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Thoth Amon was my favorite Sorcerer(perhaps more like a sorcerer/cleric to the Demon Snake God, Set) in Robert E. Howards Conan series. He was also Conans biggest and baddest spellcasting enemy. If you have never read Roberts Conan stories, then you are missing alot. The guy was a genius and a little wacko--but those always seem to be the guys that write the best stories. He was also buddies with Lovecraft. They made a movie about Robert a few years back. Definitely check it out if you have the time. Best heroic fantasy i have ever read--and i have read ALOT in my day. Not for the faint of heart. My 2 cents.
Thoth Amon

Tramarius |

Nothing terribly clever. After switching from 2nd edition to 3e, Tramarius was the psuedo-latin sounding name I gave to the Fighter I cobbled together in an effort to learn the new character creation rules. Unfortunately he has never seen battle. Don't even know what I did with the character sheet.
I go by Argentium Helm on both UseNet (rec.games.frp.dnd) and on EN World.

wraith2021 |

The wraith was my favorite thing to throw at my players when I used to DM in high school. It's also one of my favorite units in StarCraft.
When I first dabbled in the online world a few years ago I was 20 about to turn 21, hence the number. I've used it across the net since but I think there is some other schmuck out there that uses it...

Carl Meyer |

Carl Meyer was the name of a great king from the early medieval period of. . . OK, I'm lying. It's just my real name. I'm not sure why I used my real name, though, as I love coming up with new names for boards with what I think are clever little allusions.
For example, on EnWorld and many other boards I am Sleepy Voiced (formerly sleepy voiced narrator), which is a reference to an episode of MST3K in which Joel is referred to as the "sleepy voiced narrator".
At one time I used Sir Simon Milligan on the Necromancer Games boards, as Sir Simon Milligan is the host of "The Pit of Ultimate Darkness" on Kids in the Hall.

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My D&D character name in high school and every mmorpg that I have played. The name came from Zig Zag papers, they used to say "32 hojas" on the side. A dumb name that only a high schooler would pick, but it has stuck for years now. I remember a dwarf came up to me in everquest and said "Did you know your name means leaves in another language?"

James Sutter Contributor |

The Jade is the alter ego I use for my band. We've been in the studio mixing our album for sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
loooooooooooooooooooong that I failed to see the reason to waste this meaningless moniker on a mediocre (aliteration is our friend) rock CD when I could flourish it here on Paizo.com
I'll admit that for a second I got all excited and hoped you were Jade Puget from AFI. Were that the case, I don't even know what I'd do... Jade is the man. So what's your band?
My avatar is obviously my given name, but oddly enough, while I've never really had a nickname stick before, I seem to have gained several since coming to Paizo. While they've come from various places like the messageboards ("The Gray Render") and my actual duties ("Gatekeeper"), there's one in particular that the majority of the editorial pit uses to distinguish me from Big Jimmy Jacobs (well, other than "Sutter," that is.) Thus:
TODAY'S PAIZO TRIVIA CONTEST: Other than "Sutter," what is the most common thing Assistant Editor James Sutter is called around the Paizo offices?
(Hint: The answer is hidden somewhere in Dragon 340.)
Ready? Go!

Jonathan Drain |

TODAY'S PAIZO TRIVIA CONTEST: Other than "Sutter," what is the most common thing Assistant Editor James Sutter is called around the Paizo offices?
"North James?" I've heard that phrase on this board, somewhere... I think the other James used it :)
This is my real name. My first name gets misspelled a lot, but the popular four hundred year old translation of a certain ancient Jewish book would appear to agree with my spelling. My last name is misspelled a lot too by locals since many middle-class Drains in a nearby town changed the spelling to Drayne to avoid being spelled the same as what dirty rainwater flows into. I believe Drain is an anglicized version of an Irish name, meaning "hawthorn" or "blackthorn".
My middle initial is W; I like to scare my players by telling them it stands for Wisdom. ;)
I used to go by "Darklord Jay" on Monte Cook's boards because my old name, "JDigital", was taken. I took to using my real name in D&D forums, since I've started writing occasionally and would like people to associate my online presence with what they read.

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I tend to be more reserved, so when I do speak up it is typically inapropriate and generally ill-begotten. Hence, I come across as a dithering fool.
That and it amuses me to no end.

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I fall into the same camp as F2K, music inspired.
Metal Church (band)
Blessing in Disguise (album)
Fake Healer (song title)
The song spoke of the hypocrisy of the healthcare industry in america and gave me a focus for the anger of my father needed heart surgury, but wasn't covered by medical very well.
the lyrics are
I prey upon your morbid fear
Of terminal disease
You won't know the difference
Now it's time for surgery
Another shot, another pill
Two weeks therapy
I take all major credit cards
Your money is what I need
I'm a healer
I will keep you all alive
I'm a healer
A villain at your bedside
Take this and you'll be fine
Severely educated
Just pay your bill on time
I think it's time for another test
I need more of your blood
Sign this affidavit
So my insurance won't go up
I'm a healer
I will keep you all alive
I'm a healer
Research and development
Spend millions every year
You sickly and decrepit ones
Keep my yacht safe on the pier
You're dying on a stretcher
We'll try to save your life
If you can't afford my service
I will let you die
I'm trusted and respected
Says my diploma on the wall
Before I will do anything
I'll give your bank a call
I'm a healer
I will keep you all alive
I'm a healer
my dad is and was a strong man and pushed through like a tank. Still motoring on after all these years.

d13 |
my name actually refers to an old trap I set for a group a long time ago.
They found a number of badly written messages full of inverted letters, and strange numbers. There were plenty of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, making them pretty much incomprehensible.
Eventually one clever player realized that one particular note, which everyone at the table (as they were all gamers) thought read "d13", really said "dIE".
At which time he had to make a save vs. spells, which he failed, and promptly dropped dead.
I had been watching "The Shining" a lot - R3DRUM!
And also it looks like it means a 13 sided die - which I don't think that anyone makes, but if they did, I would buy in a heartbeat.
NICK and AMBER - Medea rocks, but I'll take Tiresias (sp) for my favorite figure from greek tragedy. Why does no one ever listen to him?

Alasanii |

My name stems from a family name.
Years ago my aunt and my Grandmother on my dad's side did up a family tree and wanted to know the actual origins of our family. As I read through the behemoth of a family tree book (Think encyclopedia and that is about the size) and in the part on the origins of the family aparently there was an Irish pagan tribe that was called the Alasanii and the Novantii. they then came to Scotland and were converted by Saint Patrick and thus called Kirkpatrick (Kirk=Church, therefore, Church of Saint Patrick)
Wow. I just explained my avatar name and family name. Sorry for the sidebar. Also I am not sure how accurate the tribe names are but I like to think they are real. :)
Descendant of Irish Pagans! (God I love my family history.)

Vir'Aphelion |

Vir = man A- = apart; seperate helion = position relative to the sun
aphelion = position in orbit at which a satellite is at the farthest from the sun antonymn: perihelion
I cooked this up on my own, and it's my planescape character's name- a necromancer refugeee from Bedlam that worships Wee Jas and joined the Dustmen.

bal3000 |

I've always had a fascination with the name of the Cannanite god Baal. I like it's sound and it's meaning(lord).
I'd shorten it and us it as my moniker when signing off on video game high scores.
The 3000 comes from the fact that when I first opened a hotmail account I was listening to the Powerman5000 album " Mega!!Kung Fu Radio " a LOT !!! so i just combined the two and bingo - bal3000 - which i use for just about all my online titles.

applemonkeyking |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My nick comes from a weird show that I was fond of a few years back. One of the characters yelled at one of his obnoxious claasmates to "shut up you applemonkey." I was amazed at the complete randomness and took it after adding the king.
Seriously, who wouldn't want to be the ruler of a bunch of monkeys with apples.

tallforadwarf |

Mine has 2 origins.
1) I'm a huge Dwarf fan (pun!). My friends think this is funny since I'm almost 6'. They call me tall for a dwarf.
2) I had this great book of single frame cartoons when I was younger, a lot of them were fantasy based and would've gone down well in Dragon. One of my fave. was of an Ogre holding a dwarf by the scruff of his neck. The caption was; "Well, it's all relative isn't it. From my point of view I'm just a very big dwarf."
There was another one I'll never forget either. The picture was of a gnome on a machinegun, pointing it at a fairy who's swooping over them. The gnome's officer is saying; "Hold it Private - she's one of ours!"
Haha! Brilliant!

Valegrim |

Short for Valentine the Grim, more or less translates to Grim Courage. In Amtgard, a live action sword swinging spellslinging thing; I was Baron Valentine of Pegasus Valley, but after six month of rule over a bunch of bickering sillywillys; I became quite grim. So naturally; as such things eat your life; it became my pen name as I charge blindly into most things and conversations with grim courage and determination :) btw; I picked this picture because it is a lot like me; I will leave you to guess how :)now for what you can't see; the inscription on the blade of the sword would have to say something like; Just Trying To Be GOOD! and on the other side; How Am I Doing So Far? **ponder**

meomwt |

meomwt is the acronym of 'Mighty Eater of many Wondrous Things.' He is a Bronze Dragon from my old 2E Greyhawk campaign who became a kind of patron for the party.
When I was a player in a Champions! game, the heroes got shunted into a Fantasy Alternate Universe. We were told to find meomwt - when we did and he was a Dragon, the ref got a severe beating from me!
I used meomwt when I first got involved in an online community because the other names I thought of had been taken and it was all I could think of on the fly. I use it everwhere (Wizards, Necromancer, Outpost Gallifrey, Logopolis Metropolis, Dragonsfoot, and probably a few more I have forgotten).

Valcrist |

I got mine off of the random name generator for the Squaresoft game Secrets of Mana, or it may have been Legends of Mana (Whichever one was for the PS). I used it for a Ravenloft character and it kind of stuck. Besides, I'm sure someone has already taken Sephiroth.

Gwydion |

Gwydion, because, well, he's cool. =)
Seriously, I was an enormous fan of Welsh mythology as a small lad, and the name always resonated with me.
I took it as my SCA persona (Lord Gwydion ap Llewellyn, of the Right Honorable Shire of Hammerhold, Kingdom of Meridies), as my Ultimate D&D twink character (you know...the one you start playing when you are 8 and play until you're 15), and as my House in Changeling: the Dreaming.
There's something about the contradiction of the mythological Gwydion that appeals to me: he's wise, skillful, powerful, and talented; he's also haughty, rude, aggressive, confrontational and makes quite a few mistakes.
Just like me. =)

Sir Kaikillah |

Kaikala is my last name (It means forgiving ocean, cool huh! or lumpy gravy, depends how you pronounce it). When I was younger friends used to call me Kaikillah or kai-killer, cause I was huge from to much weight lifting and overly aggressive, back then in my youth. Years latter, I named a Paladin PC Sir Kaikillah. This happened when I got my first e-mail account, sir kaikillah has been my online name ever since. Thanx for letting me share.

1Ol0 |
Carl Meyer was the name of a great king from the early medieval period of. . . OK, I'm lying. It's just my real name.
I actually laughed when I read this. Then I was asked, "what's so funny." I read a few others out loud, and when I got to yours, the person I was reading to laughed. Score two funnies for Carl :)
I try to use just one name online, but I've noticed of late my favorite one frequently is taken. So I have two backups. All of them amuse me, and are kind of rare, so I can usually be found under one of them. The fourth one is just for first person shooters. The first one is my favotire:
1. emordnilap = if a palindrome was one
2. 1Ol0 = One, Capital o, lowercase L, Zero. I don't know how to pronounce this, but in some fonts these characters look the same. This one is good, because I can just change the order if it's already in use (though I have yet to see it taken.)
3. 1338 = elite plus one, my own little dig at script kiddies and h@x0rs.
4. John Malkovich = this one I only use for first person shooters. When you die you can usually you look out of your team mates "eyes". I happen to be quite good, so I am often the last one alive on my team.

Mrannah |

mine was the protagonist of the first novel i tried to write....weak book, imitative of burroughs...but a completed draft, which was a first....in my current campaign world he is a minor deity of one of the nonhuman races, whose portfolio is actually the concept of change to avoid stagnation (it's a strange race that tends to maintain the status quo, they need someone like this guy). it's become something of my gaming nick because of that.

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Stolen shamelessly from a minor villain in the anime, "Flame of Recca," Magagumo translates to "spider" and was used to describe the animated full plate used so effectively by this character. Was generally won over due to a personal obession with redoutable and redundant layers of protection for my own D&D characters, and so adopted the name... pretty much my web persona at this point.

Koga: The Ninja Trick |

Back when The Koga was deeply into Pokemon, there was a card that cameout named "Koga's Ninja Trick" which was a card that was alot like him, whenever the pokemon attatched with the trick would be attacked, you switched it with another pokemon, thereby making one of your freinds take the heat lol!
A little secret between you guys, The Koga was actually going to WOTC forum way before he was Koga:The Ninja Trick, he just kept getting kicked off because back then he was a antagonist, mostly because he didn't know how to react to anything, and the members there at the time weren't much help. (They were even worse then now..) But after exprience at differant forums, a young n00b grew up to become The Koga. Who had cool powers like being able to commit sepeku but being fine a couple minutes later. (Thereby rendering his lawful required alignment null and void, bwahah..)