TheWereCactus's page

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As long as i get to see Lord Socothbenoth again, I cant help but want to buy this book! Even if he isnt inside, I really dont care, cuz I'm totally gonna buy it anyways. <3

I was wondering, if a PC happened to be a cleric, thrall, or general cultist of the demon prince you are visiting (Lord Demogorgon aside), or a demonologist, would that grant the PC any notable bonuses to thier Diplomacy checks? Also would it incur penalties if the thrall in question was a servent of a rival prince? (I. E. A Thrall of Lord Graz'zt is in the party while visiting Lord Orcus, etc.) Would it also help convince Lady Iggwilv to aid you if you were a thrall in general and could offer some sort of unique demonic knowledge?

Just wondering.
I was hoping to PC as a thrall of Lord Dagon or something for fun if someone were to run this adventure.

Thanks in advance!

=^ _ ^=

Are you planning on releasing a book of all the Demonomicons like you did with the Monster Ecologies?

It would be really awesome.
Maybe throw in a few extra entires.

I am entranced by the mention of an allience between Lord Socothbenoth and his sister Lady Nocticula. Whats shocking to me is that this seems to be an actual allience in the abyss. I was wondering. Is this really true? Do brother and sister actually have a true unbreakable allience or is it a lie, each one playing the other using their sibiling status as "emotional blackmail?"

Lord Juiblex. Let's give ol' Faceless a break. Every demon has her/his day!

I love the description of Lord Socothbenoth's personal layer Goranthis: The Cathedral Thelemic.

The line "Mocking birds trill innocuous love songs as they flutter from tree to tree stretching thier colorful wings in the welcoming light of a warm sun" still brings tears to my eyes. The writing of the layer is very descriptive and beautiful.

The King of the Incubi has a nice place indeed!

I really enjoy the demonomicon and I hope our favorite lord of taboos will make another cameo. =3