Pathfinder Module: Seers of the Drowned City (PFRPG)

4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)
Pathfinder Module: Seers of the Drowned City (PFRPG)
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A Perfect Storm!

With the dawning of the Age of Lost Omens, a supernatural hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego brought ruin to the nation of Lirgen. Today, what was once a powerful nation exists as a flooded swampland, its fallen cities immersed under the endless flood of a perpetual storm. In Hyrantam, the ruined capital of Lirgen, a few stubborn survivors have managed to eke out a living for themselves, but now, strange new patterns in the storm that constantly looms on the horizon have swept local predators into violent frenzies. Worse, a new sect of strange seers known as the Stormreaders has come to the area, and its demands on the people of Hyrantam have grown increasingly dire. What link might the Stormreaders have to these new squalls, and what vile plots might they be hatching from their new seat of power deep in the drowned city's ruins?

Seers of the Drowned City is an adventure for 6th-level characters and features a poster map of the ruins of Hyrantam. The author of this adventure, Nicholas Wasko, was the Season 9 winner of the RPG Superstar contest, in which hundreds of unpublished authors compete for the chance to write a Pathfinder Module. In addition, this book contains a host of new monsters and magic items designed by the contest's talented runners-up.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-854-0

Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Sanctioned Content
Seers of the Drowned City is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild.

Download the rules and Chronicle sheets — (446 kb zip/PDF)

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Average product rating:

4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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Great Module!


I love the sandbox nature of this mod. The exploration and investigation aspect if something I really enjoyed.



This module is a lot less linear, and I really enjoy that. The villains are good, some of the npcs can be friend or foe based on player's actions, and the artwork is great.

Overall, very well put together. If you want an adventure that is less rail road and more sandy, here is your chance.

Ok, but could be better.


The cover.
The giant squid zombie illustration.
The "flip-mat" side of the poster map.
Some magic items are cool.
The adventure itself has some good ideas.
The fact that this can be connected to the previous module.

The city map side of the poster map.
The Hyrantam article is too short and underdeveloped.
The encounter area maps.
Most creatures from the Bestiary section.

A GM has to put some serious extra work into this.

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Liberty's Edge

That is good enough for me. Thanks for sharing!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

just got my copy in the mail. that cover is off the hook.

Dark Archive

The side of the poster map that has the flip-mat style battle-mat looks pretty useful (a few bigger ship-wrecks connected to each other), even for other adventures.

The side showing "Hyrantam" is not as good imo, as it has a scale that is far to big and has only 9 locations which are described very sparingly.
As a GM you have to invest lot´s of additional time to flesh out these.

Also the six page section of the settlement doesn´t offer enough info either.
Hyrantam is/was the capital of the "Sodden Lands"/"Lirgen" and has still more inhabitants than "Sandpoint", yet it gets much less description.
The first of the 6 pages shows a few unremarkable towers rising out of the water.
The second mostly has a pretty short settlement stat block.
Then there is the map of the city in smaller size than on the poster map and the rest is far too few descriptive text.
Considering that the whole adventure takes place in one city, that is not enough.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Got my copy today, the illustrations are pretty sweet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The ISBN on the store page is the one for Gallows of Madness. This book's ISBN is 978-1-60125-902-8.

Liberty's Edge

Amazing art for the RPGSS creations. I only regret that not all items got theirs

I was looking forward to the illustration of the Daylight Diadem but that was not to be

It was one of the items I had the honor and pleasure to workshop :-)

Congrats to all designers whose creations appear in this book

And to all who participated in RPGSS. Looking forward to the next one :-)


So... Is this the last product from the line? Is the module product line on hold? It seems a bit weird.

Dark Archive

"Marco Massoudi wrote:

Dear James.

Any news on the Pathfinder Modules front?

Is there a chance for an introductary module taking place in Tian-Xia in 2017?

Are you gonna see "Logan" at the cinema?

Best wishes!

No news.

I'd say the chances of an introductory module in Tian Xia showing up in 2017 is pretty much zero.

Maybe. Probably."

So yes, the modules line seems to be on hold.

But i remember it being the same before, where nothing came out until april and then again in august.

Personally i think a return to the 32 page modules line done both by professional writers and rpg superstar winners would be best.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Nick, I'm honored you used the bottled cloud!!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So if I understood it right, if I run this after I have runned Ire of the Storm in campaign mode for PFS players, I can't retroactively give them chronicles if I run this before its sanctioned, right? So uh, anyone has any idea if this will be sanctioned in multiple years or in few weeks or months? :'D

Also, did I forget some point, or did I calculate right that, as written, its impossible to get the best situation with defense points unless something extra ordinary happens? Since

I calculated that max you can get is either 13 or 14 depending on whether one of hags is killed, but its really unlikely without metagaming that players both kill one of hags to prevent coven magic from working and resolve Thunderbird's problem before hags attack.

So uh, am I wrong and forgot to take something in account, or is it actually impossible for players to get best mentioned situation in table? ._. Is this intention or is it an oversight?

RPG Superstar Season 9

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
So uh, am I wrong and forgot to take something in account, or is it actually impossible for players to get best mentioned situation in table? ._. Is this intention or is it an oversight?

You are correct, the best possible defense point outcome is exceptionally difficult.

Defense Points (here be spoilers):
The best possible conditions include 2 for the recruiting the Wavewhisper tribe, 1 for library research, 1 for the planetarium's visions, 4 from the Wrackway (2 for the light ballistae, 2 for the heavy ballistae), 3 for recruiting Kaijong, and 1 for killing a hag. This comes out to 12 total, which means a rousing victory requires the PCs to earn at least one bonus victory point at the GM's discretion (some possible options include having Eryssala available to help defend the enclave, recovering the leviathan's terror noted on the map in area E5, luring some of the kerakinsis out of the Augur's Throne and killing them before the battle, etc.).

Although the exact value being 1 point shy was a mathematical oversight, I did intend for a "perfect victory" to be very difficult. The coven has a stranglehold on the Lirgeni enclave, and they aren't stupid enemies - they make excellent use of charmed spies and divination magic, so catching them off-guard requires a lot of finesse. The PCs should have to pull out all the stops if they want to fight them off without a single casualty.

That being said, there are ways to get the best possible outcome without metagaming, as long as the PCs think through their actions. The PCs don't need to turn over Aeassra's egg immediately upon recovering it, and the hags won't necessarily check on the egg unless Narlysa escapes and warns them. If the PCs kill a hag, it takes them 1d4 days to regain their coven spells, and only if Narlysa is still around. The hags would also likely rely on divination magic from their coven spells to confirm the death of a coven member, which could require hours to days to start their endgame after a hag was killed (depending on the GM).

Every action the PCs take in Hyrantam has potential consequences, but there should be a grace period between the PCs completing a task and the coven retaliating. Capitalizing on that time delay, whether through careful planning or using divination magic of their own, should give the PCs the chance to prepare the battlefield as best they can. If you'd like to discuss additional options to make a rousing victory more likely, feel free to PM me and I can share some of my own thoughts from outlining the adventure.

theheadkase wrote:
Nick, I'm honored you used the bottled cloud!!

IT was my pleasure, thanks for creating such a flavorful item!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hmm, I think you missed one 2 point chance and I think as written it'd be practically possible only via metagaming, though I do agree that if I wanted to not do it as exactly as written I'd do it with something like that. But yeah, I'll send pm to discuss this more

Grand Lodge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
So uh, anyone has any idea if this will be sanctioned in multiple years or in few weeks or months? :'D

I guess it basically depends on how busy the PFS team happens to be. One of the most recent modules, Gallows of Madness was sanctioned pretty quickly; it was released at Gen Con and the chronicles for it were available before Halloween, if I remember correctly.

RPG Superstar Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
I think you missed one 2 point chance...

Defense Points Correction (spoilers):
CorvusMask you're correct. The total is actually 14 - each of the two heavy ballistae provides 2 defense points if properly salvaged, bringing the total available defense points from the Wrackway to 6 (2 from light ballistae, 2 for the first heavy ballista, 2 for the second heavy ballista).
Grand Lodge

I am really looking forward to seeing this one sanctioned for PFS. I am crossing my fingers that it will be sanctioned soon, because it looks awesome.

Grand Lodge

+1 for sanctioning! I'm running Ire with my crew currently (campaign mode, and for PFS credit.) I'd love to be able to run this afterward and give them chronicles for Seers. :)

Grand Lodge

Also +1 for this to be sanctioned soon.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am also hoping this will be sanctioned soon. I’ve had it in my downloads for a while awaiting sanctioning.

Perhaps I was foolish to buy it before it got sanctioned, but after Sun Orchid Scheme I was looking for something else by Nick Wasko.

Any word on when this is getting PFS sanctioned?

Sovereign Court

When lines get dropped, I fear they may not have any loose ends tidied up.

The Pathfinder Tales have not got audiobooks for the last few novels, the last modules are un-sanctioned...

It’s a shame.

Grand Lodge

I would also like to throw in my bid to get this sanctioned.

Liberty's Edge

GeraintElberion wrote:

When lines get dropped, I fear they may not have any loose ends tidied up.

The Pathfinder Tales have not got audiobooks for the last few novels, the last modules are un-sanctioned...

It’s a shame.

I'm beginning to feel like a broken record. Pathfinder Tales has not been dropped or cancelled. The deal Paizo had with Tor came to an end and one or both parties chose to not continue it. Paizo is shopping around for a new partner for the Tales line. They even have books written ready for publishing once they have a deal ironed out IIRC.

Sovereign Court

You can drop a thing, then pick it up again.

Right now, it isn't going on.

My point was that when they take focus of something (like PF Tales or PF Modules) Paizo don't seem inclined to tidy up the loose ends (like audiobook releases or sanctioning modules).

Being dropped from the team isn't the same as being released from your contract. It just means the coach did not select you for that match.

'dropped' and 'cancelled' are not the same thing.

Although, honestly, I preferred the Tales when they were released by a book publisher called Paizo.

Liberty's Edge

GeraintElberion wrote:

You can drop a thing, then pick it up again.

Right now, it isn't going on.

My point was that when they take focus of something (like PF Tales or PF Modules) Paizo don't seem inclined to tidy up the loose ends (like audiobook releases or sanctioning modules).

Being dropped from the team isn't the same as being released from your contract. It just means the coach did not select you for that match.

'dropped' and 'cancelled' are not the same thing.

Although, honestly, I preferred the Tales when they were released by a book publisher called Paizo.

Audiobooks are almost certainly not going to happen until they have a new publishing partner. Paizo does not have the resources to do them, as I understand things. Audiobooks only started when Paizo made their deal with Tor, so it only makes sense that when the deal ended audiobooks ended. Whether they will start again will depend on their new partner.

Also one other point, saying a company has dropped something carries a strong implication of permanence and whether you meant it that way or not, a lot of people are going to read it that way. So don't be surprised when people believe you are saying the line is cancelled when you say it was dropped.

Lastly, I also preferred the format of the books when Paizo was publishing them. I am not a fan of the other format.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Any word at all on if this is ever going to be PFS sanctioned?

I finally bit the bullet and purchased it anyway but I have been on a huge modules kock lately and can firsthand report that the PFS sanctioning slowdown has been disappointing

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I feel I've been sitting on this Module for a very long time. Can we get word on the status of this being Sanctioned? Can we not be left in the dark here?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Any news on this becoming PFS sanctioned?

Waiting patiently for sanction....ZZZZzzzzzzzz!

Grand Lodge

It likely will be sanctioned, but has to get released first.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I bought this module two years ago, so it has already been released and is really overdue for sanctioning at this point.

Grand Lodge

David knott 242 wrote:
I bought this module two years ago, so it has already been released and is really overdue for sanctioning at this point.

Oh, so it is. Got this confused with Cradle of Night. Guess I'll be picking this up.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Now sanctioned for Organized Play!


Grand Lodge

BretI wrote:

Now sanctioned for Organized Play!


That is incredible news.

Silver Crusade

The chronicle sheets seem different from other modules I've run. Levels 5-7 are repeated in the second sheet and the gold amount for the third is still the same amount as the 5-7. Is this an error that can be updated?


Grand Lodge

Oli Ironbar wrote:

The chronicle sheets seem different from other modules I've run. Levels 5-7 are repeated in the second sheet and the gold amount for the third is still the same amount as the 5-7. Is this an error that can be updated?


The tier 5-7 aspect of part 1 and 2 aren't a mistake, as shown in the table on page 1 of the pdf. Part 3's gold amount is most definitely incorrect. For 6-8 I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be 5893 slow and 11787 fast track, just like the others have been. Definitely a mistake. Hopefully this can be fixed, or at least clarified so the GM at the table can make the changes first hand.

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