Demonomicon Nominees

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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If it increases sales, I vote to change the magazine's name to Drow-gon magazine. Drizzt's stats will be reprinted each month as a regular issue with a different picture each month, along with reader-submitted Drizzt fanfiction wherein he defeats something like a CR24 shadow dragon single-handedly.

Two years or so from now, re-release the game as Dungeons & Drow, 4th Edition to coincide with a video game release on all platforms involving Drizzt Do'Urden walking through the shadow plane to Eberron and manifesting the Mark of Death. The magazine will split into Dungeon and Drow magazines, and Dungeon will suddenly go on indefinite hiatus soon after the release of the Drow Manual XIV.

(Seriously, throw Drizzt on the cover maybe once a year.)

Liberty's Edge

Then, I could read it while I listen to my favorite gangsta' bard album by Blink Doggy Dogg, "Tha Driz-nit."

I, personally, love the Drow. They have a lot of mystique and potential to me.

Of course, there are two problems with the above:

1) I have very little exposure to the Forgotten Realms, ergo, I haven't had a real chance to be Drow-ed out, or Drizz-led on.

2) Most of the people I've dealt with? The exact opposite of the above is true, and the very mention of Drow drives them into fits.

So, I guess Drow make me sad, but for entirely different reasons than most people can say.

... Never did care much for Llolth, however. But I tend to throw most of the D&D panthenon out into the rain.


RainOfSteel wrote:

You'll likely get your wish in the near future, what with Savage Tide touching on the Isle of Dread. If I remember correctly from Gary's Backdrop article on IoD, Demogorgon had a temple there... and a planar rift was centered on the plateau. My guess? Dragon Issue #345 will have our lovable two-headed fuzzball in it. Just a guess.

ooh cool, where was that article from?


BOZ wrote:
ooh cool, where was that article from?

Dungeon 114 I believe.

Although I suspect that the Demonicon has already been produced, I'd vote for Dagon. In the Bible, Dagon was a Philistine God, who was part man, part fish. I think that would be quite cool. Incidentally, Biblical strong-man Samson died, taking 3,000 + with him in a temple of Dagon.

i don't know if Dagon will be the next Demonomicon (until i see evidence otherwise, i think #345 will be Kostchtchie), but i'm fairly confident that he will get some love in FC1. :)

I am thinking the only reason that drow are so popular is that they are so developed; becomes a circlular arguement because sales means even more development. I use Lolth as a more politically minded evil goddess so she is quite effective in that regard, but she is very developed and need not be in a new feature. There is very littel developed about Demigorgon as he is the big prince of demons; MMII gave some good size and scale info on demons and devils but blurred the lines of what it means to be a diety or a demon as several gods drom deities and demigods; or legend and lore if you are a newbie, seem to live in the Abyss, dont remember the list offhand, and are more or less forgotten; very little is developed about Set's influence and he is a major tuff guy rock and roller. It would seem that in a CE area; the toughest, biggest; strongest; loudest; would rule; that should certainly be a diety and not some pogh demon or tenarii if you will. To be a mojor bad guy you have to have powerfull will, desire, intent and followers to achieve your ends and damn the consequences. i usually think of the whole lot as incidental predators of pc races; who frankly are generally not important enough to notice and not really worth there strongs ones time to corrupt. PC's being movers and shakers in the world; should attract the notice of such beings and try to get them into servitude toward there cause by various means. I would like to see a Demonicon that presents these enemies of order in this light and shows what they offer and how it corrupts. There does seem to be a good many prestige classes that would be ideal examples of this? This book should answer question like which demons maintain a force of mortal presence in the mortal world to accomplish there will. What kinds of classes these Princes like to keep around; how he pits them against each other and other things to make them stronger and test their loyalty; how they get embroilaled in abyssal politics and become targets of other princes who try to recruit them or destroy them. To point; a decent resource book of this kind that shows the detailed tactics used by each evil power and how they maintain authority and spread their influence would be great; of course, this may already exist and I dont know about it; but this is the sort of thing I would like to see. Then another supplement about the good guys and how they deploy their forces and pc's to deal with the problems caused by this spread of evil. It is this calculated battle which I think players like the best. Weather it is new guys or old guys; it doesnt really matter; but if a string of wells start popping up poisoned with undead bodies; it would be nice if some resource existed for pc's to make a religion roll to determine is this is likely the work of a cabal of such and such bad guys worshipers and this is the prelude to some unholy thing that the pcs should investigate and stop. Sheesh I could write this as this is how my world works anyway, but it was a lot of hard work over decades.

Gavgoyle wrote:
Yamo wrote:

Lolth...I can't agree with you there.

Zuggtmoy would be great.

I pretty much agree with Yamo, I think some 'lower-profiles' would be much more interesting.

My wish-list would be (in order)..

2. Erishkigal, Demon Queen of Seduction, Mistress of the Succubi (and, hey, sex sells, so vamp it up, baby).
3. Kostchtchie (entranced by him ever since the Dragon issue with him pasting a Roman-esque soldier on the cover. I was really surprised when he didn't make it in the FrostBurn book).
4. Zuggtomy (she's never really got the respect she's due (except in that one Nodwick strip where the cultists were making pizza), can't a fungi-rl get a break?)
5. Mandrillagon, Demon Lord of Primates (because monkeys make everything better)

I was the exact same Gavgoyle! As soon as I saw that cover, Kostchtchie become my favourite demon. It just conveyed the sense that he was one big, bad powerhouse, and woe to anyone that got in his way! I hope in the re-working of his stats though he is bigger than the measly 7 feet which the old Monster Manual 2 had him as.

Also, has Astaroth ever been put in any official publications?

I really do hope that some of the lesser known demons manage to grace the pages of the Demonicom such as Abraxas, and Astaroth.

Also I agree with an earlier post that perhaps there could be some equivalent for the Devils. It was stated that there were but a finite number of them, and that they had been given due discourse already. However, the rulers of the nine layers had changed somewhat when I returned to D&D after a break of several years, and The Book of Vile Darkness managed to present me with more questions than answers. Obviously I missed the whole attempt at taking at the top-dog himself, Asmodeus, and it seemed that there must be some chain of command for each particular circle of Hell and a chronicle of this would be very interesting. Especially for some us DM's with a more Machiavellian persuasion. Afterall, the Lawful alignment of the Devils most generate some very dastardly political manuevourings.

Whilst I'm on the topic. What ever happened to Tiamat? Was she technically a Devil, or a Dragon. She was always one of my favourites from 1st edition, and I've never seen her printed since.

I always thought there were other Archdevils in the Nine Hells besides the 9 Lords (and the one ousted lord, Geryon), that're also completely unique beings with their own unique appearances and abilities.

Am I mistaken? I was pretty sure there was. Prime example would be that archdevil in that Forgotten Realms novel "Elminster in Hell". That was a powerful being that captured Elminster and wasn't a lord of any of the hells, but an archdevil in its own right. I don't believe it was a Pit Fiend with sorceror class levels or any of that sort.

But my main concern is the Slaad and Yugoloth Lords. ;)

BOZ wrote:
i don't know if Dagon will be the next Demonomicon (until i see evidence otherwise, i think #345 will be Kostchtchie), but i'm fairly confident that he will get some love in FC1. :)

hah! i can't beleive how right i was. :) the preview posted on Wizards' site confirms that guess!

it's official - the next Demonomicon is about... well, go find out for yourself: :)

I'd like to nominate the following for a Demonomicon article:

Ereshkigal: Demon prince. Mentioned in Monster Manual II (1983), page 35.

Malcanthet: The mother of succubi. Mentioned in Dungeon #112, page 48, and #124, page 95.

Miska the Wolf-Spider: Demon prince. Mentioned in Dungeon #124, page 17.

Shami-Amourae: Queen of succubi. Mentioned in Dungeon #5, "The Stolen Power", page 27.

Of course, I'd also like to see a write-up of Ravana as well, but that's just me.

Dextro Highland wrote:
I'd love to see Ogremoch, the Prince of Elemental Evil done in some kind of detail.

...aaand, you're welcome. ;)

Scarab Sages

My vote is for Turaglas the Ebon Maw. I fell in love with the Ebon Maw way back when he first appeared in Dragon #312. The one thing the article is missing is a Thrall to Turaglas prestige class; which is ashame because the reason why I am posting this stems from a character concept I had for the Savage Tides. Old Orcus and Demogorgon and their cultist imprisoned the poor Ebon Maw, and I thought it make perfect sense for a crazed cultist of the Ebon Maw to want to spoil a scheme of Demogorgon. Evil turning on Evil, I love it!

Many mentioned in earlier posts have been wonderfully done. ;;D Now I'm going suggest and/or re-suggest some of those that haven't.

Yeenoghu, Yeenoghu, Yeenoghu ;;D
Demogorgon ;;D
Miska ;;D If they do this guy, it'd be kewl to update his underlings as well.
Jubilex, Jubilex, Jubilex ;;D
any such personallities of Pandemonium?!?!?!

... and these I'd like to apply anti-votes toward--

Llolth - She's a goddess not fiend royalty. Sheeeeesh!
Orcus - Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwn. I'm really tired of this guy. However a fresh new approach may change that, if focus is put on his time Tenebrus.

Lilith wrote:
Malcanthet: The mother of succubi. Mentioned in Dungeon #112, page 48, and #124, page 95.


Lilith wrote:
Shami-Amourae: Queen of succubi. Mentioned in Dungeon #5, "The Stolen Power", page 27.

Ditto. Not familiar with her, but I'm intrigued by anything related to succubi. Ever since I laid eyes on the one in "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" I've been a sap for she-demons.

I'd also like to see:
Pale Night (fascinated by her the moment I read her mention in Baphomet's article)
And uh... ummm... uuuuummmmmm...
Actually that's about it. I've lucked out, everyone I'd love to see has been done already, or in Dagon's case, is next in line. (Of course I'll probably pay for said run of luck by having to wait two years before "Core Deities: Wee-Jas".)

And on the topic of deities...

Justin Fritts wrote:
... Never did care much for Llolth, however. But I tend to throw most of the D&D panthenon out into the rain.

...I wonder how musty a soaked Vecna would smell...?

Grinning Istvan wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Shami-Amourae: Queen of succubi. Mentioned in Dungeon #5, "The Stolen Power", page 27.
Ditto. Not familiar with her, but I'm intrigued by anything related to succubi. Ever since I laid eyes on the one in "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" I've been a sap for she-demons.

oddly enough, she debuted in Dungeon issue #5. :) it sounds like she will be getting some attention in Savage Tide...

Anthraxus, or Pale Night. Thank you.

~(Of course I'll probably pay for said run of luck by having to wait two years before "Core Deities: Wee-Jas".)~

Next month :P

I want to see Malcanthet ... or at lest the art work

Majestico wrote:
I really do hope that some of the lesser known demons manage to grace the pages of the Demonicom such as Abraxas, and Astaroth.

Astaroth is in Fiendish Codex (as probably dead) and mentioned in Lost Empires as a sleeping demon lord as well. His portfolio of prophecy could prove to be an interesting topic, especially for the Realms.

Another wonderful set of articles were going to lose thanks to the greed at WOTC.

so, we know #357 will be Demogorgon. #359's parting shot will almost certainly be Orcus or Graz'zt (i mean, come on, it has to be). who do you think is more likely? :)


BOZ wrote:
so, we know #357 will be Demogorgon. #359's parting shot will almost certainly be Orcus or Graz'zt (i mean, come on, it has to be). who do you think is more likely? :)

I'd love to see Obox-Ob as one of the last two. ;)

Todd Stewart wrote:
BOZ wrote:
so, we know #357 will be Demogorgon. #359's parting shot will almost certainly be Orcus or Graz'zt (i mean, come on, it has to be). who do you think is more likely? :)
I'd love to see Obox-Ob as one of the last two. ;)

I'm hoping for Obox-Ob as well.

For that matter, I'm hoping James can shove as many new obyriths and loumaras into the last few issues of Dragon and Dungeon as possible, because I doubt they'll get much coverage from WotC going forward.

Please, Please, PLEASE include Pale Night! I feel she's a fascinating subject, and with Dragon's days so grimly numbered I plead with the Powers of Paizo to give The Mother of Demons her moment in the spotlight!

They should go all out. Not only make it one big issue, but do a Web Enhancement with more demon princes/queens. :D

Razz wrote:
They should go all out. Not only make it one big issue, but do a Web Enhancement with more demon princes/queens. :D

Exactly! An all-demon bonanza!


Grinning Istvan wrote:
Please, Please, PLEASE include Pale Night! I feel she's a fascinating subject, and with Dragon's days so grimly numbered I plead with the Powers of Paizo to give The Mother of Demons her moment in the spotlight!

I used the Hollow Lady pretty extensively this past Sunday in my own campaign. Love her to death, but I'm not sure if I want her over Obox-Ob... Now stay with me here, but I say that largely because I think it might be best to leave her more a mystery at this point. Perhaps she's best covered through hints, little touches and allusions in the other demon lords' articles rather than covering her openly.

But on the same note, I'd drool over an article on her at the same time nonetheless, yet and I'll admit that any reticence over such is probably half due to my own handling and development of her in my own campaign already.

Regardless, we've got a pair of Demonomicons on the way, and I'll be giddy to read them both, regardless of who the one not named Demogorgon ends up being. :)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

What about the creator of the Demonomicon, will we ever get to see HER stats? Since she was the one whom started the whole thing I for one would like to see her finally shown.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

kevin bienhoff wrote:
What about the creator of the Demonomicon, will we ever get to see HER stats? Since she was the one whom started the whole thing I for one would like to see her finally shown.

Iggwilv finally gets a stat block in issue #149 of Dungeon. She gets to be on the cover, too.

James Jacobs wrote:

Iggwilv finally gets a stat block in issue #149 of Dungeon. She gets to be on the cover, too.

Considering the amazing pic of Iggwilv and Grazzt on the cover of dungeon 121, (the first dugeon mag I'd picked up in 6 or 7 years, which led to my renewal of subscription), I'd say that whoever's illustrating that has a lot to live up to!

And I can't wait.

Yeenoghu tops my list. I'd rather see other subjects that haven't already had an extensive article on them yet. Dagon had a hefty article not too long ago, so I'd black ball him, and any others that have had such comprehensive treatment. Go for the less developed subjects. I wouldn't mind seeing Lolth "demonized" and returned to here original state as a demon lord. Shabriri would be another lesser known option.

James Jacobs wrote:
Iggwilv finally gets a stat block in issue #149 of Dungeon. She gets to be on the cover, too.

now that's a bold move! ;)

Cebrion wrote:
Yeenoghu tops my list. I'd rather see other subjects that haven't already had an extensive article on them yet. Dagon had a hefty article not too long ago, so I'd black ball him, and any others that have had such comprehensive treatment. Go for the less developed subjects. I wouldn't mind seeing Lolth "demonized" and returned to here original state as a demon lord. Shabriri would be another lesser known option.

Wasn't Yeenoghu in BoVD? and in FC1 as well

Pale Night - FC1 Dagon - FC1

Most of what was mention is in FC1.

I would like more details on the ruler of layers.

Lolth - got much love in Exp to Demonweb Pits and other Realm books so I can say not to have her. I would like to get her new stats and beliefs since she is a Greater Goddess now.

How about instead of making an article on a Lord or Layer.. You 3.5 the Blood War shakers/movers and players?

Lord Juiblex. Let's give ol' Faceless a break. Every demon has her/his day!

How about Shabriri and Palvlag? They're old-school in more ways than one...Proto-devils, proto-demons, proto-anything always seems to be a little more....powerful? Interesting? Mysterious?
For that matter, let's bring back Vuron for one last hurrah too.....


Stone Hands wrote:
How about Shabriri and Palvlag?

I don't think it would be possible, just from an IP standpoint, since they're from Gygax's post-TSR novels (and legal standing aside, Gygax's material from those novels doesn't easily mesh with the fiends and fiendish history that developed after he left TSR).

That said, I'd equate Shabriri with Cabriri (who is entrapped in the Wells of Darkness, and was recently written up as a Vestige in Eric Boyd's article in Dragon). I'd also equate D&D's Verin with Gygax's Vuron, (one letter difference in name, both connected to Graz'zt, etc etc) but as with Cabriri/Shabriri, their development within D&D by various authors differs (oftentimes radically so) from gygax's treatment.

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