Pathfinder Player Character Pawn Collection

Pathfinder Player Character Pawn Collection

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Show off your character with the Player Character Pawn Collection, featuring more than 200 pawns for use with Pathfinder Second Edition or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn presents a beautiful full-color image to represent a wide variety of player characters! Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Bestiary Box collections or the Pathfinder Pawns Base Assortment, making the pawns easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures.

There's one pawn for every combination of ancestry and class from the Core Rulebook. This product also supports the Advanced Player's Guide, with a selection of pawns for every new ancestry in that book, a pawn for each archetype, as well as a pawn for every combination of Core Rulebook ancestry and Advanced Player's Guide class. You'll also find a selection of pawns for the ancestries in Lost Omens Character Guide, as well as multiple familiars and animal companions!

The player characters of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Advanced Player's Guide come to life on your tabletop! Each has its own abbreviation and identification number for easy sorting. The Pathfinder Player Character Pawn Collection includes:

Ancestry/Class combinations

  1. Aasimar Champion
  2. Aasimar Cleric
  3. Aasimar Monk
  4. Aasimar Oracle
  5. Aasimar Swashbuckler
  6. Catfolk Fighter
  7. Catfolk Investigator
  8. Catfolk Rogue
  9. Catfolk Swashbuckler
  10. Catfolk Wizard
  11. Changeling Barbarian
  12. Changeling Druid
  13. Changeling Fighter
  14. Changeling Rogue
  15. Changeling Witch
  16. Dhampir Fighter
  17. Dhampir Investigator
  18. Dhampir Rogue
  19. Dhampir Sorcerer
  20. Dhampir Wizard
  21. Duskwalker Cleric
  22. Duskwalker Fighter
  23. Duskwalker Investigator
  24. Duskwalker Ranger
  25. Duskwalker Sorcerer
  26. Dwarf Alchemist
  27. Dwarf Barbarian
  28. Dwarf Bard
  29. Dwarf Champion
  30. Dwarf Cleric
  31. Dwarf Druid
  32. Dwarf Fighter
  33. Dwarf Investigator
  34. Dwarf Monk
  35. Dwarf Oracle
  36. Dwarf Ranger
  37. Dwarf Rogue
  38. Dwarf Sorcerer
  39. Dwarf Swashbuckler
  40. Dwarf Witch
  41. Dwarf Wizard
  42. Elf Alchemist
  43. Elf Barbarian
  44. Elf Bard
  45. Elf Champion
  46. Elf Cleric
  47. Elf Druid
  48. Elf Fighter
  49. Elf Investigator
  50. Elf Monk
  51. Elf Oracle
  52. Elf Ranger
  53. Elf Rogue
  1. Elf Sorcerer
  2. Elf Swashbuckler
  3. Elf Witch
  4. Elf Wizard
  5. Gnome Alchemist
  6. Gnome Barbarian
  7. Gnome Bard
  8. Gnome Champion
  9. Gnome Cleric
  10. Gnome Druid
  11. Gnome Fighter
  12. Gnome Investigator
  13. Gnome Monk
  14. Gnome Oracle
  15. Gnome Ranger
  16. Gnome Rogue
  17. Gnome Sorcerer
  18. Gnome Swashbuckler
  19. Gnome Witch
  20. Gnome Wizard
  21. Goblin Alchemist
  22. Goblin Barbarian
  23. Goblin Bard
  24. Goblin Champion
  25. Goblin Cleric
  26. Goblin Druid
  27. Goblin Fighter
  28. Goblin Investigator
  29. Goblin Monk
  30. Goblin Oracle
  31. Goblin Ranger
  32. Goblin Rogue
  33. Goblin Sorcerer
  34. Goblin Swashbuckler
  35. Goblin Witch
  36. Goblin Wizard
  37. Half-Elf Alchemist
  38. Half-Elf Barbarian
  39. Half-Elf Bard
  40. Half-Elf Champion
  41. Half-Elf Cleric
  42. Half-Elf Druid
  43. Half-Elf Fighter
  44. Half-Elf Investigator
  45. Half-Elf Monk
  46. Half-Elf Oracle
  47. Half-Elf Ranger
  48. Half-Elf Rogue
  49. Half-Elf Sorcerer
  50. Half-Elf Swashbuckler
  51. Half-Elf Witch
  52. Half-Elf Wizard
  53. Half-Orc Alchemist
  54. Half-Orc Barbarian
  55. Half-Orc Bard
  56. Half-Orc Champion
  1. Half-Orc Cleric
  2. Half-Orc Druid
  3. Half-Orc Fighter
  4. Half-Orc Investigator
  5. Half-Orc Monk
  6. Half-Orc Oracle
  7. Half-Orc Ranger
  8. Half-Orc Rogue
  9. Half-Orc Sorcerer
  10. Half-Orc Swashbuckler
  11. Half-Orc Witch
  12. Half-Orc Wizard
  13. Halfling Alchemist
  14. Halfling Barbarian
  15. Halfling Bard
  16. Halfling Cleric
  17. Halfling Druid
  18. Halfling Fighter
  19. Halfling Investigator
  20. Halfling Monk
  21. Halfling Oracle
  22. Halfling Ranger
  23. Halfling Rogue
  24. Halfling Sorcerer
  25. Halfling Swashbuckler
  26. Halfling Witch
  27. Halfling Wizard
  28. Hobgoblin Alchemist
  29. Hobgoblin Fighter
  30. Hobgoblin Witch
  31. Human Alchemist
  32. Human Alchemist
  33. Human Alchemist
  34. Human Barbarian
  35. Human Barbarian
  36. Human Barbarian
  37. Human Bard
  38. Human Bard
  39. Human Champion
  40. Human Champion
  41. Human Champion
  42. Human Cleric
  43. Human Cleric
  44. Human Druid
  45. Human Druid
  46. Human Fighter
  47. Human Fighter
  48. Human Investigator
  49. Human Investigator
  50. Human Monk
  51. Human Monk
  1. Human Monk
  2. Human Oracle
  3. Human Oracle
  4. Human Ranger
  5. Human Ranger
  6. Human Ranger
  7. Human Rogue
  8. Human Rogue
  9. Human Sorcerer
  10. Human Sorcerer
  11. Human Swashbuckler
  12. Human Swashbuckler
  13. Human Witch
  14. Human Witch
  15. Human Wizard
  16. Human Wizard
  17. Human Wizard
  18. Kobold Alchemist
  19. Kobold Cleric
  20. Kobold Ranger
  21. Kobold Rogue
  22. Kobold Sorcerer
  23. Leshy Druid
  24. Leshy Monk
  25. Leshy Ranger
  26. Leshy Rogue
  27. Lizardfolk Cleric
  28. Lizardfolk Fighter
  29. Lizardfolk Ranger
  30. Lizardfolk Rogue
  31. Orc Alchemist
  32. Orc Barbarian
  33. Orc Fighter
  34. Orc Oracle
  35. Orc Ranger
  36. Ratfolk Alchemist
  37. Ratfolk Bard
  38. Ratfolk Cleric
  39. Ratfolk Investigator
  40. Ratfolk Wizard
  41. Tengu Bard
  42. Tengu Oracle
  43. Tengu Rogue
  44. Tengu Wizard
  45. Tiefling Cleric
  46. Tiefling Fighter
  47. Tiefling Monk
  48. Tiefling Sorcerer
  49. Tiefling Witch


  1. Catfolk Dual-Weapon Disciple
  2. Dwarf Sentinel
  3. Elf Eldritch Archer
  4. Elf Herbalist
  5. Elf Shadowdancer
  6. Gnome Linguist
  7. Gnome Loremaster
  8. Goblin Scrounger
  9. Half-Elf Acrobat
  10. Half-Elf Celebrity
  1. Half-Orc Assassin
  2. Half-Orc Gladiator
  3. Halfling Familiar Master
  4. Human Archaeologist
  5. Human Archer
  6. Human Bastion
  7. Human Beastmaster
  8. Human Blessed One
  9. Human Bounty Hunter
  10. Human Cavalier
  1. Human Cavalier (Mounted)
  2. Human Dandy
  3. Human Dragon Disciple
  4. Human Duelist
  5. Human Horizon Walker
  6. Human Marshal
  7. Human Martial Artist
  8. Human Medic
  9. Human Poisoner
  10. Human Ritualist
  1. Human Scout
  2. Human Scroll Trickster
  3. Human Vigilante
  4. Human Vigilante (Social)
  5. Human Viking
  6. Human Weapon Improviser
  7. Kobold Snarecrafter
  8. Orc Mauler
  9. Orc Talisman Dabbler
  10. Tengu Pirate

Animal Companions

  1. Ape Companion
  2. Arboreal Companion
  3. Badger Companion
  4. Bat Companion
  5. Bear Companion
  6. Bird Companion
  7. Boar Companion
  8. Cat Companion
  1. Crocodile Companion
  2. Dromaeosaur Companion
  3. Horse Companion
  4. Pony Companion
  5. Rat Companion
  6. Riding Dog Companion
  7. Riding Drake Companion
  8. Scorpion Companion
  1. Shark Companion
  2. Snake Companion
  3. Wolf Companion
  4. Bat Familiar
  5. Cat Familiar
  6. Faerie Dragon Familiar
  7. Fox Familiar
  8. Homunculus Familiar
  1. Imp Familiar
  2. Leshy Familiar
  3. Lizard Familiar
  4. Owl Familiar
  5. Rat Familiar
  6. Raven Familiar
  7. Serpent Famliar
  8. Spellslime Familiar
  9. Toad Familiar

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-293-8

Product Availability

Print Edition:



Fulfilled immediately.

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51 to 79 of 79 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | next > last >>

Add my name to the growing list of new converts interested in buying this pack. I’ve already bought the Beginner’s Box, and pawns for the AV and Bestiary. I’d buy this one in a heartbeat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I somehow missed this product until today! I’m so disappointed that it is out of stock! If it comes back, it is a guaranteed purchase from me. I miss pawns and have a great need for them at the society organized play tables I now run.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

No longer part of the pawn line? This should be a core product. New players (I have 5 just this weekend) really want and need these! Add me to the growing list of people who want this product.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Really wish these were still in print. There are pawns for all sorts of monsters and npcs, but not a good diversity of pawns for PCs currently in print.

Director of Marketing

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll carry your wish to have these back in stock up the ladder.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I will also chime in! I’m a new pf2e DM who managed to convert some 5e players as well as some brand new ttrpg players to play pf2e. I bought all of the available battle cards and pawn boxes and I’m only missing bestiary 1 pawn box and the pc pawns, which are both on my instabuy list. I would happily pay now if Paizo offered back orders to help them gauge interest for additional print runs. Now that more and more folks are able to play in-person again it seems like a good time for Paizo to consider keeping the existing core pawns available. The beginners box really sells new coverts on the awesomeness of the pawn line. Thank you and good luck Paizo!

Director of Marketing

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have spoken to the team. This product will not be reprinted at this time, but there is a plan and we will announce it in time.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sounds good. Thank you for the response. I really wanted this product due to the versitily of NPC (plus players as advertised of course). Kept waiting till I had an in person game to justify the expense. Hopefully the announcement will provide a suitable alternative :)

If I buy this product as a PDF am I legally allowed to send it to a shop to print them out on cardboard stock and cut them out for me?

Ruderasta wrote:
If I buy this product as a PDF am I legally allowed to send it to a shop to print them out on cardboard stock and cut them out for me?

Yes. Here's the relevant FAQ

Can I print my PDF, or have it professionally printed?
You may print one copy of any Paizo PDF for personal use. Note that this only applies to products that list Paizo Publishing or Paizo Inc as the copyright holder—other publishers may have different policies; you'll need to contact them directly.

Dancing Wind wrote:
Ruderasta wrote:
If I buy this product as a PDF am I legally allowed to send it to a shop to print them out on cardboard stock and cut them out for me?

Yes. Here's the relevant FAQ

Can I print my PDF, or have it professionally printed?
You may print one copy of any Paizo PDF for personal use. Note that this only applies to products that list Paizo Publishing or Paizo Inc as the copyright holder—other publishers may have different policies; you'll need to contact them directly.

Awesome thank you so much!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

+1 for these being reprinted! I understand why the AP specific ones may not be but these would be fantastic for nearly every table!

I would not even mind a VTT token pack!

Looks like in March 2023 this was reprinted. I wish I saw that announcement. I missed it.

So it's unavailable again. Since we do have the updated books, and we are screaming off the rooftops that this is not, NOT A NEW EDITION, any chance we can see these one more time before they change to the newer version that will come maybe by the beginning of 2025, or so?

I love your Pawns! They should be marketed to all the fantasy games.

Director of Marketing

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rez00rekt wrote:

Looks like in March 2023 this was reprinted. I wish I saw that announcement. I missed it.

So it's unavailable again. Since we do have the updated books, and we are screaming off the rooftops that this is not, NOT A NEW EDITION, any chance we can see these one more time before they change to the newer version that will come maybe by the beginning of 2025, or so?

I love your Pawns! They should be marketed to all the fantasy games.

Thanks! We certainly market our pawns, maps, and many other products as good for many games.

This was not reprinted. We found a few more in the warehouse and sold them.

While this product will not be reprinted at this time, we have more pawns on the schedule.

Aaron Shanks,
Thanks for addressing my request. I have a question about the Maps. I don't want to buy the wrong one. I was at a convention where there was a 2ft x 3ft map of a town. On one side was the interior of the buildings of a small town On the other side were rooftops.

The Building interiors included a tavern, a hay loft, and a smithy. There was a small garden adjacent to the tavern. There was a stone monument in the center of the clear ground in the center of the map.

Any chance you can tell me which map that was? It had a Paizo logo in the corners. If you can't, thanks. I know you don't want to have a bunch of jpg's in your map selectors, but it's hard to tell what I'm getting when I look at the maps in this store.

My guesstimate is we might see a new player pawn set after player core 2 is out, both to include all possible combinations from both books with potentially updated artwork, and to include remaster differences.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@8Brit and @Aaron Shanks,
It better have some dang Halflings and flipping Gnomes in there for all the classes/gender combos. Also, make sure the cuts are good, please. Can't believe I saw some de-capitated orcs where the pictures were just high enough that it cut the heads off when you punched it out.

You have them, but none are in the old version Archetype area.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

8 classes times two genders times six ancestries is 96 pawns. Not enough to justify production. Even if you double it (for the PC2 classes) it's not enough. So I guess we'll see uncommon and rare ancestries included. I haven't counted those, but trying to include them all may make for too many pawns for one box. More boxes would be fine with me, but only time will tell.

MAAAAANNN, I can't believe they are having this awesome sale and the one box I want (Yeah, this one) is just not available. So I have to ask, of the available choices, what gives the most PC/NPC humanoids with a variety of functions and especially, size? I need more Gnomes and Halflings!

Right now, I'm looking at the Inner Sea Pawn box as an option.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:

This was not reprinted. We found a few more in the warehouse and sold them.

While this product will not be reprinted at this time, we have more pawns on the schedule.

Does this mean reprints of existing sets or are you going to start releasing new pawn sets again?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Helvellyn wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:

This was not reprinted. We found a few more in the warehouse and sold them.

While this product will not be reprinted at this time, we have more pawns on the schedule.

Does this mean reprints of existing sets or are you going to start releasing new pawn sets again?

New sets for sure. The Monster Core set has already been announced.

There is much demand for more of this set. Why no reprints?

Grand Lodge

Cost of the print run versus expected return. Demand isn't high enough to make it profitable without substantial changes.

Aaron Shanks wrote:
I have spoken to the team. This product will not be reprinted at this time, but there is a plan and we will announce it in time.

Considering that with the new Player Core 1/2, Howl of the Wild and the upcoming Tian Xia Character Guide there is a lot of ancestries playable, it would be nice to get a new, updated product to have them.

I have a hard time providing pawns for interested players, or NPCs featuring the new options.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just bought the Player Character Pawns Collection. To me it is a complete disappointment. Sorry to say that but the characters the ones I was most interested in are rappresented very bad... Half-Elf bard seems an idiot hippie with a violin... elf druid is a female character only and I was interested in a male one... human sorcerer seems a Shaolin monk... honestly, I wouldn't buy it again now i have seen the content...

IENA wrote:
Just bought the Player Character Pawns Collection. To me it is a complete disappointment. Sorry to say that but the characters the ones I was most interested in are rappresented very bad... Half-Elf bard seems an idiot hippie with a violin... elf druid is a female character only and I was interested in a male one... human sorcerer seems a Shaolin monk... honestly, I wouldn't buy it again now i have seen the content...

Did...did you favorite your own post? Why is that even possible? :-P

Grand Lodge

Sometimes you want to be able to find them easier?

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Sometimes you want to be able to find them easier?

Easier than My Account -> My Profile -> Posts? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Personally, I think whatever value might be there is overshadowed by the potential for abuse, but it ain't my website.

Grand Lodge

Eh, favorites are just bookmarks. Can’t abuse something that is meaningless.

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