Jakar's page

10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Yes please. largearse22 at hotmail.com

thanks for that.

Got mine in Australia today :)

Mactaka wrote:
I've decided to make Rowyn a quori vessel (playing TST in Eberron) so if they kill her quickly...the tuscora will find another host. She'll arrive to plague the PCs just in time for TST#3.

Now that is a goodly idea. I think I will use that one.

Hey there.

We are looking for 2 more players for a Savage Tide Adventure Path game that will be starting in the New Year. We plan on running the game every two weeks. The game will either be at Wooloowin or Acacia Ridge and rides are on offer if you need them.

We are a bunch of late 30 somethings that have been a group for a long time and are looking to inject some new blood into the game due to the loss of members to thinks like babies and control freak wives :P

A bit more info. The game will be set in Eberron, just south of the Lhazaar Principalities.

The books we will be using for character creation are as follows:
Player's Handbook
Player's Handbook 2
Dungeon Master's Guide
Book of Nine Swords
Expanded Psionic's Handbook
All the Eberron Books
Complete Warrior
Complete Devine
Complete Arcane
Complete Adventure
Complete Mage
Complete Psionics

We also will be using certain sections of Unearthed Arcana, such as action points. If you want to use anything else from this book such as the Variant Character Classes, Specialists Wizards, etc, drop me a line with your ideas and we can talk about it.

We will be using a 32 point build for character creation and the characters will be starting with max starting money.

You can take any of the races listed in the books above. I will allow any races that have up to a +1 level adjustment, though please be aware if you bring anything to off the wall, the npcs around you may look at you like you have two heads, which you may well do.

Please pm me if you have any questions regarding this.

Yer I just realised that and came back to say never-mind.

Thanks James. I am having way to many grey-moments of late :P

Hey there.

Thanks for getting them up for us all. If I could ask one favour, is there any chance of getting a copy of the map out of Dragon Magazine 349 on page 78 of the surrounding area around Sasserine for the STAP? It would be so handy to have in electronic form.



Keoki wrote:
Saurstalk wrote:
I know that Paizo fell behind with other obligations. But I thought at least 139 was supposed to be out late last week. Status?
I didn't realize that the online supplements were obligations.

They kind of are when they state they will be putting them out in the adventures in the Magazine, such as in the first game of the STAP.

Brisbane here. Am looking for a couple of players for the STAP

To tell you the truth, I would rather see the web enhancements for the STAP that were promised to us over the AoWAP HC :P

Hey there.

If I may, could I please get a copy sent to cosmond@westnet.com.au

thanks so much for doing this for us all. :)