Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Coven (PFRPG)

4.40/5 (based on 11 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Coven (PFRPG)
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Are You a Good Witch? Or a Bad Witch?

Wizards may wield studied spells and clerics pray to the gods themselves, but witchcraft—wild, untamed, perilous—is the magic of the common folk, with all the desperation and danger that implies. Embodied by hags and their half-blood daughters, changelings, witchcraft has always been one of the broadest, most potent, and most misunderstood forces of magic... until now. Learn the dark rituals and curses witchcraft empowers, and the good it stands to do in the world as well.

Inside this book you'll find:

  • An examination of the changeling race, including changeling covens, enhanced hag heritage, and specific rules for the 10 subraces of changelings, depending on their hag mothers.
  • New hag- and witchcraft-focused archetypes for a variety of classes, including bloodragers, clerics, investigators, and witches.
  • New curse spells and magic rituals employed by witches, as well as curse-related feats to help adventurers get the most out of a bad day.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but it can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-982-0

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Archives of Nethys

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4.40/5 (based on 11 ratings)

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Good and left me eager for them to develop things further. . .


The specific Patrons are the coolest and most fruitful thing about this book. They practically drip with flavor. Mechanically, they offer a boon and a bane. Most of which seem very appropriate. (Though I'm not sure how the Scar Hex relates to Aeons.) It is also neat because it opens up the more Hex hungry Archetypes that I would love to try out, but have heretofore avoided because they have late access to Hexes. I also liked that they worked the Moon patron into so many of the specific patrons. I am all about the Moon. Sadly, the Moon Patron's spells aren't great. So giving additional modularity to a weaker spell list that has such powerful thematic connections to witchcraft is a big win in my book.

To be clear: I think it would be a mistake for this book to be the only place where specific Patrons are developed. They have revolutionized how I have been thinking about witches.

I also very much appreciated that the writers tried to explain what makes witchcraft different from other forms of arcane power. Unfortunately, I think this could have been explained better. The basic idea is that at its core witchcraft is trading for magical favors without the need for inherent or learned power. Cool. But, if that's the case, then why is Intelligence the key stat for witches? Charisma is the stat that determines how gifted one is in the art of the deal. Although that impeded my suspension of disbelief, I can only support and encourage the designers to marry the lore and the mechanics of the game further. Sometimes the magic in Pathfinder doesn't feel magical, and the way they have developed Ritual Magic and witchcraft goes to restore some of the enchantment.

The archetypes are neat for the most part. I don't think the Malice Binder is particularly strong, but the way they make magic feel magically with their sympathetic effects makes me want to play one even if I suspect most Malice Binders are devoured by their more potent enemies. The Triadic Priest is a cleric archetype that doesn't make me sad for clerics, and it doesn't increase their Skill Points per level, so the fact that I still like it is high praise. It really encourages me to explore Teamwork feats.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the new rituals. All of them are great and extremely evocative. While I cannot imagine playing in a game where the PCs were using the Grand Coven Ritual, I really, really want to play in that game.

4 Stars. It's a scandal that there are no new Hexes in the book. Furthermore, I wish we could have gotten a few more pages on the specific patrons and the lore/theory of witchcraft. I hope both are explored further in subsequent books. I've been told that reviews are the best way to get things we want in future books. I can only pray that is true.

Archetypes, curses, and more!


One of the big complaints with witches has been that the patrons are very bland and don't actually do much. This book tackles the problem head-on, allowing you to get more bang for your buck from various patrons. That's right, patron-specific mechanics are here at last! They're pretty well balanced to not add too much power to a full caster, while also not hurting too much to take.

Subraces are always awesome, even if the changeling subraces are a little clustered in their stats (which don't always match the flavor). The Awakened Hag Heritage feat is an excellent addition to Changelings, too; both flavorful and mechanically useful. Changeling covens are tricky to pull off in a party, but very rewarding.

More curse spells are fun, and Knell of the Depths is enough to justify a Skull & Shackles witch by itself. Curse of Dragonflies also gets a mention for allowing the caster to do something very helpful- force a flier to land in mid-combat. The fact that it's also a permanent curse is gravy on top! Pick it up, and your party's melee combatants will be grateful. In addition to the spells, there are occult rituals. Notably, a "you and your descendants" curse (with options that work even if you're pretty sure they won't have kids), and cursing somebody with a pugwampi.

The new archetypes for witch pair excellently with the new patron rules, and are quite flavorful, with useful tools. Other classes get nice archetypes as well, like a spiritualist bound to an evil and independent-thinking spirit, and a bloodrager that is a solid addition to many natural attack builds.

Every book has some things that don't shine as much. The Malice Binder is stretched too thin by using charisma for DCs on a martial class that uses Int for everything else. Curses and witches don't usually come up enough for me to take archetypes centered around them. (Then again, I didn't get very far in Reign of Winter.)

This book provides a solid improvement to a class usable across nearly any archetype, several good archetypes, good spells, and lots of expansion to an existing race. Well worth a purchase. While I loved the broad coverage of Blood of Beasts, Blood of the Coven shows that an in-depth treatment is good too!



I'd like to pretty much echo Samy's comments (and remind him that he forgot to give the stars in his review :P).

Blood of the Coven is focused, but not too focused. There's stuff for changelings and witches, obviously, but there's also stuff for other classes.

And I really, really, REALLY love the battlepot cauldron. Kudos to whoever came up with idea :)

A big disappointment


I waited up till midnight to purchase this PDF. I even set alarms on my phone. I love playing all manner of witches and hexcrafter magi.

I've not been so disappointed in a long time.

1 spell, 1 feat, 1 archetype, 1 ritual, 2 wondrous items, 1 familiar item of actual potential use to a given player. Everything else is only an exercise in pathfinder mechanics theory with laughably little point or use beyond "Hey, this is a thing that can be done now... woooo...".
The thing that when it hits additionally does 1 damage to each member of the coven... really? 1 damage means almost literally nothing... even as RP it means basically nothing.

The exception to this is if you are running a group that is very specifically making the Coven a very important part of many or all of their characters. :(

This book has just added to the weight of pathfinder bloat to be read through and discarded.

Added a 2nd star for their flavor efforts.

Here Comes The Evil Eye.


Not bad, but not great ether.

The good
-I really liked the changeling heritages.
-Hag related bloodline, discipline, and some archetypes.

The bad
-Highly disappointed in the lack of new hexes.
-The arakineticist, could have used some interesting void wild talents instead of an archetype.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
tthorn3 wrote:
I am hoping that this book will fix the height discrepancy between the changeling table and description, but that may be a false hope.

That was actually correctly fixed in the errata to the Advanced Race Guide.

All I care about is more spells for witches and maybe a few for changelings.


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Sounds good. More witch love.

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Well you would know Christina. ;) But yes. Witch love is good loving.

Silver Crusade

I hope they add something to make Patrons more flavourful, all they give is bonus spells. Every other class's starting choice has some extra power, +1 to a skill, or something.

Compare Witch Patrons to Shaman's Spirits, Oracle's Mysteries, Cavalier's Orders, or Wizard Schools.

I like Witches, and I'd want more choice in my Patrons than just spells.

Dark Archive

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Laird IceCubez wrote:
I like Witches, and I'd want more choice in my Patrons than just spells.

An Archetype that developed the Patron a bit more, either including some built-in drawbacks, such as the Oracle Curse, or had some balancing factors to counter any increased power, such as reduced hexes or spells / day or something, could be neat.

I just want a ton more hexes, especially some elemental ones and other types that would fit the various patrons out there.

Dark Archive

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Dragon78 wrote:
I just want a ton more hexes, especially some elemental ones and other types that would fit the various patrons out there.

I amused myself for awhile coming up with hexes themed for the various Golarion gods (vengeance and trickery and lust themed hexes for Calistria, for instance), so, yeah, it's a fertile field to play around in.

I would also like to one day see a martial class that uses hexes but I doubt we see anything beyond a few archetypes.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
I would also like to one day see a martial class that uses hexes but I doubt we see anything beyond a few archetypes.

Yeah, I've thought I'd like to see a martial that uses the same design space as the witch, drawing their power from a pact made with an otherworldly power like the witch, but groomed to be a martial champion to serve their purposes instead. Full BAB, 4th-level Intelligence-based spellcasting, and some access to hexes or similar things...something like 3.5's hexblade, but better designed. Perhaps rather than a familiar, instead they are granted a runic weapon - usually two-handed - that acts as their link to their patron, as well as providing an self-improving weapon as their link broadens. Though rather than hexes, something that acts like the mesmerist's hypnotic stare with various bold stare improvements could also be cool and potentially work better with the action economy of a martial character...

Well, at least partially just because I want a few more classes in the design space of a full BAB, 4th-level caster. I'd really like a psychic class with full BAB and 4th-level spellcasting...

Edit: Though, obviously, a new class isn't going to show up in a player's companion! Just musing a bit. Archetypes might be accursed bloodrager would be pretty neat, especially if they can grab a few hexes as bloodline powers. A hexslinger gunslinger archetype that shoots cursed bullets would be fun too...and a vigilante talent for the cabalist vigilante only (like Harsh Judgment for the zealot) that grants a hex or two could be fun as well. A feat to let the magical girl vigilante archetype snag some witch spells along the lines of the Unsanctioned Knowledge feat for paladins could be fun as well...and a monk or ninja archetype that uses ki to curse people sounds very thematically fun as well...

I would also like a few psychic based martial classes. But of course full classes would only be in the RPG line.

I see we are getting some new curses for witches though I wonder if maybe we will get at least one new oracle curse or maybe some curse based story feats.

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This Hag-themed thread *here* ... is an incredibly comprehensive list of all the hag, hag-offspring and hag-related creatures in D&D 3.5, D20/OGL 3PP, Paizo PF and some 3PP PF. It hasn't been updated in a while. But still, the list entries are numerous and impressively comprehensive. I'm sure some of you hag-fans could update the list with some more up-to-date Paizo and 3PP hags if they so desire.

That all said, I'm excited about Blood of the Coven! I hope we get at least a dozen more hags or thematically-related beasties included in this upcoming book.

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Luthorne wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I would also like to one day see a martial class that uses hexes but I doubt we see anything beyond a few archetypes.

Yeah, I've thought I'd like to see a martial that uses the same design space as the witch, drawing their power from a pact made with an otherworldly power like the witch, but groomed to be a martial champion to serve their purposes instead. Full BAB, 4th-level Intelligence-based spellcasting, and some access to hexes or similar things...something like 3.5's hexblade, but better designed. Perhaps rather than a familiar, instead they are granted a runic weapon - usually two-handed - that acts as their link to their patron, as well as providing an self-improving weapon as their link broadens. Though rather than hexes, something that acts like the mesmerist's hypnotic stare with various bold stare improvements could also be cool and potentially work better with the action economy of a martial character...

Well, at least partially just because I want a few more classes in the design space of a full BAB, 4th-level caster. I'd really like a psychic class with full BAB and 4th-level spellcasting...

Edit: Though, obviously, a new class isn't going to show up in a player's companion! Just musing a bit. Archetypes might be accursed bloodrager would be pretty neat, especially if they can grab a few hexes as bloodline powers. A hexslinger gunslinger archetype that shoots cursed bullets would be fun too...and a vigilante talent for the cabalist vigilante only (like Harsh Judgment for the zealot) that grants a hex or two could be fun as well. A feat to let the magical girl vigilante archetype snag some witch spells along the lines of the Unsanctioned Knowledge feat for paladins could be fun as well...and a monk or ninja archetype that uses ki to curse people sounds very thematically fun as well...

Hexcrafter Magus ?

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nighttree wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I would also like to one day see a martial class that uses hexes but I doubt we see anything beyond a few archetypes.

Yeah, I've thought I'd like to see a martial that uses the same design space as the witch, drawing their power from a pact made with an otherworldly power like the witch, but groomed to be a martial champion to serve their purposes instead. Full BAB, 4th-level Intelligence-based spellcasting, and some access to hexes or similar things...something like 3.5's hexblade, but better designed. Perhaps rather than a familiar, instead they are granted a runic weapon - usually two-handed - that acts as their link to their patron, as well as providing an self-improving weapon as their link broadens. Though rather than hexes, something that acts like the mesmerist's hypnotic stare with various bold stare improvements could also be cool and potentially work better with the action economy of a martial character...

Well, at least partially just because I want a few more classes in the design space of a full BAB, 4th-level caster. I'd really like a psychic class with full BAB and 4th-level spellcasting...

Edit: Though, obviously, a new class isn't going to show up in a player's companion! Just musing a bit. Archetypes might be accursed bloodrager would be pretty neat, especially if they can grab a few hexes as bloodline powers. A hexslinger gunslinger archetype that shoots cursed bullets would be fun too...and a vigilante talent for the cabalist vigilante only (like Harsh Judgment for the zealot) that grants a hex or two could be fun as well. A feat to let the magical girl vigilante archetype snag some witch spells along the lines of the Unsanctioned Knowledge feat for paladins could be fun as well...and a monk or ninja archetype that uses ki to curse people sounds very thematically fun as well...

Hexcrafter Magus ?

Definitely not a full BAB, 4th-level spellcaster. I mean, if you want a magus with some hexes and curse spells, that's fine, I'm more interested in someone that's primarily a martial with some magic or supernatural abilities that fills in a similar concept as the witch. Just instead of a patron cultivating a spellcaster, they're training up a warrior with a smattering of spells and other supernatural abilities...closer to a bloodrager or ranger.

Liberty's Edge

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Luthorne wrote:
...a full BAB, 4th-level spellcaster. ... someone that's primarily a martial with some magic or supernatural abilities that fills in a similar concept as the witch. Just instead of a patron cultivating a spellcaster, they're training up a warrior with a smattering of spells and other supernatural abilities...closer to a bloodrager or ranger.

I want to see this.

Luthorne wrote:
nighttree wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I would also like to one day see a martial class that uses hexes but I doubt we see anything beyond a few archetypes.

Yeah, I've thought I'd like to see a martial that uses the same design space as the witch, drawing their power from a pact made with an otherworldly power like the witch, but groomed to be a martial champion to serve their purposes instead. Full BAB, 4th-level Intelligence-based spellcasting, and some access to hexes or similar things...something like 3.5's hexblade, but better designed. Perhaps rather than a familiar, instead they are granted a runic weapon - usually two-handed - that acts as their link to their patron, as well as providing an self-improving weapon as their link broadens. Though rather than hexes, something that acts like the mesmerist's hypnotic stare with various bold stare improvements could also be cool and potentially work better with the action economy of a martial character...

Well, at least partially just because I want a few more classes in the design space of a full BAB, 4th-level caster. I'd really like a psychic class with full BAB and 4th-level spellcasting...

Edit: Though, obviously, a new class isn't going to show up in a player's companion! Just musing a bit. Archetypes might be accursed bloodrager would be pretty neat, especially if they can grab a few hexes as bloodline powers. A hexslinger gunslinger archetype that shoots cursed bullets would be fun too...and a vigilante talent for the cabalist vigilante only (like Harsh Judgment for the zealot) that grants a hex or two could be fun as well. A feat to let the magical girl vigilante archetype snag some witch spells along the lines of the Unsanctioned Knowledge feat for paladins could be fun as well...and a monk or ninja archetype that uses ki to curse people sounds very thematically fun as well...

Hexcrafter Magus ?
Definitely not a full BAB, 4th-level spellcaster. I mean, if you want a magus with some hexes and curse spells, that's fine, I'm more interested in someone that's primarily a martial with some magic or supernatural abilities that fills in a similar concept as the witch. Just instead of a patron cultivating a spellcaster, they're training up a warrior with a smattering of spells and other supernatural abilities...closer to a bloodrager or ranger.

I don't know if this is what you want or not, but Jon Brazer Enterprises Advanced Changelings book has an Accursed bloodrager bloodline, as well as lots of other information on changelings.

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New hexes and curses? Sign me up! Super psyched about this as I am currently playing a witch - and loving it. It is definitely my new favorite class.

Hopefully it will be at least a dozen new hexes if not more.

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I'd really like to see either a re-tooling/re-balancing of the Hag Coven mechanics. Or different options to allow for a reasonable party cooperative involvement in a Coven.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Crai wrote:

I'd really like to see either a re-tooling/re-balancing of the Hag Coven mechanics. Or different options to allow for a reasonable party cooperative involvement in a Coven.

Hags Linkified

Brinebeast wrote:

If I am counting correctly we have gotten 9 Hags so far, I hope we get bloodline details for all of them!

Annis Hag
Ash Hag
Blood Hag
Dreamthief Hag
Green Hag
Mute Hag
Night Hag
Sea Hag
Storm Hag

Pit Hag, previously mentioned

Winter Hag

Also Graeae, Witchfire, and Swaithe demons can join covens.

Vildravens, Witchcrows, Crone Queens, and Glaistig have racial hexes, so could join a coven if the Coven hex was selected.

Class-wise; Witches, Hexcrafter Magus, Accursed bloodline Sorcerer, Shaman, Blood Arcanist, Spirit Summoner, and anyone with Shawl of the Crone.

And of course the Collar of the Unbound Coven removes the need for a Hag.

I am hoping for some official version of Hag Disciple PrC, from Wayfinder.

A feat or trait to allow Changlings to join a coven regardless of class.

Maybe a feat or trait to count as a full hag to form a coven.

Additional (lower level) options for a hag cohort (currently only the Blood Hag, 15th equivalent cohort level).

Options for fey-influenced witches. Options for infernal-influenced witches.

Just please make it awesome!

Anyone know when we might get a bit more info on the contents?

Oh, and the Stargazer PrC works to join a coven too (though it is good-aligned).

An option for Wizard and Druid to join covens would be great additions as practically the only casting class that can't (hopefully an archetype, but would love a PrC dedicated to Mestama or Gyronna).

Lamashtu certainly seems like she patrons many witches. The Bouda archetype is associated with gnolls, which almost universaly worship the Mother of Monsters. And the aforementioned Swaithe demons serve her as well.

As a strange idea for a divine patron of witches, one of Asmodeus's titles is Master of Witches.....

Not sure about wizards, but druids joining a coven would be kind of neat. or else Shamans.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

A witchfire inspired power/hex would be cool

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Dear Paizo, pretty please can you sneak in a one line, PFS legal errata to the cackle hex that says something like "the witch must cackle, chant or recite mystic words of power". Then I will love this book forever.

Scarab Sages

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What I, for one, would REEEAAALLY like is options/add-ons that add more to a Witch's Patron. As is, they're Domains without the Domain Powers or bonus spell slot. They could use a LOT more.

One idea I had for that was a small custom list of appropriate bonus feats for each Patron - maybe you just get one at 1st level and that's it (but without needing to meet prerequisites, because it's an arcane gift), or perhaps you would need prerequisites (or maybe certain kinds thereof, like ability score minimums, but not others, like other feats), but you'd get a few of them as you gained levels (like Bloodline feats). Not much, but something.

I hope they add the missing patron familiars from the faniliar folio. I want an healing patron familiar

Scarab Sages

Time for me, thank you.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
Not sure about wizards, but druids joining a coven would be kind of neat. or else Shamans.


Shamans can already join covens.

As for Wizards, they already get so close. There is a Wizard archetype to have a Witch Patron, multiple Wizard archetypes to store spells in your Familiar, and a Wizard archetype that lets them gain Shaman Spirit Hexes.

Just no way to get the Hex coven specifically.

A 1 level dip isn't too onerous, so if they don't add an option it's not the end of the world, I just think it would be nice.

Especially since only Wizards (and Arcanists, but it doesn't help in this case) can take Arcane Discoveries. Which allows Truename so you can have a Night Hag buddy.

I guess that would be a great option instead, add a Greater or Grand Hex to access an Arcane Discovery.

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I wonder what other classes will get some curse, witch, and/or hag themed love in this one.

Dark Archive

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Neriathale wrote:
Dear Paizo, pretty please can you sneak in a one line, PFS legal errata to the cackle hex that says something like "the witch must cackle, chant or recite mystic words of power". Then I will love this book forever.

Ooh, yes. A gnoll witch that chortles like a hyena, instead of cackling, or a cultist that chants, or a dire corby that just mutters 'doom, doom, doom' to maintain their 'Cackle,' would be cool.

Dark Archive

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
What I, for one, would REEEAAALLY like is options/add-ons that add more to a Witch's Patron. As is, they're Domains without the Domain Powers or bonus spell slot. They could use a LOT more.

There are already a few winter-witch-themed hexes that work well for a Winter patron, but they could totally use some hexes that specifically resonate with other patrons, to help tie a witch together, thematically. There aren't a ton of hexes that really scream 'Agility' or 'Wisdom' or 'Plague' or whatever, at least not to the sense that Ice Tomb screams 'Winter.'

To take another tack, a 'Pact Witch' whose patron had suggested familiar types, suggested hexes, and some other patron-tied features could be a neat AT.

Liberty's Edge

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Well a witchlike gunslinger(or gunslinging witch) could be cool. I doubt it would be in this book(the people of the wastes is better for that thematically), but having them using a pact gun(broken gun + familiar) to deliver touch spells, curses, and various hex-like deeds from a firearm isn't exactly a bad idea.

If not that, Maybe various hex/spell enhancer options. Like maybe using tress tincture to enhance the range or power on strangling hair or a few use of prehensile hair hex.

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Dragon78 wrote:

If I can recommend something third party here, Legendary Games did do a 'Deadeye Hexer' class that combines the witch and the gunslinger to good effect.

Grand Lodge

It would fit the theme if they used something like the Breathing Gun from the Hellstorm comics of the Saint of Killers guns from the Preacher series as the weapon template for a gun-slinging witch archetype. I'm thinking of something like a black blade but in a gun form.


Breathing gun?

Grand Lodge

"Only two Breathing Guns were ever made. The guns can kill demons and angels, hiss in the presence of danger or occult forces, and their bullets may be sentient. There were made for Al Capone, but disappeared soon afterwards."

They're from the Hellstorm: Prince of Lies series from '93-'94. Warren Ellis wrote the scripts for the last part of the series.


Ok, thanks for the info StarMartyr365.

The ability to add hexes to spells, weapon attacks, and/or kinetic blasts would be interesting.

Dark Archive

Dragon78 wrote:
The ability to add hexes to spells, weapon attacks, and/or kinetic blasts would be interesting.

Ooh, that does sound cool. Particularly the hex-strike with a weapon for a magus (is there one that does that already? I don't remember...) or adding a debuffing hex-effect to a kinetic blast or some other effect, like a cleric's energy channel.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Nerell wrote:
Maybe with this & Elemental Master's Handbook, I can create an elemental witch, with focus on either earth or electricity/lightening.

Check out the Havocker Witch Archtype, Their Patron is the Kinetists' Elemental focus and instead of Hexes they get Elemental Blast and infusions.

Its quite fun.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

What I would truly love to see is a Witch archtype, called Warlock that focuses on Dark Magic and a Malevolent Patron. A Witch who has truly devoted to the Forces of Evil.

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Shame this wasn't released when I created my witch. Still, there should be something useful in it.I'm hoping for masculine or gender neutral magical items for witches.

I am hoping for a Gunslinger Witch archetype with hex bullets....

Dark Archive

John Kretzer wrote:
I am hoping for a Gunslinger Witch archetype with hex bullets....

Ooh, while a gunwitch is classic, it could open up even more to work with any sort of hex ammunition, so that you have hex archers, hex slingers, even hex shuriken throwers...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ooh i'd love to see some Hexes that use the thematic power based on each of the different Hags and other Coven creatures.
Example: Heartstone Hex that harnesses the power from a Night Hag.

I'd like to see something that makes the Coven hex more useful to your average player.

If they didn't give hag covens those extra abilities then the coven hex could be more useful. Too bad they didn't give a toned town player friendly option for an actual coven of witches(no hags).

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Maybe something like Leadership that grants you a number of witchling followers with whom you could perform coven magic.

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