
Thargos's page

43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


warduke all the way ppl that and no one has voted for him yet

i believe it was in the last installment of the AoW adventure path Kyuss use's one and looks scary as hell while doing it!

The warlock class is detailed in complete arcane

i dont make a habit of drinking whiskey but i believe that crown royal bags have become a gamer staple over the years.

i used to have a pair of percentile dice used for palladium in the middle of a session they turned on me no matter what i rollled it came out the most horrible result possible for my character, so i decreed that they be destroyed but alas no matter what i did to destroy them they still remained i smashed them with a sledge and they ust richotched around the room i lit themm on fire yet they held their shape finally i attempted both of these punishments at the same time only to my dismay they were launched out an open door into an apartment parking lot never to be seen again, i warn you if you see a pair of dice lying in a parking lot somwhere avoid them at all costs for they spell doom for any character that they are rolled for.

my collection sits at about 150 books the majority being dnd stuff with somme shadowrun and rifts books thrown in.

shadows in water thats bloody brilliant!

thank you BD all this time i thought i was a munchkin, i had to hit tiamat 2 times before she went down.

sheesh and i thought i was cruel, anyway not so long ago a group of adventurers ventured into a dungeon they eventually made there way to a seemingly empty room little do they know 4 invisible rust monsters awaited them .

if you wnat to play pranoia and have any fun stop all of your preperations now its a seat of your pants kind of game.

i am a munchkin,i crunch numbers and find every loophole in the rules to maxamize my characters that i can. even when the dm puts roadblocks in my way like making my character take 10 levels of druid i make them regret every level. i am munchkin hear me roar!

my first necromancer eventually turned lich.

tequila , a freind of mine was working on a very similar system for HP.

i give max hp at first level then i roll againstt each player when they level up and they get the higher of the two rolls.

i would love to see more psionics especially updates of the gem dragons!

i think it was in the october issue of dragon that said night shades were evil outsiders that died on the negative energy plane and spontaneously rose as a night shade depending on their hit dice.

what other abilities do they have?

what hapens if one of the twins dies?

multiweapon fighting is always a fun way to go when you have four arms.

there is a map of the realms in the new campaign setting.

that scared the

johnnype wrote:

I'm a subscriber and as of last night have yet to receive issue # 339 of Dragon Magazine. Am I the only one. It's the issue with the planescape cover. It's been available at my local game store for some time now so I'm starting to worry. Who can I contact about this? Should I just go out and buy a copy just in case?


try calling customer service, the number is in each magazine. they have always gotten issues to me when they did not come in the mail

does anyone know what the epic preserver class from dark sun was called? and where i might find a 3.0 or 3.5 version of it?

Amal Ulric wrote:
Sexi Golem 01 wrote:
Who among us are sick and tired of being swallowed alive protecting some damn wizard from the same fate. Protect yourself from the trecheries of spellcasters. Take the run feat or buy a fast horse and the next time he expects you to go toe to toe with a purple worm without any protection from his end turn your ass around and see how he likes swimming in stomach acids!

i concur let the wizard get swallowed ,see how he likes it.

i have my group got mowed down by magic missiles from 8 of them. there were 7 pcs at around 9th level.

Luke Fleeman wrote:
I would suggest you fully explain your problem, and what you are having trouble with. Your first post isn't really a whole question.

my bad ,rambling scribe is right it was the breif description and the detailed description.

any ideas?

any idea which entry in complete arcane is the right one?

talking to himself

Lilith wrote:
Magagumo wrote:
Ah being immune to one's breath weapon has many advantages :)

Sounds like good personal hygiene to me, LOL!

Magagumo wrote:
I'm truly amused at this article, as I've been working on the concept of a Shadow or Half-Shadow dragon Tarrasque being worshipped as a deity by a group of apocalyptic (i.e. world-ending) cult of yuan-ti... campaign becomes a countdown to the beast waking up and, depending on the template, taking to the skies :D

That would be awesome. "Whatinell is that?"


that is awesome , did your group do somthing to offend?

the chimeric template is in the mm2 and savage species.

when two weapon fighting you get your full strength bonus for the primary weapon and half your strength bonus for the secondary weapon

well it is nov 1 and i still have not gotten mine yet.

what terrible timing the group i am in just ran through it on saturday.

is anyone else still waiting to get their copy in the mail or is it just me?

has anyone gotten theirs in the mail yet?

ken wright wrote:
probably.. but my subscriptions got screwed from all the hurricanes we have been having on the gulf coast here.. i suppose alot of mail was going through new orleans or down I-10 i just got 337 and the two from last month.

it hits the stands on oct 25

the short description of cleave in the players says that it is a follow through attack. so i figured same swing same smite.

i still have not received mine either.

if you smite a creature and drop it do the bonus from smite add to subsequent cleave attacks?

i just dont see drow wearing anything shiny,period.

i started i 2000 i ended up as an elven ranger who eventually died from mummy rot.

i recall it being black but i am not sure where i read it.

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