coyote6 |

At current rates, it looks like it might be an hour, maybe two if everyone goes to sleep, before that $100 will also get you 2 storm giants.
I think they've raised $120k in less than 5 hours. If that somehow keeps up, they'll get another million dollars.
Edit: And 37 minutes later, they've hit the next stretch goal. Giants for everyone!

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Wow, this is quite amazing. I want to get in on this... too bad I had to pay tuition last week and am now broke.
*Runs off scrounging for quarters in the couch*
Just don't eat for a week. Even if you're relatively fit, there's ALWAYS a bit of fat to burn! You'll enjoy a slimmer physique and STILL take advantage of this fantastic offer!

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Remember, Reaper is supporting pledge changes even after the kickstarter ends. You can pledge one dollar now and adjust upwards when you have more money.
Presumably there is some kind of cut-off for the pledge adjustments, though. Have they stated what the deadline is? If the cutoff is within a week or two, it might not make a lot of difference to some people going through financial trouble at the moment.

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Aaaaaaand... there goes another stretch goal. Next up: four more minis, these ones halflings/gnomes. All we need is another $180,000. I figure... by the time I wake up in the morning. <Grin>

erian_7 |

PROTIP: The Vampire level includes a large metal figurine of Reaper's mascot Sophie... but if that isn't your cup of tea, you can exchange that for an extra $25 credit to spend on add-ons!
Now that's good to hear--I missed that little bit! Now if I can just find someone willing to trade for the non-fantasy stuff...I've got no use for the Chronoscope, IMEF Marines, NOVA, or Zombie Killers. That's 25 figs that need a good home!

Kolokotroni |

This is an absolute ridiculous deal. Sure I have to wait until next spring, but holy crap. If I JUST put in 110 dollars for vampire and the pathfinder red dragon, and was only considering the pathfinder specific minis, it would be a good price. 9 we be goblins + 11 iconics + 1 huge dragon for a $110 would be acceptable. I get almost 200 miniatures on top of that. I will be painting for months and I love it.

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PROTIP: The Vampire level includes a large metal figurine of Reaper's mascot Sophie... but if that isn't your cup of tea, you can exchange that for an extra $25 credit to spend on add-ons!
I had read about making the exchange and that paizo was going to have a manager portal at some point, but I don't see either option at this point. Are the exchanges only starting after the funding deadline? I'd also like to look at the paint and case offerings, but don't see that either....any chance you have links?

Zakur Opzan |
Remember, Reaper is supporting pledge changes even after the kickstarter ends. You can pledge one dollar now and adjust upwards when you have more money.
Reaper has said that once it is over, it is over. Reaper does not have to offer rewards for money after the KS has ended. That is at their discretion. Why take any chance? If you pledge a dollar, you are only guaranteed a dollar's reward.

Zakur Opzan |
I had read about making the exchange and that paizo was going to have a manager portal at some point, but I don't see either option at this point. Are the exchanges only starting after the funding deadline? I'd also like to look at the paint and case offerings, but don't see that either....any chance you have links?
Here is The KS link with info on the paints and cases:
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1513061270/reaper-miniatures-bones-an-e volution-of-gaming-min
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I've been backing this since the beginning, very worth it. For those who haven't seen this line the plastic is a little softer than I was expecting, it's not the hard plastic you get from Privateer Press or Games Workshop, for example. I got a minotaur and two packs of kobolds, the quality is good with a few mold lines but nothing that detracts from the models. I highly recommend this line if you're looking to expand your mini range, as mentioned $100 gets you over 200 miniatures which is a great deal.

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When you contribute you select a reward level. Say, Vampire at $100.
So you pledge $100 and get a but-ton of happy, naked minis.
Now, as you look around you see the Fire Giant Warriors ($10) and decide you want them only, shucks, that isn't a rewards selection. Well just click "maqnage your pledge" and add $10 to your original $100.
But don't change the reward you chose originally! Keep it at Vampire.
So you should have Vampire selected as a reward and your pledge would be $110.
Shortly after the kickstarter ends Reaper will be sending out a pledge tool so that us plastic addicts can decide how to spend that extra money.

Berik |
Wow... I just had a look out of interest without really intending to buy anything, but that's just jaw droppingly great value. I was just scrolling down and being continually amazed at all that was being produced for the various levels. It's really great to see something like this doing so very well, and I certainly can't resist pledging in.

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Come on, everyone, only another £20,076.00, and I get a plastic version of the metal figure I've been using for PF Society since Season 1!
I can convert him to sit on a mount, or just use him as a spare, for when I don't want to risk my paintjob.
If I don't have to worry about my mini overbalancing, or chipping, it frees me up to be climbing, levitating, flying all over the scenario, and I can give the GMs even more headaches than I already am!

Dhampir984 |

My wife and I backed it last night. We were going to for some time now, and just finally jumped in. Since then, I've been refreshing the page and watching the amount climb and climb.
The whole time, I've had a horribly geeky grin on my face watching as the number of minis we're getting continues to grow and grow.

Ken Marable |

Zakur Opzan wrote:Reaper has said that once it is over, it is over.You sure?
Yes, but I want my golems!!! :)
Increasing a pledge later doesn't help unlock anything. I'm hoping we can push a little bit more this last day to get those golems, but it started to level off yesterday.

Salazar |
TriOmegaZero wrote:Yep - I see the info on whats available - just don't see where I can select it after contributing. Too soon?Zakur Opzan wrote:Reaper has said that once it is over, it is over.You sure?
You will be able to increase your pledge when the Pledge Manager comes online for around 30 days.

'nok |
Uninvited Ghost wrote:PROTIP: The Vampire level includes a large metal figurine of Reaper's mascot Sophie... but if that isn't your cup of tea, you can exchange that for an extra $25 credit to spend on add-ons!Now that's good to hear--I missed that little bit! Now if I can just find someone willing to trade for the non-fantasy stuff...I've got no use for the Chronoscope, IMEF Marines, NOVA, or Zombie Killers. That's 25 figs that need a good home!
reaper has a trade thread on their forums for bones minis.
http://www.reapermini.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45270-kickstarter-trade-th read/

'nok |
So many people are getting in on this Kickstarter that I'm starting to wonder how many people will be left to buy the minis at normal price when this is all over.
I for one am at to much money in the kickstarter, but want more figures, just not in the bundles, I don't want to pledge 4 vampires for 4 bat swarm sets, so I will just buy 2 at retail (yes I am doing 2 vampire levels)

Doug's Workshop |

Matrixryu, I've got most of those minis in metal already, so I've been able to resist jumping in with both feet. The few I do want can be picked up later. I'm only in for $69, for a paint set, the orc set, and a case. I'll be picking up several giants, the griffon and owlbear, and the ginormous undead dragon later. Thus far, I'll still be ahead. But it is so very tempting to drop an additional $300 to get everything in March . . . .

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Matrixryu wrote:So many people are getting in on this Kickstarter that I'm starting to wonder how many people will be left to buy the minis at normal price when this is all over.I for one am at to much money in the kickstarter, but want more figures, just not in the bundles, I don't want to pledge 4 vampires for 4 bat swarm sets, so I will just buy 2 at retail (yes I am doing 2 vampire levels)
Once you are pledged at the vampire level you can buy extras of the sets at a reduced price, a la carte, you don't have to wait until they hit retail:
So for 10 bucks you can get 2 more of each of the swarms. No need to go up to 4 vampires.
Sorry, I'm an idiot, the bat swarm is in the first thirty minis isn't it. No dice then.