Urgent Info on 337

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Okay, after a long bit of working around with problems and confusion, I'll be getting Dragon 337 tomorrow (or possibly the day after).

I have a game very soon that will be using the issue in it, but to plan a few things ahead of time, I wanted to ask the following.

-What does the included map look like?
-What is Zuggtmoy's CR?
-Is at least 1 new monster listed for a minion of Zuggtmoy?
-What is the average CR of the Monsters of the Mind article?
-Are there any other standing-out or outstanding features in this issue that I might overlook otherwise that are very innovative or good for a game in general?

Thanks in advance!

Admittedly, I don't have the issue yet, but I've heard and know a few things.

Lord Doombringer wrote:
-What is Zuggtmoy's CR?

I've heard 25.

Lord Doombringer wrote:
-Is at least 1 new monster listed for a minion of Zuggtmoy?

I hear there are two fungal creatures and a demon.

Lord Doombringer wrote:
-What is the average CR of the Monsters of the Mind article?

If the CRs weren't changed from our submission, 7.75 without the brainstealer dragon, 13 with the various age categories of the dragon.

how studious of you! ;) and no, very little changed from submission to print, so the CRs are the same.

it's a wide range: the lowest CR is 2, and the highest is 25. :)

I hope I'll be able to pick it up tomorrow, so I can see for myself.

the most painful admission was the "like something from a madman's nightmare" reference... but i can understand why that line got cut. ;) i liked the imagery it evoked though.

I personally don't know how much i like some of the Demon lords having a concrete CR. If your game has you fighting one in the flesh, you either have enough experience to know how to reward your players for such a titanic victory, or you are using the demons wrong. I don't think the intent of the articles are to ge you fighting demons; I think the intent is new bad guys.

Thanks for the answers, everyone. I'll be able to run a kickass game.
I was able to plan just enough to put together something.
I got the magazine today.

BOZ wrote:
the most painful admission was the "like something from a madman's nightmare" reference...

How do you now it was an admission of mine....

What? ;)

Another understandable change was the number of times the nerve strike could be used, making it a straight number instead of relying on the other two abilities.
I do believe, though, that a column was cut from the brainstealer dragon tables - the Crush/Tail Sweep DCs. Normally the same as the dragon's breath weapon, but this guy, you know. ;)

I'm very glad that the brainstealer dragon appears to be some kind of fan-favorite, by the way.

Omission... :p

i had also noticed the missing column - perhaps it would not fit in the margins?

Knight Otu wrote:
I'm very glad that the brainstealer dragon appears to be some kind of fan-favorite, by the way.

heh yeah, didn't someone try to tell us not to use that since there was a similar dragon in some d20 book? good thing we didn't listen. ;)

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