GM The Masked Ferret's 05-08 The Confirmation [2019-02] (Inactive)

Game Master The Masked Ferret

This is a run of PFS 05-08 The Confirmation. Please note that the dial has been turned up to 11 for this one.
Slide Deck

Current Characters

Robot Hiro

(3 posts)
Grand Lodge Borbert

Human HP 13/13. AC 15 TAC 15 FAC 10 Fort 4 Ref 7 Will 0 Shifter 1 CMD 16. Speed 30 ft. Neutral. Initiative +7

played by Robot Hiro (14 posts)
Grand Lodge Figg

N male Halfling Mesmerist 2 | HP : 2/15 | AC/FF/T 12/11/12 | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +5 | Init +1 | Tricks 5/6 | lvl 1 : 4 / 4

played by Saashaa (70 posts)
Sargava Vignette
Sovereign Court GAB!

Neutral Good Half Orc Shifter 3 Lorewarden Fighter 2| HP53/53 | AC10 T10 FF10| CMD 18 | Fort 8 Ref 4 Will 2 | Speed 30ft / Climb 10ft | Initiative +0| Perception: +7 DR 5/- and 4/Slashing Vim and Vigor: 6/6 (2d6) | Buffs/Debuffs:

played by Kyle "Worg" H (305 posts)
Grand Lodge GM Dennis

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

played by Dennis Muldoon (8,043 posts)
Hag Eye Ooze
Dark Archive Guu Green Oliver Frank

Male CN Half-Elf Oozemorph 1 |HP13/13|AC13|T13|FF10|CMD 15|Fort +4|Ref +5|Will -2|Speed 30ft|Initiative +3|Pantomime Bluff +6|

played by Daishizen (29 posts)
Grand Lodge Janira Gavix, friendly guide

played by Dennis Muldoon (91 posts)
Half-Fiend Minotaur
A Minotaur

played by The Masked Ferret (1 post)
Goblin Plush
Grand Lodge Mukbud

Male Wayang Shifter 1 | HP : 3/13 | AC: 15+3 FF:11+1 T:15+1 | Fort +4, Ref +6+1, Will +1 | Init +4+1

played by Rosc (31 posts)
Sir Holton
Grand Lodge Stuu

Male Human Male Shifter 1, HP 18/18, AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9, cmb +6, cmd 15, Fort +6, ref +1, will - 2, speed 30, perception +2, initiative +1

played by Baittner (25 posts)

Previous Characters

Edwid Fickleberry

(2 posts)

Previous NPCs

Sovereign Court The Masked Ferret

Male Ferret PF1e ***** SFS ***** PF2e **** GM
(1,105 posts)
Sovereign Court GM The Masked Ferret

(44 posts)
Nurah Dendiwhar
Grand Lodge Janiraa Gavrix

(16 posts)
Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells
Grand Lodge Kreighton Shanee

(3 posts)