3 years to go, and then I'm off.

Excellent. Will you be at Sydcon this weekend?

It's at Saint Scholastica's College in Glebe...

I'll be DMing part of Sal Conti's game, 'Die with Honour'

Nah, not able to make it unfortunantly. Maybe next year.

For anyone between Sydney and Canberra today, our FLGS (actually, we're not quite a store anymore, but whatever) will be holding Worldwide D&D Game Day in Bowral, Southern Highlands, NSW.

If you would like to attend, we've hired out the Henrietta Rose room at the rear of the Old Library (Google Maps: search for "Bendooley street, Bowral, Australia", we're between Boolwey street and Short street, on the Eastern side of the road). Attendance will be $5 (for room hire), we'll be running Three-dragon Ante, D&D minis, and the official adventure (plus maybe some others, if we have enough people).

Come along, it's basically an international holiday for us!

Liberty's Edge

Blue_eyed_paladin wrote:

For anyone between Sydney and Canberra today, our FLGS (actually, we're not quite a store anymore, but whatever) will be holding Worldwide D&D Game Day in Bowral, Southern Highlands, NSW.

If you would like to attend, we've hired out the Henrietta Rose room at the rear of the Old Library (Google Maps: search for "Bendooley street, Bowral, Australia", we're between Boolwey street and Short street, on the Eastern side of the road). Attendance will be $5 (for room hire), we'll be running Three-dragon Ante, D&D minis, and the official adventure (plus maybe some others, if we have enough people).

Come along, it's basically an international holiday for us!

Hey man, sorry I missed your post ... not that I would have been able to make Bowral on the weekend anyway; an awesome town though, my family used to holiday there a lot when I was younger.

How did Game Day go?

Brisbane -- Northside
I've talked to a couple of you in the (shameles plug for Liliths efforts) I didn't realise there wer somany of us Aussie lurking.

The Wandering Bard wrote:
I'm from Melbourne (Box Hill)

Hah, so am I!

I am a Canadian in China, so, although I don't really belong in here, it's nice to know someone's in the same time zone.


Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Sydney here

Mothman wrote:

Hey man, sorry I missed your post ... not that I would have been able to make Bowral on the weekend anyway; an awesome town though, my family used to holiday there a lot when I was younger.

How did Game Day go?

Had a lot of fun, gave away minis/dice/stuff, a bit disappointing because we only had 6 players turn up, but it was great to 'get the gang together again', just like the Scoobies.

OK, anyone going to CanCon should probably get in now.

It's held in Canberra, lots of fun (this will be my third year, 2nd year DMing), they have tactical wargames, Warhammer, D&D, D&D minis, Mechwarrior, Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic: The Gathering (BIG PRIZES) tons of stuff.

It's on Australia Day long weekend (shame on you if you don't know when this is!... if you come from Australia anyway) and it really is a blast, everyone should try it at least once.

North Coast of NSW.

Would be interested in joining or running a game on the site if I can find a group.

OK, just a question of interest... did anyone come to CanCon?

I'd be interested to see if I met anyone I already 'know'... sorta.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Blue_eyed_paladin wrote:

OK, just a question of interest... did anyone come to CanCon?

I'd be interested to see if I met anyone I already 'know'... sorta.

Newcastle here. Hour and a halfish (depends on how fast you drive) north of Sydney.

Been Fighting Fantasying since Primary School (22 odd years) EDIT: ummm... well I say since here, but considering that I haven't picked up an FF book in a good 10 years I 'spose that's abit misleading
Been D&Ding since early High School (20 odd years)
Been other RPing since late High School (17 odd years)


Another Melbourner here. I am smack dab in the middle though, living in the city itself.

Liberty's Edge

Blue_eyed_paladin wrote:

OK, just a question of interest... did anyone come to CanCon?

I'd be interested to see if I met anyone I already 'know'... sorta.

Nah mate, had stuff on - how'd it go?

Mothman wrote:
Nah mate, had stuff on - how'd it go?

Very well... about 40 players doing D&D each of 3 days, with about 8 players a table, 5 tables... all doing the one dungeon.

I'm slightly ashamed of myself... I'm a nice DM usually, but I killed one guy 5 times, another twice, then petrified 6 members of the party, plus their animal companions and familiars. I feel mean and nasty, and I need to be clean again...

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