Barachiel Shina |
A minor gripe but I understand Paizo wanting to conserve space and try their best to fit everything into one page with bestiaries but it gets pretty ridiculous sometimes.
I mean, the Gate Archon has ONE sentence as part of its description. Nothing else. Simply just Gate archons stand in silent vigils
over interplanar portals. and that's it. The rest stats.
Why not make the font smaller? Like in WotC's 3.0 Forgotten Realms campaign setting book? You not only get to fit more, but also do more.

Feros |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Myth Lord wrote:And what is the difference between the Peuchen and Amphiptere? Are they both winged serpents? Or not?Well you'd hope that the Peuchen is a shapechanger that drinks blood.
I know, but I'm just curious what they did with the Amphiptere, it appears different everywhere I see it.
Also, is the Wizard's Shackle a pathfinder version or the ultimate boring Hazard from D&D?
Since this didn't get answered:

Feros |

can someone spoil the list of dinosaurs in this book for me? It's relevant for something i'm working on.

Feros |

There isn't any new neutral outsiders, other than aeons?
Elemental, Aether
Kasa-obake (Tsukumogami)
Most are tied to the elements, but not all (such as the Turul).

Feros |

Thanks feros and dragon for the answers! Ceratosaurus or plesiosuarus, who gets the artwork?
Sadly, the plesiosaurus. The art work is fine, but I think the ceratosaurus would have been more impressive.

Feros |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A minor gripe but I understand Paizo wanting to conserve space and try their best to fit everything into one page with bestiaries but it gets pretty ridiculous sometimes.
I mean, the Gate Archon has ONE sentence as part of its description. Nothing else. Simply just Gate archons stand in silent vigils
over interplanar portals. and that's it. The rest stats.Why not make the font smaller? Like in WotC's 3.0 Forgotten Realms campaign setting book? You not only get to fit more, but also do more.
That one didn't bother me as much as the devastator. At least archons have a back story that is explained; the devastator just exists as a demonic construct powered by angels. Nothing on its origins, uses, purpose...nothing. It is a big, powerful, nasty brute.
I prefer monsters with some story to them.

Threeshades |

Threeshades wrote:can someone spoil the list of dinosaurs in this book for me? It's relevant for something i'm working on.** spoiler omitted **
Thanks a lot.
That takes two right off my list, I hope they're going to be good because I liked my versions. Anyway looking forward to have the book in my own hands.

ericthecleric |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
That one didn't bother me as much as the devastator. At least archons have a back story that is explained; the devastator just exists as a demonic construct powered by angels. Nothing on its origins, uses, purpose...nothing. It is a big, powerful, nasty brute.I prefer monsters with some story to them.
Feros, the devastator appeared first in

Feros |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Feros wrote:Feros, the devastator appeared first in ** spoiler omitted **, where there is a lot more information about them.
That one didn't bother me as much as the devastator. At least archons have a back story that is explained; the devastator just exists as a demonic construct powered by angels. Nothing on its origins, uses, purpose...nothing. It is a big, powerful, nasty brute.I prefer monsters with some story to them.
Yeah, I know; I have it and it's great! The point is there are quite a few monsters in Bestiary 5 that are like that, having been entries in other products. My issue is those who are not as fortunate as I am to have those resources are left with very little material to work with if all they have is the Bestiary itself.
I'm sort of looking at it as a stand alone product rather than a collection of new and reprinted monsters. As such, one line explanations aren't nearly as useful as those with some paragraphs of background material.

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Threeshades wrote:can someone spoil the list of dinosaurs in this book for me? It's relevant for something i'm working on.** spoiler omitted **
CRs and special abilities please? I'm intrigued to see how close my cerats come to paizos.
Also do we get new vermin and more importantly, vermin companion stats?

Myth Lord |

Myth Lord wrote:Thanks feros and dragon for the answers! Ceratosaurus or plesiosuarus, who gets the artwork?Sadly, the plesiosaurus. The art work is fine, but I think the ceratosaurus would have been more impressive.
Hmm that is sad new indeed...
I always see the ceratosaurus as devil dinosaur, with a very bright redish head and pale body, the Plesiosaurus should have been the Tanystropheus or Gorgonopsid, two much better dinosaur-like creatures. Plesiosaurus = pretty much the same as Elasmosaurus only weaker and smaller.
I'm so extremely happy that they gave the Therizinosaurus the artwork, the Troodon is so boring (in my opinion), just Velociraptor with more brains, and knowing paizo with their dinosaurus, Troodon probably has just animal intelligence and not higher (velociraptor for example should have higher intelligence than the Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus), so the use of Troodon is not really neccesairy.
Or am I wrong and did the Troodon get more intelligence score than other dinosaurs? Then i'm kinda understanding why they used Troodon. And hearing how the artwork for the Therizinosaurus has feathers, i'm starting to worry that the artwork is actually the Troodon, please confirm i'm wrong here!
What CR are Troodon, Ceratosaurus and Therizinosaurus?

Myth Lord |

Ceratosaurus always can get an artwork in AP's or other products, really, the Glacier Toad has finally gotten an artwork in the Giant Slayer AP Pawns! After so many years I started to loose hope for it, but then paizo surprised me with artwork of that awesome snow toad.
I'm still waiting for good art of the Nightmare though, without a rider or armor on it.

Feros |

Feros wrote:Threeshades wrote:can someone spoil the list of dinosaurs in this book for me? It's relevant for something i'm working on.** spoiler omitted **
CRs and special abilities please? I'm intrigued to see how close my cerats come to paizos.
Also do we get new vermin and more importantly, vermin companion stats?
ant, megapon
assassin bug, giant
assassin bug, great
caterpillar, blood
caterpillar, horn
mantis shrimp, giant
scarab, giant
scarab swarm
termite, giant
termite swarm
urchin, hunter
urchin, spear
The trilobite is available as a familiar, but no rules for animal companions are amongst these vermin.

Feros |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I always see the ceratosaurus as devil dinosaur, with a very bright redish head and pale body, the Plesiosaurus should have been the Tanystropheus or Gorgonopsid, two much better dinosaur-like creatures. Plesiosaurus = pretty much the same as Elasmosaurus only weaker and smaller.
I'm so extremely happy that they gave the Therizinosaurus the artwork, the Troodon is so boring (in my opinion), just Velociraptor with more brains, and knowing paizo with their dinosaurus, Troodon probably has just animal intelligence and not higher (velociraptor for example should have higher intelligence than the Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus), so the use of Troodon is not really neccesairy.
Or am I wrong and did the Troodon get more intelligence score than other dinosaurs? Then i'm kinda understanding why they used Troodon. And hearing how the artwork for the Therizinosaurus has feathers, i'm starting to worry that the artwork is actually the Troodon, please confirm i'm wrong here!
What CR are Troodon, Ceratosaurus and Therizinosaurus?
Therizinosaurus: CR 10
The art work is of a Therizinosaurus, and is a very cool picture IMHO. The feathers don't make it look like a bird at all.

Myth Lord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

OMG! How awesome! Therizinosaurus has a higher CR than Tyrannosaurus! YES! (sorry nerd-rage, I always loved the Therizinosaurus, and hated the Overusedosaurus Rex and Triceraoverused because they were in everyartwork while many other ceratops dinosaurs and carnivores are much more interesting, Therizinosaurus is the most interesting dinosaur out there and it suprises me it is such a high level dinosaur, but a very positive surprise! Awesome news!
Thanks for the info!

Feros |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Of all the shared pages, which creatures get the artwork? (like the Plesiosaurus gets the artwork over the ceratosaurus, but then for the animals, vermin and all others)
Assassin Bug-Great and Giant: Could be either one.
Polar Bear-Standard and Dire: Standard.
Caterpillar-Blood and Horn: Horn.
Dinosaur-Ceratosaurus and Plesiosaurus: Plesiosaurus
Dinosaur-Therizinosaurus and Troodon: Therizinosaurus
Familiar-Chicken, Flying Fox, Penguin, Red Panda, Seal, and Trilobite: Red Panda
Frog-Frog Father and Goliath: Could be either one.
House Spirit-Domovoi, Dvorovoi, and Ovinnik: Ovinnik
Megafauna-Chalicotherium and Kaprosuchus: Kaprosuchus
Megafauna-Moa and Uintatherium: Moa! :D (I'm half-Kiwi!)
Muckdweller-Standard and Giant: Standard
Plague Swarm-Rat, Locust, and Bat: Locust
Scarab-Giant and Swarm: Giant
Sea Urchin-Hunter and Spear: Just a picture of multi-coloured urchins. Probably Hunter, but not very representative. Not a good picture for illustrating the monster.
Termite-Giant and Swarm: Swarm
Tsukumogami-Koto-furunishi, Kasa-obake, and Boroboroton: Kasa-obake
Undigested-Standard and Swarm: Standard
Veela-Air, Earth, Fire, Water: Most likely water.
Whale-Blue and Narwhal: Blue
Wysp-Aether, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water: All four classic elements, no Aether.

Myth Lord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks Feros for doing such work! Really appriciate it!
Disappointed by the
Normal Polar bear getting picture over the much better Dire Polarbear, everybody knows what a normal polar bear looks like, not many people do know what a dire polar bear looks like.
Plesiosaurus, never been a fan of that creature with Elasmosaurus and the Water orm being much better, and Ceratosaurus is just so awesome.
Rather seen the Trilobite get the picture.
Uintatherium is awesome, but so is the Moa, so that one isn't that bad.
Too bad they re-used that horrible artwork of the multi-colored urchins from the AP bestiary, always disliked that chaotic picture... rather seen a new one.
Veela, I wish there was artwork for the Air Veela.
Narwhal :-( The only cool real-life animal gets beaten by the biggest, size really matters... Why not the narwhal, that creature is awesome.
The others are cool, good to see the names of the Tsukumogami! And they picked the right one, the living umbrella. No Ittan-momen in there, surprises me, but could be a good sign we see that creature in the future.
Also very happy to see the Kaprosuchus winning from the Chalicotherium!

Myth Lord |

Giant Anteaters! That are awesome real-world animals! Surprised they are still left out though! But of course Bestiary 6 needs cool Animals too ;-)
Pronghorn, Giant-Anteater, Fossa and Maned Wolf are my favorite real-world animals. Make them happen! :-p
Pronghorn = fastest land animal after Cheetah, but it has much more energy.
Giant-Anteater, just look at it being bizarre.
Fossa = Biggest carnivore on Lemur-Island uhm... Madagaskar.
Maned Wolf = Bizarre and beautiful, a deadly combination.
Markhor, Snow Leopards, Gharial, Jewel Wasps, Pangolin and Gilamonsters are cool too!
OH! And how could I forget Leopard Seals! So awesome!

Feros |

What do the giant caterpillars do and what sets the two new ants apart from normal giant ants?
ALSO, Paizo needs to stat up a tamandua, a giant anteater, and a dire anteater in a future bestiary. How else will we get rid of these ants and termites?
Effectively, horn caterpillars are a CR1 version and blood caterpillars are a CR4 version, but they are separate creatures.
Megapons are just massive ants, capable of carrying a lot of weight and doing more damage than other ants. They also have the Snatch feat.

Myth Lord |

The caterpillars sound awesome.
The giant ants sound a bit boring, rather had seen ants much like the Abyssal Ants from D&D (or some bizarre fire ants mutants) and some monstrous versions of the Bullet Ants or Leaf Ants that do magic with leaves and build stuff out of it, or some ants that use fungus to their advantage.

J-Spee Lovecraft |

Giant Anteaters! That are awesome real-world animals! Surprised they are still left out though! But of course Bestiary 6 needs cool Animals too ;-)
Pronghorn, Giant-Anteater, Fossa and Maned Wolf are my favorite real-world animals. Make them happen! :-p
Pronghorn = fastest land animal after Cheetah, but it has much more energy.
Giant-Anteater, just look at it being bizarre.
Fossa = Biggest carnivore on Lemur-Island uhm... Madagaskar.
Maned Wolf = Bizarre and beautiful, a deadly combination.
Markhor, Snow Leopards, Gharial, Jewel Wasps, Pangolin and Gilamonsters are cool too!
Agreed! I would also love to see a wombat, diprotodon (hippo-size, mega wombat), echidna, opossum, elephant seal, platybelodon (shovel-mouthed, elephant-thing), cassowary, giant catfish, sawfish, and a TON of other awesome animals, those are just off the top of my head!

J-Spee Lovecraft |

Oops, I totally forgot about my favorite bird on planet earth, the awesome, dangerous and stunningly beautiful Cassowary!
I also want the giant kangaroo Procoptodon, so big humanoids can ride them. Diprotodon is cool too.
Yeah! Giant roos! Also, marsupial lion should be mentioned as well.
And let's not forget that hooved apex predator, andrewsarchus!
ALSO, did they stat uinatherium kinda like a hippo or rhino? Like, attack-wise.

Feros |

Myth Lord wrote:Oops, I totally forgot about my favorite bird on planet earth, the awesome, dangerous and stunningly beautiful Cassowary!
I also want the giant kangaroo Procoptodon, so big humanoids can ride them. Diprotodon is cool too.
Yeah! Giant roos! Also, marsupial lion should be mentioned as well.
And let's not forget that hooved apex predator, andrewsarchus!
ALSO, did they stat uinatherium kinda like a hippo or rhino? Like, attack-wise.

Myth Lord |

For everyone that reads this, who would you pick as you favorite between the two? (I don't want to know why, only which one you choose.)
Robots VS the Sahkils
Mngwa VS Karkadann
Nuno VS Hopskin
Therizinosaurus VS Plesiosaurus
Gunpowder Ooze VS Doppeldrek
Gancanagh VS Veela
Amphipitere VS Peuchen
Nightmare Dragon VS Dream Dragon
Akaname VS Pyrausta
Kabandha VS Papinijuwari
Echeneis VS Isonade
Lotus Leshy VS Flytrap Leshy

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doc the grey wrote:Feros wrote:Threeshades wrote:can someone spoil the list of dinosaurs in this book for me? It's relevant for something i'm working on.** spoiler omitted **
CRs and special abilities please? I'm intrigued to see how close my cerats come to paizos.
Also do we get new vermin and more importantly, vermin companion stats?
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Woot! Like the abilities so far. Sad to see they didn't do anything crazier with the cerats but I'm cool with that, means my players will still quake when they see those rot dragons skulk in from the swamps.
Sup sad to hear that there aren't any new vermin stats. I mean come on! We have a thing called a BLOOD CATERPILLAR now, that things begging to be a hunter companion. Actually with the caterpillars do they talk about what kind of moths or butterflies they turn into?

Feros |

Feros wrote:doc the grey wrote:Feros wrote:Threeshades wrote:can someone spoil the list of dinosaurs in this book for me? It's relevant for something i'm working on.** spoiler omitted **
CRs and special abilities please? I'm intrigued to see how close my cerats come to paizos.
Also do we get new vermin and more importantly, vermin companion stats?
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Woot! Like the abilities so far. Sad to see they didn't do anything crazier with the cerats but I'm cool with that, means my players will still quake when they see those rot dragons skulk in from the swamps.
Sup sad to hear that there aren't any new vermin stats. I mean come on! We have a thing called a BLOOD CATERPILLAR now, that things begging to be a hunter companion. Actually with the caterpillars do they talk about what kind of moths or butterflies they turn into?

Feros |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ohh also what are the calingi dark folk like?
They have +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, and –2 Intelligence: fast, agile, and tough, they are rather unimaginative. They can see in all forms of darkness, including deeper darkness. They are dazzled in bright light. And finally they explode when they die, producing a blast of light that can dazzle all within 5 feet. They leave a corpse only one third the size of their original body that can be raised as per normal.

Feros |

Feros wrote:doc the grey wrote:Ohh also what are the calingi dark folk like?** spoiler omitted **My dark folk shadow caller is so close I can taste it....SQWEEeeeeee
No racial skill bonuses ?
Nope. Sorry.

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doc the grey wrote:** spoiler omitted **Feros wrote:doc the grey wrote:Feros wrote:Threeshades wrote:can someone spoil the list of dinosaurs in this book for me? It's relevant for something i'm working on.** spoiler omitted **
CRs and special abilities please? I'm intrigued to see how close my cerats come to paizos.
Also do we get new vermin and more importantly, vermin companion stats?
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
Woot! Like the abilities so far. Sad to see they didn't do anything crazier with the cerats but I'm cool with that, means my players will still quake when they see those rot dragons skulk in from the swamps.
Sup sad to hear that there aren't any new vermin stats. I mean come on! We have a thing called a BLOOD CATERPILLAR now, that things begging to be a hunter companion. Actually with the caterpillars do they talk about what kind of moths or butterflies they turn into?
Cool! But it only makes me want companion stats more T-T
Want a hunter with a squishy caterpillar companion.
Luthorne |
Feros wrote:doc the grey wrote:Ohh also what are the calingi dark folk like?** spoiler omitted **That's cool, does it get art and for the love of god does it come unmasked?
Also what other 0hd creatures do we get that aren't reprints from other sources?
To my knowledge, the breakdown is:
Non-reprint: Astomoi, Caligni, Deep One Hybrid, Orang-Pendak, Reptoid
Reprint: Android, Ghoran, Shabti, Skinwalker

Feros |

Feros wrote:doc the grey wrote:Ohh also what are the calingi dark folk like?** spoiler omitted **That's cool, does it get art and for the love of god does it come unmasked?
Also what other 0hd creatures do we get that aren't reprints from other sources?
There is art, and yes it is unmasked! :D

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doc the grey wrote:Feros wrote:doc the grey wrote:Ohh also what are the calingi dark folk like?** spoiler omitted **That's cool, does it get art and for the love of god does it come unmasked?
Also what other 0hd creatures do we get that aren't reprints from other sources?
To my knowledge, the breakdown is:
Non-reprint: Astomoi, Caligni, Deep One Hybrid, Orang-Pendak, Reptoid
Reprint: Android, Ghoran, Shabti, Skinwalker
Can I get more detail on the Astomoi, Oran-Pendak, and Reptoid?

Feros |

Luthorne wrote:Can I get more detail on the Astomoi, Oran-Pendak, and Reptoid?doc the grey wrote:Feros wrote:doc the grey wrote:Ohh also what are the calingi dark folk like?** spoiler omitted **That's cool, does it get art and for the love of god does it come unmasked?
Also what other 0hd creatures do we get that aren't reprints from other sources?
To my knowledge, the breakdown is:
Non-reprint: Astomoi, Caligni, Deep One Hybrid, Orang-Pendak, Reptoid
Reprint: Android, Ghoran, Shabti, Skinwalker