Arcane Builder, item type or crafting feat?

Rules Questions

Shadow Lodge

I am running a campaign and the wizard crafter wants to take the Arcane Builder discovery. If you are unfamiliar with the discovery here it is:

Arcane Builder wrote:

Benefit: Select one type of magic item (potions, wondrous items, and so on). You create items of this type 25% faster than normal, and gain a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks (or other checks, as appropriate) to craft items of this type.

Special: You may select this discovery multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select this discovery, it applies to a different type of magic item.

I am curious what others think but he is assuming that when it says "select one type of magic item.." that it is meant to sync with the specific crafting feat (i.e. craft arms and armor) so he can choose "arms and armor" as a type. I am of the opinion that it is NOT meant to sync with the feats and when it says type it specifically refers to the type of item, for example weapons OR armor. What are other's thoughts? Thanks in advance.

The lamest, most anal, unfun way to read it is one specific type of item... longswords, heavy shields, medium armors, wands, rings, whatever exact item you want to be really good at crafting.

Personally, because I love fun, I think it coincides with, and applies to, the crafting feats. All arms and armors, all wondrous items, whatever the feat applies to, the Discovery applies to.

Shadow Lodge

I appreciate your input.

I think it's going too far to assume it means a specific item as you say (longsword, heavy shields). That's why I said weapons OR armor.

My thinking is that if it was meant to directly correlate to the feat then why would the discovery not just say "choose a magic item creation feat"?

Its meant to sync with the crafting feats. “Wondrous Items” is really broader than weapons AND armor. They didn’t say “craft feat” because it would have been a really clunky phrasing.

I would rule that they are tied to magic item creation feats. I don't know why they didn't just say so. Is there some other systems that groups magic items? Is there some other ability that allows you to create magic items?

OmniMage wrote:
I would rule that they are tied to magic item creation feats. I don't know why they didn't just say so. Is there some other systems that groups magic items? Is there some other ability that allows you to create magic items?

actually the Craft skill rules do provide a reasonable basis for this, specifying groups of items that could be made separately between clothing, jewelry, weapons, bows, armor, etc. however, the rules for Arcane Crafter specifically puts Wondrous Items as one category, which covers part of like 5 different craft skills. So RAW is pretty clear here. And it’s a pretty bad feat, so it’s unclear why anyone would want to weaken it further.

Liberty's Edge

Benefit: Select one type of magic item (potions, wondrous items, and so on).

It explicitly mentions the whole categories, so I think it applies to the category: potions, wondrous items, arms and armors, etc.

Limiting it to only arms or armors would require limiting how it applies when crafting wondrous items and that would be difficult (it is possible, wondrous items can be made either with spellcraft or with specific crafting or profession skills, so you can limit it to a single crafting or profession skill, but it is a bit awkward). Craft wondrous item is already the strongest crafting feat, so limiting other crafting feats but not it will simply make it even more powerful by comparison.

Lelomenia wrote:
And it’s a pretty bad feat, so it’s unclear why anyone would want to weaken it further.

I disagree. The main limiting factor for crafting in most AP is time. Everything that gives more crafting time is potentially worthwhile.

Different campaigns and playstyles can change that, but, generally, even homebrews campaigns don't have that much free time.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks everyone. Since it seems the concesus is that it coincides with the feats (and I can see the reason why), I think I'll rule it that way in my campaign.

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