Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Realms (PFRPG)

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Realms (PFRPG)
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Unearth Occult Secrets

The world of Golarion is full of ancient mysteries, hidden lore, and untapped psychic powers just waiting to be discovered. Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Realms offers everything you need to explore occult themes in your games, including new rules, detailed locations, and preternatural inspirations to bring occult campaigns of any level to life. Inside this book, you'll find:

  • Rules options for each of the six occult classes presented in Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures, including legendary spirits that skilled mediums can channel, Thassilonian phantoms tied to the seven sins for wicked spiritualists, and psi-tech discoveries and the mindtech discipline for specialized psychics.
  • Six locations ripe for exploration in occult campaigns, including a temple where astronomers from lost Lirgen still secretly toil, a university of psychic magic on the utopian island of Hermea, and the nation of Zi Ha in Tian Xia, where the samsaran residents live countless lives through reincarnation.
  • Half a dozen places of occult import beyond Golarion, including the Citadel of the Black on Aucturn, the Ocean of Mists on Castrovel, and the Temple of Desna's First Dream in the Dimension of Dreams.
  • Nine occult rituals tied to such iconic organizations as the false priesthood of Razmir and the Red Mantis assassins, allowing characters to achieve lichdom or temporarily transform into a half-fiend.
  • Rules for creating mystical idols that grow in power as their cult followings expand, plus two mysterious sample idols.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Realms is a perfect companion for Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures, and is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy game setting.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-794-9

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Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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More strong Occult content


The crunch in the begging provides some very good and very welcome expansions of options for the new occult classes. I found the location write ups somewhat less useful due to space constraints, but they provide a nice hook for a GM to build upon, although he'll have to do most of the work. They probably work better for a one off where you teleport in to handle a problem than as a campaign arc.



Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

I hugely enjoyed reading Occult Realms. It offers wonderful glimpses and insights into areas of Golarion that have only received a small amount of attention previously, even a place or two where you might not expect the occult, such as Razmiran. Some of the places are quite small, sometimes just a single building, but the small areas mean that the details can actually be more specific. There is a better sense of a lived-in world from this book than from some other Pathfinder Campaign Setting books, which tend to focus more on providing a list of locations than on what it's like to live there. The approach here is still on listing locations, but there is more room for detail about those locations.

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Dark Archive

"More than a dozen locations rife with occult adventure potential are detailed within, including sites in Hermea, Jalmeray, Numeria, and Razmiran, as well as sites on other planets and planes of existence."

That sounds like another must-have.

SWEET! locations in Hermia, Jalmeray, and Numeria.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Probably Castrovel as well. ^_^

Don't get my hopes up to much;)

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

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Hope is a powerful thing.

Ok, you convinced me, I hope beyond hope that Castrovel will get some love in this book;)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It does mention other planets and planes, so I'd bet Castrovel gets some love. Hopefully the First World does as well. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

First World....YES....

The First World would also be awesome.

The first world really doesn't come off to me as a place with occult themes to it. I suppose it could, it just gives off a different vibe to me. You never know though, stranger combinations have worked in the past. Either way, I relish the chance to read this one.

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Considering psychic magic is based on thought and emotion and the first world is place that can be altered by ones will. Also between arcane, divine, and psychic magic, it is psychic magic that fits fey by far the best. Though more then likely we will get something from the astral, ethereal, and/or dimension of dreams. But I am still hopeful that the first world will get some love.

I can't wait to find out what planets and planes get some love in this book.

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Carcosa? Leng?

I thought this product would be getting more attention.

My first reaction was: "Yay, finally more information on where the damn Oliphaunt comes from!"

Then I reread the blub.

Jalmeray, not Jandelay.

le sigh.

I would be interested in both locations.

So much potential with this one. I hope that Castrovel, The First World, Dimension of Dreams, Aucturn, Dimension of Time, Akiton, and one of the planet's moons(not Golarion's moon). I am sure that the Astral and/or Ethereal plane will get some love in this book. I wonder if any of the other continents of Golarion will get some love?

Was this item talked about at the Con?

Paizo Employee Developer

Not really, no. Maybe a few little bits in passing, but it was never the topic of discussion, at least in panels I was on.

No, oh well, can't wait to find out more about this one.

I see that the description says over a dozen locations, have they gotten down exactly how many locations we will get?

Dark Archive

Cohle Slaad wrote:
Carcosa? Leng?

Since Leng is established lore, I would expect to see it written up before Carcosa. Mind you, I would prefer Carcosa get a write up as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm hoping for Castrovel too. Akitron would be interesting, particularly if the Contemplatives are psychically-based. I could also see some of the gas giants' inhabitants (Bretheda and Liavara) using psychic magic.

Aucturn and psychic magic would be a scary, scary combination. :o

Silver Crusade Contributor

I forgot about the Contemplatives. ^_^

Anything could happen on those moons, but it's a bit obscure for them to go to.

As for Aucturn, in Wake of the Watcher, I replaced an encounter I found a bit silly...

Wake of the Watcher:
There's a cerebric fungus that babbles silly things at the players, about five rooms before Shub-Niggurath threatens to drink them like a milkshake. Didn't care for it.

Instead, I put in the Aucturn Occultist. I used the android stats as a base, but put him in a pressure suit filled with his native atmosphere. And yes - he did get crit.

I debated what class to use - I even thought about using Dreamscarred psionics. In the end, though, I went with a dimensional occultist witch who had marked every part of the room with his diagrams. It worked fine... but with what we have now? Psychic, all the way.

They ended up having to exorcise his ghost... by charming his hound of Tindalos and having it take his messy remains back to Aucturn.

The Contemplatives are one of the reasons I thought of Akiton the other being the strangeness at the polar regions. There is also the "mountain tested" of Ka but that could just be brain damage from lack of oxygen;)


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Planar locations would make me very, very happy :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If we don't get at least one location in Ustalav, I will be sad.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Has Carcosa actually been mentioned as part of the Pathfinder cosmology?

Not that I have heard of.

Dragon78 wrote:
Was this item talked about at the Con?

It came up briefly at the Future of Pathfinder panel, but in less detail than in the product description above. My notes from it:

Notes wrote:
November *Occult Realms*: Similar to *Mythic Realms*. Taking a lot of the content from the occult adventures book and contextualizing that within Golarion. If you want to have an occult character and want to set that in Golarion, this is where that comes from, where it's been, and how your characters can grow out.

Liberty's Edge

What's the difference between Realms and Origins? I thought Advanced Class Origins, for example, was about contextualizing the ACG classes in Golarion...why wasn't it Advanced Class Realms?

Samy wrote:
What's the difference between Realms and Origins? I thought Advanced Class Origins, for example, was about contextualizing the ACG classes in Golarion...why wasn't it Advanced Class Realms?

Mythic realms was about more than classes. It also talked about mythic adventuring areas (and the monsters who love them), hence the "realms" bit. I assume Occult Realms will also include a lot of information like that.

Samy wrote:
What's the difference between Realms and Origins? I thought Advanced Class Origins, for example, was about contextualizing the ACG classes in Golarion...why wasn't it Advanced Class Realms?

Origins is player stuff in the companion line, Realms is world stuff in the campaign setting line. There will be an Occult Origins and an Occult Realms.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
Not that I have heard of.

Too bad. :)

Maybe they could have a city inspired by the place Zaister but isn't it still under copyright?

I am much more interested in the realms part of this book then anything else.

Silver Crusade Contributor

I don't believe Carcosa is copyrighted. If it were, the King in Yellow would be right there with it, and that one made it into the Bestiary 4. ^_^

yeah...the works Carcosa originally figured in are long out of copyright

Paizo Employee

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Zaister wrote:
Has Carcosa actually been mentioned as part of the Pathfinder cosmology?

It's mentioned in Hastur's description in Bestiary 4 and is alluded to in the backmatter of Wake of the Watcher, although not called out by name that I can see.


Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

2 people marked this as a favorite.

To confirm some stuff above, Occult Realms is a campaign setting line book that delivers information on occult locations on Golarion (much like Mythic Realms delivered info on mythic locations on Golarion.) Occult Origins (player companion line) delivers information for players on the new occult classes and how they fit into Golarion. I have the fortune of working on both this book and Occult Origins (as well as on Occult Adventures) and I think everyone will find something interesting they can use inside!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am exited about both those books and every thing else occult related this year.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Landon Winkler wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Has Carcosa actually been mentioned as part of the Pathfinder cosmology?

It's mentioned in Hastur's description in Bestiary 4 and is alluded to in the backmatter of Wake of the Watcher, although not called out by name that I can see.


Remember the Bestiaries are setting neutral, so a mention of Carcosa there is not the best indicator of its presence in Golarion lore. The allusion in Wake of the Watcher is more of an obligatory mention when discussing Hastur (not a big deal as the Ambrose Bierce stories are in the public domain). You really can't have one without the other.

I would love to see Carcosa get a write up. I think a manuscript of the play The King in Yellow could be a Golarion occult artifact. It could contain a ritual to open the door to Carcosa, or one that called Hastur to Golarion. Neither of which should anyone want to see happen.

Well Leng exists in Pathfinder, so I sort of just assume Carcosa exists...somewhere...

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Robert Brookes wrote:
To confirm some stuff above, Occult Realms is a campaign setting line book that delivers information on occult locations on Golarion (much like Mythic Realms delivered info on mythic locations on Golarion.) Occult Origins (player companion line) delivers information for players on the new occult classes and how they fit into Golarion. I have the fortune of working on both this book and Occult Origins (as well as on Occult Adventures) and I think everyone will find something interesting they can use inside!

I have to say, at first I was somewhat reticent to have Psychic magic anywhere near my game, but the closer it gets the more excited I become. I'll likely buy all 4: Adventures, Realms, Origin, and Bestiary!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
I am exited about both those books and every thing else occult related this year.

Same here! I love seeing the Paizo folks flex their collective design muscles.

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Landon Winkler wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Has Carcosa actually been mentioned as part of the Pathfinder cosmology?

It's mentioned in Hastur's description in Bestiary 4 and is alluded to in the backmatter of Wake of the Watcher, although not called out by name that I can see.


Remember the Bestiaries are setting neutral, so a mention of Carcosa there is not the best indicator of its presence in Golarion lore. The allusion in Wake of the Watcher is more of an obligatory mention when discussing Hastur (not a big deal as the Ambrose Bierce stories are in the public domain). You really can't have one without the other.

No writeup, but:

The Dragon's Demand:
Carcosa is directly mentioned in The Dragon's Demand. It's a very, very small aside, but it's mentioned in a spellbook alongside Eox, Aucturn, and (presumably) the Dominion of the Black.

So it is mentioned somewhere that is a Golarion specific book.

Paizo Employee Developer

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Golarion exists in the same universe as Earth and you questioned if it was in the same universe as Carcosa? Silly mortals.

Well just because it is in a world neutral hardcover doesn't mean it is canon to Golarion.

With so many locations in a 64 page book, I hope it will still be enough for each place.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Golarion exists in the same universe as Earth and you questioned if it was in the same universe as Carcosa? Silly mortals.

I was the only character to survive Tatters of the Yellow King. I was bug farging crazy, but I lived.

MMCJawa wrote:
Well Leng exists in Pathfinder, so I sort of just assume Carcosa exists...somewhere...

Carcosa's most likely physical location is somewhere near the star Aldebaran, so, like Cthulhu, it's in the wrong galaxy to be anywhere near Golarion. ^.^ (At this point I suspect Golarion's in Andromeda.)

I really, really, really can't wait to find out what all the locations will be.

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