Nurah Dendiwhar

Janiraa Gavrix's page

16 posts. Alias of The Masked Ferret.


Grand Lodge

Wisely assessing that a minotaur is beyond her charges’ capabilities, Janira screams,

“A minotaur! There’s little chance we can stand against it. Take this bag,”
she continues, pulling off her backpack,
“and head deeper into the caves. Finish your mission. I’ll lead it away from the caves, lose it in the forest, and join you as soon as I can. Now go! GO!”
She heaves her backpack into the cave, casts a spell, and darts off toward the minotaur before turning to lure it away.

Grand Lodge

The halfling worriedly remarks,
“Quick, take cover before whatever it is spots us!”

Grand Lodge

“Here! The cave entrance is behind those vines,”
Janira says with a broad smile as she walks to the cliff’s face. She pulls back several layers of vegetation to reveal a narrow crack in the cliff’s surface.

“This is where I saw the gillmen enter.”

Grand Lodge

Janira heals you of all your wounds.

"Congratulations on.... the successful combat."
Janira looks you over.
"We need to pack up and move on, so we can reach the caves by dusk. If we don't reach the caves tonight,any gillmen who are present may leave before they arrive."

Janira smiles and gestures.
"Lets go!"

Grand Lodge

"That was... interesting."

Janira looks around.

"I saw some of you get hit... is anyone injured?"

Grand Lodge

“Let us remember the sacrifice of the fabled Yasmin bint Faroud, favored of the Ten, who gave her life distracting Zythrustianax, draconic scourge of the Society, so dozens of junior agents could survive. Her act of benevolence is the epitome of cooperation within the Society.”
Janira begins telling you some history, and it inspires you to greater acts of heroism and courage!
Janira Inspired Courage, which is + 1 morale bonue to attacks and damage.

Grand Lodge

Janira pauses a moment and pulls out an intricate silver compass emblazoned with the Pathfinder Society logo: the Glyph of the Open Road. “I received this wayfinder when I successfully completed my Confirmation. Should we be successful on our journey, you will get your own as well.” She flips open the device and holds it in front of her; the initials J. G. are engraved into the inside of the device’s lid. After studying the compass inside for a moment, she remarks, “We’re on the right path. We need to keep heading northwest past those large rocks up ahead.”

Grand Lodge

“Now, before we head out, if there aren’t any more questions, we should take a moment to go through your gear and make sure nothing important gets left out. Do you have food? Does someone have a way to make fire? How about a light source? Does anyone have a means of magical healing? How about alchemical items? A flask of alchemist’s fire or acid can be a life-saver in some cases.”

Review your inventories. Not everyone needs to have all of these things, but Janira will make sure that at least one of you has them, and will encourage those of you with a little gold to spare to purchase some alchemical items like alchemist’s fire, acid, and antitoxins, if you don’t already have them.

Let me know if you bought anything on your way out of town.

Grand Lodge

"Well, this is uniquely challenging."
Janira pauses, then looks at Figg.
“On to the details of the mission at hand,” Janira says with an eager grin. “After reviewing my mission reports personally, Master Shaine believes it is no coincidence that each time they entered the caves it was during a full moon, so it is also no coincidence that you have been called here now, just a day before the moon is full again. We both believe that tomorrow night is our best chance to find out why these caves are important and what exactly the gillmen are doing in there.

“The caves we’ll be travelling to lie under the base of the Kortos Mounts. We’ll need to spend every minute of daylight possible to reach the caves by foot, crossing over the Cairnlands, taking the paths to Diobel, and finally making our way through the wilderness. With any luck we won’t run into any of the local inhabitants. Once in the caves, we’ll need to work together to explore and determine whether any gillman are present or have been recently. Keep an eye out for any other clues that might hint at the caves’ significance, too.”

Why don’t we travel by horse?

“The area we’re heading to is controlled by a large centaur tribe. If we cross paths with any of them, they’ll see the horses as an affront and might become dangerously unfriendly. Our mission is to explore the caves and investigate the gillmen activity, not fight the local populace.”

How long will it take to walk there?

“By foot, it will take nearly all of today and much of tomorrow to make the journey. I know maintaining such a stiff pace will be tiring, but we need to reach the caves at the height of the lunar cycle if at all possible.”

What else are we likely to run into on the way?

“Centaurs control the lowlands and surrounding wilderness of the Kortos Mounts. The areas farther up the Mounts are controlled by minotaurs, and the icy peaks are home to tribes of harpies. They’re always vying for territory, but with any luck, we should be able to avoid them and reach the caves without conflict.”

Are there any other threats we might encounter?
“There’s always the chance we may run into bandits along the way, and there are dozens of kinds of predators in that forest. That’s why we should always be as prepared as possible.”

If the gillmen go there on the full moon, doesn’t that mean...?

“I know what you’re thinking, but I have no reason to believe the gillmen activity has anything to do with lycanthropy.”

Grand Lodge

**"That does pose some challenges for you to communicate. How have you communicated with others before?"**

Grand Lodge

"Taldane, please. It is rude to communicate in languages that others cannot understand."
Janira admonishes.

Grand Lodge

Janira pulls out a large leather-bound journal and opens it on the table. “Before we set out, we should all get to know each other and review our plan. After all, the most important factors that determine whether an expedition will be a success are cooperation and preparation! I’ll go first!

”I grew up with six siblings, in the Eastgate area of Absalom. When I came of age, I knew I wanted to see more of the world, so I joined the Pathfinder Society! That was about four years ago, now, and while I joined up to travel (and try all of the exotic foods I could find), I’ve really grown to love learning and the processes of preserving knowledge. I hope to one day have my work published in the Pathfinder Chronicles!

”Now it’s your turn. Please, tell me a little about yourselves!” This is your chance to introduce your character to Janira and the rest of the party.

Grand Lodge

Janira looks.
"They appear to be ... oozes, of some sort. But they are not trying to eat us or the furniture, so that is good."

Grand Lodge

"It looks like you have had it rough, Mr...?"
Janira's voice trails off.

Grand Lodge

Does Kreighton Shaine always act like that?
“Master Shaine is brilliant, if not entirely focused. He has lived a very long time and seen things we could only dream about. I’ve learned to just accept his peculiarities and value any knowledge he wishes to share.”
What’s a gillman?
“The gillmen are a humanoid race much like humans save for the three piscine gills on both sides of their necks. They’re a little secretive but not outright hostile. Most live in or near the water.”

Why would gillmen be going to these caves?
“That’s exactly what you are being asked to find out. The only known permanent surface settlement of the gillmen is in Escadar. Why they’re venturing into the foothills of the Kortos Mounts is a mystery.”
How will we know whether we’re successful?
“A Confirmation can last for weeks or months—or could be completed in a few days. Your resolve combined with your ability to fulfill the three duties of a Pathfinder will determine your success.”
What are the three duties?
“Surely ‘Explore, Report, Cooperate’ have become second nature to you, right?”

Who are Marcos Farabellus and Aram Zey?
“Are you one of those adventurers who was brought in through a field commission? Master Marcos Farabellus is the Master of Swords for the Pathfinder Society. He’s responsible for teaching every initiate the fine art of combat. Master Aram Zey is the Master of Spells for the Society. As his title suggests, he’s in charge of teaching would-be Pathfinders to use and defend against magic.”

Grand Lodge

Janira speaks up in an enthusiastic and cheerful voice, “Greetings, aspiring Pathfinders! Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on. A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to find the gillmen.”