Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-03: Linnorm's Legacy

3.20/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th- through 8th-level characters.

King Estrid of the Ironbound Islands has put out a call for Pathfinders to explore the Island of the Ancestors, but first the Society must earn her approval. Gorm Greathammer, a prince, warrior, and the leader of the Grand Archive faction, has traveled to Halgrim to meet with King Estrid—and her crag linnorm companion, Boiltongue—and forge a new allegiance for the Society. Talks have been going well, but the arrival of Boiltongue’s children in the city has thrown everything into chaos! Gorm senses that the negotiations are about to collapse, and sends for a team of Pathfinders to help keep an eye on Boiltongue’s children while he wraps up talks with King Estrid. Babysitting five rambunctious linnorm siblings is about as easy as it sounds (which is to say, not at all), and the Pathfinders are about to have their hands full!

Written by Jessica Catalan

Scenario tags: Faction (Grand Archive, Verdant Wheel)

[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]

The following maps used in this scenario are also available for purchase here on

  • Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Hill Country
  • Pathfinder Flip-Mat: City Sites Multi-Pack
  • Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Society Scenario Subscription.

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    Crookscale is the worst


    "Oh no! I hate these sheep that I am currently eating and will continue to eat unless someone suggests eating wild goats instead!

    "Oh no! I can't Fly or Swim because I'm afraid of everything!

    "Oh no! I've Flown onto a boat, and now I'm trapped here because, as I just mentioned, I CAN'T FLY OR SWIM!

    "Oh cool! This stranger has candy in her van! I guess I'll go in because I'm definitely not afraid of anything."

    This entire stupid plotline depends on the everyone completely forgetting then occasionally remembering extremely important things. I usually focus on the combat aspects, but this story is just awful.

    Also, I'll put a specific encounter in a spoiler below because it sums up the quality of the storyline.

    The guards approach you and the linnorm children.
    One of the children laughs at the guards.
    The guards get angry and draw their weapons.
    The linnorm child laughs even harder.
    The guards acknowledge that they cannot harm the linnorm child because his father protects the city. But they need compensation for their hurt feelings, so they are still going to kill you, the Pathfinders.

    So about the linnorm children...


    Year ago I was like "Eh its not my thing, other people like it decently" but this year I'm like "time to actually give feedback"...

    ...So uh... I just found the children to not be that memorable? I mean, their art is kinda ugly cute like pugs, their personalities are various form of children character archetypes. Aka... They don't really feel like linnorms?

    Like idea of babysitting young dragons is perfectly up to my alley. But this adventure could have went for more xenofiction kind of approach where they could have treated children less like human children but large reptiles. As they are written, you could give exact characterization to giant toddlers and nothing would change about the characters. That really bothers me because it feels like good premise isn't used to its best to make something fascinating.

    Linnorm brats


    Linnorm was a skill and roleplay-based scenario with trivial combat.

    Being a chaperone and servant of a bunch of psycho entitled brats, isn’t my idea of a good time. Next time, leave the option open where we just kill them all and fail the mission (like Frostfur Captives). I would have taken it. There are enough entitled brats with no accountability in the real world already, we don’t need to waste our fantasy time about it.

    In addition to the obnoxious roleplay, it felt like a never-ending gauntlet of skill checks. The scenario ran long, more than 4 hours.

    There were also several situations that made no sense.:

    For example, the "brave" sailors that get so scared of the visiting Linnorm children, they jump out of their boats and into the water, effectively killing them because apparently they don’t know how to swim (and apparently don't know that cold water from polar regions can instantly paralyze you when entering the water), and we need to rescue them (by swimming out to a flailing person drowning)...

    It was also annoying that Linnorms, who only have animal intelligence (which distinguishes them from dragons), had Linnorm CHILDREN that were often smarter than most NPCs!

    Another annoyance is with Paizo overall. Why is everything that was evil, now being turned into something cute? Are we in some 1984 experiment? The list could go on and on for pages, but Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Kolbolds and now Linnorms were all evil, but are now the good guys. There are no bad guys left. Oh, I guess there are the Duergar, because, you know, slavery.

    Overall: A never-ending skill check gauntlet while taking care of a group of psychopathic entitled brats, without the agency to correct them, was horrible. (1/10)

    Solid Story Ruined by Mechanical Design


    As player: 6 players, 28 CP, 4h. As GM: 6 players, 23 CP, 3h45.

    The good: The storyline. Mind you, this is personal preference. My tables (on both sides of the screen) loved the storyline. So did I. A few others I know, despised it. I enjoy a more lightheartened plot for a change and something a little different that stands alone and not tied to a metaplot; meanwhile others I know felt that escorting them throughout town is dull. I did my best to roleplay the linnorms as best as possible and heavy roleplaying is what will bring this to life. My GM, at the time I played it, did a terrific job playing the linnorms as well and he’s not much of a roleplayer either. Some minimal effort by the GM will go a long way here. I’m not close to being the best voice actor in the world, but my players seemed entertained and happy by it. And I had fun roleplaying them.

    I would also like to see these linnorms in a future adventure. Maybe when they are older.

    I give the storyline a 9/10.

    The bad: The combats were almost too easy. As players, we had a balanced team and we steamrolled through the combats. Almost too quickly, which is surprising for high tier, on both sides of the screen. When I ran this table, the players also steamrolled the combats. A number of them appeared bored.

    The ugly: The mechanical design of the skill check challenges. This is what I felt torpedoed the scenario despite extensive work on presentation in Foundry and trying to roleplay as best as possible. If your team didn’t have at least two social characters, you were going to struggle, not just through one skill challenge but ALL of them. This scenario was heavily weighted towards skill challenges, which is one thing in of itself. But, only a pool of repetitive 1-3 hard social checks over multiple skill check challenges made my players felt like they were banging their head against a wall for the better part of three hours (to literally quote one of them).

    I will openly admit that I tried to pull some creative GMing, I allowed additional skills as long as they were germane to the action going on, but it just owes to how flawed the design was. I’m aware that these challenges should be quite difficult to achieve, and yes I’m aware that storyline wise, the Pathfinder Society needed to demonstrate poise, but mechanically, it was proving (for lack of a better word) one-dimensional. Since the scenario was pushing social skills and poise, I tried to incentive my players to roleplay what they were doing if they could get creative with a non-face check, but Foundry didn’t cooperate. Ah well, this is a dice game after all. But at least fewer people were on the sidelines and non-face characters (in this case, the whole table, although I think someone had a 14 cha) felt like they could have a chance.

    In the end, the narrowness of the challenge was not a problem because of missing some of the 10 treasure bundles, but it was the feeling of the repetitive checks across three challenges (and a good chunk of time compared to nearly any other scenario I have played in PFS 2e) that is the problem. If it was just ONE challenge, this wouldn’t have been as big deal to me.

    I give the mechanical design (at most) a 3/10. GMs can try to get creative here to get around this, but again it’s more work for the GM.

    Additional notes: Lesser experienced GMs may struggle as there is a lot to keep track of, so more extensive prep is required. I did not have issue with this, but others may well.

    Final verdict: Great storyline, subpar mechanical design. As a player it was beyond frustrating. As a GM, I felt I bent over backwards to keep my players happy whilst staying true to what the scenario appeared to be pushing but it had to be said.

    Delightful scenario but a bit of a pain to GM.


    I love everything about the linnorm children and it was a blast to run this scenario. There's a lot of bookeeping for the GM to track however, which is a pain, especially in the third event.

    There's also a couple pain points from the GM side of the table:


    In the third event, my players managed to complete everything I had for them to do before round 5 thanks to very good rolls. The scenario doesn't really account for this. It also could have had some explicit handling for "what if the PCs are trying to talk down Crookscale" - he has nothing given, since his rolls are all for after he falls in (which is scheduled for after my players had cleared everything else... I just had him fall in right then but).

    In the fourth event... I was at a loss at how to lead my players into confronting Efrith. In the end they just kept talking to Crookscale to ask him to leave and I couldn't think of a way to lead them to the investigation without just telling them it was there.

    That said, my complaints are basically entirely under the hood/behind the screen. I think this is a wonderful scenario and I look forward to further antics of these kids. (Clearly they're going to accompany the expedition, right? Right?)

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    Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Announced for August! Cover and product description are not final and are subject to change.

    I really like the side image with the linnorn behind the person.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I love the linnorn behind the Ulfen lady!

    Silver Crusade

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Yay! Linnorms! Baby Linnorms!

    Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
    I love the linnorn behind the Ulfen lady!

    Same, I've wanted to know more about Estrid and Boiltongue for awhile.

    Rysky wrote:

    Yay! Linnorms! Baby Linnorms!

    Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
    I love the linnorn behind the Ulfen lady!
    Same, I've wanted to know more about Estrid and Boiltongue for awhile.

    I do not pay much attention to the Ulfen Lore, preferring Cheliax and Kyonin, myself. I do love this picture.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
    Rysky wrote:

    Yay! Linnorms! Baby Linnorms!

    Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
    I love the linnorn behind the Ulfen lady!
    Same, I've wanted to know more about Estrid and Boiltongue for awhile.
    I do not pay much attention to the Ulfen Lore, preferring Cheliax and Kyonin, myself. I do love this picture.

    White Estrid is one of the newer Linnorm Kings, having controversially recruited Boiltongue to her service after besting him in battle, rather than killing the wyrm as all other Linnorm Kings do when they earn the title.

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Also Runewulf, captain of Graycloaks from Absalom, is her cousin.

    Grand Archive

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    She technically brought back the Linnorn's head... nobody ever said it *needed* to be severed.

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Cover and map list updated.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    I played this today as part of Gencon Online and thoroughly enjoyed it. I just wish I could leave a review.

    Grand Lodge

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Great story, charming narrative connective tissue, and the artwork is excellent. That said, mechanically it's very heavy on the skill check challenges, and among the skill check challenges, its specifically VERY heavily weighted towards the Charisma-based skill checks. Make sure you bring multiple face characters if you can.

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Heads-up: the PDF for this adventure was updated today. Nothing changed about the adventures, but initially there were only five player slots on the sign-in sheet instead of six. This has been corrected!

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    My players all agree: we must protect Brulivex at all costs. Though the combats were a little thin (especially the justification and development of Event 5), they mostly got out of the way and left more room to explore the charming village of Halgrim. Overall, this scenario was very well written. Highly recommend

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Error on page 12:

    The scenario offers a chance for PCs to make a Profession (instructor or teacher) check. Looks like someone was thinking PF1 for a bit there - what should the check be?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    When I saw the title and location I was hoping for some Ulfen(or viking) Lore and adventure. Instead we get Nightmares in babysitting - babysit 5 spoiled brats. Not my thing that's for sure. I 'll defiantly have to keep a much closer eye on what scenarios I want to play after this one.

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