
applemonkeyking's page

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Players raided the Blue Nixie, draping a good portion of the ship in an Obscuring Mist spell and climbing up the sides. Besides that and the monk perching himself above the door to the crews' quarters and punching them as they left, those were the few good plans they came up with.

Dropped the Cleric to 3, and the bard and rogue to 1. At least they got Vark to surrender before the bard decided to start playing his instrument in melee (I don't see that character lasting too long).

But they still have to deal with the Rhagodessa this week.

The fourth and fifth finished creating their characters.

So now the party consists of:
Aventi cleric
Human monk
Dwarven wizard
Halfling rogue
Gnome Bard

I offered to run STAP, so that our usual DM could take a break from running two campaigns on back-to-back nights and have a little fun being a player again.

So far, we have a(n):

Human Monk from the Champion's District
Aventi Cleric from the Merchant's District
Dwarven Wizard from the Noble District (aiming to become a Stormcaster)

Two more members of the group will be joining us Monday night to create their characters. One will most likely be a Rogue/Swashbuckler mix, or that's the impression we got. The other is a complete unknown.

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My nick comes from a weird show that I was fond of a few years back. One of the characters yelled at one of his obnoxious claasmates to "shut up you applemonkey." I was amazed at the complete randomness and took it after adding the king.

Seriously, who wouldn't want to be the ruler of a bunch of monkeys with apples.