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Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:John Kretzer wrote:Can I expect more Calistria support in this book? the whole 'Optional subdomains focused on city life and urban challenges, opening up unique powers and expertise to clerics and inquisitors.' seems to suggest that it is possible.It was possible, but that's not the way the subdomains went. We mention Abadar, Abraxas, Andoletta, Apollyon, Arqueros, Asmodeus, Besmara, Bergelmir, Bharnarol, Brigh, Cayden Cailean, Chaldira Zuzaristan, Cyth-V’sug, Daikitsu, Dispater, Droskar, Erastil, Erecura, Eritrice, Ghlaunder, Gorum, Iomedae, Irori, Kelinahat, Kurgess, Lamashtu, Lissala, Marishi, Milani, Nethys, Norgorber, Shei, Svarozic , Torag, Trudd, Urgathoa , and Winlas, but nothing specifically for Calistria this time.
Ah... it seems to me Calistria just screams urban adventures...and I am probably a little greedy for more Calistria favored options.
Calistria is a good fit for urban subdomains, but it didn't quite work out that she got one this time. That said, I am really happy that we could provide new subdomains for such a wide range of deities.
I hope that folks enjoy how the optional subdomains work. Perhaps they (and their variation on the subdomain mechanic) can be territory that future Paizo books explore further.

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Zaister wrote:Great cover – Jirelle rocks the crowds! And it's just showing up in my September order authorization mail, too. Probably useful for a Hell's Rebels campaign.One nitpick though -- Compared to her appearance in the Advanced Class Guide, doesn't Jirelle look a bit pale on this cover?
Her skin color changes wildly depending on the artist. I've been noticing it a lot.

Fourshadow |

That's a really cool cover. "Do you hear the people sing?"
"Singing a song of angry men! It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!"
So, who will be strong and stand with Lem...actually, Jirelle would probably stand forward before he did...beyond the barricade?

Mimo Tomblebur |

I got my PDF last night, and I see a lot of cool things like a Cavalier without a mount or animal (yeah!), a subdomain of Strength that is great for Kurgess and Irori worshipers, and a fun new bard archetype.
But, shouldn't the Busker Bard get more rounds of stunts as he levels, like one would for performance? It just says 4 + Charisma modifier, period. That means a 20th level bard can only pretend to be a statue for less than a minute a day, and that would use all his stunts! That can't be right, can it?

QuidEst |

But, shouldn't the Busker Bard get more rounds of stunts as he levels, like one would for performance? It just says 4 + Charisma modifier, period. That means a 20th level bard can only pretend to be a statue for less than a minute a day, and that would use all his stunts! That can't be right, can it?
We have Archaeologist as a precedent for non-scaling rounds. Assuming this is similar, you have a few options.
a) Talk to your GM if it's a home game. Scaling the rounds probably isn't unreasonable. Maybe compromise with +1 round/level.b) Grab Lingering Performance to triple your rounds/day.
c) Use a race that grants bounus rounds as an alternate favored class bonus.
If it doesn't have any text saying that it counts as Bardic Performance for feats, you'll have to go with a).
I'd love some spoilery goodness on Bloodragers, Witches, and subdomains if anybody's got some time. Also, that Bard archetype sounds pretty cool!

Mimo Tomblebur |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm hoping it is just an error.
I'm one of the thousands of people who only play this game as PFS, so I really hate to see "talk to your GM" solutions to any problem. Those are not workable solutions for the game that I have invested hundreds of dollars to play. I appreciate QuidEst's effort to help though.

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Kalindlara wrote:May we know just what's so bonkers about it?The elf alternate racial trait is bonkers.
Really hoping it's PFS-legal, as I'm just getting an elf conjurer off the ground. ^_^
I'm looking forward to Augment Summoning at 1st level. ^_^

QuidEst |

I'm hoping it is just an error.
I'm one of the thousands of people who only play this game as PFS, so I really hate to see "talk to your GM" solutions to any problem. Those are not workable solutions for the game that I have invested hundreds of dollars to play. I appreciate QuidEst's effort to help though.
Yep- that's why I included the other solutions as well. Are those applicable, or does it not provide any equivalence to rounds of Performance? If it is an error, it's still unlikely to get corrected, unfortunately.
** spoiler omitted **
AHAHA. GLORIOUS. Half-Elves are now hands-down the best Summoners. Wow… And for just Keen Senses? I was already swapping that for Fey Magic, but this is even better.

Mimo Tomblebur |

I'd love some spoilery goodness on Bloodragers, Witches, and subdomains if anybody's got some time. Also, that Bard archetype sounds pretty cool!
The Bloodrager archetype is

QuidEst |

QuidEst wrote:I'd love some spoilery goodness on Bloodragers, Witches, and subdomains if anybody's got some time. Also, that Bard archetype sounds pretty cool!The Bloodrager archetype is ** spoiler omitted **
Ooh, I like it! Grabbing Bard spells is nice- there are some really fun ones, and enough unique options that it's not too bad to be getting them late.
The Slums spirit for Shamans has a fun spirit ability that ** spoiler omitted **
Slums spirit? Do want! And that ability sounds fun.

Mimo Tomblebur |

Yeah, I really look forward to the release of new shaman spirits. I currently have a Spirit Guide Time Oracle, so I'm always looking for new shaman abilities that I can reskin thematically justify to seem like time manipulation powers. This Slums spirit may definitely be of interest when I know my mission will be in an urban environment.

QuidEst |

Yeah, I really look forward to the release of new shaman spirits. I currently have a Spirit Guide Time Oracle, so I'm always looking for new shaman abilities that I canreskinthematically justify to seem like time manipulation powers. This Slums spirit may definitely be of interest when I know my mission will be in an urban environment.
Ooh, nice! I'm very happy to have an urban spirit, and doubly so that it's not just focused on trade.
Of course, the most important part* of any spirit is what it does for your familiar. Mind spoiling some info on that?
*I may be biased by the time I made a Shaman whose familiar was basically Batman as a raccoon.

Mimo Tomblebur |

Of course, the most important part* of any spirit is what it does for your familiar. Mind spoiling some info on that?
Yeah, this is one part of it that I don't like. The familiar gets +4 initiative, which seems like a good thing, but so many GMs insist that your familiar goes on your turn that it is effectively worthless.

Revan |

I'm a huge fan of the new rogue talent where they can move into cover or concealment and make a Stealth check to get observers to lose track of them. Unless I'm missing somemajor limitations to that, it would be well worth it all on its own, but it also has a rider where success allows you to make an Intimidate check to shake enemies with your disappearing act.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm a huge fan of the new rogue talent where they can move into cover or concealment and make a Stealth check to get observers to lose track of them. Unless I'm missing somemajor limitations to that, it would be well worth it all on its own, but it also has a rider where success allows you to make an Intimidate check to shake enemies with your disappearing act.
What's REALLY cool is that a note was included to specifically allow them to be selected by the Unchained Rogue. Player Companion rogue talents have this weird design limbo where technically, the Unchained Rogue can't pick them but almost no home GM would say "No" to allowing them. Its nice to see a specific, "YOU CAN DO THIS, GUYS," in print, though! :D

BardWannabe |

Anything nice for Bards, guys?
As a bard lover myself, I am happy to say that in addition to the Busker Bard Archetype I discussed above, there are some very nice 1st level bard spells. Such as, one that lets you turn platinum coins into adamantine bullets. Another is a weaker version of Tongues that lets a creature speak a regional human language that you know.