Pathfinder Battles—Legends of Golarion

3.00/5 (based on 21 ratings)

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Adventure Awaits in the Lands of Golarion!

The greatest heroes and most fearsome foes of the Pathfinder world come alive on your gaming table with Pathfinder Battles: Legends of Golarion, the brand new Pathfinder Battles pre-painted miniature set from Paizo Publishing and WizKids Games!

This stunning set features 55 all-new pre-painted sculpts drawn from the gorgeous art of Paizo Publishing's award-winning Pathfinder Campaign Setting, home to all official Pathfinder adventures! With figures drawn from more than 5 years of fan-favorite Pathfinder RPG releases, this set is a celebration of the world's best-selling fantasy roleplaying game!

Pathfinder Battles figures come in a variety of randomly assorted packaging options.

  • Legends of Golarion Standard Boosters contain 1 Large figure and 3 Medium or Small figures
  • Legends of Golarion Standard Bricks contain 8 Standard Boosters (32 figures total)
  • Legends of Golarion Standard Cases contain 4 Standard Bricks (32 Standard Boosters, 128 figures total)
Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Battles Case Subscription.

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
WZK71244-Pyros WZK71244-KingAndQueen WZK71244-Efreeti

Product Availability

Case, Booster:




This product has been discontinued by the manufacturer or is no longer being carried by our distributor.

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Average product rating:

3.00/5 (based on 21 ratings)

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A Definite Must Have Set


I'm perplexed why the rating for Legends of Golarion is not higher. Perhaps I'm lucky, but in two bricks I received a majority of the set. The duplicates I did end up with are very welcome, especially for a GM. Lots of kobolds, goblins, and orcs among the humans and other PC races. The non-humanoid creatures are varied and interesting. While the set isn't overly impressive, I feel like I received a lot of value.

My Experience With One Brick


Variety: I received the following figures: 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 24, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 45, 51, 54. In all, only 2 duplicated figures (the Kobold Archer and the Ulat-Kini), both of which are handy to have.

My favorite figures are the Akata, Derhii, Goblins, Kobolds, Serpentfolk and last but certainly not least: The Fire Demon. The Fire Demon is fantastic, and I'm very tempted to hide it from my players until the perfect moment, which I'll have to plan out starting now.

Paint: I was quite pleased with the paint jobs and have almost no complaints on that front. All of the figures are vibrant and easily recognized. The one disappointing figure from a painting standpoint was the Eagle Knight (#22), who has a smudged face and some color bleed from the trim of his coat.

Construction: Most of the figures are top notch and seem like they'll hold up for a lot of use, but the Black Dragon (#45) had a broken horn. Thankfully, the dragon and its horn were kept in a small bag and I can fix it with glue. Many of the weapons are flexible, and will require some adjustments to straighten them out, but that's to be expected with plastic figures, and it's certainly better than being too brittle. Some of the figures have obvious seams that I would have liked to be filled in.

Verdict: Based on my experience thus far, I'd recommend this Brick and will probably buy another one for myself.

Nice figures, bad execution


I buy reversed, so this is my third Case i bought from Paizo :)

I'm very satisfied with the figures coming from Legends of Golarion.
if you are playing the Serpent Skull AP this is definitely a nice addition to the campaign.
As this is an older release i find the manufacturing mistakes from the past in this one.
Broken Minis (2 in this one)
The Beatific one is missing an Arm, i believe it never found it's way on to the figure,
The Paint Jobs are 50:50. I cannot fully support the views of other reviewers (my Goblins look fine, my Lini is ok) King Irovetti however is an bad example for a paintjob.

After all, i have to say Paizo has done a lot to improve the transport, the packaging and the control since this release but you have to expect old mistakes if you buy old products.
I like the figures and they really help my AP setting but i'm a little sad seeing my Serpent Demon stabbing itself in the back because a dagger was paintglued to it's back.



This was my first foray into the world of collectible miniatures (other than occasionally purchasing a single I wanted), and sadly, was very disappointing. I bought a brick in the hopes that I could score the Efreet, which I have had no luck buying as a single. In that particular respect, this was a success... I got one in the last box of the brick.

However, has paint job was nowhere to the quality level of the product photograph. He was shiny and lacking in yellow just about anywhere... it was as if he missed a paint layer. In addition, they face was off as he has large, goggly white eyes.

Additionally, I have an Orc Archer with no head, and an Eagle Knight that broke off his base, leaving his feet behind. Almost to a figure, the kobolds look awful... they're almost entirely black and you can't really make out any details.

Based on this, I doubt I will buy any more Pathfinder Battles figures other than as single purchases... too many poor quality or otherwise useless figures for my taste.

Disappointing in a few ways


Yikes. Finally, after waiting months due to mess-up from the retailer I purchased it from, I was excited to come home to my Legends case today. Unfortunately, this case did not meet expectations.

The bad:

I did not receive a complete set. Not even close. I had duplicates of the Shaitan, Kobold King and Beatific One and did not receive Lini, the Efreeti, or Marid. The Efreeti and Lini are unavailable to purchase from paizo and they are going for about $25 each on Ebay. Additionally I only received only one miniature of the Knight of Ozem and the Eagle Knight Officer. Really that part isn't too disappointing, because...

Paint jobs. See other reviews, although mine didn't seem to be as bad as some others have experienced.

Broken Minis. 2 with broken parts and 3 off their bases. This was the worst case for me as far as damaged minis goes.

Final thoughts: This really wasn't a great case. I was prepared for poor paint quality and some damaged minis, but missing 3 rare minis, one of which an iconic, really doesn't work for me. I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars purchasing a case and then an extra $50 or more completing the set. From here out, I will be grabbing singles online of the miniatures I am most interested rather than drop hundreds on a product that is incomplete. I'm off to cancel my Reign of Winter case now.

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The mini that has consistently received bad press is the King. Usually just a big “blob” on his face. How did yours come out?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Well I finally got my case today and opened it up this evening.

Overall, it's not a bad set. There are some really nice minis it. However, when they mess up, they mess up bad.

The King was terrible.
Beatific One was pretty bad - the paint looks nothing like the master that was posted.
Both Eagle Knights are terrible in general.
My Hellknight Signifiers each have different colored hair.
The Janni's face, i'm not sure what to say about it. Definitely not human, but maybe that helps identify it as non-human >.>
And one of my Calikang is missing an arm, he just has a stub there. It wasn't in the packaging either, so I couldn't even glue it on :(

Everything else was rather good though. Even my knight of ozem was good. I do think my Efreet's sword should have had some yellow in it, but it doesn't degrade the mini that it's not there. And my Lini's clothes are 100% green, which is a bit odd, but nobody will really notice.

Overall, better than I expected based on all the reviews, but not quite the quality bar that the two previous set had established.

The Exchange

Got my subscription set on Monday. Somewhat happy with the set. I think this was the first time I actually got at least one of everything from a case set. Usually there's one or two I'm still missing.

Also the first time I didn't break any taking them out of the plastic...but the first time they were already broken IN the plastic.
One tatzlwrym missing an arm. not in package at all, just a stump. One Goblin Pyro #1 missing his torch. Not in package at all. Two figures were off their bases in the packaging...One was Calikang, one Orc Mystic. those are easy enough to fix, but the missing arm and torch will be a pain.

Most of the Rares look fantastic, the Balor, The Efreeti really stand out. I like the inclusion of the sandpoint devil, and all the other outsiders. I like the reefclaws, tooth gangers, Thrune Agents, and the Charau-ka, good choices and good paints. I like the wet-look (glossy) Marsh Giant, but some of the wet look made its way onto other minis, like one of my orcs.

quite a few unfortunately. Broken minis. More Orcs, Goblins and Kobolds...there have been tons of these released in the marketplace. I understand Paizo's reasoning for making their 'own' versions of these, but didn't they just do a set of goblins? the pyro couldn't make it in there, but now we need two of them? Irovetti's paint needs work. I got two Sajan's and one of them didn't completely form its weapon.
I liked the inclusion of the hellknights, but the paint on mine is very bland. Flat black and a little red cape. no highlighting or detail.

more bad than good in this release. They're trying to fill in the gaps in older AP ranges to catch up, which I applaud, really, I do. But without a single focus you're getting some of this and some of that from AP's you may or may not be interested in.
Also, the more frequent release schedule is going to force me to drop this as a subscription item. I simply can't afford a case every 3 months. 6 months was slightly uncomfortable, but managable. Quarterly is too much, especially when combined with small sets in between - goblins, undead, dragons, etc.

Wanted to chime in. I got my case today, and not only did I get a full set. I had no broken minis at all. Woot way to go Wizkids and Paizo.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Hobbun wrote:
The mini that has consistently received bad press is the King. Usually just a big "blob" on his face. How did yours come out?

He has a face, the detail is poor - you can just barely see his nose and mouth. It appears the paint was put on way too thick. Having received my case I feel I can start adding reviews since I have minis from two diff batches.

Lantern Lodge

I'm a bit behind on everyone else posting to this, but I received my case from my local game store a few weeks ago and only just got to open it this past long weekend. Overall I was pleased, same issues as most people with lackluster paint jobs on some minis. I was fortunate enough to get a full set, but the biggest problem was my Gorilla King. His paint job was great, but he was packaged without a left arm. It wasn't broken, it was just never put on the mini before it was sent out the door. I've tried to file a return, but the Wizkids site doesn't allow returns of Legends of Golarion minis yet, and I've sent multiple emails to Wizkids' email address as provided by Paizo customer service, but there's been no reply whatsoever. I never thought I'd wish for a broken mini.. at least with a broken arm I could attempt to repair it. Instead my Gorilla King just has a big rectangular chunk out of his side.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't have the Legends of Golarion set, and I was sorely tempted to see if I could afford this set. But, after hearing a lot of what others have been saying (the poor paint jobs, and the condition of some of their minis) I think I'm glad I didn't try and get this one. (Which is a shame, as I truly would like to have a "complete" set of the iconics, so missing Lini & Droogami, and Sajan is a bummer). But if the paint jobs are as bad as I'm hearing, I think I'll skip this one and subscribe in time for the Wrath of the Righteous set (and keep the sub for Reign of Winter also).

Is there anyone who has gotten decent paint jobs? Anyone who can tell me that the "bad" hype isn't "universal" - that Wizkids didn't drop the ball as I've heard implied? Because admittedly having several Golarion specific minis (monsters, and characters) is very tempting/appealing. But paying $300 + for a set with such "bad" press (and paint jobs/appearances) leaves me a little ... shy of putting out the money for it.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Rereading the last couple pages of this thread will provide examples of a wide variety of people's experiences with paint jobs, both good and bad.

My case was not that bad. I actually thought most of the humanoid faces were better than the Skull & Shackles set. My Queen Ileosa, for example, was lovely. King Irovetti was ... not great, but not a complete train wreck like some people apparently got either. Several of them looked bad only when compared to the examples previewed; if I had never seen, for example, the Knight of Ozem or the Eagle Knight in the blog, I probably would have thought they were just fine.

That said, I did have the most breakage in this set (3 broken figures, two of which were slurks with broken fangs) of any I've received, which is especially odd since the interior packaging was probably the most careful.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks Erik and Joana, I'll do as you recommend, and perhaps subscribe "now" and just keep the sub going ... I may be able to afford to keep this going this time around.


Lantern Lodge

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

I don't have the Legends of Golarion set, and I was sorely tempted to see if I could afford this set. But, after hearing a lot of what others have been saying (the poor paint jobs, and the condition of some of their minis) I think I'm glad I didn't try and get this one. (Which is a shame, as I truly would like to have a "complete" set of the iconics, so missing Lini & Droogami, and Sajan is a bummer). But if the paint jobs are as bad as I'm hearing, I think I'll skip this one and subscribe in time for the Wrath of the Righteous set (and keep the sub for Reign of Winter also).

Is there anyone who has gotten decent paint jobs? Anyone who can tell me that the "bad" hype isn't "universal" - that Wizkids didn't drop the ball as I've heard implied? Because admittedly having several Golarion specific minis (monsters, and characters) is very tempting/appealing. But paying $300 + for a set with such "bad" press (and paint jobs/appearances) leaves me a little ... shy of putting out the money for it.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


For the most part, the paint jobs on mine were acceptable. Aside from the missing arm, my Gorilla King looked great. King Irovetti's face was a bit.. "off", I guess, as it was just a smear of flesh colored paint with two black dots for eyes located on his forehead. Aside from that, though, I thought several of the minis (most of my large figures, the queen, the monk, and druid) were excellent.

Also, I finally heard back from Wizkids, who told me that Legends set will be available for exchances "soon, in a week or so." It's been two, but as I understand it, they're a small company so the response is appreciated. I just hope I can get my broken mini sorted out with a minimum of fuss..

I would be curious if anyone has received a well painted, or at least ok quality King Irovetti. He seems to be the most consistent report for any of the LoG minis of a poor paint job.

Right now I am not sure if it's a mass issue for him, or still only sporadic, as I've only heard those who have said they've had bad paint jobs with him.

Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to open my two cases yet, mainly for the reason I am trying to find room (reorganize) for my minis.

One of the reasons I am asking if it's a mass issue or not, is I am not even sure if you exchanged him for another mini through WizKids would make a difference, or if he's even considered defective.

Normally I would order 2 cases directly from Paizo, and fill in the missing mini’s off the singles market. The case would come a couple days ahead of the stores, and it was like opening shiny new toys before anyone else had them.

For some reason Paizo shipped late this time so after waiting 2 weeks after the stores got them I cancelled the order. Then there were crummy paint jobs and broken mini’s. These issues caused me to rethink my buying pattern of mini’s. Due to these 3 issues I realized “why do I really need more mini’s anyway I already have hundreds?”. So the issues with this set has actually caused me to stop being a large collector of mini’s. I really have no interest in the next sets available. I might pick up a booster here and there but that's it.

While I would be the first to show pictures of the crap minis I received, I would never say that they all were bad.

The issues are clearly with a few key figures. The king's face is a joke but the rest of him is good. The Ork Archers has issues in how they were assembled, a pain to fix but fixable. The Goblin Pyros were hit or miss. Half of mine were missing half their faces. Bad QC for sure. One or two other minor issues like Sajan's man-bra. But there were clearly some great minis in this set as well. The Calikang, the Death Demon, or the Djinni are all examples of great paint jobs from my case.

I would say give them a chance to increase the QC and do a better job on the next set.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Earlier this week, we sat down with WizKids and opened an actual production brick of the Reign of Winter set, and I'm pleased to report that pretty much everything looked great again. Our biggest complaint was that one figure had a dodgy eye.

That's great to hear!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Earlier this week, we sat down with WizKids and opened an actual production brick of the Reign of Winter set, and I'm pleased to report that pretty much everything looked great again. Our biggest complaint was that one figure had a dodgy eye.

Vic, that is incredible news! And thank you for the update. While I still might (or might not) subscribe in time to get Legends of Golarion, it is more likely I'll subscribe to Wrath of the Righteous and then keep it going for Reign of Winter.



Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Earlier this week, we sat down with WizKids and opened an actual production brick of the Reign of Winter set, and I'm pleased to report that pretty much everything looked great again. Our biggest complaint was that one figure had a dodgy eye.

Sat whaaat? Production bricks of the reign of winter, isn't that out april next year? SO what about the wrath of the righteous set, cracked any of those open? How are they looking?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

D'oh! I mixed me sets up. We opened Wrath of the Righteous (and approved a bunch of paint masters for Reign of Winter).

Scarab Sages

Sorry about the necro, but I recently bought a brick of Legends of Golarion from my FLGS... this was my first venture into pre-painted minis as I absolutely loathe the collectible angle. I understand why, but I don't like it.

Anyhow, I'm running the Legacy of Fire adventure path, so I really wanted the very nice looking pre-painted Efreet for Jhavrul... which I have had NO luck buying as a single. So I bit the bullet, limited myself to a brick and gave it a try.

I ended up being lucky and got an Efreet in the last box I opened, so in that respect, I was successful. I also ended up with the Gorilla King, a Greater Death Demon, and some other nice large figures.

However, I also ended up with a headless Orc archer, an Eagle night that broke off his base, a number of really poorly painted kobolds (most of them are damn near solid black), and well, an Efreet that doesn't look anywhere near as good as the original photo. He's shiny, and there's almost no yellow to his coloring at all... as if he missed one or more layers of paint. I'll be touching him up by hand, so it's not the end of the world.

That said, I was already marginal on the idea of pre-painted collectible minis... this experience has pretty much soured me on trying this again. I'll stick to my white metal and Bones minis, and occasionally buying a single if I want a specific mini.

Finally, I can get why the Iconics are rare or uncommon... who wants 12 Valeros figures, after all... however, it also means that they're for all intents and purposes, unavailable. There should be a box of all of the Iconics, much like the original Heroes box.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Now a box of the iconics sounds like a great idea.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I'm looking forward to unpacking this Case, it will be my third Case and sofar i had luck with the other two (RoW, WotR) Review will be coming as soon as i'm through the minis ;)

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Now that i have unpacked, i can surely say everyone was right with their doubts about the quality about the figures, but after all i love them and they will help my Party alot.

Since the release of this bundle Paizo has done a lot to improve packaging and the figures and i'm glad to say that i will buy every bundle there is :D

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