What books are you currently reading?


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The Jade wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

The Mote in God's Eye by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. It is the 1974 printing, which I think is the original printing. A good catch at the local GoodWill for under $2.00.

I have the first printing harcover.

Great book.

So far I am enjoying it.

Sharoth wrote:

Great book.

So far I am enjoying it.

That's because you incredibly smart and possess unworldly good taste.

The Jade wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

Great book.

So far I am enjoying it.
That's because you incredibly smart and possess unworldly good taste.

~bows~ Thank you! Thank you! I will be here until Thursday. No autographs please.

Liberty's Edge

Y'all read Lucifer's Hammer?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I was just going to suggest Lucifer's Hammer (though I think I may have done so months ago upthread). I find it infinitely superior to The Mote in God's Eye, which I thought was boring. I went through a pretty hardcore "Niven Phase" years ago, and I much prefer his solo work to his collaborations, especially those with Jerry Pournelle. But Lucifer's Hammer works, and it works well.

It's probably my favorite apocalypse novel. Wonderful stuff.

Heathansson wrote:
Y'all read Lucifer's Hammer?

Yep. 3 times even. I enjoyed that book a lot. I have yet to read Footfall, however.

Currently reading "I am Legend" by Richard Matheson. Seems okay so far; I especially like the biological explanation of vampirism. Just finished Jack Whyte's "Dream of Eagles" series which was exciting at first but I was just overwhelmed by the sheer length of the series. Not bad though.

Just spent 2 months working on a tanker and caught up on a few books. Harold Robbins "A Stone for Danny Fisher" which was good but a little depressing. "Stone Cold" by Robert Parker, one of the Jesse Stone novels and this book made me go out and buy the rest of the series. Tom Holland's "Persian Fire" which makes the Persian-Greek conflict come alive and is by far, one of the "undriest" history books I have ever read. "Echo Park" by Michael Connelly, his typical flare for gritty detective stories shines again. And finally, the crown of the collection, Bernard Cornwell's "The Last Kingdom". Just one word: Fantastic. If you like historical fiction, based on the Viking invasions of Britain, this is probably the best out there.

Anyway, gotta knock off "I am Legend" and then Cormac McCarthy's "No Country for Old Men" so I can watch both in the theatre this week.

Trippy book called "The Divine Invasion" by Phillip Dick. Half the book appears to be stream-of-consciousness, but the plot in the other half makes complete sense without these bits. The main part of the plot is that God is in exile from earth, and is trying to smuggle a new immaculate conception on the planet (far future space travel stuff) to actually save everyone this time. The trippy sub-plot (which I expect to end up as the main one soon) is about the kid discovering that he is God. And all the blow-the-puny-limit-of-mortal-comprehension descriptions that entails. I have to read it in chunks.

well; read the Inspired Vegetarian this morning; a cookbook
am reading "Change your thoughts, change your life; Living the wisdom of the Tao" at the moment.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

-H.P. Lovecraft
(Wordsworth edition Collected Stories, Volume 1)

Valegrim wrote:

well; read the Inspired Vegetarian this morning; a cookbook

am reading "Change your thoughts, change your life; Living the wisdom of the Tao" at the moment.

Already the host of the BBQ pit and now you're going to master vegetarian recipes? You, sir, shall feed the world!

hehe yep; love to cook; for tomorrow I am making and cheese/bean/and herb pate (no meat)with crackers to serve with an italian style salad; a gazpacho soup with cucumber minced tomato/cucumber/onion topping and a spinach/mushroom/3cheese pizza; for dessert am thinking of maybe a half bannanna and two strawberries dipped in chocolate with a hard thin Belgian cookie and maybe a size wedge of orange chocolate and perhaps put a swirlf of the caramel sauce on top that I made last week.

The Jade wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

well; read the Inspired Vegetarian this morning; a cookbook

am reading "Change your thoughts, change your life; Living the wisdom of the Tao" at the moment.

Already the host of the BBQ pit and now you're going to master vegetarian recipes? You, sir, shall feed the world!

Currently reading "Children of Hurin". It is written very much like old epics such as the Odyssy, Cyrus, and other old fantasy stories...though some of those old fantasy stories are suppose to be true stories.

It's J.R.R. Tolkens most recent (2007) published book. I'm not far into it, but it's enjoyable, though not an easy read. Think War & Peace.

Robert B Parker's High Profile. A Jesse Stone novel which doesn't touch Stone Cold, the best in the series, but still not bad. Michael Connelly's The Closers is next.

Valegrim wrote:
hehe yep; love to cook; for tomorrow I am making and cheese/bean/and herb pate (no meat)with crackers to serve with an italian style salad; a gazpacho soup with cucumber minced tomato/cucumber/onion topping and a spinach/mushroom/3cheese pizza; for dessert am thinking of maybe a half bannanna and two strawberries dipped in chocolate with a hard thin Belgian cookie and maybe a size wedge of orange chocolate and perhaps put a swirlf of the caramel sauce on top that I made last week.


I never had gazpacho until I dined at a place in NYC that didn't have much else I could order. It was watermelon gazpacho and it was ambrosia. Who knew? I had no idea I could be floored by a soup.

Almost time to buy the years Almanacs; i love reading the typical three I get each year; great stuff for work breaks and whatnot; random facts and stories as well as keeping up on the years major events.

Just picked up "Stranger in a Strange Land." I like it, but I'm not sure how much I grok just yet.

Liberty's Edge

Dirk Gently wrote:
Just picked up "Stranger in a Strange Land." I like it, but I'm not sure how much I grok just yet.

Jeez... I'm having a problem grokking 'grok'.

Ooh, I'm waiting for a BIG box of books from Amazon. Oh, God I'm do excited!



Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Well, Kruel, since you're a Planet Stories subscriber I'll do my part to make sure that your pile of books never disappears!

I'm currently reading "The Early Long" which a collection of short stories by Frank Belknap Long .

I started out looking for his story "The Hounds of Tindalos," and found it in this book along with 16 other of his short stories.

There is also a lot about his working relationship with H.P. Lovecraft. The book has turned out to be a thrilling read.

Liberty's Edge

Yesterday, my pre-ordered copy of David Gemmell's final novel "Troy: Fall of Kings" arrived in my mail box. I have set aside everything else that I was reading to read that.

well, I just finished ready a cookbook: Quick Vegetarian Pleasures, by Jeanne Lemlin; and now am almost done reading the Old Farmers 2008 Almanac.

As of an hour ago, I just finished "Soon I Will Be Invincible" - a cool story told from two sides - the superheroes and the villians. I could have used a little more epilogue, but a truly good story and fun read I am happy to say I was able to sit uninterrupted and read in one sitting. I heartily recommend it. Next up is Stoker's "Lair of the White Worm."

Finished ; Sue Graftons Kinsey Millhone books, letters M,R and S.
Jack Campbells "Courageous", nr 3 in a series of 6, is still entertaining space opera.
And starting Denise Mina "The last Breath":)

Grand Lodge

I just finished a short story called "Concerning a Gambit of Fraternity" by Steve Schend. It's in a book called Fellowship Fantastic. Horrible cover, looks to be a good book. Steve mentioned it in class a few weeks ago and I saw it and picked it up.

I'm also currently reading Shadow Masks by Paul Kemp which will be followed up by either Proven Guilty or Academ's Fury - both by Jim Butcher.

I finished 'Darwinia' a week ago by Robert Charles Wilson. First book of his I've read, and I completely fell in love with his voice and vision. I'm reading Elizabeth Moon's 'Speed of Dark' now, which is also a brilliant novel about the lives of functional adults with autism around 2023 or so.

Wilson's 'Spin' should be next.

I'm trying to push myself to read more post-90's novels to catch up a little with the market.

I recall picking up Mote, Hammer, and Footfall from my Dad's collection back in the mid-80's. I should read them again, as my ten year-old self can't tell me much about them anymore.

I'm reading "Delicious Ways to Eat a Buckeye" by Glen Dorsey, Matt Flynn, Craig Steltz, Jacob Hester, and Les Miles


Just started Sun Tzu's The Art of War

As ever,

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger.

Dark Archive

The Occult Roots of Nazism

It's ok.

Right now, I am reading Life of Pi. I had to set aside two days, so I could finish it without bieng interupted. Once you start that book, you CANT STOP!

Has anyone else read it?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

After finishing the nine Icefolk books of Margit Sandemo, that are available in German I have now sunk my teeth into C.J.Cherryh's "Foreigner". I love her depiction of alien races with really different mindsets.

Nailo wrote:

Right now, I am reading Life of Pi. I had to set aside two days, so I could finish it without bieng interupted. Once you start that book, you CANT STOP!

Has anyone else read it?

Read it a few years back, Nailo.

And Erik, right now I'm reading Kull: Exile of Atlantis and C.L Moore's Black God's Kiss simultaneously. I ordered that before I succumbed to your subscription. And the sword and sorcery thing is all your fault, dude.

Liberty's Edge

"Winterbirth" by Brian Ruckley.

Dark Archive

"Taste of Night" by Vicki Petterson
"His Dark Materials" by Phillip Pullman

Dark Archive

Just started reading Underboss: Sammy the Bull Gravano's Story of Life in the Mafia.

Just finished one I highly recommend, THE ROAD by Cormac McCarthy.
Am now enjoying the "oldie," FOUR PAST MIDNIGHT by Stephen King.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Currently reading "Shadow Kingdoms: The Weird Works of R.E. Howard".

FInished "'Salem's Lot" a few days ago.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Kruelaid wrote:

And Erik, right now I'm reading Kull: Exile of Atlantis and C.L Moore's Black God's Kiss simultaneously. I ordered that before I succumbed to your subscription. And the sword and sorcery thing is all your fault, dude.

Excellent! Please do let me know what you think of the books!

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Elak of Atlantis, from my freshly ordered stack of Planet Stories books.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have now picked up "Invader", the second book of the Atevi-Sequence by C.J.Cherryh. I knew in advance I'd love her new alien race, and she did not disappoint.

"Foreigner" is a rollercoaster ride with enough quiet moments to enable us to get into the mindsets of the aliens, or rather comprehending, that we will never really get into the mind set of these Atevians... Highly recommended.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I am currently listening to a book... does that count?

The Path of Daggers by Robert Jordan

Sovereign Court

Currently reading The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and The Pillars of the Earth simultaneously.

DangerDwarf wrote:

The Occult Roots of Nazism

It's ok.

Glenn Danzig recommends it.

Liberty's Edge


Glenn Danzig, on the topic of books.

Liberty's Edge

Just finished Stardust by Neil Gaiman and 44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall Smith.

Haven't started anything new yet (unless you count the Tome of Magic); trying my hand at a bit of writing.

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