Pathfinder Lost Omens: Highhelm

4.40/5 (based on 7 ratings)
Pathfinder Lost Omens: Highhelm
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Delve the mountain deep!

When the first dwarves reached the surface of Golarion, they built enormous keeps as a monument to their legacy and to serve as their new home. The mightiest of these keeps was Highhelm, a Sky Citadel deep in the Five Kings Mountains. While other Sky Citadels have fallen since the Quest for Sky, Highhelm holds strong, serving as one of the major centers of dwarven culture.

Lost Omens Highhelm delves deep into the Emperor's Peak to present Highhelm in all its glory. This book details everyday life in the city, dwarven culture, and the various clans that influence the Sky Citadel. It also provides a full gazetteer of the city's layers and surroundings, each with adventuring locations and sites of intrigue suitable for a multitude of adventures. An included poster map presents Highhelm's layers in high detail and serves as an aid for campaigns centered on the dwarven city. Characters looking for new options can visit Highhelm for new equipment, ancestry feats, animal companions, and more!

Written by: Dan Cascone, Caryn DiMarco, Dana Ebert, Sen H.H.S., Michelle Jones, Stephanie Lundeen, Liane Merciel, Matt Morris, Dave Nelson, Nathan Reinecke, Mikhail Rekun, Erin Roberts, Owen K.C. Stephens, Andrew White, and Shan Wolf.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-521-2

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Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Director of Marketing

5 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Saedar wrote:
keftiu wrote:
I wonder if any Azer might sneak into this - they're not technically dwarves, but their Bestiary writeup mentions some having arrived nearby as refugees recently. A timely inclusion with Rage of Elements around the corner!
I've always loved Azer! There's something about our stout burny bois that really calls to me. I've been building them as Ifrit-Dwarves, but a bespoke Ancestry/Heritage would be fun. Certainly more cultural information is welcome, too. The LO books have been some of my favorite gaming guides in several years.

The 2e Bestiary art for them is way too cute. I love them.

One wonders why they're explicitly *not* dwarves, given the resemblance and now their presence in FKM.

I think its similar to how majority of planar creature aren't "humans"

FWIW, the Pathfinder Wiki states of Angradd, "He also employs many azers, who forge weapons that his men wield in battle against fiends."

Also: Azers and Torag
"Priests of Torag can sometimes summon azers for short periods to assist them, and the god is said to be served by an azer diplomat named Ambassador Zurin."

So, the dwarven gods have connections to them. It makes one wonder. I also wonder what the Elemental Plane of Metal will add?

Aaron Shanks wrote:
I also wonder what the Elemental Plane of Metal will add?

Please, don't do this to us... I can't wait for Rage of Elements' product page to be up, with it's official product description.

I suppose you already have the product cover, although it's too soon to show it to us. I'm also eager to see it, specially for the grown up Yoon, that I'm certain will be featured on it.

Director of Marketing

7 people marked this as a favorite.
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
I also wonder what the Elemental Plane of Metal will add?

Please, don't do this to us... I can't wait for Rage of Elements' product page to be up, with it's official product description.

I suppose you already have the product cover, although it's too soon to show it to us. I'm also eager to see it, specially for the grown up Yoon, that I'm certain will be featured on it.

We are preparing too solicit Rage of Elements to distributors at the end of the month. I am waiting for a description and mock cover. I don't know any more than you do yet! :)


2 people marked this as a favorite.

D'ya think Highhelm has embassies and/or ethnic neighborhood for other dwarven ethnicities?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Somehow I doubt it that the unannounced AP James is so excited to tell us about is the big dwarf adventure people are expecting because of the Highhelm book.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

12 people marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:
Somehow I doubt it that the unannounced AP James is so excited to tell us about is the big dwarf adventure people are expecting because of the Highhelm book.

There are more unannounced Adventure Paths than the two I'm super excited to talk about. And there are are more stories that deserve to be told than those as well!

When will these announcements be made?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
When will these announcements be made?

That's not my call, but I hope soon.

Director of Marketing

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
When will these announcements be made?

We are starting to announce new products at the end of every month as they are solicited to to distributors 9 months ahead ahead of release. New products are added to the web store and we highlight featured products with media features and/or social media announcements of our own. July 2023 product announcements will occur this week. Highhelm is the most recent example. We may occasionally announce products earlier than that, such as at PaizoCon or Gen Con, at the CCO's discretion.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I’ll be eagerly refreshing all week!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

In anticipation of this one and Sky King's Tomb, I got curious about if Highhelm hosts any of the dwarven Rivethun spirit-talkers, and it turns out they do! The 1e Adventurer's Guide details the Smoldering Court, a "Rivethun monastery and nexus of spirit activity" that's a historic part of the city going back ages. There's also an interesting note that the Rivethun faith has spread to lots of non-dwarves, with the fascinating wording that it's grown "among humans, halflings, and especially half-orcs."

Fingers crossed Nenakari Ougor and her Smoldering Court make an appearance in this!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I can't believe how stoked I am for a book that's still so far out.

Director of Marketing

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Exclusive: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Sky King’s Tomb preview
Senior Pathfinder developer John Compton uncovers details for Mantle of Gold, the dwarf-heavy first volume in the upcoming Sky King’s Tomb Adventure Path

Aaron Shanks wrote:

Exclusive: Pathfinder Adventure Path: Sky King’s Tomb preview

Senior Pathfinder developer John Compton uncovers details for Mantle of Gold, the dwarf-heavy first volume in the upcoming Sky King’s Tomb Adventure Path

That sounds so good!

I'm really hoping that Highhelm has more stuff than just the Stalwart Defender (though I'm very stoked about this, as well). Been looking for Foehammer and Stoneheart and other popular dwarf goodies for quite a while now.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
keftiu wrote:

In anticipation of this one and Sky King's Tomb, I got curious about if Highhelm hosts any of the dwarven Rivethun spirit-talkers, and it turns out they do! The 1e Adventurer's Guide details the Smoldering Court, a "Rivethun monastery and nexus of spirit activity" that's a historic part of the city going back ages. There's also an interesting note that the Rivethun faith has spread to lots of non-dwarves, with the fascinating wording that it's grown "among humans, halflings, and especially half-orcs."

Fingers crossed Nenakari Ougor and her Smoldering Court make an appearance in this!

Ohhh this has me really excited! We haven't gotten much Rivethun discussion in 2e so far if I recall.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
pixierose wrote:
keftiu wrote:

In anticipation of this one and Sky King's Tomb, I got curious about if Highhelm hosts any of the dwarven Rivethun spirit-talkers, and it turns out they do! The 1e Adventurer's Guide details the Smoldering Court, a "Rivethun monastery and nexus of spirit activity" that's a historic part of the city going back ages. There's also an interesting note that the Rivethun faith has spread to lots of non-dwarves, with the fascinating wording that it's grown "among humans, halflings, and especially half-orcs."

Fingers crossed Nenakari Ougor and her Smoldering Court make an appearance in this!

Ohhh this has me really excited! We haven't gotten much Rivethun discussion in 2e so far if I recall.

Pretty much none, I believe - they're presented as a Background in LOWG, but so devoid of context as to not say much at all. I'd be glad to see them get some 2e spotlight, between being a uniquely-Golarion dwarf thing, being fun trans representation, and being some of my best chances at playable Shamans

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
pixierose wrote:
keftiu wrote:

In anticipation of this one and Sky King's Tomb, I got curious about if Highhelm hosts any of the dwarven Rivethun spirit-talkers, and it turns out they do! The 1e Adventurer's Guide details the Smoldering Court, a "Rivethun monastery and nexus of spirit activity" that's a historic part of the city going back ages. There's also an interesting note that the Rivethun faith has spread to lots of non-dwarves, with the fascinating wording that it's grown "among humans, halflings, and especially half-orcs."

Fingers crossed Nenakari Ougor and her Smoldering Court make an appearance in this!

Ohhh this has me really excited! We haven't gotten much Rivethun discussion in 2e so far if I recall.
Pretty much none, I believe - they're presented as a Background in LOWG, but so devoid of context as to not say much at all. I'd be glad to see them get some 2e spotlight, between being a uniquely-Golarion dwarf thing, being fun trans representation, and being some of my best chances at playable Shamans

Agreed on all accounts, One of my favorite aspects of the setting.

Wikl this book discuss interactions with other dwarven kingdomz, i.e. the one fron Agr of Ashes?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Am I the only one that really wants to known what will the book following this one cover? Another one of the inner sea regions? Another continent? Yet another faction? Or maybe something along the lines of Lost Omens Legends? I can't wait to see the announcements for the next half of this year.

Director of Marketing

10 people marked this as a favorite.
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Am I the only one that really wants to known what will the book following this one cover? Another one of the inner sea regions? Another continent? Yet another faction? Or maybe something along the lines of Lost Omens Legends? I can't wait to see the announcements for the next half of this year.

We announce October products at the end of February, November products by the end of March, and December products by the end of April. By PaizoCon Online in May you will be hearing about 2024!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Am I the only one that really wants to known what will the book following this one cover? Another one of the inner sea regions? Another continent? Yet another faction? Or maybe something along the lines of Lost Omens Legends? I can't wait to see the announcements for the next half of this year.
We announce October products at the end of February, November products by the end of March, and December products by the end of April. By PaizoCon Online in May you will be hearing about 2024!

It's March, but the October AP volume remains a secret.

logic_poet wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Am I the only one that really wants to known what will the book following this one cover? Another one of the inner sea regions? Another continent? Yet another faction? Or maybe something along the lines of Lost Omens Legends? I can't wait to see the announcements for the next half of this year.
We announce October products at the end of February, November products by the end of March, and December products by the end of April. By PaizoCon Online in May you will be hearing about 2024!
It's March, but the October AP volume remains a secret.

The official Paizo twitter account said to keep an eye out for something tomorrow afternoon.

It's worth remembering that Wargamer now has exclusive preview rights for certain Pathfinder things, also.

Has the announcement been made?

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Has the announcement been made?

Just went up.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Has the announcement been made?
Just went up.


Director of Marketing

3 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
logic_poet wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Am I the only one that really wants to known what will the book following this one cover? Another one of the inner sea regions? Another continent? Yet another faction? Or maybe something along the lines of Lost Omens Legends? I can't wait to see the announcements for the next half of this year.
We announce October products at the end of February, November products by the end of March, and December products by the end of April. By PaizoCon Online in May you will be hearing about 2024!
It's March, but the October AP volume remains a secret.

The official Paizo twitter account said to keep an eye out for something tomorrow afternoon.

It's worth remembering that Wargamer now has exclusive preview rights for certain Pathfinder things, also.

Meh, not exclusive. Some announcements are worth doing ourselves. Plus, if iO9, Polygon, or IGN want to compete for Wargamer's preview position, I'll let them. ;)

Neat! I’d misunderstood that agreement.

Director of Marketing

4 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
Neat! I’d misunderstood that agreement.

I appreciate your Forum guidance!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Here is hoping to the Dwarven pantheon getting longer write ups in this book.

Paizo Employee Rule and Lore Creative Director

16 people marked this as a favorite.

It is! Angradd, Bolka, Dranngvit, Folgrit, Grundinnar, Kols, Magrim, and Trudd each get a writeup and piece of art. There's also a fair amount on the dwarven pantheon as a collective.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Luis Loza wrote:
It is! Angradd, Bolka, Dranngvit, Folgrit, Grundinnar, Kols, Magrim, and Trudd each get a writeup and piece of art. There's also a fair amount on the dwarven pantheon as a collective.


Director of Marketing

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Back cover text:

Delve the Mountain Deep!
When the first dwarves reached the surface of Golarion, they constructed enormous keeps to serve as their new home. The mightiest of these keeps was Highhelm, a Sky Citadel built deep within the Five Kings Mountains. While other Sky Citadels have fallen since those ancient days, Highhelm holds strong, serving as one of the major centers of dwarven culture. Delve into the Emperor’s Peak to experience Highhelm in all its glory. Learn about everyday life in the city, dwarven culture, and the various clans who influence the Sky Citadel. Explore the city’s layers and surroundings, each featuring mysterious locations and sites of intrigue suitable for a multitude of adventures. Brave heroes and canny adventurers can even visit Highhelm for animal companions, martial training, new equipment, and more! What secrets will you find in the depths of Highhelm?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My vibration from excitement is only intensifying. I've ultrasonically welded components of my chair.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This release sorta crept up on me. Excited to see it in a couple months!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Next month is suddenly so soon!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Oh! I think this might be the last Lost Omens book that will release under the OGL?

I'm really looking forward to this book, I haven't seen much of the existing lore on dwarves in Golarion so it'll all be fresh for me :) Also a friendly reminder to the Marketing team to please update the LO Subscription so that we can start with this product!

Will the rrmaster project impact this book?

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Will the rrmaster project impact this book?

This book comes out next month, so more than likely, no.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

If this book was going to be affected by the remaster, Paizo would have said so already.

How many pages is this?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GGSigmar wrote:
How many pages is this?

Amazon has it at 136 pages.

Luis Loza wrote:
It is! Angradd, Bolka, Dranngvit, Folgrit, Grundinnar, Kols, Magrim, and Trudd each get a writeup and piece of art. There's also a fair amount on the dwarven pantheon as a collective.

I was really tempted to make a cleric of Magrim to play in the Abomination Vaults game I am in, but for some reason, probably my background, had to go with the Osirion pantheon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will the cover be updated after Paizo Con?

Will duergar information be in this book, especially in light of the information provided at Paizo Con?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Did I miss a window to subscribe and get this book at launch?

Breeding wrote:
Did I miss a window to subscribe and get this book at launch?

Have you looked at the subscription options?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Breeding wrote:
Did I miss a window to subscribe and get this book at launch?
Have you looked at the subscription options?

Yes, Impossible Lands, and Firebrands are the two books currently available as options both of which I got through other means before realizing subscriptions existed.

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