Dire Lion

Lion_Legionnaire's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I wouldn't mind . . .

I just recieved notice that my copy was shipped today via UPS. I reckon that means that the 2nd printing is complete and the Compendium is back in stock. :)

Easy enough...

I have always admired lions and my current PC is a catfolk paladin of Nobabion. ;)

I just added you both to my devwatch list. I run by Suyeta on deviant and my meager 3dcg images can be viewed and made fun of here: http://suyeta.deviantart.com/ .

Josh Frost wrote:
Lion_Legionnaire wrote:
Then I suggest you update your product page as it is misleading with the statement of "Usually ships from our warehouse in 1 to 3 business days" and there is no out of stock notice.
Thanks for pointing that out. The listing for Dragon Compendium Volume 1 now accurately shows it in pre-order status for the 2nd printing.

Thank you for making the corrections. If I had known of its pre-order status for the 2nd printing I would not have made the purchase.

Please note: I also emailed Customer Service requesting the changes above be made. As you have already taken care of the issue, please disregard.

Josh Frost wrote:
Lion_Legionnaire wrote:
So I should not expect the copy I ordered earlier this month to be shipped until early to mid-May 2006. Is this correct?
Based on what we know about the re-print schedule, I would say this is a fair estimate.

Then I suggest you update your product page as it is misleading with the statement of "Usually ships from our warehouse in 1 to 3 business days" and there is no out of stock notice.

I just ordered this last week and it states on the webpage, "Usually ships from our warehouse in 1 to 3 business days." Am I going to have to wait until early to mid-May to recieve my order? If so,someone really needs to update the product page.

Seems the thieves missed a golden opportunity to enrich themselves. Fortunately, their lack of judgement preserved your gaming collection. ;)

I prefer playing humans or elves, with a little lycanthropic seasoning added later in the campaign.