Isabelle Lee |
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Well... Pulura, Ashava, and Ragathiel would all tie in nicely with Paths of the Righteous. ^_^

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Awhile ago I asked Mr. Jacobs if any "old school" monsters like the ravid, digester, or arrowhawke made it into B6. He said no to those but did say that some old school creatures made it in. Also said he considers none of the creatures I asked to be "old school".
Yeah, those are pretty new creatures.
'Old-school' might be something like water weirds, aerial servants, manes demons, ixitxachitl (sp?), etc.

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Aerial Servant is already in bestiary 5, ixitxachtil isn't copyright same with water weird.
Manes never will come to pathfinder.
My bet are a remade version of the Bonesnapper and the Caterwaul.
Actually, manes have a better chance to come to Pathfinder than the ixitxachitl or water weird, as the manes is from mythology and the other two are closed content owned by Wizards of the Coast. That said, no manes (or bonesnapper or caturwaul for that matter) in Bestiary 6.

Nightterror |

Nightterror wrote:Actually, manes have a better chance to come to Pathfinder than the ixitxachitl or water weird, as the manes is from mythology and the other two are closed content owned by Wizards of the Coast. That said, no manes (or bonesnapper or caturwaul for that matter) in Bestiary 6.Aerial Servant is already in bestiary 5, ixitxachtil isn't copyright same with water weird.
Manes never will come to pathfinder.
My bet are a remade version of the Bonesnapper and the Caterwaul.
I meant to say that ixitbitblabla and water weird are off limits for use in pathfinder, came out wrong.
And I meant that manes are so boring, and so like lemures/dretches (which both are already in) that I would be very very surprised to see them in a monster book.

Nightterror |

I really hope pathfinder ignores manes, if they ignore much more original looking monsters such as the Ethereal ones, Arrowhawk and Ravid, I think they should 100% ignore the extreme bore Manes.
Keep it with one weak demon in dretch.
While i'm 100% into D&D monsters again, I really don't like it that D&D uses nupperupo, dretch AND manes. WTF.
And lol, DRagon78 dislikes demons, but the manes are interesting? :-S

Nightterror |
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These are the D&D monsters that are still open content to use:
Afanc / Algoid / Apparition / Archer Bush / Babbler / Banderlog / Baric / Greater Basilisk / Doombat / Boring Beetle / Deathwatch Beetle / Belabra / Boalisk / Bog Mummy / Bonesnapper / Buckawn / Caterwaul / Cave Cricket / Cave Moray / Giant Clam / Clubnek / Coffer Corpse / Cooshee / Crabman / Monstrous Crayfish / Dakon / Nupperibo / Devil Dog / Diger / Mist Dragon / Dragonell / Drelb / Eblis / Time Elemental / Eye Killer / Eye of the Deep / Fire Snake / Flind / Floating Eye / Fogwarden / Foresters Bane / Frostman / Gambado / Ghoul Stirge / Gorbel / Gorgimera / Gorilla Bear / Hoar Fox / Jaculi / Mustard Jelly / Stun Jelly / Jupiter Bloodsucker / Kampfult / Kelp Devil / Kharga / Killmoulis / Land Lamprey / Fire Lizard / Magnesium Spirit / Mantari / Marble Snake / Greater Medusa / Mudman / Nilbog / Ogrillion / Crystal Ooze / Undead Ooze / Phantom Stalker / Protector / Brown Pudding / Dun Pudding / White Pudding / Pyrolisk / Rock Reptile / Storoper / Sandling / Screaming Devilkin / Squealer / Stegocentipede / Stench Cow / Strangle Weed / Tabaxi / Taer / Thorny / Thunder Beast / Transposer / Tri-Flower Frond / Ubue / Vampire Rose / Vilstrak / Volt / Vulchling / Wind Walker / Witherstench / Witherweed / Dragonfish / Oliphant / Quipper
The ones I still like to see: Deatwatch Beetle / Belabra (land-based jellyfish) / Bonesnapper (intelligent, with bone-control like the x-men marrow) / Giant Clam (but more monstrous) / Cooshee (as Cu Sith) / Undead Ooze (other name, but an ooze that drains flesh and resurrects its prey as undead) / Vampire Rose (re-worked) / Witherstench (re-worked)
From the 3rd edition MONSTER MANUAL
Arrowhawk / Digester / Ethereal Filcher / Ethereal Marauder / Phasm / Ravid
I like to see them all return one day, so unfair that the worst monsters from this manual were chosen OVER these ones... (Looking at you Rast, Tojanida and Delver)
Blue / Cerebrilith / Folugub / Phthisic / Psion-Killer / Puppeteer / Temporal Filcher / Udoroot
I’d like to see Blue, Cerebrilith and Phthisic return. (Why isn't the Cerebrilith used yet? One of the coolest demons out there)
EPIC LEVEL HANDBOOK monsters that still aren’t in pathfinder.
Anaxim / Atropal / Chichimec / Dream Larva / Infernal / Phaethon / Phane / Xixecal / Brachyurus / Force Dragon / Prismatic Dragon / Primal Elementals / Genius Loci / Gibbering Orb / Gloom / Ha-Naga / Protean / Hoary Hunter / Hunefer / Lavawight / Legendary Animal / Leshay / Living Vault / Prismasaur / Ruin Swarm / Shadow of the Void / Shape of Fire / Sirrush / Tayellah / Thorciasid / Elder Titan / Elder Treant / Blackball / Uvuudaum / Vermiurge
I’d like to see: Atropal / Phane / Genius Loci (as Landvaettir though) / Sirrush (as D&D version, not from the real myth) / Blackball
They better NOT use Afanc, Kampfult and Cooshee, those could much better end up like their mythology counterparts in a NEW jacket, Cu Sith for Cooshee, Ya-Te-Veo for Kampfult and Afanc as beaver/crocodile and not some Charybdis-like fish.
There are also some lords (slaad, devil and demon) but I don’t care for those, if someone else makes that list.
ALSO the Chasme (as Stirge-Demon) and Crimson Death have both become open content I suppose, as Tome of HOrror 4 has used the Crimson Death.
REST IN PEACE: These are all the monsters from D&D that are AWESOME but which can't be used EVER.
Ragewind, Beholder, Steel Predator, Carrion Crawler, Armanite, Ulgurstasta, Dao, Death Knight, Displacer Beast, Splinterwaif, Gravorg, Vermin Lord, Marrashi, Grell, Hook Horror, Dharculus, Jarilith, Mind Flayer, Goristro, Crawling Apocalypse, Skirr, Myconid, Nightmare Beast, Tulgar, Fiendwurm, Skulvyn, Umber Hulk, Caller from the Deeps, Barlgura, Skybleeder, Sun wyrm, Bladeling, Deepspawn, Ragewalker, Feyr, Metalmaster, Plague Spewer, Skindancer, Zorbo, Morkoth, Nerra, Nothic, Su-Monster, Julajimus, Swordwing, Advespa, Quanlos, Astral Stalker, Banderhobb, Boneyard, Darktentacles, Deadly Dancer, Ethereal Slayer, Abyssal Maw, Ghaunadan, Hullathoin, Fang Dragon, Deep Dragon, Grey Jester, Hatori, Kazrith, Angel of Decay or Rot Harbinger, Cranium Rat Swarm, Saguaro Sentinel
Missing Kuo-Toa and Yuan-Ti?
Well I don't care for Kuo-Toa and Yuan-Ti are in pathfinder as serpentfolk and pretty much as Vishkanya (which replace the human-like yuan-ti for me personally)

Vidmaster7 |

Yeah but I think that would be unlikely it seems that paizo has stated that they don't want to step on the toes of dream scarred press since there work is so well received. So doing psionic beasts would also require a psionic system (maybe not require you could stat them as magic I realize but it takes something away from them) which I've also heard that paizo has no intention of doing.
Really the dream-scarred press stuff is quite good and I see no reason not to use them if you liked the 3.5 psionics. pathfinder was 3rd party at some point too right?

Fourshadow |

There are a lot of creatures left from tome of horrors I would like to see make it to pathfinder.
I would also love to one day see arrowhawk, digester, phasm, and ravid make into a hardcover bestiary..
I second both the Arrowhawk and Ravid. Some of my fave summons in 3rd edition, actually.

AmbassadoroftheDominion |

Barlgura can still be used in that spelling, it would just have to be based on the ancient near and middle eastern traditions of legend and myth, which spell it either as Barlgura, Baregara, or Bar Lgura (even further separated by spellings with hyphens). It's happened before that the writers have used two different spellings as separate species though.
also, I know it's a little taboo to talk about anything after a certain point but in your humble opinion, Nightterror, is the Odopi a "rest in peace" type monster?

Berselius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well... Pulura, Ashava, and Ragathiel would all tie in nicely with Paths of the Righteous. ^_^
As long as I get my Arshea and Ragathiel statblocks then I'll be satisified. :D

Berselius |

As for previous monsters from 3.0/3.5 D&D and the ToH, I'd like to see the following in a Pathfinder Bestiary:
Abomination, Atropal
Abomination, Chichimec
Abomination, Dream Larva
Abomination, Maleficarum
Abomination, Phaethon
Abomination, Phane
Abomination, Xixecal
Devil, Sloth (Nupperibo)
Dragon (Other), Mist
Elemental (Primal), Aether
Elemental (Primal), Air
Elemental (Primal), Earth
Elemental (Primal), Fire
Elemental (Primal), Ice
Elemental (Primal), Lightning
Elemental (Primal), Magma
Elemental (Primal), Mud
Elemental (Primal), Water
Elemental, Time
Ethereal Filcher
Ethereal Marauder
Eye of the Deep
Giant Clam
Hoary Hunter
Living Vault
Ooze, Necromantic
Umbral Blot

Berselius |
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The nupperibo and the eye of the deep both have the advantage of having appeared in the Adventure Path line, although the latter is beholder-y enough that Paizo might not want it simply out of a desire to distance their brand from iconic D&D creatures. ^_^
Maybe they could make them giant floating eyeballs capable of generating storms whose tendrils can burrow through skulls and turn humanoid beings into berserk slaves instead? :D

Berselius |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Also, am I the only one who gets a kick out of the possibility of abominations making an appearance one day? I know Asuras are supposed to be the result of divine mistakes but an even larger mistake could be a god giving into lust and mating with an outsider resulting in the birth of a monster as powerful as a nascent demon lord, infernal duke, or daemonic harbinger! :D

AmbassadoroftheDominion |

Sorry, this is going to be a sort of long post, I've been reading all of the comments on which empyreal lords people want.
To my knowledge, there are a whopping ninety-two Empyreal lords given names, they will probably take the longest out of other groups of demigods (who are less broadly grouped) to be given stats. the following is my estimates on the other groups numbers, based on the sourcebooks I've perused through.
with other groups the power is more evenly distributed depending on the groups:
Elemental Lords: only 4
Daemon Harbingers (and the horsemen): currently four horsemen, maybe a few minor unique entities, (harbingers acting like nascent demon lords)
the Asura ranas:"blessed" with roughly 18
Demon Lords: listed as virtually unlimited, but there's at least forty of them named
The Eldest (Fey, not outsiders): 9 (10 if you count the twins)
the Great Old Ones (currently none of them are Outsiders): unknown number, at least 10 will have stats by the end of Strange Aeons
Infernal Dukes: just about 47 with roughly ten being unknown as to their standing, but generally accepted as dukes (or duchesses)
Iron Gods (Constructs): three of them
Kyton demogogues: there's eight of them listed
Malebranche: kind of morbid, but there's as many known malebranche named as there were disciples
the Seven Kumara: enough said
Oni Daimyo:ten of them
Orc Cults: I don't know much about them
Primal Inevitables: I have not seen names on any, but the bestiary 2 suggests they might exist
Protean Lords: three, that I know of
Psychopomp Ushers: 14, that I know of
Qlippoth Lords:6? not including the 6 demonlords who deserted their qlippoth brethren
Rakshasa Immortals: as much as they hate being considered as demigods, there's 14 that I know
Sahkil Tormentors: 14 named
and finally the Angels of Vengeance: (I know they have a different name, but...)4
With all of the smaller groups being between 4 and 50 and the empyreal lords get almost a full hundred? I may be in the minority, but I'd think the smaller groups would get a bit of preferential treatment as opposed to the one group in the nineties, the empyreal lords would almost make a great sourcebook, since there are so many.

Berselius |

I don't think any of us said we wanted the entire Bestiary to be completely full of Empyreal Lord stats. I'd be satisfied if we just got 3 to be perfectly honest (and if one of those 3 is Arshea then so much the better).
As for other power houses, I think we'll be getting plenty of those too dude. All Eight Archdevils, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, hell I think we may even got a Whore Queen or two. So, yeah, no worries. :D

Milo v3 |
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Also, is it just me or should Primal Inevitables really be renamed PRIME Inevitables? :D
Headcanon - The name previously was Prime Inevitables, but they were slowed by the fact that for each new Prime Inevitable to be produced it required an associated Prime number and calculating the next prime number after the immense number of eons that have passed throughout the cosmos it has become inefficient to wait for the next prime number to be calculated and thus the name was ordered to be changed to Primal to optimise production.

Berselius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Nobody ever wants to see my statblock.
Actually, I do. I also want to see stats of your servants the Seduction Devils (aka the Lillims). :D
Berselius wrote:Also, is it just me or should Primal Inevitables really be renamed PRIME Inevitables? :DHeadcanon - The name previously was Prime Inevitables, but they were slowed by the fact that for each new Prime Inevitable to be produced it required an associated Prime number and calculating the next prime number after the immense number of eons that have passed throughout the cosmos it has become inefficient to wait for the next prime number to be calculated and thus the name was ordered to be changed to Primal to optimise production.

Nightterror |

Barlgura can still be used in that spelling, it would just have to be based on the ancient near and middle eastern traditions of legend and myth, which spell it either as Barlgura, Baregara, or Bar Lgura (even further separated by spellings with hyphens). It's happened before that the writers have used two different spellings as separate species though.
also, I know it's a little taboo to talk about anything after a certain point but in your humble opinion, Nightterror, is the Odopi a "rest in peace" type monster?
In my own little D&D project I use Barlgura much like the Bebilith, they are critters that live in the Abyss hunting for demons, they aren't demons themselves. I think that suits them better.
As for the Odopi, they actually have a mythology counterpart, all the way from the Philippines comes the Kurita which I prefer over the Odopi. And in my own mythika project the normal Kurita has around 20 arms, but its upgrade it has around 50 like the odopi, so I don't really mind what pathfinder does with it or how many arms they have, they are all cool in my book.
Also from lumberjack tales comes the similar many-legged whintosser.
I don't want to see Eyes of the Deep, they don't make sense without beholders. Maybe an underwater Hyakume lol.

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Also, am I the only one who gets a kick out of the possibility of abominations making an appearance one day? I know Asuras are supposed to be the result of divine mistakes but an even larger mistake could be a god giving into lust and mating with an outsider resulting in the birth of a monster as powerful as a nascent demon lord, infernal duke, or daemonic harbinger! :D
Oh gods yes!
I absolutely love the Abominations.
I also recently found out they're under the OGL too!!!!

Fourshadow |

Kalindlara wrote:The nupperibo and the eye of the deep both have the advantage of having appeared in the Adventure Path line, although the latter is beholder-y enough that Paizo might not want it simply out of a desire to distance their brand from iconic D&D creatures. ^_^Maybe they could make them giant floating eyeballs capable of generating storms whose tendrils can burrow through skulls and turn humanoid beings into berserk slaves instead? :D
The Aatheriexa doesn't do exactly what you asked for, but it is darn close.
AatheriexaWith this creature, I don't need Beholders. These suckers are really insidious, nasty and have some similarity to beholders, but bring in some creative differences! Including casting Lightning Bolt--there's your storm generation.
I absolutely loved Bestiary 5.
EDIT: Thanks Luthorne! Does the link work now?

Luthorne |
Berselius wrote:Kalindlara wrote:The nupperibo and the eye of the deep both have the advantage of having appeared in the Adventure Path line, although the latter is beholder-y enough that Paizo might not want it simply out of a desire to distance their brand from iconic D&D creatures. ^_^Maybe they could make them giant floating eyeballs capable of generating storms whose tendrils can burrow through skulls and turn humanoid beings into berserk slaves instead? :DThe Aatheriexa doesn't do exactly what you asked for, but it is darn close.
[url]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/aatheriexa[/url]With this creature, I don't need Beholders. These suckers are really insidious, nasty and have some similarity to beholders, but bring in some creative differences! Including casting Lightning Bolt--there's your storm generation.
I absolutely loved Bestiary 5.EDIT: Guess I have no idea how to make links work...sorry.
What you need to do is [ url = (put the url here) ](put the text you want to link to the url here)[ / url ], without the spaces. For example, the aatheriexa.
Hope that helps!