Barcas |

I would imagine some of the aging would pass down, especially if he were actually the child of a clone and not the clone of a clone... I'll leave that up to you. Shall I start making a character then?
I definitely want to see where you plan on going with it. The aging should be an interesting factor. Would your clone father have tried raising you as a "normal" person (thus giving you the mind of a late teenager but the body of someone in their mid-20s), or would he have given some of the mind-quickening special training that he went through? What was it like growing up as a half-clone? Did your clone father stay in the military after the end of the Clone Wars (and does he care for that name?) or become a civilian? Why didn't he join the resurgent Mandolorian cause as many of the Fett clones did (or did he)? Is he still alive, as he would physically be around 65 now?
In game terms, what's his role? With the makeup of the party that is forming, I'd recommend a heavy gunner type role.

Stormchaser |

Sho Larn wrote:28 point buy is what we will use. It is standard according to the rulebook.Okay, I modified Sho Larn to the 25 point buy system. I like 28 better... ;(
I dropped one skill with the new build (Acrobatics) and switched Initiative for Pilot. Still contemplating the jet-pack but may be stretching...
I tweaked my background. Based on your timeline, Sho would have been an early candidate into the Kensae program so that would be cool!
I am torn on choosing a Feat and a Talent.
My next feat will be a tough choice: Vehicular Combat (w/ jet pack), Skill Focus: UtF (since that is what I do the most), or Weapon Finesse (I stink with LS currently).
Oh yeah! I'll do up a sheet with 28, as for a name. Loreck Durgen.

Barcas |

Regarding the history of the Stormtroopers:
Emperor Skywalker knows that retaining the goodwill of the people means earning their trust. As a result, stormtroopers generally do not wear helmets, as many find them "dehumanizing". Many stormtroopers report a feeling of increased morale, although heavy combat tends to have them bring out their protective helmets (which are similar to speeder helmets and have clear visors).
Stormtroopers are generally respected throughout the Empire as guardians of peace in the galaxy. Even with the higher-profile Kensae taking most of the individual glory, stormtroopers rarely have to pay for drinks or meals when off-duty, courtesy of a grateful public.
Clones have almost entirely been phased out of the stormtrooper ranks, as most of them have aged too rapidly. Recruitment opened to volunteers, of which most are referred to the other branches of the military. Since the onset of the Rebellion, applications to join are up nearly 300%. Stormtrooper recruits are in the top 1% of recruits in an aggregate of categories, which includes strength, dexterity, constitution, and intelligence. There is no human bias in the stormtrooper ranks.
Tomorrow, race relations!

Call Krassus |

Call grew up knowing he was heir to a special brotherhood.
When there's five guys in your village who look just like your dad, you're never quite alone. Call was raised by his father, his uncles and his mother on a small moisture farm on Tattooine. After the end of the Last War of the Republic, his father and his squad cashed out of the Army and took the Emperor's offer of land on a planet of their choosing. They chose Tattooine: partially because it was so unforgiving and partially because it was the home of Call's mother, a nurse who fell in love with a soldier in her care. They established the small community of Homestead and took to peace like they took to war: with a passion. Call grew up on stories of the war, on tales of glory and blood, of brotherhood and honor. He learned to fire a rifle when he was three. He learned squad tactics when he was six. He fought against an attack by Tusken Raiders when he was eight, the same raid that killed his mother and left his father missing his right leg. He grew up fast, both in training and physically, a by-product of his cloned father's genetics. His father's increasing bitterness, alcoholism and physical abuse of Call after his injury drove his uncles to act. When his father and uncles went on a "hunting trip" and his father failed to return, he chose to believe that he died fighting off a Krayt dragon. When he was old enough, he enrolled in the Academy and scored high enough to place in Stormtrooper training.
It was the best thing that ever happened to him. Finally he was living the stories, being a part of the same brotherhood that he had grew up on. He put his past behind him and put his whole heart into the army.
Call is a soldier. He believes in his cause, perhaps a little too much and too rigidly. He was raised a soldier, and he'll die a soldier. He has no interest in becoming an officer, save perhaps to attain the golden rank of Sergeant. He lives to fulfill the stories that his uncles told, and perhaps one day, to be accepted among their ranks in the cantina.

Barcas |

There are rules governing this in Galaxy of War if the GM wants to use them, the requisitioning system. Depending on certain things about the character he can requisition more or less gear, basic armour is always free to requisition though.
For our purposes, starting gear will consist of:
All: 1500 Credits (Bank Account, unless you feel compelled to carry it into battle)Kensae: Lightsaber, Kensae Armor (Cosmetic if you don't have profiency, Jedi Light Battle Armor from Jedi Academy if you do)
Other: One weapon of your choice that costs less than 2000 credits, one backup weapon that costs less than 500 credits, Stormtrooper Armor (if a Stormtrooper), 2 frag grenades
All starting gear will be basic, but we can upgrade it later.

Urirawa |

Well, the backup weapon can be the Vibro-Ax for 500 credits.
Stormtrooper armour for main armour.
Choice of main weapon would depend slightly on group needs.
Possible choices;
1> Bowcaster - nice thematically with being a wookiee but strictly single shot with 10 shots per load.
2> Blaster rifle, Heavy - Same damage as the Bowcaster and capable of firing in S and A modes. Power pack required and holds 30 shots. A fire makes that 3 pulls of the trigger (note this is reading description of weapon and rules Autofire, if this is wrong then let me know).
3> Blaster, light repeating - Same as above but no option for S fire and slightly less damage.
4> Blaster rifle - Same damage as repeating blaster but option for S and A fire. Power pack holds 50 shots.
5> Blaster carbine - Same damage as Blaster Rifle but smaller size allowing it to be used for opportunity attacks. 50 shots and has S and A fire.
My personal vote looks to be for the Blaster carbine. The advantages of A fire mode, 50 shot magazine, and opportunity attacks make it a solid choice.

Stormchaser |

I personally vote Bowcaster, because Wookie's with bowcasters are cool. However...
A 30 shot weapon will rarely use up all its shots before you can recharge, so 30 to 50 makes little difference. The exception to this is if you autofire a lot, which consumes 10 shots per go, but auto fire is only worth it against enemies you can't hit through normal means or gangs of mooks. It's a -5 penalty to hit, and does half damage on a miss over a 2x2 square area.
Light Repeating Blaster is a trap, don't fall for it, autofire only sucks.
If you have a choice between a rifle and a carbine always take the carbine, but I personally would go for the higher damage die heavy rifle or bowcaster.
Also, I don't know about ours, but lots of GMs limit the armour a wookie can wear, since they don't fit in normal stuff. Obviously he could have specially fitted stormtrooper armour, but yeah.

Raal |

Does Raal count as Kensae as a first lvl noble? If not I'm hoping he'll be granted his armor and lightsaber next level.
I'm actually still debating with myself weather to go as a straight Jedi or start out as a noble. You can do cool stuff as a consular but an armored lightaber wielder is just to cool as well.

Kalderaan |

Question: Where can I find info on lightsaber forms? I found lightsaber form powers in the Jedi Academy but can't find any info on the foms themselves.
Jedi Lightsaber Forms are from Jedi Academy and won't come into play until much later as they are Prestige Class level paths from what I can tell (Jedi Knight equivalent). You can use them as fluff for background but the mechanics are later.
Noble has obvious advantages with many skills but the HP level is about 1/2 of a Jedi. You must take Force Sensitive as your first level feat (one of your first level feats if Human). You get access to Use the Force as a class skill if you have Force Sensitive as a Feat so you can become trained in it as a Noble.
Not sure about being a Kensae as a Noble but I don't see why not.

Barcas |

You don't need licenses, as you are part of the military.
The lightsaber form talents are part of the JK prestige classes in Core. You can, however, emulate them via lightsaber form Force powers in Jedi Academy.
The Chiss are not part of the Empire per se. They've been formally allied for about a year. Thrawn's been part of the Empire since its inception (as he had been discovered by Palpatine prior to the Clone Wars). There are a few expatriates living in the Empire but it is rares.

Urirawa |

Well, the backup weapon can be the Vibro-Ax for 500 credits.
Stormtrooper armour for main armour.
Choice of main weapon would depend slightly on group needs.
Possible choices;
1> Bowcaster - nice thematically with being a wookiee but strictly single shot with 10 shots per load.
I've decided to keep with the wookiee theme and go with the Bowcaster since we'll have someone with a weapon capable of Autofire.

Barcas |

On race relations:
There has been a significant backlash in some human circles who feel that the Empire is giving preferential treatment to non-humans. Several human-first groups have joined the Rebellion. It is most noticeable in the galactic north and past the Outer Rim.

Loreck Durgen |

The lightsaber form talents are part of the JK prestige classes in Core. You can, however, emulate them via lightsaber form Force powers in Jedi Academy.
The lightsaber form Force powers can be taken earlier, but each one has a lightsaber form synergy with a proper form, which you take as the talents. So, if you want to take lightsaber form powers early, plan now for which lightsaber form you want to take later, because they should match up.

Loreck Durgen |

Oooh, if you're a lightsaber noble there's a talent in the KotOR book you might want. Noble Fencing style is like weapon finesse but lets you use your cha bonus on the attack roll instead of strength.
Saves you a feat on Weapon Finesse, makes good use of the Noble Talent, and reduces MAD allowing you to be generally better. :)
However, Ataru is probably the form that synergises the worst with that, so it depends how you do. Makashi would go well because that's very much it's style, like Count Dooku.

Call Krassus |

I've decided to keep with the wookiee theme and go with the Bowcaster since we'll have someone with a weapon capable of Autofire.
Urirawa, since we're the only 2 stormies, got any objection to forming a Hand and Chewie sort of friendship, though as comrades rather than life-debt? I can make Shri-Wook my bonus language so I can understand you.

Sigz |

Oooh, if you're a lightsaber noble there's a talent in the KotOR book you might want. Noble Fencing style is like weapon finesse but lets you use your cha bonus on the attack roll instead of strength.
Saves you a feat on Weapon Finesse, makes good use of the Noble Talent, and reduces MAD allowing you to be generally better. :)
However, Ataru is probably the form that synergises the worst with that, so it depends how you do. Makashi would go well because that's very much it's style, like Count Dooku.
I think I'll stick with Ataru or Soreshu, Raal will probably be a 2nd class Kensae on acount of his 1st lvl beeing noble but he'll hopefully make up for it on later levels. The way I'm planing Raal he proably won't gain force powers for some levels yet. Too many feats I want first...
Weapon Finesse, Armor Proficiency (light), Skill Focus (UTF)...
Barcas |

The deadline is finished! The choices have been made!

Urirawa |

Urirawa wrote:Urirawa, since we're the only 2 stormies, got any objection to forming a Hand and Chewie sort of friendship, though as comrades rather than life-debt? I can make Shri-Wook my bonus language so I can understand you.
I've decided to keep with the wookiee theme and go with the Bowcaster since we'll have someone with a weapon capable of Autofire.
I have no trouble with having a past together.
Urirawa was just barely an adult at the end of the clone wars. It is quite possible for Urirawa to have fought beside Cal's father on Kashyyyk against the droid armies.
Rapid aging have retired Cal's father, Urirawa has developed an association with Cal through his prior association with Cal's father.
Urirawa at 48 is still young for a wookiee (an adult still in the prime of life).
This will also aid in Urirawa being able to communicate with the rest of the group.

![]() |

Although not putting myself up for consideration, I just wanted to say that I am impressed with the backstory. Very well-thought out and quite the plausible version of a "What If..." timeline if things had happened just a little differently. I sincerely hope you get many good candidates. Cheers! :-)
+1 again...