GlassJaw |

I'll be playing in the AoW so no spoilers please!
I'm just wondering what some of the parties look like that have started the AoW.
Also, how necessary is a balanced party? I'm currently running the Shackled City and luckily, the party pretty much has all the bases covered. My fellow players and I are just starting to throw out character ideas so I'm wondering if we'll have any major difficulty if we have some missing abilities in the group.

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I have the following as players:
Male Shifter Monk/Ranger Lvl 2/3
Male Changeling Wizard Lvl 5
Male Drow Ninja/Rogue Lvl 2/1 (and 2 levels Savage Progession)
Female Barbarian/Warlock lvl 4/1
These characters didn't start in diamond lake as they were already adventuring before AWAP. I liked the ap so I am bringing them into it. They actually just arrived into Diamond Lake and have gone bar hopping. Tomorrow they should be heading into the Whispering Cairn. So far no healer but I might have another person joining soon. So we will see.

RatPunk |

We're starting a week from Saturday. Currently we have lined up:
2 half-orc barbarians
1 halfling druid
1 half-elf druid
1 witch
1 elf war mage
1 human rogue
1 human fighter
1 gnome of as yet undetermined class (but probably bard).
Yes, that's NINE players. How I'm going to balance this out, I have NO idea...

Laeknir |

I've got a small group, and we're doing the Forgotten Realms variant. We haven't yet started the first part, so I hope they'll survive:
Human male Fighter, 1st lvl.
Human female Cleric of Lathander, 1st lvl.
Half-Elf male Wizard, 1st lvl.
Halfling male Rogue, 1st lvl.
I'm tempted to help them out with an NPC barbarian for some extra firepower, but we'll see.

QBert |

At this point, my party consists of
male halfling rogue 1
male elf scout 1
male human fighter 1
male human cleric 1
The fighter is planning on multiclassing into an arcane class and I know at least one of the players who will join later is planning on a human barbarian. I would say a balance is very necessary for the first adventure. You pretty much want the four corners covered (sneaking/trap diffusion, flashy spellcasting, bashing/damage absorption, healing/undead turning) to have much of a chance of surviving the Whispering Cairn.

Obscure |

I'm running AoW in Eberron with the following characters:
LN Warforged Monk 1
N Changeling Bard 1
N Human Rogue 1 (future Dragonmark Heir/Extreme Explorer)
CG Dwarf Cleric (Kol Korran) 1 (later multiclassing into Fighter)
We're a couple of sessions in and they seem pretty weak in combat, but it might be too early to say.

tony wikeruk |

All members are orphans, (due to the plague) born in Diamond Lake. All are good friends abet taken a different paths in life
Human,(Kurgan) Monk- Trained by the monks who jouney into town to sell there "weed".
Human,(Nadian) Wizard- Trained by Allustan.
Human,(Orin) Rogue/Fighter- Sly, ruff, and tumble, no formal training
Human,(Quickblade) Paladan of Herionious- showed the signs of true faith and dedication to the will of the god.
Human, (Constance Grace) Rogue- *Party controlled NPC, ex-prostitute lookin to escape Diamond Lake.

BanditofLV |

I will be DMing a party that will begin in the AOW starting this weekend and it will be as follows:
Human Fighter 1st Level
1/2 Orc Barbarian 1st Level
Human Monk 1st Level
Dwarf Cleric 1st Level
Human Warlock 1st Level
Halfling Spellthief 1st level
I am still in the process of encorporating each characters background in to the story line. I'm a little concerned that there is no true wizard but I think they will get along fine at least for the first part of the adventure.

Tom Qadim RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 |

I'm also DMing a group through the Forgotten Realms variant, and we just had our first session this past Saturday.
My players are:
- Daeler (LG Aasimar male Paladin [of Sune] 2)
- Kertik (LG Shield Dwarf male Fighter 1/Wizard 1)
- Issarill (CG Strongheart Halfling male Rogue 2)
- Belberak (LG Half-moon Elf male Cleric [of Kelemvor] 2)
- Matteus (CG Illuskan Human male Fighter 2)

QBert |

I'm also DMing a group through the Forgotten Realms variant, and we just had our first session this past Saturday.
My players are:
- Daeler (LG Aasimar male Paladin [of Sune] 2)
- Kertik (LG Shield Dwarf male Fighter 1/Wizard 1)
- Issarill (CG Strongheart Halfling male Rogue 2)
- Belberak (LG Half-moon Elf male Cleric [of Kelemvor] 2)
- Matteus (CG Illuskan Human male Fighter 2)
Did you start your party at 2nd level or did they advance through the course of play?

philarete |

I'll be playing in the AoW so no spoilers please!
If spoilers are a worry, I strongly recommend you stay out of these forums altogether!
Anyway, I'm running two concurrent AoW campaigns. The first group, consists of
Human rogue
Aasimar cleric of Myhriss
Tiefling spirit shaman
Wood Elf fighter
Half-elf fighter
Poison Dusk Lizardman sorceror
My second group:
Human rogue
Human bard
Human fighter
Human cleric of Trithereon
Human monk
Goblin rogue
It's a little hard to say what skills will be needed in the group, since only two adventures have been published. But's always good to have a cleric in the party, and it never hurts to have a rogue.

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I will eventually be running the AoW in the Realms and, barring any last minute changes, the party will likely consist of the following:
Jewel - CN Succubus 1 (using the monster class from Savage Species)
Sindra - CG half-wood elf female Swashbuckler 1
Larin Dawnwanderer - NG aasimar male Cleric of Lathander 1
Harkan Harpell - CG illuskan human male Ranger 1 (who will eventually multiclass as a wizard)
Rafe Winterstorm - CG half-moon elf Rogue 1
Aislinn Winterstorm (NPC) - CG half-celestial Bard 1 (Rafe's mysterious adopted daughter)

Crust |

I'm hoping to have the following in the group:
~elf scout (eventually going either dread commando or order of the bow)
~human ranger (eventually going dervish and dread commando)
~human druid (eventually going war shaper)
~human sorcerer (eventually going war weaver)
I want to steer away from the brawn in my current epic campaign and start out with some stealthy woodsman.

Lex Talinis |

I'm running AoW in Eberron.
~ Changeling Transmuter/ Illusionist (Racial substitution level taken out of Races of Eberron allow him to do a dual specialization), he has plans on becoming a Re-caster.
~ Human Bard, she's dedicated to no prestige class, just "hard core Bard all the way" ;o)
~ Elf Cleric of Dol Dorn looking to become a Heriophant.
~ Human Barbarian, with no intention on any prestige class, just a "true blue rageoholic!"
But I think that party balance is absolute must in this AP.

Joseph Jolly |

I am running a Forgotten Realms campaign. Our group has taken an interesting tact and modeled themselves after Marvel superheroes:
"Angel" Favored Soul/Aasimar (took wings of celestial as a feat)
"Pyro" Wizard (evoker)/Fire Genasi
"Colossus" Cleric/Goliath
"Nightcrawler" Rogue/Shadow Walker
"Thing" Fighter/Dwarf, Mineralized Warrior
"Sabretooth" Babarian/Feral Human
Note, each character has taken a template with a +1 ECL adjustment.

ShadowMoon |

I'm running a Greyhawk based version as we normally play in a homebrew setting. The group has made some interesting choices:
Human Ranger
Xeph Soulknife (psionic)
Human Barbarian
Halfling Rogue (raised by GNOMES???) a long story
Human Fighter who has taken the Vow of Poverty from Book of Exhalted Deeds
You may notice a distinct lack of spell casters of any type. A dwarf cleric and a human warlock were supposed to be inthe group but they dropped at the last minute and the ranger came instead. I have tried to warn them that this may not be the best assortment but they feel that this will make the arc more challenging. We will see how things develop.....

DeVermisMysteriis |

I am running a Forgotten Realms campaign. Our group has taken an interesting tact and modeled themselves after Marvel superheroes:
"Angel" Favored Soul/Aasimar (took wings of celestial as a feat)
Note, each character has taken a template with a +1 ECL adjustment.
That's pretty wild. I've also got an Angel in my group, but with no wings yet. My all-human party in Eberron's Diamond Lake consists largely of teenagers who are coming of age in this hard-scrabble mining community:
The Amazing Angel-boy, celestial-tainted favored soul who recently purchased his way out of his freakshow servitude beneath Zalamandra's velvet fist. He's desperately seeking answers to why he can do what he does.
Kale, bouncer turned paladin, raised amidst the violence and chaos of the Feral Dog by the small community of barmaids/trollops that resides there. His huge size has kept him alive while he's held the chaos and violence there at tolerably safe levels.
Fayed, Gatekeeper druid-initiate and fledgling member of the Bronzewood Lodge. A vocal opponent of the desecration the mines and smelting have caused in Diamond Lake
Luei, cast out of the Twilight Monastery at a young age for his violent rages, the bare-handed monk has found a measure of peace and balance in the constant violence of the bars and taverns in the Vein. He fights there for the entertainment of the masses, money, and the development of his martial art.
Timothy Murant, the golden-haired light o' the mines, supports his widowed mother with his artificer ingenuity. Under the tutelage of Allustan, he has vastly improved the working conditions (and efficiency) of the local mines with safer lifts, improved ventilation, and smokeless, heatless lighting of the darkness in which the downtrodden of Diamond Lake toil.

Fraust |

My group should be starting sometime soon (not long after I get the second adventure and the online suplement). We're in Eberron, though I've been giving some serious consideration to making a last minute change to Arcana Evolved. As it stands we have:
Shifter Ranger, two weapon path with the wildhunt shifter trait, probably going to be our main melee combatant.
Dwarf Wizard, basic stats and gear is all that's done, though being that he weilds a great sword I'm hoping to hear some interesting background.
Gnome Cleric, haven't gotten a chance to talk to the player of this character sense I decided to do Eberron rather than Greyhawk so this might change. Strangely enough this is going to be the back up melee guy.
We have at least one more player, though he hasn't sat down with me yet and designed a character cuz he's been working on his own campaign (all kobolds!). Hoping to get an extra person or two, but highly doubting it.

dizzyk |

My group should be starting sometime soon (not long after I get the second adventure and the online suplement). We're in Eberron
My group's in the exact same boat. We have:
A Changeling "Speculator" (our name for the Rogue variant in Unearthed Arcana where you lose Sneak Attack and gain Fighter bonus feats). Currently, he works as a WAY low-level goon for Smenk as a Half-Orc, as a local Half-Elven trapper, and as a freak in the Emporium as "the Amazing Whorebags" (a three-breasted Human woman). He's going to be the main "mouthpiece" for the group and an extremely able spy/scout.
A Shifter Monk, from the Twilight Monastery. He may doubleclass with Ranger or Ninja, possibly. Also, a spy/scout/stealthy type, with more of a melee bent.
A Human Psychic Rogue (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b) with the Mark of Sentinel. I'm making the garrison a Deneith enclave, so that's where he's starting out. He'll grab at least 3 or 4 levels of Dragonmark Heir, but will probably stay mostly single-classed. Again, another spy/scout/stealthy type - seeing a pattern?
A Human Warmage with the Mark of Passage. Right now, he's a freak in the Emporium. He's going to multiclass with Fighter and go down the Spellsword road. For now, a stay-in-the-rear/mobile-weapons-platform fellow, but he'll probably eventually take on a more front-line melee role.
And, a Valenar Elf "Keeper of the Past" (a Cleric/Ranger variant we took from either Unearthed Arcana or that old Dragon with the Cleric variants - I can't remember which) with the Mark of Death. Currently working as a miner, trying to hide himself (and his Mark) from his clan and the rest of the world. Front line combatant with some spell support.
I'm not setting Diamond Lake where Baker suggested, actually going much further west into the foothills of the Graywall Mountains (and even further from civilization). I'm hoping that future AoW installments will allow me to mix in some Droaam plotlines.
I'm concurrently running another group through the Shackled City AP. Same world, same time, the two parties will interact and cross paths at various points. I've set that in Sharn and we just had our first session last week. That group has a Warforged Wizard, a Gnome Artificer, an Elven "Flametouched" (a slightly modified variant of the Favored Soul class from Complete Divine), and a Half-Giant Monk.

QBert |

I started them at 2nd level. IMHO, most published adventures are a bit tougher, and TWC is no exception. That wind trap was nearly a TPK for my group.
I agree, published adventures seem to consider ELs of 1 and 2 greater than the average party level the norm. It results in a lot of PC casualties and rest required after almost every encounter. My solution is to try to increase the size of the group, so my group will be 6 or 7 PCs by the time it's firmly established. Right now there are only 4 PCs and 5 have already died. I guess I should have looked at the encounters more thoroughly before running them as written. Hopefully when they get up to 6 or 7 characters they won't have any trouble with the lethality of the adventure anymore.
I think 2nd level characters should have no trouble with this adventure.

Nived |

Takk: Halfling Ranger 2, Region of origin Talenta Plains, weapons of choice Talenta boomerang and Talenta tangot.
Slaed: Halfling Barbarian 2, Region of origin Talenta Plains, weapons of choice throwing axes and a greataxe.
Dux: Halfling Rogue 2, Region of origin Talenta Plains, weapon of choice daggers, a lot of daggers.
So there is much death at knee height.

Some call me Tim |

We're set in Greyhawk, but one of the player's is playing a shifter from Eberron.
- Merrick, a male halfling rogue, serves as scout, trapfinder, slinger, and arcane backup (via Use Magic Device).
- Keikki, a female high elf warmage, brings the arcane firepower, literally.
- Halifax, a male human bard/fighter, inspirational archer.
- Orso, a male shifter ranger, very hairy melee fighter.
- Sława, female paladin, we have no idea why she hangs out with this crew.
- Theron, human cleric of Pelor, JARSoP (Just Another Radiant Servent of Pelor).
They survived Whispering Cairn (just barely). I think we have good balance as we have two front line fighters, two second line fighters (rogue and bard), arcane firepower, clerical healing, can handle traps.
The only thing we lack is the versitility of a true wizard, part of the reason the rogue has maxed-out UMD.

Maveric28 |

Haven't actually started yet, but my players have already made new characters for when their current game gets TPKed (they think I really have it in for them). The game'll take place in the full Greyhawk world, not just the Core books' watered down version. Here's what we're looking at so far:
My set up is this... Valdamire (the drow) has been performing and "on display" at the Emporium for some time now, so his appearance doesn't cause panic in the streets. Still, he gets no respect from other Diamond Lake residents and not much more from his employers. He hears about the Whispering Cairn rumor, and decides to investigate with the aid of a few other "oddballs" around town. Xadria, daughter of a local prostitute, is militia-trained, but won't serve the garrison under the command of a man. She'll jump at the chance to a.) prove herself, and b.) raise enough money to take her far away from Diamond Lake. Danar is some sort of prodigy, sent to learn humility and respect for authority at the Temple of Heironeous. His superiors at the temple will order him to investigate this ruin, and keep an eye on the drow. Samhain has been working at one of the mines for near-slave wages to work off an extreme gambling debt owed the mine's owner. The miserable halfling is befriended by Agrimar, a young dwarf prospector, so they encourage each other to join the "crazy drow's expedition." Wanda is has a morbid fascination with death and is drawn by the tales of magical power that Valdamir tells; he assures her that more can be learned at the cairn. Finally, Faenryth was apprenticed the human wizard Allustan as a favor Faenryth's family, who have befriended Allustan in the past. Allustan encourages Faenryth to accompany the party to test his mettle (and so that Allustan can keep an eye on this new band of adventurers).
Sound pretty organized?

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Hey, I'm running the Eberron variant. We have:
Daniel Trask NG Human Fighter (Foster son of the Garrison commander)
Ucho LN Human Druid
Nit NE Changeling Ninja
Kalishharath CN Kalashtar Psion (telepath)
Dren d'Therashk NE Human Sorcerer (dragonmarked)
Jason N Human Fighter
Jason joined the group late, and Kalish' has missed part of the adventure, it has gone fairly well though.

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1. Arista Summershade-female half moon elf sorceror,illegitimate daughter of one of moonmeadow's asscoiates,lives with her human mother at jellek's flophouse.
2. Tulmak Sharptusk-male half orc fighter,a "cousin" to kullen.
3. Alain Durathas- male copper elf ranger,a spy of the Zhentarim sent to Diamond Lake to check up on the Ebon Triad.Pretends to to be a harper.
4. Taerimel Palraedinor-female human rouge.(yes she's from the city of Raven's Bluff book.)wandered into a malfunctioning one way portal and found herself peniless in Diamond Lake.She's the only one with a honest motive besides Arista to leave the town :she just wants to go home.

Richard deBoer |

I am running the FR variant with some evil PCs. We have just finnished with the second installment of AoW. Our party includes:
5th level CE Bedine human Warlock (going for Thrall of Grazz't, worships Grazz't)
5th level LE Illuskan human rogue (going for Thief Acrobat and Assasin, member of the shadow thieves, worships Mask)
5th level N human Druid (going for Beast Master, worships Silvanus)
5th level CN orc Barbarian (strait up barbarian, worships Grummsh)
So far we have had 4 PCs die but I am a mean DM and we have had one internal party assasination already :-)

Jaws |

I'll be playing in the AoW so no spoilers please!
I'm just wondering what some of the parties look like that have started the AoW.
We have in no particular order:
Sybil, TN female human fighter 1
Edred Stonefist, LN male human monk 1
Gromm, CN male half-orc barbarian 1
Conall Cadeyrn, LG male human cleric of Heironeous 1
Aramis, LG male human monk of Heironeous 1
Bruce, LN male human paladin of Heironeous 1
Tobius, N male human sorcerer of Boccob 1
I let people choose whatever race/class they wanted and I ended up with 6 humans and a half-orc. And all classes from the Core PH. Now feats on the other hand...
Most of the players didn't know what the other was playing, so having 3 people being followers of the same god is interesing.
Peace and smiles :)

James Keegan |

My players' party is just about at the end of the Whispering Cairn. The group consists of:
Brother Shamas (Human Male LG Cleric of St. Cuthbert)
"Slim" (Human Male NG Ranger)
"Moose" (Gnome Male CN Wizard)
All are third level. Moose is by far the craziest bastard of them all, having ripped out a certain albino half-orc's eye with his bare hand and permanently disfiguring Merovinn Bask with a flask of acid TWICE.

Cernunos |

Human Female Sorceress (3rd),
Human Male Wizard (3rd),
Human Female Cleric (3rd),
Human Male Monk/Rogue (2nd/1st),
Human Male Samurai (3rd).
My group entered the AoW as 2nd Lvl Players (after completing "The Mad God's Key & Salvage Operation"). They have made it through the Cairn proper, the Workers Quarters, met with Allister, explored the Land Farmstead and are currently trying to figure out how to approach Balabar's Gang (Kullen & Friends). This experience has boosted them to 3rd Lvl. I didn't have any trouble challenging a group of 2nd Lvl characters by running the adventure as written; there were quite a few instances where PC's got knocked below 0 hps but no deaths. Much of the damage was sustained by walking into traps. The character playing the Monk has wisely decided to multiclass as a Rogue and max out his search skill.

Jarrod |
One reason for tougher encounters -- they use less space in the magazine. Ah, well.
We have:
Reason, warforged fighter. Came into town looking for a forge to hammer out some dents, met Seeker (below), and has decided to hang around and see what happens.
Seeker, warforged cleric. Working as a mine guard, recently had an ephiphany and is now seeking (heh) for the God of Warforged.
Mel, changeling sorcerer foundling raised by Treska d'Jorasco, town healer. Known as Melina (human, Treska's apprentice); Malcolm (mine-worker, hangs out in the Feral Dog), and several others (including a trapper, a kid...). Party doesn't know about this, as I NPC Malcolm and the others. I'm really thinking that the Faceless One will be a changeling and will make some snarky comments before they wax him.
Fortunato, ex-mine-worked (fired by Smenk). He's always had this "trick" and found someone to give him some training. He's now a hexblade looking to make a new life for himself.
I've heavily used the Mentor/Apprentice rules from DMG 2 -- Mel's a healer apprentice (class skills C(Alchemy) and Heal, +2 to Alchemy, +2 on saves vs. poison and disease), and Fortunato's a soldier. That also explained why an ex-mine-worker knows how to use a sword :) Also, each PC gets 2 extra skill points to use on Craft or Profession skills... _very_ cool and highly recommended. The fighter carves (whittlin'), the cleric is learning from the town smith, the sorcerer's a healer/alchemist, and Fortunato's a stoneworker (from mining) heading into gambler.

Erik |
My 1st level party is:
dwarf barbarian
human cleric of Pelor
human scout
halfling rogue (will multi to wizard and then arcane trickster)
human ranger
I let players roll 3 sets of stats with 5d6 (drop 2) and choose one set. Out of 5 players, one rolled 2 18s, and another rolled one 18. All players have at least a net +11 attribute bonus. I figure they're heroes, and should have all positive modifiers. Especially for a hard campaign. Plus, if they end up being a bit too powerful, I just add a few monsters.

GlassJaw |

I let players roll 3 sets of stats with 5d6 (drop 2) and choose one set. Out of 5 players, one rolled 2 18s, and another rolled one 18. All players have at least a net +11 attribute bonus. I figure they're heroes, and should have all positive modifiers. Especially for a hard campaign. Plus, if they end up being a bit too powerful, I just add a few monsters.
I have to agree on ability generation. Using 28 point-buy for stats is crazy for either AP IMO. I'm running the Shackled City right now and I gave everyone 79 points to distribute evenly as they saw fit.
I'll be playing in the AoW and we can either use 79 points or start each score at 8 and roll 1d10 and place them wherever we want. Once you choose though you can't change your mind. I'l taking the points. :>)

Tankred |

Just started the 1st part of AoW last night. I'm running it with a select group of 3 of my best friends and I'm playing one of the party too. So far, after finishing the 1st part my group's party looks like this:
Human Wizard 3
Half-Elf Ranger 3
Human Cleric (Pelor) 3
Human Rogue 3
I gotta say, this si perhaps the most balanced party I've ever ran a game with. The adventure went without a hitch! Looking forward to running this series. Have fun, ya'll :)

Nived |

One of my players finally finished with summertime family obligations including 3 family reunions (two sides of his family and his fiance's) So at last the party is complete.
To reinterate... Eberron, three Talenta halflings, one rogue, one ranger, one barbarian.
And now the latest edition to the party.
Trajaued, which no one can pronounce so as a joke they call him 'Phil'. He's a troll.
That's right, three halflings and a troll.
It's Eberron so the lines between monsters and 'people' is blurred, and well I might as well get my money's worth out of Savage Species sometime. So he's taking monster class levels. His first level feat? Brutal Throw from Complete... I think warrior. So I think it wont belong before one of them thinks of the 'fastball special'.

Arnkel |

The party I DM most often is in a futuristic fantasy setting(we switch back and forth between 3.5e and Alternity depending on our mood and what the players want to do).
- Fox Hengeyokai Samurai 20, Kensai 10/Fox Hengeyokai Combat Spec
- Human Rogue 20, Shadow Ninja 10, Assassin 1/Human Free Agent
There is no real problem with not having magic users or healers as the characters tend more towards espionage and quick kills rather than long fights. The average combat with these characters is about 2 rounds(including the suprise round).

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Four characters starting at first level. All background information was 75% the credit of my players too!
Morgan [human rogue 1] – The second son of the second wife of a minor noble who made his name as a wine merchant, Morgan has literally disappeared from family affairs (and responsibilities) and stayed briefly with a woodsman cousin where he had a brief affair (his tenth such) with a dryad (and explained the Nymph’s Kiss feat), who manipulated him into killing a woodcutter. Morgan was swept into Diamond Lake when he pitched in to help a guard fight off a handful of creatures assailing a coach containing none other than mine manager Luzane Parrin (he immediately began to woo her despite her informing him that she was to eat with her current interest later that night).
Thalluun [goliath druid 1] – A goliath nicknamed ‘Sure Grasp’ for his climbing skills unjustly exiled from his tribe when the chieftain wished to prevent a developing relationship with his daughter, he hit the road with plans to return and prove his courage and worth. Along the way he befriended an injured wolf named Nanva and has taken up work in the Spinning Giant, having replaced their previous night duty cook (with his 7 total ranks in Profession [cook]). He is anxiously preparing a meal tonight, as he has been requested to cook Luzane Parrin’s birthday meal by Chaum Gansworth (as he’s somewhat of a fad in town at the moment).
Graylic [half elf wizard 1] – A half-elf and son of two wizards who passed away during the Red Death when he was only five years old. He now lives with his aunt, who creates minor herbal concoctions that are sold at the Emporium for a pittance and spends his time copying books for the likes of Allustan and Benazel the alchemist. He has gotten along well with Benazel as they both share a love for alchemy and transmutation (Graylic prefers to think in how he can alter the parameters to solve problems and has proven himself as a worthy challenger at dragonchess by exploiting little known rules).
Damion [human fighter 1] – the eldest son of one of Diamond Lake’s few families, he keeps a cautious eye over the affairs of his younger sister as has driven off many callers. Recently of age, he has been apprenticed to the town carpenter and wainwright where he works away on furniture for the mine managers or wagons for the mines or Able Carter. In his spare time, he has made a number of items including a doghouse for his dog Lester. He has also recently taken up swordplay with his best friend (an apprentice to Ostler the smith) until wolves killed his friend. His complacency in Diamond Lake has been shaken by the inaction of the sheriff to even give a rat’s ass. The future for him is wide open (as he is a fighter with an 11 strength, and many points elsewhere).