Valantrix1 |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Valantrix1 wrote:Looks great! New undead companions really peeks my interest.Pedantic note: interest is “piqued,” not peeked! One of those weird obscure homophones.
Thank you. I knew it wasn't right, but for the life of me I couldn't remember the proper way. Being blind doesn't help when you are trying to look it up either.

AidAnotherBattleHerald |
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I hope this comes with at least a GM suggestion of how a follower of Arazni can get at least some betrayal in. I'm on board for the non-good alignment campaign,
it's hype, but I've always wanted to get some revenge in for my favorite evil goddess. I would die to haunt the Blood Lords in her name.

Berselius |

Damn, I was hoping Geb would finally get tired of brooding and launch an all out offense against the archmage Nex and all the other major powers of Garund thus forcing the PC's to develop an alliance of nations and kingdoms to finally bring an end to the ghostly necromancer king!
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we're getting another Adventure Path but sadly it's one I'm not really interested in playing due to the nature of needing "less than good" PC's.

keftiu |
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Damn, I was hoping Geb would finally get tired of brooding and launch an all out offense against the archmage Nex and all the other major powers of Garund thus forcing the PC's to develop an alliance of nations and kingdoms to finally bring an end to the ghostly necromancer king!
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we're getting another Adventure Path but sadly it's one I'm not really interested in playing due to the nature of needing "less than good" PC's.
Nex still hasn't returned (though it does seem imminent, and may even happen in this AP), but this one has pretty firmly been "you're on the side of the Gebbite state" since it was first announced.
But hey, it'll still have cool stuff to loot, even if you don't run it - the Holomog material we're getting in a later volume has me giddy.

keftiu |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ye! Love the Backmatter articles.
Also Nex's return from the Worldscape would cause more fear than anything. I'm not saying Geb is the lesser of two evils here, but I'm also not not saying that.
Geb is seemingly bound in terms of where he can travel, and has managed to avoid starting any wars of conquest for a remarkably long time; his nation is undoubtedly evil (the whole 'eating living people at a massive scale' thing), but remains a pretty peaceful neighbor.
We have every reason to believe a returned Nex would show no such restraint, and would likely pop out of the Refuge with a blasting wand in each hand. I imagine just about everyone with any shred of power in the region wants to keep that from happening - this might be the AP where that comes up.

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On sidenote though, if Nex IS this AP's final boss, that would take out Geb as well since his reason for staying connected tot his world would get done.
But if Nex is involved here and Worldscape stuff is canon, releasing Nex's "collection"(likely including such as Count Ranalc) would have lot of implications :D

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On the matter of Nex, I am still highly upset that the Crux and Refuge of Nex aren't collectively known as "the Nexus".
Thank you for coming to my Nex Talk.
The Pathfinder Society was similarly upset, so they named their lodge in Quantium "Nexus House" to maintain proper balance in the universe.
Anyway, I can't wait until everyone gets a chance to see the guts of this delightfully disgusting adventure.

Ched Greyfell |

Yea. I'm sure they said "less-than-good-hearted" because there are likely themes a LG paladin or similar good character would struggle with. And suggesting a less-than-good character will maximize the opportunity for fun times.

Aaron Shanks Marketing & Media Manager |
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Is this first module still on track to hit in Mid July still?
*Looks at you with the justin timberlake stare gif.* Tom. Why do you ask these questions when you know international shipping chaos is beyond the oracles' and precogs' knowing? ;)
The release date is still targeted as 7/27.


@ Aaron :)
Well, if one just might be trying to set up a game for this and I want to be a player instead of GMing it at first. So looking for a Free GM and 5 other players on a certain VTT site posting.......
And from hard earned experience with doing these types of things many times before, finding the right 5 of a 6 party group fairly easy. A good free GM, not so much as it needs lots of lead time as possible to find and Discord voice vet em, just "saying" So any scrap of info for those in the know is quite vital for things like this bud.
See my thought process a bit better now on the intent of the post above?

Aaron Shanks Marketing & Media Manager |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

@ Aaron :)
Well, if one just might be trying to set up a game for this and I want to be a player instead of GMing it at first. So looking for a Free GM and 5 other players on a certain VTT site posting.......
And from hard earned experience with doing these types of things many times before, finding the right 5 of a 6 party group fairly easy. A good free GM, not so much as it needs lots of lead time as possible to find and Discord voice vet em, just "saying" So any scrap of info for those in the know is quite vital for things like this bud.
See my thought process a bit better now on the intent of the post above?
I tease. Your desire to know to valid. But we will not know if any product is on track until it is in our warehouse, for the foreseeable future. When we know it is off track, we update the preorder date. I hope that helps.


Yep, yep, I teased ya back bud, plus a chance to see what I'm thinking about when I ask questions some might go "WTF, is'nt it so obvious?" kinda thing.
All is well in the world, as long as Roll20 follows through and has it day 1 with the hi Res maps you give em :)
I really think and hope this might be a huge groundbreaking take on Paizo AP's. Ya I know I should'nt get my hopes (and dreams) up to high, but ya know, that can be half the fun waiting for cool new product themes never really done this way before :)
And to be a player instead of GMing this!! Ha Ha

keftiu |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I’m super curious about the outset of this AP, in terms of how the characters are actually employed. Are the Blood Lords formalized and centralized enough to have an organization of troubleshooters at their command, or are the PCs working for a specific one? Is there a government agency in Geb with adventurers on the roster?

Ron Lundeen Pathfinder Development Manager |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
I’m super curious about the outset of this AP, in terms of how the characters are actually employed. Are the Blood Lords formalized and centralized enough to have an organization of troubleshooters at their command, or are the PCs working for a specific one? Is there a government agency in Geb with adventurers on the roster?
They're working for a specific one. She's on the cover!

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keftiu wrote:They're working for a specific one. She's on the cover!I’m super curious about the outset of this AP, in terms of how the characters are actually employed. Are the Blood Lords formalized and centralized enough to have an organization of troubleshooters at their command, or are the PCs working for a specific one? Is there a government agency in Geb with adventurers on the roster?
I cannot wait to see this cover mate!